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File: 109 KB, 640x815, warcraft_1_boite_jeu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9534943 No.9534943 [Reply] [Original]

Did people actually think this was a good game back then?

>> No.9534963

no people thought 2 was good and then 3 came out and that was actually good.

>> No.9534970

one was just an 'okay' game

2 was amazing

>> No.9535098
File: 114 KB, 792x612, 1649873234075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


most people didn't realize about wc until 2 came out then everyone played it

>> No.9535107

Why do people always come out with “most people …”. What’s your sample size or data or even evidence for self-evidently stupid comments like that? How do you know what “most people” thought or did? You mean YOU did, and possibly your mates.

>> No.9535271

Yes, because it was.

All bs. WC1 was a popular game when it came out, it was one of the first big RTS games, and tons of us kids had a copy (or at least an older brother who played one). The LAN and modem mp was popular as well, though not as much as Doom, etc. Smug zoomers need to realize that before this, all we had was Dune 2 for RTS, which was very primitive even compared to WC1. And yes, the game did increase in popularity after WC2 was released, since Blizzard very quickly started bundling all WC games (1, 2, bdp) into the battle chest format. It seems horrendously primitive now but was cutting edge in 1994. Gotta remember that households had only just started getting shitty dialup internet with clunky external modems at that time.

>> No.9535289


>> No.9535291

Warcraft 1 and 2 came out so close together that I don't really have a clear independent memory of 1 that isn't tremendously eclipsed by 2.

>> No.9535307

They did. Enough to pay for development of 2

>> No.9535313

I was a C&C fan back then. I still prefer them.

>> No.9535314

>Smug zoomers need to realize that before this, all we had was Dune 2 for RTS, which was very primitive even compared to WC1
Yeah but nobody gave a shit about the genre until Blizzard came along. Trying to go back and spin the narrative that everyone was itching for the next big game in a genre which had yet to break out is a very Zoomerish way to look at it.

>> No.9535430

i've only ever played warcraft 2, i've never seen the others. I like 2 the best though

>> No.9535449

>poor reading comprehension
Hi zoomer!

>> No.9535480

Fuck you for that (you) retract it immediately as I was indirectly praising WC1.

>> No.9535483

it was more command and conquer, the people demanded more C&C, and they got it with Warcraft 1 & 2

>> No.9535486

Still playing it - lovely game if you use keyboard and mouse.

>> No.9535517

I had plenty of fun dicking around with wc2 as a kid. Shit was fun as hell. It was sort of a fantasy pretend playtime for me with the custom scenarios. Probably not as fun now as a 30 year old adult.

>> No.9535531

The opening FMV scared me as a kid.

>> No.9535578
File: 819 KB, 880x880, command_and_conquer_kane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Blizzard
I clearly remember Westwood / C&C being as or more popular than Warcraft
personally i was playing Red Alert at the same time as Warcraft II, complete with dialing into my friends houses for that sweet modem on modem action. ohhhh yeahhhhhh

>> No.9535612

>Yeah but nobody gave a shit about the genre until Blizzard came along.
Zoomie, why the fuck do you think Blizzard bothered to come in the first place with theyr Dune II clone that WC1 was? Blizzard quickly became Westwood's main competitor and Battle.net was hugely innovative, but Westwood was there first, even if they started to lag behind with Starcraft and were far off in the times of WarCraft III.

>> No.9535653
File: 7 KB, 194x190, 1645877601871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 years between WC and WoW
>18 years between WoW and now

>> No.9535792

I went from Dune 2 to Warcraft 2 and only played the first Warcraft years later.
I remember seeing the Warcraft box along Z and C&C but didn't know anyone who had bought this game. But for Warcraft 2, everyone had played a demo disc and some bought the full game, then it remained a favorite at our lan-parties in the early 2000s.

Amazing that there is only a year between the release of the first two Warcrafts, while the third took years.

>> No.9535865

play 3. youre missing out on a great game.

