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9521613 No.9521613 [Reply] [Original]

>Here's your system launch title representing our flagship IP bro

>> No.9521615

Thanks, I fuckin love Mario 2, and now I can take it with me, which was not possible beforehand.

>> No.9521617

Just what I needed.

>> No.9521630

Cool, thanks. Are you planning on doing 3 as well?

>> No.9521734

While I do agree it's a bit awkward of a pick for a launch title, it makes sense to release SMB2 after SMBDX. And SMA2 released not long after. GBC also had no original Mario, but much like GBA, it got Wario Land games.
SML1 was a more awkward game really.

>> No.9521748

I liked advance 2 better, they honestly should have just made advance 1 SMW, though Advance Mario 2 probably shows off the hardware better.

>> No.9521758

SMB2 is pee pee.

>> No.9521760
File: 201 KB, 316x315, Wario_Land_4_NA_Box_Art[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, posted the wrong image by accident

>> No.9521767
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, did-you-know-though.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought the rationale was that NES Mario 2 was way less known in Japan than any other Mario game, and they'd had that little extra bite in the home market; I never saw the connection with the DX release of the first game though (specially since the subsequent order of "Advance" releases doesn't follow the chronological release order either)

Still, never really felt it was particularly lazy or insulting as a business choice. The DS launch Mario game though, that's a whole different story.

>> No.9521770

they changed a lot of stuff for this version of the game, I actually like it a lot more than the earlier releases

>> No.9521783

I wouldn't say "a lot", but the giant variants of enemies and items are fun I guess. Also, I like being able to bet more than one coin in the end-of-level slot machines.

Shame about the horribly grating voices though, and a couple extra levels (or a visual makeover of some of them at least) wouldn't have hurt.

>> No.9521793

This is the only Advance version better than SNES version.

>> No.9521798

3/A4 will always get points for the extra e-card content.

>> No.9521802

There was a romhack brought them back to SNES.

>> No.9521805

look at these:

>> No.9521820

Was the red shell new?

>> No.9521821

They made it way too easy for it to be the best version. With the save feature alone it would have been balanced for more modern audiences, but they made a point of giving you health everywhere: you can pull it out of the ground, you get it with every multiple kill instead of every certain number of kills like in the original, giant enemies drop it just by throwing them around etc.

>> No.9521823

No, they just gave it the silly scaling effect

>> No.9521830
File: 10 KB, 605x259, 4reel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9521841

>NES launch titles (1985)
>Warnet simulator
>Click link
>Goes to bullshit
What the fuck?

>> No.9521859

Also they put it in many more locations, it was pretty rare in the original

>> No.9521865

there's some unused voice clips in the game where they present it as "Super Mario Bros. Deluxe 2" but I guess they wanted to start fresh or something.

>> No.9521873

Very interesting

>> No.9521880

interesting. I guess starting with SMW would make a lot of sense too, to solidify that impression of GBA as a "portable SNES". the release schedule was just weird in the end:
it doesn't seem to have much logic. or maybe they just decided to save SMB3 "for later"?

>> No.9523971

Representing the west si-eeed, ya boiii.

>> No.9523984

it looks great on the original model's screen

i was sold on GBA after playing it for a minute at that store with a giraffe fursona

>> No.9524121

A downside of trying out the system in a noisy public space yeah

>> No.9524979

Nintendo assumed most children would not be familiar with Super Mario USA. (They were correct in this assumption).

>> No.9525035

hot take but I'd also include Yoshi's Island

>> No.9526125

>it looks great on the original model's screen
I didn't see shit, the game was practically unplayable because of the god damn screen.

>> No.9526130

Advance 1 and 4 were superior to SNES versions
Advance 3 is a tricky one, but I'd say it edges out the SNES version with extra levels and higher framerate, but skimps on screen resolution, sound fidelity and sound design
Advance 2 added nothing other than some screens

>> No.9526703

nta but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. Dokidoki Mario 2 was initially too difficult to be enjoyable, to me, and though it's been a while since I played the GBA port, I don't recall it being so easy as to become mind-numbing. Maybe I'm just a shitter.

>> No.9526765
File: 278 KB, 540x480, and-ill-whisper-NO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice meme-parroting, but actual experience would tell you that the original screen was only a problem with some of the launch games not palette-optimized for it, usually second/third party games (like Castlevania, that was dark as fuck to begin with).

If SMA was "unplayable" for you, you needed better eyes, not a better screen.

>> No.9526785

man, just look at that boxart. fairly plain and simple, but so many little details that draw you in. you can't look at that logo with the little veggies and door and not be curious about what the game has in store for you. something ethereal about it. i miss when they covers like this and not just some faggot with a piss filter walking away from an explosion or a closeup of a guy's face.

>> No.9526896
File: 88 KB, 637x483, itsa-him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always assumed the main illustration was taken from the original manual artwork, but it's actually a "remake" of one of them. It's kind of odd to invest that sort of effort into copying an existing piece instead of doing a brand new one.

>> No.9527372

I was there at the time, I could barely see shit.

>> No.9527542

Great game.

>> No.9527559


>> No.9527627


>> No.9527637

>It's kind of odd to invest that sort of effort into copying an existing piece instead of doing a brand new one
that was the whole idea

>> No.9527650

turn on a light

>> No.9527654

WL4 wasn't launch

>> No.9527705
File: 279 KB, 810x1080, advance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Mario illustration was originally part of the "logo" in the Japanese release, so there wasn't much of a point in trying to blend in a traditional piece into a bunch of brand new digital elements. Plus the Marios in the manual are slightly off-model and sloppy compared to the more compliant version used for the cover.