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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 191 KB, 256x349, Knuckles'_Chaotix_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
951725 No.951725 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who would kill for a HD release of this on PSN/XBLA/Steam?

Is there like a petition to Sega to tell them that this needs to happen?

>> No.951786

>paying for roms
>stretching the aspect ratio of a fullscreen game
>thinking Sega actually cares about their fans
>Not playing Shadow the Hedgehog

>> No.951814

So I am the only one then

>> No.951823 [DELETED] 

PSN/XBLA/Steam are not retro. Go buy a 32X and play the actual game or stop shitting up the board

>> No.951830

>Talking about a retro game
>Not retro

Suck my dick. Choke on it

>> No.951851 [DELETED] 

>Phil Fish meme
>Hurr durr I'm so original
It's not retro if it's on steam faggot.

>> No.951854 [DELETED] 

Oh look another autistic Sanic shitposter has migrated over from /v/

>> No.951865

>not retro
You didn't think this through there did you.

Not really OP sorry. Sprite games don't really need HD remakes they still look okay.

Early 3D games are really the only things that could use a face lift. Stuck between an era where games still had souls, but polygons could be counted on fingers alone and we hid backgrounds in fog.

>> No.951870 [DELETED] 

If it came out after 1999 it's not Retro. Steam, XBLA, and PSN were not around in 1999.

Suck a dick.

>> No.951872 [DELETED] 

Remember when /vr/ was kind and helpful?

>> No.951875


I mean, Knuckles Chaotix wasn't a bad game, but it's not something I'd really ever pay for unless it was a dollar at a flea market.

Graphics were nice but I could never get into the gameplay at all.

>> No.951880 [DELETED] 

>not following the rules

>I wish /vr/ was a giant circlejerk

>> No.951895

Are you the same guy saying all 3d games suck in the Gamestop thread?

If you think it's breaking the rules, report it and leave it.
Your shitposting and autism might be appreciated better there. Chaotix IS a retro game, regardless of the platform.

>> No.951903 [DELETED] 

>Threads on PSP/Pandora/Android emulation


>> No.951907

Because that's exactly what the recent Sonic CD and Sonic 1 releases were, right? They weren't remade with a new engine that played in 16:9 correctly or anything like that. Oh, wait, they were.
So because I'm playing Doom on a PC that was made after 1999, that means I'm not playing a retro game? Well then.

Anyway, Chaotix is alright. I wanted it released back when Sonic Gems came out, but looking back that wasn't the most optimal collection with all the emulation errors and all. The Retro Engine would be perfect for it, and with even Sonic the Fighters getting a release again, I could see it happening.

>> No.951910


so by that logic we can't talk about Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid or any other PSone games that have been made available via PSN?

haha oh wow

>> No.951924

I kinda wish SEGA would take more advantage of Steam in general. They have so many PC ports languishing in obscurity that I'd love to play through again.

I remember they promised a second Dreamcast collection, with Shenmue and Skies of Arcadia. And THAT still hasn't happened.

>> No.951942

They really do. Even games that were on their systems not even by them seem to have vanished from time.

Sad really they had a lot of neat shit like Toe Jam and Earl or Vectorman. And Sega actually does PC well...granted their DRM has a special place in hell, but the games work.

>> No.952102

Just because the client holding the old roms and isos isn't retro, doesn't mean it can't be talked about.

Stop being a twat with your shitposting

>> No.952370

Man have you ever played that game? Its one of the worst in the series.

>> No.952762

Oh look it's that same person who shits "not retro" in every thread and then tells people to buy expensive old game hardware.

>> No.952785

stick your head in the oven

>> No.952791

It's not really that great when you can acquire most of the games on steam in the actual cart for around the same cost.

2.99 for a drm'd 512k rom is kinda bullshit.

>> No.952816
File: 25 KB, 300x562, 20j2wjm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are such an incorrect nuisance that it is honestly unfathomable

Please do us all a favor and don't fuck up what was has been a good, civil board up to this point

>> No.952893

I doubt Chaotix will ever see another release, mostly because emulation it would take time and money to either make an emulator or hire someone else to for one rom that will only appeal to a niche audience.

A Retro engine port is more likely, although still completely unlikely. It'd be nice, though, because knowing the creator we'd probably be able to play as Sonic and Tails running around the Adventure fields

>> No.953965

I wouldn't kill for it, no.