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File: 123 KB, 400x400, Legend+of+Zelda,+The+-+Oracle+of+Seasons+(USA)-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9527931 No.9527931 [Reply] [Original]

What's the mains differences between the two ?

>> No.9527940

The main difference is that they are two completely different games. They are not like Pokemon, Capcom and Ninty just released two full blown Zelda games at the same time. And they are good!

>> No.9528162

The same difference between Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask.

Two completely different games on the same console.

>> No.9528280

One is focused on the four seasons, the other on time travel.
They're also completely different games, only sharing some things in common. The entire point is that you can play through one and carry over your progress into the other, while unlocking further content.

>> No.9528282

Seasons is a 9/10 and Ages is like a 6.5.

>> No.9528285

Ages is focused more on puzzles in dungeons while Seasons has its puzzles on the overworld with the dungeons being more streamlined. Do Ages then Seasons so you can get a plotline from Ages resolved in Seasons

>> No.9528287

one's good the other sucks

>> No.9528367
File: 26 KB, 237x213, 1646175300815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great dungeons
>great bosses
>meh macguffin tool but at least you can use it almost anywhere
>slingshot with different seeds
>can only travel to the past in places the game lets you
>shit bosses(pic related)
>unremarkable dungeons
>entire plotline at one point is "haha we stole your stuff, do it all over again"
fuck ages

>> No.9528385


Thank you all for your responses !

>> No.9528391

Season = adventure
Ages = puzzles

>> No.9528474

The Oracle games are some of the worst the series has produced and I don't understand why anyone considers these better than Link's Awakening. Seasons is the better of the two, but still bland. Ages has a bunch of tedious bullshit that wastes your time, switching eras takes way too long and involves a lot of trial and error since warping to a non-walkable space means you have to warp back and then reposition yourself. Doing this multiple times during every trek across the overworld gets annoying quick since the harp song+warp cutscene can't be skipped. Both have the ring system where you find mystery rings which are appraised at a shop, but they're all so useless you'll forget it's even part of the game. The linked game concept was neat, but most of the items you can get aren't worth the hassle (and the ones that are aren't available for most of the game). The dungeons have rooms larger than the screen, unlike LA, but they do nothing with the extra space. Seasons has a few neat nods to Zelda 1, some of the dungeon layouts and bosses are directly inspired by that game. The story isn't anything special, Link gets sent by the Triforce to two different kingdoms where the Twinrova witches are trying to manipulate the local villains into kidnapping the sages of (game title) so they can light some magic flames to bring back Ganon. Soundtracks are completely forgettable. Graphics are a gross hodgepodge of recolored Link's Awakening assets and hastily made tiles that don't match at all. Special shoutout to the Ages Goron simon says dance mini-game that requires you to match a tempo perfectly on beat with zero sound cues.

>> No.9528646

>listen, lets uh... make three glorified Link's Awakening hacks and charge full price for each, and don't worry about the gameplay balance, make them tedious like Alundra or Crystalis, who cares... oh wait money ran out, cut it down to just two games

>> No.9528667

Ages is tedious. Seasons is less tedious, but still tedious.

I had ages first as a kid and enjoyed it a lot because it was my first Zelda game and it all felt new and exciting. But remember getting stuck a lot and running around aimlessly for hours.

>> No.9529242

Seasons > ages
It was a neat concept to link your GBC to another GBC and carry over progress but I still don't know what they were thinking because it required two obviously. Probably a marketing trick to sell more copies now that I think about it. Still, it was cool for the time.
Ages is annoying but it's still okay. Rings are mostly useless. The hell/underground area is tedious. Using the shovel anywhere blows ass. I hated switching seeds in the menu. Not being able to use the animal instruments in every area wasn't cool. Other than all that, pretty solid games, innovative for the time, and the concepts were nice. 7.5/10
No matter what, it's still a Zelda game, go do dungeon go to next area save a girl kill ganon etc.

