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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9528449 No.9528449 [Reply] [Original]

I keep hearing people say that some retro games just didn't age well, but can you think of any games that got better as time went on?

>> No.9528459

I can think of some that actually have improved. Mostly computer games in which old bugs/design flaws were later corrected with fan-made hotfixes and such.

>> No.9528469

You keep hearing that because it's the go to cope to people who don't really like videogames, and only started playing them when it became trendy to do so. It means nothing, actually nothing. Like saying "umm" to buy yourself time when you don't know what you're saying. It serves to shift blame for their inability to abstract and solves challenges that older games often present.
My personal example for a game that only gotten better is MGS2. It became my favorite game as soon as I've played in 2002, but it became more prescient as time went on.

>> No.9528479

This post is wrong and stupid.

Not really.

This is a good answer, though. Vampire the Masquerade is much more playable now than it was when it came out.

>> No.9528483 [DELETED] 


>> No.9528491

Legendary picture

>> No.9528493

load times
japs had better game designers but they often fucked up load times

>> No.9528497

You mean games that aged better than expected, or that came to be seen in a more favorable light in recent times compared to when they came out?

>> No.9528510

most old games are getting better because most modern games are getting worse.
unironic new bad, old good in effect.

>> No.9528516

Many. More people today appreciate Roguelike games than back when Rogue first came out, including retro ones like ADoM. I remember when SimCity 4 first came out, many people complained it was overly difficult to maintain a city and not as enjoyable as 2000 or 3000, now people consider it to be the best in the series. E.T. on the 2600 was considered absolute garbage at the time, now people have read the manual and understand how to play the game it's not considered so bad. Friday the 13th on NES also got left in the weeds, now people consider it a somewhat flawed action game. Starcraft Brood War has more balanced maps, more freedom in map creation, and far more UMS custom maps to play on than it ever has, along with less bugs than it did in the retro days.
Add in mods and hacks, and tens of thousands of retro games can be made better than they ever were. Saving in games that used to use passwords, mods that remove slowdown, mods that fix graphical and text issues, mods that fix bugs and glitches, and so on. Retro videogames are getting better by the day to the point even crappy games like Super Pitfall are getting overhauled into something halfway decent.

>> No.9528540

There's lots of experimental titles that got trashed by game press and the toddler gaming populace back when they released but are esteemed niche classics today.

>> No.9528548

Those games were always niche classics, though. God Hand is the poster child for that shit (and mind you, it was just one review) and that fanbase has always been around.

>> No.9528552

All of them.

>> No.9528745

What about games that got bad raps for retarded reasons back then? Say, like Wind Waker, which while it certainly got plenty of praise, also got looked down upon because "muh kiddy cartoon game." Of course, there was and is plenty to legitimately criticize about it, but by and large the criticism of it not being OoT 2.0 has fallen off, especially after TP pretty much gave those people what they'd been asking for.

>> No.9528764

Games that have been analyzed and dissected to the point where breaking them becomes a game in itself. Pokemon Red and Blue are good examples of that. Good when they came out, but now there are hundreds of glitches you can fuck around with if you're bored.

>> No.9528779

I think a big reason older Roguelikes are more appreciated now is because there's a LOT more documentation on them. The old 80s ones had a bad habit of being on the obtuse side, so you had to play them entirely through trial and error. Now you can just Google a quickstart guide to make learning the game go faster.

>> No.9528792

lots of short games

not great for kids who got two games a year, but no problem if you're emulating

>> No.9528869

I like Mario 64 more as adult than I did as a kid.

>> No.9528870

Wind Waker always had a positive image. Most of that shit was before the game came out and we all saw how good it looked in action. And honestly, the only thing that anyone really complains about is the triforce hunt. rest of the game is golden, though.

>> No.9528871

I replayed Banjo Nuts&Bolts Origins recently on the 64 and it still holds up and i think i actually enjoyed it more as a nicely made package then i did as a kid.

