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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 51 KB, 256x329, Fablebox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9517427 No.9517427 [Reply] [Original]

Also, do they hold up? Looks like Zelda with fun decision making in exchange for dungeons. Is the way characters are written and behave very campy or not tho? That's usually my gripe with western action adventures. Hard to care about people and RPG mechanics when they're all goofballs

>> No.9517434

Fable TLC is the best of them. Characters are pretty goofy but the game's atmosphere make it easy to get immersed. The games are too easy and short though. I'd recommend Fable TLC though.

>> No.9517724

They have their own unique aura about them. They have a lot of issues, but would recommend (only played 1 and 2). Also combat is terrible. Anniversary edition look like shit, but haven't played it myself.

>> No.9517840

The first game as others have said, is the best one. Just never use magic EVER. Its way too under powered.

>> No.9518514

>Its way too under powered.
But is it fun?

>> No.9518516

I like the scarring "mechanic" that makes you ugly and NPC would constantly remind me of that. Pretty neat and I don't know any other game where battle wounds have an impact on how people treat you.

>> No.9518721

This sounds great. How come Fable isn't more popular besides Microsoft shill campaigns making it look like it is

>> No.9518735

It was Xbox exclusive for quite a while and there weren't a lot of people who went back and played it when it got a PC release.

>> No.9518869

it's a very nice game if you don't mind the more humorous tones and generic fantasy setting, full of nice details like >>9518516 which haven't really been recreated in many games

>> No.9518941

>Anniversary edition
Save your soul and just play TLC edition

>> No.9518959

You sure about that ? Some of the spells were overpowered. Enflame was overpowered.

>> No.9519132


TLC adds a lot of content that blatantly stands in contrasts of the creator's original artistic vision. It feels more like a fan-made mod.

>> No.9519137

Isn't that mainly just added content after you finish the game?

>> No.9519145

Idk I remember being able to grind massive xp from combing with chain lightning and those fire pillar spells.
The brothel side quest is so engrained into my memory I can believe it's not in the base game. I say TLC is a must just for that one lol.

>> No.9519159

Why do people hate anniversary? I've never played it. Let me guess, ruined the original art style and introduced new bugs in exchange for three extra pixels and some microtransactions?

>> No.9519279

>ruined the original art style
Yup, there you go. Props to them for adding hero costumes and weapons though. It's so graphically dated now, that the OG doesn't even graphically look worse in a meaningful way anymore.

>> No.9519295

No, there are additional side quests peppered throughout the base game aswell — and they changed Jack of Blades' voice for the worse. The additional quests have a certain humour to them that feels much less dry – as if they're trying too hard – compared to the original; I'm not going to write an essay on it, you can judge for yourself by playing both games.

>> No.9519297

Like what, the epilogue? Most of the stuff was cut or unfinished and fits in with the main game pretty well, although some of the side quests are forgettable. Fleshing out the lady grey storyline was pretty big, it felt super half baked and unfinished in the original.

>> No.9519303

Like I said above, the additional writing is noticeably distinct in its theming. I'd rather have a cohesively themed experience – even if half-baked – compared to what we got in TLC.

>> No.9519349

You're making a big deal out of this. It's not like original is a master piece, and there are good additions. TLC is better overall.

>> No.9519359

Fable 1 and 2 perfectly capture the European fairy tale atmosphere. Fable 3 is still the worst game I have ever played.

>> No.9519604

>Why do people hate anniversary?
Outside of contrarianchan, I keep reading it's better

>> No.9519663

It's a lot like halo anniversary, which released around the same time. Better in a lot of ways, but they should've left the visuals alone, or been more conservative with changes. It should be the definitive way to play the game, but you could argue it isn't. At least they didn't fuck with the music

>> No.9520231

>It's a lot like halo anniversary
Nah, that one's actually awful

>> No.9520378

Aside from the graphics and the bugs still present from the PC version, no it's not

>> No.9521237

>Aside from the graphics
>the whole point of the remaster is bad
>it's great tho, bro

>> No.9521738

That wasn't the point, and they even gave you a dedicated button to switch back to the old graphics. Really would have been nice if fable did the same.

>> No.9521747

Magic is incredibly overpowered, the fuck?

>> No.9521775

The first one is the only good one. I beat 2 and 3, 3 is just trash. 2 is okay and at the time it had a pub game u could play online I think? Which was more fun then the base game. Anyway I’d only touch tlc the og or anniversary, none of the others are worth it

>> No.9521780

fable 1 is worth playing. If you really like it you can try fable 2/3 but imo they're kind of bad.