>> No.9529447

That's really not fair. You needed both copies because, pokemon-style, the games had certain collectables only accessible from the other game via trade.

These are some of the worst Zelda games desu, but hey, you get a special ring for breaking like 100 signs. It says "you broke 100 signs" and does nothing.

>> No.9530183
File: 1.18 MB, 2560x2048, LegendOfZelda-OracleOfSeasons-Holodrum(Default).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand why anyone considers these better than Link's Awakening
They have to be, by virtue of being the best 2D Zelda games ever produced.

>> No.9530217

Ages is a solid 8 the first time around but replaying it is a slog because of all the backtracking and trading sequences.

>>can only travel to the past in places the game lets you
You can travel through time freely later on, except in exactly two endgame places.

>> No.9530240
File: 168 KB, 2560x2048, Koholint Island.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Empty and lifeless. Notice how many screens contain exactly zero points of interest and are just hallways to the next screen. I'll give you credit for posting the better of the two Oracle games, but you can't honestly prefer this to Link's Awakening. Every single screen on this map is memorable, nearly every one has a secret or at least SOME significance other than just taking up space.

>> No.9530250

also just looking at this map reminds me of how many asshole wizards living below trees Seasons had. I'm fairly sure there's no (in game) way to tell if one will steal your rupees or not. You probably at least break even by finding them all, but what kind of well designed Zelda game punishes the player for basic exploration?

>> No.9530251
File: 292 KB, 2240x1792, LegendOfZelda-OracleOfAges-Labrynna(Present).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do. Koholint feels like a jumbled up labyrinth (probably the point though) and I still get lost in it thanks to the lack of landmarks and rudimentary ingame map.

I do prefer Labrynna as well, Holodrum is just the stronger map.

>> No.9530261
File: 1.83 MB, 1600x2097, 8098c3abf486fbd52eca8c324914b0fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The great debate

>> No.9530662

I think Koholint and Holodrum are pretty evenly matched, although I really dislike how Koholint wastes so much space for that raft minigame you have no reason to play ever.

Labrynna is a chore to get through even with all the items and sadly really barren thanks to the time travel (and diving) giving the game essentially double the maps Seasons has.

>> No.9530681

>the time travel (and diving) giving the game essentially double the maps Seasons has.
But Seasons has an entire second map for the underground land.

>> No.9530727

I've always been under the impression that it's about the size of the underwater areas in Ages, but I could be wrong. I do remember it being much smaller than Holodrum, though.

>> No.9530768

You're correct. There's 83 underwater tiles in Ages (a 5x14 region and then 13 more tiles in an irregular area) and 88 underground tiles in Seasons (11x8). That said, Labrynna's smaller than Holodrum (14x14=196 tiles vs. 16x16=256) and while Labrynna is nearly double in size, Holodrum's seasons cumulatively provide the same boost to the region, as just about every area that has different seasons in markedly different in one of them (usually winter).

>> No.9530773

*nearly double in size thanks to time travel

I accidentally words.

>> No.9531321

Din all day every day.
Din for dindin, Din pussy for dessert.

>> No.9531331

>he eats pussy
Hecking upvoted good sir!

>> No.9531620

I remember the bosses being really hard in seasons and easy in ages.

>> No.9532082

Whatever you say agesfag

>> No.9532326
File: 2.54 MB, 6240x3840, zelda_gbc_megamap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but personally I never liked Koholints layout; Its too cumbersome to get around, I feel like I have to constantly go into the menu screen to swap items just to get where I need to since it'll keep throwing holes and rocks in front of you. Add to that you can only warp using designated warp points instead of Gale Seeds which are always available in the Oracle games, and traversal in Koholint really is a drag by comparision.

Probably subjective, but I feel like both Holodrum and Labrynnas maps have more life to them. I like how you can change seasons and time in them and its reflected in the map. I like how they incentivize you to always go back to the main village after each dungeon to appraise rings since this allows you to build familiarity with the towns. In general, they just feel like more dense experiences and are more satisfying to explore than Koholint.