>> No.9528882

A lot of people passed on it back then. Recall that Nintendo were set on making TWW2 until they saw that TWW underperformed per their expectations, particularly in NA, and when they asked NoA why, the art style being divisive was the answer.

>> No.9528887

Aging is a stupid concept when it comes to video games. No one says monopoly aged poorly, or says football aged like shit. A game is a game.

>> No.9528905

Clock Tower series, Doom 3, Killer 7, Legend of Dragoon, Body Harvest

>> No.9528907

Doom. Doom was sex when it first came out im sure, but now it's 60fps and mouselook vertical, just a god tier fps
I imagine you dont want sourceports as an example though

>> No.9528924

I think Rogue itself has aged poorly, which is no fault of Rogue. It just comes up lacking compared to the games it would inspire.

>> No.9528979

People have changed their attitude toward football now that there's more awareness of the lasting brain damage it can cause. The NFL has been taking steps to address this in recent years, because one thing is clear as day: the old football has aged poorly.

>> No.9529353
File: 58 KB, 378x263, StarFox64_N64_Game_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Fox 64. So much so it should be re-evaluated as best N64 game period.

>> No.9529454
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capcha: PSYK0K

>> No.9529810

Better at what? Filtering zoomies? Nearly all of them.

>> No.9529829 [DELETED] 

Is that Better Call Saul from Better Call Saul? He's my favorite reddit character I hope they add him in Fortnite.

>> No.9529876

I dont think games necessarily get better with age but games that hold up extremely well are even more impressive in hindsight, either that or you can actually see their influence on the industry.

Super Metroid is the best example of this I can think of. Its design was so genius that its imitators became the name of an entire genre later, and despite thousands of similar games being released since it still holds up as being one of the best.

>> No.9529886

Games like Doom and Quake or even SM64 that got improved by modern sourceports.

>> No.9529896

People's attitude towards Monopoly has shifted towards the negative after way more fun board games have started becoming a thing, and nowadays Monopoly and Risk are treated as the poster children for "the reasons people that say they don't like board games think they don't like board games".

>> No.9529935

This game has been in my top 5 since 1997.

>> No.9529990

Never played load times. What console is it for? By the way did you know that "Jap" is a racial slur?

>> No.9530003

Final Fantasy 2, 3 and 7 has. With all of the modding and hacking going on.

>> No.9530052

In what way is Jap a slur? It's just short for Japanese.

>> No.9530062

Not him but its a slur because of WW2 racist contexts it was used in

However if you care about that on 4chan youre a big ol niggerfaggot

>> No.9530069
File: 122 KB, 800x800, fucking shallows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JAWS on NES, it's like a fine wine that game is.

>> No.9530074

I can't even imagine a game playing better than this. I've played the modern titles. It's my #1 game of all time if I'm allowed source ports and mods.

>> No.9530078

I honestly don't know what appeals to so many people about this kind of back and forth game design. The only thing I like about Super Metroid is the atmosphere lifted from the Alien movie. I feel like Metroid design is a relic from the original hardware limitations and has no other redeeming qualities.

>> No.9530118

Super street fighter 2010 the final fight
Super gosson oyoyo

>> No.9530124

"Aged poorly" is just a way to express that a game does not conform to the design homogenization that has increasingly effected games for the past couple decades. Most game design is, despite being art, a solved problem from the perspective of mass audiences, and deviations from the most popularly accepted solutions are viewed as objective flaws.

>> No.9530127

Ohh sorry, I meant nip. The nips suck at loading times.

>> No.9530134

>I honestly don't know what appeals to so many people about this kind of back and forth game design.
Maximum player agency. The game has faith in the player not giving up on it, which makes the world feel very different than one whose highest priority is to stop players from quitting (most modern interpretations). It helps the believability of the setting.

>I feel like Metroid design is a relic from the original hardware limitations and has no other redeeming qualities.

You should probably not assume game design that differs from your preference is a result of hardware limitations if you can help it. It's as silly as the people that claim turn based games only exist because real time combat wasn't possible (there have always been real time games).

>> No.9530137

Video gaming as a whole isn't aging well, so it's making older games better by default.

