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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9527620 No.9527620 [Reply] [Original]

As I wanted to get into the genre I believed that the best way was to start from the beginning and grind practice at SF2 story mode, but the CPU just keeps kicking my ass. I've beaten it eventually with several characters, but only after a bunch of continues and I don't seem to get any better. What do?

>> No.9527632 [DELETED] 

You don't want to be lumped in with people who play fighting games """seriously""". Just play actual games instead.

>> No.9527635

If you want to beat the cpu, learn exploits that mog the AI
If you want to actually get good at fighting games you have to play against other human beings
Get on fightcade and start taking matches, first things you should focus on is not jumping all the time and not mashing when you recover from a knockdown

>> No.9527642 [DELETED] 

>t. bitter scrub who couldn't hang

>> No.9527659

This is the way. Playing AI past learning basic inputs mostly makes you a worse player.

>> No.9527660 [DELETED] 

thanks for proving my point bb

>> No.9527670

>story mode
Literally the worst way to get better. The computer is gonna beat your ass before you learn anything because it can literally cheat (instant charge moves, instant dizzy escape, frame perfect inputs), and you're gonna get reckless looking for any openings you can get which will lead to bad habits and sloppy play.
Want to get better? 2P mode solo and beat up on the dummy 2P until you learn some basic combo strings (ex. Guiles bread and butter is Jump HP, down MP, flash kick). If you're too lazy to experiment look up combos for SF II Hyper Fighting' which is what snes turbo is based on. Play against other people.

tldr: playing the computer doesn't make you a good fighting game player.

>> No.9527676 [DELETED] 

Why would you dissuade someone from wanting to enjoy something? You seem excessively bitter for no reason at all. All OP is doing is playing a console port against the computer, he's not competing at EVO.

>> No.9527680

The best way to start is by finding a game you enjoy playing and getting matches against other players

>> No.9527686 [DELETED] 


>> No.9527690

No, playing AI past learning basic inputs helps you become a better player. Fightcade is full of sweaties that played SF2 every day since they were 5, and they're 35 now.

>> No.9527692 [DELETED] 

I would bet money that the dude thought he was hot shit at fighting games because he could beat on his friends, stepped to his locals or to netplay and got bopped, had a scrubby attitude about it, and rightfully got drummed out of the hobby for that attitude
The fgc has many flaws but any beginner who steps up with humility and doesn't make excuses gets a warm welcome almost invariably

>> No.9527697

>playing AI past learning basic inputs helps you become a better player.
No, it mostly just leads you to develop and deeply ingrain attack patterns that work on the AI but that a human player can see from miles away and will blow up every time
>Fightcade is full of sweaties that played SF2 every day
Against other people

>> No.9527698

The computer literally cheats and does shit like read inputs. Fighting them doesnt make you better at fighting people and can even give you some bad habits. It’s only good for seeing the story, but at least you’ll have learned some character’s attacks by now.

Older fighting games are harder to play, timings for combos and specials are way stricter. The ‘beginning’ of the genre is literally harder to play, especially since lots of games have slightly different strict timings.

If you want to get good at old fighting games, download fightcade, look up tutorial and advice videos, and play people.

Other anons will greentext me for recommending discord, but joining the discord group for a game will give you access to tons of players you can ask for game specific advice from. There’s a lot of dumb shit in games it’s better to just be told about than trying to figure out on your own. Someone on one of those discords can also give you the fightcade json autodownloader so you dont have to bother finding roms, definitely recommend asking around for it.

Oh and be a tier whore at least when you start out learning a game. You can always switch characters later, but finding the easiest high tier to play is the best way to learn the ropes of a game.

If you play a charge character, you can hold diagonal down back to charge both your back move-forward move and down-up move at the same time.

>> No.9527702

Fighting games are just glorified rock-paper-scissors and its only value lie in mindgaming against other humans. Playing against the CPU is utterly pointless.