>> No.9532329

i want to fuck that tree

>> No.9532346

>Soundtracks are completely forgettable
this is the only criticism I'll cotton to, the rest of your wall of text I jam up my cock and piss out later. LA, OoS and OoA are all solid and stand on their own merits. I'll even give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt and imagine two grade school friends buying the separate games and trading them upon completion so both can finish the game, rather than the cynical idea of a sad child with divorced parents having to plow through both.

>> No.9532351

jesus christ it's just asuka vs rei all over again isn't it

>> No.9532362
File: 172 KB, 972x1332, 1618005615856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had the biggest crush on Nayru as a kid

I hate the fact blue hair is disgusting irl

>> No.9533193

>Special shoutout to the Ages Goron simon says dance mini-game that requires you to match a tempo perfectly on beat with zero sound cues.
so you got filtered? got it
literal skill issue

>> No.9533205

>I hate the fact blur hair is disgusting irl
I hear ya. Blue-haired 2D is so perfect and beautiful. In real life the only people I see with blue dyed hair are ugly landwhales and crackwhores.

>> No.9533239

Two different games. Ages is puzzle-focused and Seasons is combat-focused.
If you're retarded (like me) then you'll like Seasons better, but Ages has more SOVL.

>> No.9533241

theyre literally the same game just put into 2 parts. it's like asking if you liked the godfather, you may have preference for one. but each are two parts of a whole.

>> No.9533246

Unless you're playing the higher difficulties for rare rings, the Goron Dances are mostly just a brief annoyance. The real sucky game is having to dodge all those bombs at once without getting hit.

>> No.9533248

>Soundtracks are completely forgettable. Graphics are a gross hodgepodge of recolored Link's Awakening assets and hastily made tiles that don't match at all.
Holy shit you had good critiques but then slammed yourself with this. OoS/A's soundtrack is fan-fucking-tastic and the colors used for the graphics are a great step up from the saturation of Link's Awakening. Plus the tile work for some places are improved in the Oracle games as well.
>Special shoutout to the Ages Goron simon says dance mini-game that requires you to match a tempo perfectly on beat with zero sound cues.
do you not know how to keep a rhythm?

>> No.9533252

Are you referring to Maple? That's how you get extra stuff like heart containers and potions. Plus you can avoid her, too.

>> No.9533254

>Probably a marketing trick to sell more copies now that I think about it.
At least they were two completely different games so even by buying both, you get a proper experience. Unlike what Pokemon's been doing for 25 years.

>> No.9533257

And much like Asuka vs Rei, the clear obvious choice is the one in red.

>> No.9533264

No, he's referring to various old men in caves who will either give or take Rupees from you, as one of many throwbacks to Zelda 1 (because the Oracle games originally started as a Zelda 1 remake in the LA engine).

>> No.9533475

Din because she's actually infatuated with Link. Nayru is tied with that Ralph guy and you rescue her like halfway where she largely stops being all that relevant; Din is your focus for the entire game.
Except all they have in common are hair colours; Din is a nice girl and Nayru is big sis.

>> No.9533483

the size of the map means shit when the game's a slog to play

>> No.9533496

my main gripe with the Gameboy Zeldas is the way the camera shifts to a new tile. I can't explain it but it makes the game so much more tiresome for me. If it was seamless like ALttP I'd like them more.

>> No.9533749

>What's the mains differences between the two ?
probably that they are entirely different games

>> No.9534403

Din is the obvious choice since Nayru's kind of taken, but I doubt Link blew his load into her considering the next Link looks Hylian as usual and not at least mixed race (tell me Din isn't Gerudo), plus if LA takes place after OoX, then Marin is clearly based on Nayru and not Din, meaning Link jerks off to her in his fantasies ala Malon.

