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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9530909 No.9530909 [Reply] [Original]

What game are you going to play on NYE /vr/?

For me it's Ridge Racer Type 4 so when I beat the final race in the campaign the fireworks in game sink up with the NYE fireworks outside. Just need to time it correctly.

>> No.9530925

2022 has been a terrible year. Too terrible for an optimistic game like R4.

>> No.9530937

Don't you have family

>> No.9530943

planning on playing games on new years eve?


>> No.9530946

I feel the same. I'm thinking Smash TV would be fitting for it. The future is only going to get worse, and at least in that dystopian prediction you can kill a lot of people.

>> No.9530949

>people like playing video games on the retro board? wtf????
Why are you even here?

>> No.9530954 [DELETED] 

I'm going to play doctor with my gf if we don't land in detox first. I might have gone overboard with the supplies this year

>> No.9530958

Probably the first GTA

>> No.9531691

you play an optimistic game to look forward to the next year

>> No.9531892 [DELETED] 

Lmfao dude I know right like what kind of loser doesn't go out with a bunch of vapid twentysomethings and get blackout drunk on new year's eve? DUDE WE'RE DOING SHOTS

>> No.9531894 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9531931

Will play Raw Danger, it's my Christmas/New Years game.

>> No.9532075

Anything involving body shots. Years ago I used to let the kids invite friends over for NYE and they'd play while the adults drank. But now that they're older than the average /vr/ shitposter and have long since flown the nest I just go out and do body shots off 20 somethings with daddy issues like a normal middle aged man.

>incels do anything but play vidya on new years eve? wtf????

>> No.9532083

I guess I'll play Mega Man or something. I don't know, I don't plan out what I'm going to play in advance.

>> No.9532097

God you are so fucking basic and boring. Your posturing is embarrassing and makes you look more like a child than the people you're passive aggressively insulting.

>> No.9532136

Code Veronica, Syphon Filter 2 and Gran Turismo 1 is what I prepared.

>> No.9532262

Skyrim. No need to go outside when you play it in front of a 55 inch TV and 4K texture mods and other things installed. Got married yesterday and adopted 2 girls, one was the only one on the orphanage, so saved her from being bullied by the 3 boys, and the other one kept sleeping outside in a corner on the snow and tried to sell flowers for a living.
I didn't have a good enough PC until now, so always postponed playing it.

>> No.9532297
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>> No.9532304

since I'm going to the in laws probably my wife's 12 year old brother will make me drunkenly play Fortnite while he laughs at my ineptitude. but in my heart of hearts I'll be wishing I was home alone playing sega rally 2

>> No.9532306

>is what I prepared
anon you can plan things out but next time please make it sound less like a suicide note

>> No.9532318

prepared as in downloaded and placed on my usb drive to play on my softmodded ps2
Usually when I get the urge to play something, having to download it, set it up, configure it,fix it/mod it gets in the way of enjoying things and then I just get bored

>> No.9532328

I was just goofing on your verbage, godspeed

>> No.9532331

I've seen most people just simply shove it all on an HDD inside the phat or an external on top of the slim. That way it's all ready to play at any time.

>> No.9532334

I know anon. Its secondary language for me and sometimes when I'm formulating sentences and redoing it in my mind before typing it out, I end up sort of frustrated that it's not coming out quick enough and then just go for the shortest way of saying what I want to say. So sometimes it comes out very retarded sounding

I have slim and got all the stuff set up on my PC, loading over network. But on occasion when the autism strikes I like to put it on the usb because its even more comfy when my PC is shut off and not making any noise at all.

>> No.9532358

>when the autism strikes
judging by your response to that first anon it sounds like perhaps the autism strikes more often than you're giving it credit for

>> No.9532364
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We can't all be an angsty pseud incel who is so totally not basic and boring and a walking stereotype of it's degeneration

>> No.9532383

>he thinks next year will not be even worse

>> No.9532515

This year just happen to be playing rom hacks, Shredder's Re-Revenge hack of SOR 2 and Parodius 2 partial translation for snes. Tried starfox ex before and it crashes after a couple of minutes on the sd2snes. Got my shelf of consoles half way done with cables to my tv and a power splitter to run most of the consoles on one big power supply, no more messing around to play a game. I can just turn on the system and switch the av selector to get going in seconds but its still a bit messy.

Probably go see again next year.

Did it last year due to circumstances and its just memorable.

>> No.9532607

once my gf falls asleep ill continue playing medal of honor
captcha A2ADHD

>> No.9532609

Nah the world this game was made in no longer exists

>> No.9532615

>look forward to the next year
Yeah, I hope I die in my sleep too.

>> No.9532893
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Not sure yet.