>> No.9527708

It's so funny that scrubs call good players "sweaty"
Like bro, absolutely nobody is breaking a sweat to beat your chump ass

>> No.9527710

>Fighting games are just glorified rock-paper-scissors and its only value lie in mindgaming against other humans
I want to be mad at this, but it's absolutely correct

>> No.9527729

>attack patterns that work on the AI but that a human player can see from miles away and will blow up every time
No such thing exists.
You're not good, you're better than beginners.

>> No.9527758

>kicking my ass.
Dont feel bad about it. SF2 is just an old boomer game thats so hard, its impossible to finish. Just play tekken 8 bro. Better.

>> No.9527790

>No such thing exists
Confirmed for knowing absolutely fucking nothing
Better luck next time, anon

>> No.9527861 [DELETED] 

>a warm welcome almost invariably
is this what they call grooming now?

>> No.9527869 [DELETED] 


>> No.9527871

>You're not good, you're better than beginners
Cope, I win my local every week, place top 8 in every single regional tournament I enter, and I have made several top 8s at majors. Sounds like you're a whiny faggot who can't git gud

>> No.9527876

What region and where?

>> No.9527894

absolutely no one on this planet cares

>> No.9527906

Top eighting a party night with 7 people isn't the achievement you should be bragging about.

>> No.9527921

>>attack patterns that work on the AI but that a human player can see from miles away and will blow up every time
>No such thing exists.
Constantly trying to jump kick and then sweep is a classic one

>> No.9527937

>overhead and low mixup is actually... LE BAD and Won't Work On Human
Really nigger?

>> No.9527960

Read a strategy guide.

>> No.9527982

Not him but I'll try to explain since they're not wrong. Basically at high level fighters are almost all about mind games. Trying to second guess what your opponent is going to do so you can counter them. When you play against AI you build the muscle memory for doing moves and combos, but you don't build the mind games part because the computer doesn't fight the way humans do. So the longer you play, the more you get used to predicting and countering the AI. It's still an okay starting point but puts you at a distinct disadvantage when you move to fighting people.

So it's not like you can't get good at all playing the computer, but you'll get good much faster playing real opponents. And fighting people should be the goal always because it's where the real fun of the genre lays.

>> No.9527995

Yes you retard, people learn to low block the sweep if that's your only strat. Stop posting you keep embarrassing yourself repeatedly

>> No.9528016

Everyone already knows you're mad, you don't have to make it more obvious by samefagging
Anyway, cope and seethe

>> No.9528028

That's not a mixup lol
First off jumping constantly is an easy way to get anti-aired
Second, after blocking a jumping normal any player with half a brain is going to block low because there's no reason to continue to block standing, a low is probably coming and grounded overheads are virtually always reactable
You don't have the first clue what you're talking about and it's obvious

>> No.9528038

People don't even have to learn that, it's objectively the correct choice to block low and try to either react to a sneaky overhead or delay tech to beat the strike/throw mixup after blocking a jump-in
All of this is over that anon's head of course

>> No.9528050

I'm just saying, you can go through a whole fighting game ladder and beat the AI doing that, but if that's all you can do a human player is gonna see through it immediately

>> No.9528058

>The most basic form of high low mixup is ackschually not a mixup because *mental gymnastics*
Incredible. You're gonna call Magnus Carlsen a noob if he plays the same opening as a kid in your chess club?

>> No.9528069

Why are you quoting 3 people for one post? You really are retarded.

>> No.9528071

It's literally not a mixup lol
You only think it is because you don't know what a mixup actually is, because you don't have the first clue what you're talking about
A mixup is "either A or B is coming in the next moment, and defending against both is mutually exclusive" (barring available option selects, which would go over your head)
A mixup is not "first A, then B is coming, and defending against both is not only braindead simple, it's so obviously the right thing to do that nobody except absolute neophytes will fail to do so"
You're either trolling from the start or you're doing that 4chan thing where you got BTFO for being a dumbass so you resort to trolling in order to cope, but either way you clearly don't know shit about fighting games

>> No.9528086

New development: overhead and throw after jumping attacks are illegal moves

>> No.9528116

>the final stage of cope
The retard can be ignored now everyone. Carry on with your thread, OP.