>> No.9535881

>if you use keyboard and mouse
Uh...what? You're supposed to use keyboard and mouse. I'm a little confused right now, just how were you playing the game without them?

>> No.9535891

>Probably not as fun now as a 30 year old adult
It is, except for the last mission in the human campaign. Beyond the Dark Portal has some stupid bullshit here and there and is the only RTS I ever regularly saved in because of that, but it's still fun to play through for the most part.

>> No.9535939


>> No.9535942

could have you done better with the tech of the era?

>> No.9536435

I still enjoy this and would to see it updated with modern hotkey conveniences. I didn't like WC2 as much. Beat WC3 campaign and then left it alone. Been on EC and SC2 forever. I fucking hate blizzard but they have me by the balls with this core game. It is in my blood. My father is over 60 years old and plays Diablo 2 more than 12 hours every single day incl holidays, has been doing this for years.

>> No.9536436

Hands On The ASs? wtf

>> No.9536440

Sorta. My family played WC2 first off a demo disc, and bought both games. WC1 was "good", it was its own little experience, but WC2 felt like a fucking masterpiece, and then C&C shortly later (I know it came out first but took a bit longer for us to get it) particularly showed how quickly WC1 had been outmoded.

>> No.9536456

Learn some historical context you zoomer retard.

>> No.9536462
File: 3.53 MB, 480x360, AnonsDadsActualBrowserHistory.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy a 30 second gif of his browser history anons

>> No.9536686

The Warcraft Mouse Helper makes the game a lot smoother to play


>> No.9536776

That is really cool, thank you.

>> No.9537263

Yes, because you've never seen anything like it. Maybe outside of Dune 2.

>> No.9537314

Recently played through WC2, it's of course not as "magical" as it was when I was a kid, but I still enjoyed the campaigns

>> No.9537938

WC1 and C&C showed up at relatively the same time, it was kind of dueling releases between the two every other year until the late 90s. I could be wrong, but my impression is that the C&C gameplay model started really falling out of favor once WC2 battle.net and AoE came along, then EA totally tanked the franchise after Generals.

Haha never!

>> No.9538208

never played wc1. played wc2 as a 6~ year old, loved it. played wc3 as a 12-30 year old, greatest game ever made. shame what happened to blizzard.

>> No.9538550

for any lovers of warcraft 3 i would suggest downloading some custom campaigns from Hive. youre missing out on some serious kino.

>> No.9538624

This is reason why most of warhammer games are shovelware.

>> No.9539624

It was only out for 1 year before Warcraft2 came out and totally mogged it. But it did sell 100,000 copies, which was a good success and enough to keep Blizzard going. It was ok but not great.

>> No.9539681

This was the first RTS I ever played. It introduced me to the genre and was therefore mind-blowing. I liked it a lot.

Dragon Warrior ("Quest" for tiny infant babies) did the same for me with JRPGs. OP is too young to understand that young people have low standards.

>> No.9539686

>plays Diablo 2 more than 12 hours every single day

oh my

>> No.9540649

And in the 1990s, a year was a damn long time in gaming.

>greatest game ever made
It’s definitely on my top ten most played. I was regularly and then semi-regularly playing wc3 from ages 15-27, from early hs through grad school. My brother and I competed in ladder and custom games for years. Blizzard was almost unassailable back then.

>shame what happened to blizzard
It’s hard to feel sorry for them when they did it all to themselves. Greed is a helluva drug.

>> No.9541185

2 is great and 3 is soulless casual garbage

>> No.9541369

how anyone can call wc3 "casual" is beyond me. casuals cant into rts whatsoever.

>> No.9541730

Nowadays, the name EA and Blizzard make my blood flow in boiling

>> No.9541776

Honestly I loved the first one. Very slow paced, gritty, creepy when you had to slowly pierce through the fog of war after starting with just one dude cutting wood. It had a certain vibe that worked for me. From 2 onward it seemed to get more and more cartoony and went away from the original feel, and most people liked it a lot more, but the first one is by far a good gaming memory for me. Never even tried WoW because it just didn't feel like the game I grew up with.