>> No.9532932
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Probably nothing. I'm going to be too tired to stay awake for too long, but just in case, Policenauts

>> No.9533093

neat. i would like to too but i'm going to play a game with my siblings instead
some people don't celebrate NYE. i'm muslim and it's haram to even look at the fireworks

>> No.9533101

>fucks goats
>don't look at the colorful explosion it bad

>> No.9533113

It's just the Middle Eastern ones with the goats. They're also great with fireworks

>> No.9533116
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I already played that on the 31st of last year, was pretty cool.
i'll be hanging out with my family, but I think i'll play some gran turismo or a bugs life as my first game next year, see you then!
Hope you all have a Happy New Year, everybody
Thread theme

>> No.9533117

Nothing. All these games but nothing to play. All this time but nothing to do. NYE got me feeling down. I bet I would have fun if I had friends to play something with.

>> No.9533131
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Here. Except in VR and with alcohol IRL.

Or in Mercenary mode as HUNK.

>> No.9533152

hit up some discord and make friends there.

>> No.9534427
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Cant believe how dystopic world has become, back in the 99/2000, everything was so full of hope, the music, the movies, the vidya.
It was all full of hope and expectation, Wipeout, RRT4, GT, psx demo that came with the console and had "Spice Up your Life" song.
People in Japan lining up in giant queues to get their PS2, happy and smiling.
Game magazines that could give a game 6/10 but still write about good aspects of it so you actually wanted to play it.

The world was so full of hope for the future, I know it wasnt all perfect but it was magical to me as a kid and you cant deny that now some dark shit happened and everyone is miserable and there is no single reason for that and its not just me being nostalgic.
Somehow we ended up in a dystopia timeline.

>> No.9534453

Do you think 9/11 had something to do with it?

>> No.9534468

I played the game of work. Hopefully if I have some time today on New Year's Day I can play Castlevania Bloodlines or something

>> No.9534694

the world is ruled by satanists

>> No.9534701
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nta, but yes and no. it did because surveillance increased exponentially by using the "we need to find them terrorists between us", and as we've seen, surveillance decreases morale. But no, because it has nothing to do with technological evolution that lead to companies learning over time how to perfect ads to target mindless consumers.
this has been happening way before videogames. you could even say it started with newspapers, hence why you have pic related usually with the caption “All this technology is making us antisocial.”

>> No.9534843
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No idea because not burger but for me its more about various politics ingrained into pretty much every facet of our lives that the world is running currently on.
Its like politicians worldwide said "Fuck having civil liberties, affordable living and shit" and just decided to break people by making numerous sub-optimal decisions with absolute no accountability.
I cant even tell any more what is the point of opposition in government when both sides seems to intend on running countries like their private sweatshops.

By the end of 99 a lot of people were pretty optimistic about direction in which the world is heading, for some reason we thought it would just get better from now on, it was reflected in media and in general mood of the people, it wasn't perfect but it didnt felt like we are trapped.
Last few years accelerated descent into dystopia but more importantly, now it happened in full view, I guess there is not even a point to hide it since politicians and people who refer to themselves as "elite" or the large companies have apparently no accountability.

A few years back I remember reading /pol and thinking that those theories would never come to pass, like, its impossible, people wont allow it.
Now I cant help but think that conspiracy theories are actually fucking right as everything I regarded as fun to read speculations is actually moving ahead slowly but surely and in full view because apparently no one can stop it.

>> No.9534865
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I am not even touching on thousands of migrants that are so dysfunctional instead of making a good life here they just rape, loot and attack people, burn cars and somehow nothing can be done about it but take in more dysfunctional people.
Joggers in US that pretty much got a permission to loot.
Retarded movements that in peaceful protests burn cities (and also loot).
Being yuropoor I remember times before EU when it was near impossible to get into UK, Germany or France for us, people would sell everything they had just cross the borders illegally just to work as a cleaner.
Safety was a reason for strict border control, I feel betrayed now that EU somehow now allow uncontrolled influx of migrants who are culturally so distant but somehow still makes it difficult for citizens of European countries that are not in EU to go and work in EU.
Its like fuck our continent, fuck native people, fuck our voters, fuck it all, we need to help some other country from another continent even though we still haven't fixed ours.

It feels like someone is trying to drive it all into the ground, if its not intentional then all of the politicians need to be fucking yeeted into the cosmos for being so inept that would get them fired from kfc and if it is intentional then what now?

I know I went all political here but this is what in my opinion made large parts of the world dysfunctional for no reason whatsoever.
Living in a country that hates you makes you less optimistic about future and there is no hope in sight that things will get better.

>> No.9534919
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Although even I have to agree that basically last couple hundred's of years is the best life ever been for people, its just shame that we were moving in the right direction very rapidly and suddenly we halted and then started to regress.
In comments there is a bit of an interesting discussion of how people feel, perhaps its not just me becoming boomer and not being able to get on with time.


>> No.9535094
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Le Mans 24 hours. True simcade, still arcade enough to be comfortable on the keyboard, but with a bit of depth with tire management, fuel and downforce. Probably one of the last games that are like that.