>> No.9528117

New development: moving the goalposts
Your claim was that jump kick into sweep was a basic mixup
Now that you've been BTFO you've gone and googled up some basic info and you're trying to pretend you were talking about something else
Problem is I already dealt with this, grounded overheads are virtually always reactable thus not a mixup and delay tech OS exists to beat an attempted low/throw mixup, assuming the blocked jump-in doesn't push you out of immediate throw range to begin with
Besides which, anyone with half a brain is just gonna stuff your jump instead of just sitting there blocking while you get in for free. You have to make people focus on other stuff so that they aren't ready for the jump, and I guarantee a scrub like you doesn't have the knowledge or the skill to do that
It is painfully obvious that you know nothing, quit embarrassing yourself and acting like a petulant little faggot

>> No.9528124


>> No.9528130

I accept your concession. Better luck next time

>> No.9528151 [DELETED] 

OP here, I've decided to play Them's Fightin' Herds instead of SF2.

>> No.9528170
File: 450 KB, 480x720, zuoz0olmq7611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play this instead

>> No.9528260

>a janny deleted my post because i dared to MENTION a newer fighting game than SF2
Holy shit, pull it together dude.

>> No.9528268

As others have said, playing against the A.I. is a crapshoot because the A.I. tends to cheat, though the extent of the difficulty seems to vary depending on the game (speaking personally, Samurai Shodown 3 on the recent collection was difficult for me on level 1, yet Samsho V Perfect on level 2 was a cakewalk). So for starters, you could try looking for games where the A.I. doesn't cheat as hard.
And, as others have mentioned, human opponents will react differently compared to A.I. opponents, so if you intend to go beyond learning the inputs, you'll need to dive into the pool so to speak.

>> No.9528283

as good as an entrypoint as sf2 is I guarantee you're going to be banging your head against the wall getting inputs down. sf2 was notorious for strict, unforgiving execution in arcades, assuming you're hacking at it with a dpad you're going to face even more friction starting out. as crappy as turbo hd remix was in alot of ways bring input leniency in line with sf3 was a godsend for players starting out on pad.

>> No.9528303

>played SF2 every day since they were 5, and they're 35 now
Literally me

>> No.9528352

This is a good thing, not a bad thing
If you learn to do it right in the least forgiving system in the beginning you'll never have execution issues in more forgiving systems

>> No.9528376

It reminds me of that time when low attacks never work against AI, but they sometimes stopped blocking during basic combos for no reason.
Maybe try learning how to mix low and high hits into one combo OP, also try to mix every single move you have in a seemingly unpredictable way
That is, if you plan to play with others

>> No.9528387

Forgot to tag>>9527620 on the 2nd part

>> No.9528397

>This is a good thing, not a bad thing
I would agree if he was using an arcade stick, using a pad he's just going to be mucking around.

>> No.9528424

>le arcade sticks are better meme
Unless we're talking about stickless boxes like Hitbox it literally doesn't matter

>> No.9528559

Yes and no. People should keep their options open when considering fighting games. Sticks have some distinct differences like access to more face buttons and making it easier to piano, etc.

The reason a lot of people recommend them is because the games are designed around them. Preference is preference, but all control methods are valid, they just aren't for everyone.

>> No.9528569

>access to more face buttons and making it easier to piano, etc
Literally none of this shit matters when you're on the ground floor learning to do qcf and dp motions consistently

>> No.9528621

sticks have more consistent diagonal inputs, not a very big deal in other fighters with more lenient controls but in sf2 it makes a difference when you have to nail the down forward perfectly every time.

>> No.9528637

It's been 13 years with this stick supremacy meme faggotry, can we stop?

>> No.9528648

guy above, don't even respond to 9528637 he's the same retard from earlier who invents arguments from his own lack of knowledge and moves the goalposts for everything. just a lazy troll

>> No.9528654

Nigger I've been playing fighting games competitively for nearly twenty years. Stick supremacy is a fucking meme. Some of the best SF players in the modern day play on pad.
Literally the only reason to ever own an arcade stick besides "I like it" was because back in the day tournaments were run on cabinets so if you wanted to practice properly at home you needed a stick. This hasn't been true for over a decade now. All the cope about how sticks are better at this thing or that thing don't matter. Never did.