>> No.9541839
File: 41 KB, 650x433, photo_2022-10-29_14-00-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's called sales figures. look it up. wc2 far outsold wc1. does that explain "most people" for you or do you need this further broken down?

>> No.9541864

Because if any RTS is going to appeal to casual zoomers it's Warcraft 3. The hero units alone completely trivialize any strategy in the game.

>> No.9542959

i suppose relative to something like brood war or starcraft 2 that could potentially be the case. but i think once you get out of wood tier the heroes can't just solo the game anymore. you get punished horribly for having trash micro. you can't harass, you can't defend, you just get bullied. i always loved the micro element of wc3 more than the macro element of sc. but i see your point 100%.

>> No.9543087

They should. EA and Blizzard are both a big part of the same problem: games just aren’t really fun anymore.

>very slow paced, gritty, creepy when you had to slowly pierce the fog of war after starting with just one dude cutting wood
Same feeling, it used to make me tense up a little as a kid, especially the later levels like the one where you had to kill medivh.

Yeah, maybe casuals like it on tutorial/easy campaign mode, but once you get beyond that or play against experienced players, the hero advantage goes south very, very quickly. Tier 2 units with good micro beats a lot of heroes. We used to spam ladder opponents’ heroes with upgraded skeletons + bloodlust. Still, focusing on hero units was a semi-innovative thing to do back in 2002 and it worked. I think players had an appetite for it after they experimented with crude hero units in dark portal, ex. Danath was pretty much an op footman, etc. I like it.

>> No.9543142

I played this game constantly on my win95 pc back in the day, It rocks and playing against your buddy over the phone line was so cool at the time (if you could stay connected lol). It has great graphical design and atmosphere. Warcraft 2 is better of course but the original was still a ton of fun.

>> No.9543204

anecdotally, my friends/cousins, who were i guess casuals, wouldn't play ladder whatsoever. it was either the campaign or some custom type games (dota, footies, tower defense). even with hero based gameplay, any type of multiplayer rts is simply too hard for casuals. still need to learn hotkeys, build orders, creep routes, how to harass/defend, expo timing. its way too much to ask for someone who likes rpgs, fps, platformers, or card games.

>> No.9543263
File: 100 KB, 800x783, 66667-warcraft-ii-the-dark-saga-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found out that Warcraft 2 was on PS1. Is this version good?

>> No.9543347

C&C seemed to be the pop fun RTS that everyone played. I don't remember it being competitive though like AoE and Starcraft. My assumption is its to unbalanced, but when you prioritize the experience over building a game around competition, you get different perceptions and results. C&C is still king, they cant even figure out how they did the pathing in '95, which is why most clones are so atrocious.

>> No.9543349

Im curious as well.

>> No.9543364

It is a perfectly serviceable console port, I don't know why you would pick it over the pc version today though.

>> No.9543480

a friend of mine had that version. he liked it and praised it, but i think the controls were dogshit trying to play an rts with a controller is an exercise in insanity. to each his own i suppose.

>> No.9543694

Damn even w a keyboard i thought the controls were dog shit. I tried it last year and I love the game, but there are certain things that held me back. I didn't feel the same way about Dune 2 when i discovered it during the C&C renaissance from a couple years back, and really didn't feel like it was unplayable like WC2

>> No.9543741

I'm too fat to sit in front of the PC, my arms can't reach the mouse and the keyboard. If I put a laptop on my belly it gets too hot, and when I'm lying in bed, the screen is too high for my eyes.

>> No.9545342

It was alright.

>> No.9545409


One was the best - simple, atmospheric and action packed. Sucks that they never released a mission pack.

>> No.9545774

Yes, my friend’s older brother let us watch when he played against people via the phone line and it was cool. But 7/10 times the connection would die, that was the real challenge!