>> No.9530173

Logically speaking, this is the dumbest question I've ever seen here on vr

>> No.9530181

monopoly is like chess in being essentially abstract perfection. a 5th gen game that tries to simulate driving physics is on the way other end of the spectrum.

>> No.9530186

Mario 64 gets better the more you put into it. A virgin playthrough is arguably the worst, because you don't understand how to control Mario, to get the most out of the game.
I also think the whole presentation of the game, which was once dated, has rolled back around to being charming and distinctive.

>> No.9530218 [DELETED] 

heckin yikeserino I wouldn't want to offend the notoriously racist yellow menace
In what way has daggerfall improved? Honest question.

>> No.9530306

>You keep hearing that because it's the go to cope to people who don't really like videogames, and only started playing them when it became trendy to do so.

1000000000% this


Its sickening seeing this play out in realtime because you have to ask yourself WHAT OTHER HISTORICAL NARRITIVES EXIST LIKE THIS?

>> No.9530350

This is generally correct, yes

>> No.9530447

> In what way has daggerfall improved?

Besides the unity upgrade, I feel more people appreciate what daggerfall does well and i hear it getting mentioned more and more and not because “ it’s a shitty buggy mess with crap dungeon’s lol”, but for being bold. People like it because it’s a medieval fantasy life simulator basically. Now, with tons of mods the gigantic over world is getting human placed locations instead of just randomly generated terrain and such. Not only has the game greatly improved with age, but so has the general consensus of it as a game as a whole… which used to be that daggerfall was a bad game.

>> No.9530657

Yeah, Kotor 2 is improved MASSIVELY from modern fixes.

>> No.9530679

Any game whose primary issue on release was "it was bugged to the point of being nearly unplayable" and not other issues is usually seen as a god-tier game today because the bugs have been fixed.

>> No.9530693

Randomizers have caused OoT to be elevated in my eyes from "a pretty good game that I enjoyed playing back in the day" to "legitimately one of the best games of its era in terms of level design" because there's so many little things you don't appreciate about the game without looking at it from different angles as randomization forces you to.

>> No.9530702

And to think if you traveled back in time and told your younger self, you'd accuse yourself of lying. What a time to be alive.

>> No.9530838

Most boundary pushing pc games ran like shit on high end hardware at the time. Playing Doom today is 10 times better than the 20 or so fps on a 486

>> No.9532815

>Banjo Nuts&Bolts Origins recently on the 64

>> No.9532867

rogue had great ideas but the game itself did not age well due to design choices which have been phased out over time

>> No.9534259

I love Jaws! It’s still fun.

>> No.9534376

KOF 96 to 2002 vanilla

>> No.9534380
File: 25 KB, 320x224, 239A7561-8910-4841-88F9-8F4E4AC24CEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh SamSho II and Metal Slug 1-5

>> No.9534393

Beyond this, I'd say that shit in the OP is referring to games that you would not have gotten into or understood when you were younger but can now fully enjoy as an adult.

>> No.9534472

The whole metal gear series would have been so much better if Kojima died after the first one

>> No.9534475

this game is shit

>> No.9534483

no, because no one wants to play some random new 'board game' with a 30 min instructional presentation and a long setup time to realize its just poorly made. theres 1000s now and the barrier for entry is so low theres no quality control

>> No.9534726

games don't age

>> No.9536207

…but MEN DO.

>> No.9536223
File: 2.93 MB, 512x406, YOURVIBE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old games play better than modern games

>> No.9536227

Post hairline plz.

>> No.9537596

Jap was used as a slur in the US in older times, based in the US fighting against Imperial Japan in WW2, fueled by the people who where actually there and fought in the Pacific, those who actually saw the atrocities and crimes of Imperial Japan, as well as those we knew the people who did, those who lost someone in that fighting, and the overall propaganda from the time.