>> No.9528662

anybody here anything? I dont

>> No.9528675

idk about the whole pad meme thing, maybe it's true for sf5 but i thought sf players universally agreed the game's dumbed down with lower execution requirements?
either way if you really want to "compete" you'd just get a cheatbox lol

>> No.9528681
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This guy does have a point. Sticks are technically slightly better, but the difference is small. Doing regular DPs and QCF motions it's not that much, but with things like 360s, double half circles, orochinagi motions or pretzels it gets more pronounced.

That said, muscle memory takes a long time to build and depending how you learned it can be not worth switching. I've been into fighters since pretty much the beginning but I was never a big arcade goer so it was almost all console play.

Then around when SF4 was big I decided to switch and got a hori, and while I did notice a difference once I got over the learning curve, I never quite liked it as much and eventually went back to pad and never had trouble competing.

>> No.9528690

I disagree. Guile's ST super is objectively easier with a stick.

>> No.9528702
File: 233 KB, 806x1000, 00 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play whatever input device you want. Modern fighters make execution simpler with huge buffers. It's not like before when you need frame-perfect inputs (ie. https://youtu.be/jwGHYDi3TkA )

>> No.9528704

Skill issue. It's easy on both.

>> No.9528982

Yeah I had thought about mentioning that modern fighters tend to be more lenient. And I agree completely, play on whatever you want. Though I do understand hitboxes and keyboards being banned for competition, those genuinely give a heavy advantage.

>> No.9528991

No they don't
They are better for some things and worse for others just like any input method

>> No.9529014

unless this is SF or Tekken, it doesn't count. Noone cares about proficiency in competitively dead games

>> No.9529119

No, on this point you are wrong. Most tournaments ban them for good reason.

>> No.9529146

What the fuck are you talking about? Hitboxes aren't banned from most tournaments, you're straight making shit up lmfao

>> No.9529298


>> No.9529380

There are strategies that only work on humans, like if you're in the same room with them, you can start a mixup by tilting your ass towards them and ripping a massive fart. If you're online, they're susceptible to usernames, so you vsm join as XxTaxTheWagies69xX or something and throw them off guard. You can scream "nigger" when you're losing to the AI, but it'll never hear you.

>> No.9529389

Simple as. All other posts are irrelevant.

>> No.9529592
File: 227 KB, 603x782, Hotaru Coom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I stop sucking at fighting games?
You grind them, both CPU and real players. Fighting the CPU will allow you to get familiar with the mechanics. Fighting a real player especially a skilled one will allow you to mentally build up fundamentals which is spacing, timing and mind games.

Don't bother with older titles for getting good at them, they're more about single player content curiosity than anything else these days as the sequels change up legacy characters quite a bit.

>> No.9529608

You lose a lot. There's no two ways about it. Gitting gud at fightan requires you to eat shit.

>> No.9529614

>Oh and be a tier whore at least when you start out learning a game. You can always switch characters later, but finding the easiest high tier to play is the best way to learn the ropes of a game.
I disagree. It's always best to stick with the character you feel most comfortable with. You won't enjoy playing if you're simply tier whoring or going with a shoto out of the gate even if you don't like playing them.

>> No.9529621

That box art is truly abysmal, two ugly character designs in the lamest stage?

>> No.9529718
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>keyboards being banned for competition

>> No.9529738

Odds are what you're doing wrong is playing out of instinct. You need to learn how to properly play the game, understand how frame data works, know matchups, dominant strategies for characters, etc. After you know all that, THEN you go back to "lol I'm just hitting buttons" instinct play because now your instincts are working in tandem with knowledge and trained reflexes.

>> No.9529845

Don't worry, it's not true

>> No.9529917

Sagat is cool, faggot.

>> No.9529937

You have to bribe your opponent with anal sex to fix the match.

>> No.9529961

Unlike stick vs pad, using a keyboard or now hitboxes which are basically a fancy version not only let you input directional inputs faster than is possible and more easily than either of the other options, depending on the game you can do things impossible otherwise such as being able to ready charge moves while doing other movement inputs. I don't disparage people who use them, but they are fundamentally different from the other two.