Exactly why RTS games can be lovingly ported but will never feel right on a console. Too much going on for casual dudebro gamers. The only one that I’ve ever seen with a reasonable port was StarCraft on the n64 and even that had a lot of weird jank.

Yeah, I don’t recall C&C ever being very competitive, though by the time I was doing ladder, the franchise had waned in popularity greatly. It wasn’t just the balance but stuff like build order limitations, etc held it back. I think the AoE/Blizz mechanics just won out with the market.

I think there may have been bootleg third party mission packs for wc1, there certainly were for wc2 and BDP. We bought one for BDP with 70 new levels designed by Chinese programmers or some shit, no story, just custom maps pretty much. A few challenging ones. I can’t imagine Blizzard allowing such a free hand today. They are eternally butthurt over the dota thing.

>> No.9545786

Please go to the gym man.

>> No.9546105

EA buying out Westwood pretty much snuffed out C&C to the point fans wont even acknowledge a 4th game in the series. I guess Ensemble never released a bad game but were ultimately absorbed into Microsoft studios. Ill never understand what this big companies were achieving by buying up legacy successful pc studios just to seemingly close them. Especially the RTS Genre lol.

>> No.9546190

>Ill never understand what this big companies were achieving by buying up legacy successful pc studios just to seemingly close them.
It's probably something like the movie Moneyball, running the business bystrictly playing the numbers game.

Up n' coming studio looks like a sound investment, they buy it. If it fails, at any point, to meet EA's targets, they discard it.

>> No.9546268

Actually the real Warcraft 3 game was Starcraft, that was the straight graphical and engine evolution of Warcraft 2, and 3 was a completely new game with little traits to the classics.

So the proper ranking is: Starcraft was amazing and made WC2 obsolete, while WC2 was very good, and made the average WC1 obsolete.

WC3 didn't make Starcraft obsolete. It just completely deteriorated the series into wrong directions.

>> No.9546279

>tanked the franchise
C&C3 is a good game and is still played online to this day.

>> No.9546390

like many i played warcraft2 first and was not able to get into the first game because of that. to me the sequel completely obsoleted it

>> No.9547624

First game is way better than the second part.

>> No.9547626

I'll never forgive Blizzard for so shamelessly ripping off both Warhammer and WH40K.

They should've been sued into oblivion and would have if GW had decent lawyers.

>> No.9548171

WC1 was popular but like many games back then the sequel was even more popular. Same thing like Mega Man 2, Tomb Raider 2 and whatnot where the sequel is even bigger, but that doesnt mean the first game wasn't popular.

>Why do people always come out with “most people …”
It means that anyone who played computer games in the 90s had played Warcraft II, even if sales figures might seem unimpressive for today, it was basically 90% of the installed base of PC gamers, that's what most people is.

>> No.9548307

Twofold: they buy up successful smaller studios to remove competition and to inject innovation into their stolid corporations, which have long since succumbed to bureaucracy and (((shareholder value))) demands. Then the acquired studio is assimilated into the same failed paradigm, hence the continuing cycle. A free money environment makes this easy because large companies basically have access to unlimited debt at cheap rates to finance their acquisitions.

I’ll concede that maybe it was a sleeper hit with certain audiences over time, but it never made a big impact when it came out in 2007. Too little, too late. And nothing about c&c3 really distinguished it from other rts games at that time. EA hasn’t really done anything with the franchise since 2010, just gimmick shit. It’s a shame.

>> No.9548326

I loved 2.
the "real" war scenario of c&c never appealed to me while c&c would shit out countless of games while all we had was warcraft 2 until 3 came out which was way too late and shit as well.
there was something super comfy about those green woods and green grass and then the red blood. if I remember correctly it was all pixel art while c&c were soulless 3d renders. it just felt so cold.

>> No.9548515

This is quite possibly the lowest quality gif I've ever seen