>> No.9521812

Fable TLC is the most based game
>you can literally buy the entire world
>you can unironically become a pimp
>you can cuck tyrone
>you can kill the annoying guildmaster as well as other annoying rival heros
and many many more things

>> No.9522395

Fable is one of those franchises that wasn't liked much on release but zoomer nostalgia rewrote history into it being a classic. Very much The Legend of Dragoon of its generation.

>> No.9522418

The worst idea was leaving the era of the old kingdom behind and opt for industrialised/medieval England.

>> No.9522504 [DELETED] 

Fable is a terrible series. the first game wants to be Gothic and instead plays like a down syndrome Ocarina of Time. everything in the game is painfully incohesive. high fantasy adventure? no, fuck you, here's a sassy female POC in the first 10 minutes. good combat? no, fuck you, here's a beat 'em up where you knock enemies around like rag dolls for 20 hits until they die in a ridiculously unsatisfying way and then you absorb their exp manually. but what about exploration? nope, fuck you. the entire world is a series of narrow, linear paths with absolutely nothing interesting to find outside of vaguely homosexual anthropomorphic doors that force you to complete some mundane task to see what's behind them. but of course, dealing with bullshit retarded mechanics is part of any RPG -- you're there for the depth, right? nope. fuck, you. there's no depth. armor is meaningless, weapons have no interesting modifiers beyond the genre standards, the game keeps track of dozens of pointless statistics (including your character's sexuality, to make sure you won't feel marginalized if you're a faggot; a.k.a. the target demographic), the spells are milquetoast fireball garbage, the quests are tantamount to jogging simulators, the minigames are insultingly simplistic (e.g. the 'fishing' which involves walking over to a pre-defined spot and pressing a button and waiting for something to happen), and at no point is there any allocation of stats or skill points with any meaningful impact on your character's growth that can't be changed or reverted... and the sad part is, this is the best game in the series. Fable 2 is more of the same except with a depressing Pirates of the Carribean setting and even fewer RPG elements (except for more homosexuality stats, like contracting herpes from fucking a gay man in the ass in your house), and Fable 3 is once again more of the same, except this time you can grow wings to fully realize the fairy you are. fuck Fable and fuck you.

>> No.9522536

>not using maxed out Force Push
The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.9522553 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 360x261, 1431475938628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, look over here, its the same seething and obtuse asshat that hates Fable so much he can't stop posting babbling walls of text drivel about his hateboner for the series on threads about said games. Why can't High Fantasy include people with skin tones darker than yours, fucko? None of the Fable games are without their flaws, sure, but the one with the worst issues is definitely 3 where they stopped caring about the setting.

>> No.9522646 [DELETED] 
File: 703 KB, 320x240, 1668563167924977.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything i said is factually correct and you my man, are mad.

>> No.9522716

They're all weak

>> No.9522730 [DELETED] 


>> No.9522734 [DELETED] 
File: 1010 KB, 300x150, 1670589812046674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad

>> No.9522738 [DELETED] 


>> No.9522867 [DELETED] 

It does feel weirdly like a 2022 game in terms of woke shittery. Are we sure this whole woke shit doesn't originate from France?

>> No.9523169 [DELETED] 

france was already gone 30 years ago

>> No.9523180 [DELETED] 

Technically, since Waterloo.

>> No.9523196

No dude, stregnth builds combined with ghost swords/multi-strike was OP. I got my combat multiplier to >50 every fight with it.
Rangers with max-tier bows combined with multi-arrow tanks most bosses in seconds.

>> No.9523525 [DELETED] 

>angry and obsessed with homosexuality
I have news for you, anons...

>> No.9523528 [DELETED] 

>polcel pretending he knows about history

Anyway, Fable makes depressed loveless schizo's seethe for some reason. I guess they're unable to truly enjoy a fairy tale setting as they lack all forms of creative fantasy and imagination.

>> No.9523536 [DELETED] 

>faggot seething so hard he double posts

>> No.9523583

I enjoyed 2 but it always felt sort of unfinished, like there was meant to be more to it, more secrets etc.

>> No.9523719 [DELETED] 

>instantly goes into polcel sperg mode spouting about France and schizo delusions how Fable is connected to some grander agenda to subvert our western culture because you can marry a guy in a fantasy game
Who is seething? You're mentally ill and you should seek help.