>> No.9530005

It's because you don't bathe, bro.

>> No.9530009

Play one that's made for you.
Took me like 30 years to realize I'm a Mortal Kombat guy

>> No.9530039

>mentions the advantages while ignoring the disadvantages
Classic scrub shit
>links a post about one specific type of hitbox being banned
Cool story, now pull up Evo footage from this year and look at how many people are using hitbox
Gasp! They're cheating, it was banned!

>> No.9530048

Okay, you tell me the disadvantages that offset the clear advantages. I just posted the first link of boatloads that come up.

>> No.9530065

Dp on reaction is nearly impossible
Half circles are harder
Holding buttons down for extended periods expends more effort over time than holding a stick in one direction
Etc. Etc. Etc. Just because you don't know what you're talking about doesn't mean the disadvantages don't exist
>I just posted the first link of boatloads that come up.
And because you don't know what you're talking about, you assume hitboxes in general are banned from competition, which they most certainly aren't
Again, google up some Evo footage from this year and look at all the people using hitboxes
Gasp! Cheating!

>> No.9530075

Get good.

>> No.9530135

>half circles are harder

>> No.9530213

Lmfao keep confirming you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Hcf/hcb are one of the perennial complaints among those who pick up hitbox

>> No.9530278

I've not used an actual hitbox before so I can't speak of them as specifically, but I can clearly tell you've never played KoF against Korean kids using keyboards who have been playing like that since they were 10.

>> No.9530346

>you can get good at hard things with practice
this isn't news

>> No.9530808

That one really struck a nerve. kek

>> No.9530839

Don't start with Turbo. The inputs are incredibly strict and the CPU cheats like there's no tomorrow. Try Super instead.

>> No.9530865

you need to have the mindset that "if he does this, i'm supposed to do this'.
simply shooting fireballs at the correct distance and knowing when to anti-air and jump-in will let you beat every street fighter arcade mode.
those fundamentals can carry you through many fighting games, and playing against good players will make sure you don't develop bad habits.

>> No.9530872

it's not retro but just play sfv while it's still alive, I wish there was a better alternative but there isn't.

>> No.9531018

It's better than good, it's possible to do complex moves like orochinagis, pretzels, 360s and double half circles far faster and more accurately than you can get with either a pad or stick no matter what. And that's not even taking into account the way you can use it to buffer charge moves in a way that is impossible otherwise.

>> No.9531060

There is, it's called playing a game you actually enjoy and not caring about player numbers. I started playing ST only a year ago, obviously it'll take a long ass time to catch up but who cares?

>> No.9531180

>far faster and more accurately on hitbox than on stick
If you're going to troll you need to be less obvious than this.

>> No.9531602

Like I said, I don't have much experience with actual hitboxes, but I do with keyboards and it's no joke at all. Maybe it's the difference between having all the muscle memory of using keyboards every day versus a hitbox which only has one function. I've seen it enough times to know the people who main keyboards have a huge advantage.

>> No.9531673

They don't but ok

>> No.9531706

I'd believe it in the case of Koreans. They have insane APM

>> No.9531719

>There is, it's called playing a game you actually enjoy and not caring about player numbers.
I don't think you understand

>> No.9531864

Playing what you like is infinitely superior to playing something you hate
Discords exist where you can get matches in any poverty-ass fighter imaginable, there is no excuse

>> No.9531876

You're supposed to learn the best combos and set them off with perfect timing. Then after that combo start another one until the other player has nothing else left >>9527758
No you're wrong millennials played it the most boomers all had jobs and homes back then. The boomers that did play it probably worked on that field. Still, the majority was definitely millennials


>> No.9531884

They do, but whatever.

I think it's more just the muscle memory and that people grow up using keyboards for other purposes. Hitboxes are new inventions you practice on to play a game, keyboards are things some people use all day, every day. Typing 100 words a minute isn't that much of a feat and it takes way less than that to type out any fighting game moves. That you're even trying to debate this is surreal and obvious you've never seen it.