>> No.9534549

What a dumb perverted post. It's officially established that Link in the Oracle games isn't the same as ALttP and LA. Also Marin is based on Zelda if anything; even Zelda's sprite in Oracle is based on Marin.
Din is just Hylian with a sun tan. Gerudo have amber eyes and didn't have long pointed ears til BotW. We live in an era where tans don't exist, only light and dark races it seems.

>> No.9534787
File: 61 KB, 800x450, 91e810151c6ba66b83eb294b7ed67b49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What a dumb perverted post.
All's fair in discussing which girl takes the Link-link.
>It's officially established that Link in the Oracle games isn't the same as ALttP and LA.
It isn't. All we know for sure is that there is a timeline placement swap. The Encyclopedia couldn't make up its mind on whether it's the same Link or not and is a bad source on its own since the entire lore section has an unknown amount of literal NintendoDREAM fanfiction mixed in there to fill up the holes left by Nintendo, and the Dark Horse localization wasn't much better. A Link Between Worlds was clearly not designed with the idea of there being another Link after ALTTP/LA, given that the legend merges details of Ganon's defeat by what's supposed to be the same Link, not to mention the very strong hints that ALBW can't take place too many generations after ALTTP/Oracles.
>Zelda's sprite in Oracle is based on Marin.
So's Nayru's. In fact, Marin's sprite looks like a retroactive composite of Nayru and Zelda's (oddly not really Malon's, but that may be because OoS uses her child design).
>Gerudo didn't have long pointed ears til BotW.
And obviously designers got that from the fact that the ears in their older 3D models were pointy similar to a Hylian's, plus Ganondorf's ears most of the time are pointy.

>> No.9535142
File: 9 KB, 190x52, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It isn't.
It is. Oracle Zelda never met Link.

Also Farore is Marin too then. But Link didn't mistake Marin for Farore or Nayru. It's a simple sprite but they obviously meant Marin to specifically resemble Zelda. You're trying to split hairs and be a ball buster. Are you the same usual suspect who tries to do this in every Zelda thread?

>> No.9535162

You dont need two gameboys to carry over the game. You get a long pass code after beating one game that you enter when starting on the other game.

>> No.9535216

Link's Awakening clearly establishes that Marin looks a lot like Zelda and even has Link initially mistake her for Zelda.

>> No.9535224

this is true though
these are not real nintendo zelda games
they ring false.
yeah i'm gonna say it...

>> No.9535231
File: 173 KB, 334x737, HH102MT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oracle Zelda never met Link.
You are aware there's a plothole regardless, right? Oracle Link is established as a hero right at the beginning of the game, not a no-name rando. What the hell could he have done he do to waltz up to the royal shrine like he owned the place and get recognized by the Hylia-ficking Triforce, then? The same-Link explanation doesn't make perfect sense either, but at least you can rationalize Zelda's amnesia as a consequence of Link's wish in ALttP.
Truthfully, the real-world explanation is that Capcom games simply have pretty bad official timeline placement like they're an afterthought; Oracles really should have been like after Zelda II or something, but ALBW now makes it hard to move Oracles too far away from ALttP/LA without creating more problems. Besides, you're acting like Zelda is no stranger to retcons and making the mistake that what they have now is forever set in stone. The books even say as much, so why don't you heed them, anon?
>Link didn't mistake Marin for Farore or Nayru.
He didn't particularly outright mistake Marin for Zelda, either, since more lines in the manual about Marin distinctly resembling Princess Zelda was added in translation: http://forums.legendsalliance.com/topic/14202-translation-of-japanese-game-texts/page-9?p=387752#entry387752
>It's a simple sprite but they obviously meant Marin to specifically resemble Zelda.
Or Malon if you go by Hyrule Historia, which would only logically make sense if that Link met her in OoS.
>You're trying to split hairs and be a ball buster.
Welcome to Zelda Theory 101, enjoy your stay.
>Are you the same usual suspect who tries to do this in every Zelda thread?
And by "usual suspect" you must mean "random anonthat something that doesn't mesh well with my headcanon." But not it's one rando specifically out to threaten your theorycraft I'm sure.