>> No.9524042 [DELETED] 


>> No.9524120
File: 38 KB, 959x1230, 1672192847019059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, thanks.

>> No.9524130 [DELETED] 

Not much to say I reckon?

>> No.9524153 [DELETED] 

>they lack all forms of creative fantasy and imagination.
similar to molyneux, then?

>> No.9524167

Legend of dragoon sold over a million copies and everyone that was actually alive at the time enjoyed it. Just like Fable. No idea wtf you’re even talking about. You obviously weren’t there.

>> No.9524170

Scratch that it, dragoon apparently sold closer to 2 million copies and was a totally new ip…. On a system w nothing but established rpgs. Fable also sold close to 2 million units in 2 years. Took 2 seconds to look up that info.

>> No.9524185 [DELETED] 

>loveless schizo's
Boy you xirs burned up the word incel just like the word nazi didnt ya.
>wow this game counts buttsex stats and that's gay

>> No.9524560
File: 580 KB, 720x406, 1672116589501085.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9524581

It was the focus of a big hype campaign by the gaming press, because omg Molyneux! Otherwise it would've been forgotten. It has an interesting premise but the execution is mediocre. It's not really worth anybody's time when there are so many RPGs out there that are better.

>> No.9524613 [DELETED] 


>> No.9524641 [DELETED] 

>gives psychotic rant and samefags through the entire thread with schizo ramblings
>concludes it's all the fault of France and the Battle of Waterloo
>iiii-iii-mmm not a-a schizo g-guys
Roflmao. But I guess it's because of France too that women don't want you

>> No.9524835 [DELETED] 


>> No.9524845

>Twilight Princess has strong Fable vibes but came out later so it's safe to assume that it was inspired by it
>one of Peter Molyneux's favorite games is Twilight Princess

>> No.9525126 [DELETED] 

Completely BTFO'd and so mad

>> No.9525129

Those were sales from hype but the games had a mediocre reception after they released and people got time to play them. It's okay you enjoyed your big bro's copy but these games were not nor ever will be good zoomer. Now go back to youtube please.

>> No.9525137

I'm 30 years old and Fable 1 and 2 were universally loved back in the day. You're either lying or you have bad memory.

>> No.9525141

Are you still here? Why are you so mad? Did Molyneux fuck your girlfriend or sth? (Wait you never had one because you're an incel haha)

>> No.9525769

>Fable 1 and 2 were universally loved back in the day.
You bought into the hype. I remember them being a disappointment, and I wasn't the only one if this thread's any indication.

>> No.9525786

True, but they were still interesting. They have still something unique about them.

>> No.9525815

I literally sold Fable at a Gamestop on release. Only zoomerfag here is you stop larping.

>> No.9525826

To add, because I actually was there, there is a piece of promo that I can't find on ebay. Was the like the cover art but was holographic. It was like a mini poster. Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about? Depending on the angle the reflection would change good or bad

>> No.9526015 [DELETED] 

Anon if I took your behavior at face value it'd be a pot shot between paranoia amd stupidity. Either have a problem with plot thinking or you are simply not intelligent enough to conceptualize the nature or perhaps even the existence of other viewpoints. Luckily, I don't.

>> No.9527170 [DELETED] 

I've been here since 2006 and I can smell polcel schizo ramblings from miles away. Delusions are not a 'view point'. You'll see this when you'll start taking your meds.

>> No.9527612 [DELETED] 

>polcel schizo ramblings
saying this kind of thing is basically just virtue signaling that you're bisexual and lost

>> No.9527751 [DELETED] 

Seething wall of text, but also undeniably true, and anyone who disagrees is a transvestite.

>> No.9527872 [DELETED] 

Project harder faggot. If gay sex in a video game triggers you this hard, you have some soul searching to do.

>> No.9527883 [DELETED] 

see >>9522646

>> No.9528036 [DELETED] 

>I can smell polcel schizo ramblings from miles away.
You mean you are constantly triggered because you hate right-wingers but are too retarded to find a place whose biggest board isn't /pol/ or a website that isn't notorious for being racist, sexist and homophobic. It's funny because it's a fate you chose and a fate you deserve, given your whiny shitposts

>> No.9528101 [DELETED] 

Problem is, this is /vr/ not /pol/, post-2016 tourist.

>> No.9528110 [DELETED] 

You need to go back

>> No.9528213

Eh what's funnier is leftist trannies moderating said racist website for free literally like pet niggers kek