>> No.9531895

>there is no excuse
While I'm not advocating sv5 I am going to shit on your idea of playing whatever he likes as I only have a select few games I can play against the competition I cam connect to.

>> No.9531930

As somebody who managed to beat some of the best players in my country in Tekken after playing the game purely online for a year, just play the game against actual people. Watch indepth videos for your character and the game itself to figure out its system. With the with the knowledge of the game and the experience, you'll be able to adjust your play style to things that work and will slowly improve over time. It's going to suck, you're going to lose 1000 times before you win 1001 matches, but its worth it.

>> No.9532047

Competitive gaming is the death of fun. I would advise you stop playing fighting games that are not also party games to avoid this timesink.

>> No.9533048

Every fighting game can be a party game if you want it to be

>> No.9533338

No, sorry. Fighting games are only "not fun" if you're fucking bad at them and your asshole friend, who's decent, just beats your ass and makes fun of you. To me, personally, the single funnest video game experience possible is an even match in a fighting game that you're actually good at, even better if it's against an IRL friend.

>> No.9533349

Glorified rock paper scissors must be pretty fucking great then.

>> No.9533354

Good morning sir

>> No.9534319
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Learn footsies. Less obvious than combos but just as important. Also practise your execution.

>> No.9534340

Thing with cpu opponent is they will be either way better or way worse then a human player.

>> No.9534348

If you are not playing with people you know in the same room, the genre is a lost cause.

>> No.9534359

Please dont talk like a nigger.

>> No.9534365
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>video game

>> No.9534404

Aka, suck all the joy out of the genre and then you will be good at it.

>> No.9534418

Thats a different type of competitive then im sure anon is talking about. You are playing them the correct way, shitting between friends or local rivals. eSports and faceless online ladder shitter ranking is the joy killing kind.

>> No.9534462
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I could not disagree with this more strongly. In fact the case could be made that to really be a game it's required to be competitive in some way. Otherwise it's just a toy.

>> No.9534561

Video games are just toys. And games are more fun when there is challenge to them. But endless faceless online ladders that are designed to keep you hooked by controlling your psychological state is how games stop being fun.

To the lurkers, don't let the people in this thread convince you that it is somehow necessary for you to become a victim to the soul sucking nature of modern multiplayer competitive games.

>> No.9534578

>at a moments notice throughout a whole match
literally balanced gameplay

>> No.9534662

How is that even fun? The whole fun of fighting games is reading and predicting a real opponent and improving. It becomes a fun hobby and its way more gratifying than beating AIs, theres a reason almost nobody plays fighting games for the Arcade mode. If you want a challenging single player arcade experience there are so many genres that offer that and fighters are just not one of them.

>> No.9534668

Hey man we are on /vr/. Nobody is talking about grinding out League of Legends ranked endlessly here. Fighting games are one of the few genres where in person tournaments still happen. I got good at MvC2 back in the day by going out to a local in a bowling alley, meeting new friends and drinking beers. Sorry that you had bad experiences with competitive games but not every game is sitting in a dark room grinding ranked online endlessly. I guess for older fighting games its hard to find in person events but theres not any lack of people playing the newest Street Fighter locally to this very day.

>> No.9535090

HF probably has anti-AI strategies if you really want them. But they likely won't help you against real people.

It also depends on who you're trying to play.
For example, if you're playing ryu or ken, try to find the spacing where you can throw a light fireball and recover in time to do a light dp if the opponent jumps over it.

Get a basic punish for when the opponent whiffs something huge like a dp, flashkick etc. Something like jump in hp, standing hp, heavy fireball. Will often stun or leave close to stun.

Or just fucking throw them because throw damage is jacked in nearly every sf2.

Which character are you playing OP?

>> No.9535219
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I'm just teasing and obviously do like single player games too. And not that there's anything wrong with your preferences. But personally for me, I love having an endless pool of people to play against and by far the most fun times I've had playing games has been in competitive ones. Not saying you need to agree, but it doesn't seem soul sucking to everyone. I find it super fun.