>> No.9535285

>Oracle Link is established as a hero right at the beginning of the game, not a no-name rando. What the hell could he have done he do to waltz up to the royal shrine like he owned the place and get recognized by the Hylia-ficking Triforce, then?
It's implied Oracle Link doesn't even know what the Triforce is until Zelda tells him in the ending, and that he doesn't understand why he has a Triforce mark on his hand. Odds are it was just a vague summon in a dream or something that led him to get teleported away.

>The same-Link explanation doesn't make perfect sense either, but at least you can rationalize Zelda's amnesia as a consequence of Link's wish in ALttP.
Or just the canon established since Zelda 2 that all princesses are names Zelda, so Oracle Link just met a different Zelda than the one in ALttP. At least this one has a reasonable answer.

>> No.9535330

>how to say that you only play games that are railroads that simulate freedom, without saying that you only play games that are railroads that simulate freedom
Sorry that you missed the fact that LOZ games are supposed to be exploration and adventure games. I'd be afraid of your opinion of LOZ1.

>> No.9535341

>It says "you broke 100 signs" and does nothing.
Sounds like you hate fun. Nintendo games always have these things. It's achievements, long before achievements.
Like the Hero Coins in DKC2.

>> No.9535350

All 3 are about the same. You must be forgetting the pointless combat only screens in LA, because all 3 games are equally as guilty. It's a staple of 2d Zelda.

>> No.9535367

>you get a special ring for breaking like 100 signs. It says "you broke 100 signs" and does nothing.
I remember my heart briefly stopping when the game faked a reset, as I hadn't saved recently.

>> No.9535368

>2 parts
What sort of troll is this?
Anyways, Godfather is a good analogy for the GB Zelda games. All 3 are great, and need to be played to properly understand and appreciate the genre.

>> No.9535379
File: 470 KB, 504x1183, oldztime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if Farore's sprite is a remnant of the third game or product of lazy asset reuse but I remember Nayru's singing animation is nearly the same down to the same note sprites, and she's also a harp player. (-Devil's Advocate)
>Or just the canon established since Zelda 2 that all princesses are names Zelda, so Oracle Link just met a different Zelda than the one in ALttP. At least this one has a reasonable answer.
not him but that's an impossible answer. The sleeping Zelda story only happens sometime before the NES games. It occurs sometime after A Link to the Past when the Royal Family becomes the stewards of the Triforce, and the Triforce of Courage's location is top-secret and hidden by a king, so no current game can take place between then and Zelda I. You have to look at the "this is the first princess Zelda ever" bit loosely because that is the explanation for why there are two Zeldas living simultaneously, not that there was never a Zelda before, which was retconned very early on.

>> No.9535441

>Nayru's kind of taken
I always thought Ralph was gay.
Hey, it makes more sense than the Sheik shit.

>> No.9535520

godfather 3 is sucky though

>> No.9535646

Yeah you're definitely the same asshole. Type exactly the same and shifts gears between having a legit conversation and making personal attacks about "headcanon".

>> No.9535674
File: 19 KB, 480x360, faxanlogik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...if LA takes place after OoS,

>> No.9537030

Nta, but he's right that's some headcannon shit

>> No.9537880

I needed someone to beat the fucking goron dance for me. When i tried to replay, i simply could not do it on my own (zero rythm, can't play any music games. Not even get the tempo right on mother 3).

Most probably someone made a cheat file or game shark for skipping this crap

>> No.9538245

What exploration and adventure do the Oracle games actually offer? The tree tells you where to go after each dungeon and you go there. The path to the dungeon is invariably a corridor with "puzzles" that mostly boil down to "change the season/age to proceed." There aren't secrets to discover outside useless bullshit like gasha seed spots for rings that usually do nothing and wizards that steal your money. I adore all six pre-Y2K Zeldas, they all have some level of actual adventure, and Zelda 1 is among the best (especially taken in the context of the time it was released).