There was also Japanese export goods in the 1950s and 1960s, which to a very large degree was low quality ripoff crap of little value (mind, much of Japan was bombed to pieces in the war, and there was still rebuilding and recovering), combine that with old war animosity and people paint their pictures. Come the 1970s and 1980s, Japan would increasingly start exporting instruments and consumer electronics of actually decent and good quality, so together with better received exports and younger generations who didn't have the closer perception of the war, some of this fades. Of course, there was also a perception of Japanese industry as a serious competitive threat to American industry in the 1980s, so there was some paranoia around that, but then said industry faces some economical hardships in the 1990s.

Overall, "Jap" as a slur for the Japanese is indeed a thing in the US, but it's a faded thing from older times which you don't see in younger generations. Millennials have this idea of it from their older relatives (such as an older relative using phrasing like "Getting Jap'd.", compare to getting "Getting Gyp'd.", but American zoomers have very little conception about its use as a slur, most won't think twice and just hear and use it as a shorthand for Japanese, unaware of any offensive connotations. Of course, if the word stops being used with offensive intent, it stops being offensive.

>> No.9537608
File: 175 KB, 348x286, BugsBunnyNipstheNips_Lobby_Card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Nip" is a more fun word than "jap" anyway.

>> No.9537621

I don't agree, I've seen some old propaganda posters with phrasing such as "Slap A Jap" which I thought were fucking hilarious.
There's incidentally also shitloads of incredibly racist cartoons of the Japanese by Dr. Seuss himself using "Jap" which I think are funny as hell.

>> No.9537865


It's better now because we've been starved for good platformers (and yes I like SMW)

>> No.9537867


>> No.9539638

I hate most board games because I just find them to be needlessly tedious and just not very fun compared to video games.

>> No.9539735

Should I use sushinigger instead

>> No.9539746
File: 46 KB, 640x573, 1672108319010981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sushinigger for Jap and Yellownigger for Chink? Do you stick with Gook and uh, Zipperhead for Koreans and Viets?

>> No.9539765
File: 98 KB, 640x480, hexplore_34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought comix zone was fairly ugly at the time but now its my favourite style of game. A lot of late 16 bit games were given average reviews but are still fun now while a lot of early ps1 stuff like twisted metal seem real basic.
Quake 1 and Duke 3d still look great and you can crank you up the rez, compare that to something like timesplitters or red faction which looks awful in comparison.
Cruisin USA was rated poorly at the time but I see a lot of people stream or play it now days, its just fun.
I remember Diablo 2 was ribbed a bit for using outdated graphics compared to this other game called hexplore, these days hexplore looks poor.

>> No.9540596

My hairline sailed to valinor many ages ago

>> No.9541802

Samsho 3 aged the best
Still the GOAT fighting game

>> No.9542125

I will fully admit that I have a hard time playing Mario 64 without the camera mod.

>> No.9542140

We’re on /vr/
The sentiment is really only held by people who play new games exclusively
They also like HD remasters

>> No.9542159

You're revisioning, whether you realize it or not. The bitching about WW's visual style went on for a long time and it bothered Nintendo enough for them to do a 180 and go the opposite direction with the next game. The perception that WW's style was beloved is directly proportional to the game getting older and nostalgia for it setting in.

>> No.9542192

Honestly, so much of our memory is tinged by personal biases and experiences. I remember WW coming out when I was in Grade 9 and everyone who played it had liked it. I feel a lot of the negative backlash came from a very specific group of people who enjoyed the darker, more realistic direction that Zelda was taking with Ocarina and Majora. As time went on those people either stopped caring about video games or committed suicide because their lives were reaching a dead end. Their numbers dwindled, and a lot of younger people began to discover WW for the first time, without being corrupted by the "muh cartoon" line of criticism. And they discovered that WW is actually a cracking good game with an art style that ages gracefully and still looks pleasing today.

Honestly, WW won in the end. Look at Breath of the Wild. That shit is basically Wind Waker cel shading layered on top of Skyward Sword proportions.

>> No.9542223

Unironically your image. Melee has gotten better and better as new tech and higher skill ceilings were found over the years.

>> No.9542226

Wash your fedora.

>> No.9542229

Are you in highschool?