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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9516951 No.9516951 [Reply] [Original]

Post the last good game in a franchise before the series went to shit. I'll start.

Shin Shinobiden (Saturn)

Some people like the PS2 games and that's fine but they're not really Shinobi games.

>> No.9516978 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9517003
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>> No.9517005
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Pic rel
Wipeout 3
Gran Turismo 4
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Final Fantasy IX
Crash Bandicoot 2

>> No.9517007
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>> No.9517010
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There are certain things I really like about X, but it's a mixed bag of a game.

>> No.9517021
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>> No.9517024

This isn't snake eater at all. Not saying this is a bad choice, just saying mgs 3 was amazing. Except for the makeup, that shit sucks.

>> No.9517039 [DELETED] 

Sega thinks otherwise and their opinion matters more to me

>> No.9517073 [DELETED] 

Sega hasn't made a single good game in over 20 years and can't even release a
proper ports of 30 year old games. I really couldn't care less what they think.

>> No.9517091 [DELETED] 

Hot take: Metal Gear never went to shit, even The Phantom Pain is fun. Sure, it has shit story but the gameplay is among the best in the genre. If Portable Ops counts as mainline then it's legitimately the only shitty MGS game. Peace Walker is kinda boring but people love it so...

>> No.9517094
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>> No.9517101 [DELETED] 

Yakuza 0 is one of the greatest Sega games ever and Sonic Generations is alright

>> No.9517124 [DELETED] 

And you've never made a good game so I'm still siding with Sega.

>> No.9517141


>> No.9517145

for me MGS excels when it's set indoors and close quarters, 3 is when the mgs started shying away from indoor area focus. They tried to make it work with the jungle/natural areas, but it doesn't even come close to 2's areas. Best areas in mgs3 are, Rassvet, Bolshaya Base, Graniny Gorki and Groznyj Grad, here you can experiment and fuck around with the guards so much, but it's only 4 areas compare to mgs2's sea of repayable areas.
Also the menu stuff kills the pacing, granted most mgs player don't really bother with the camo stuff if they sneak properly with a well-around camo, but the backpack stuff and healing just kills the pacing, and if you put a bunch of stuff on snake, he'll lose his stamina faster.
I understand they wanted to add more depth but I don't think this gen was not the right time to do it...that is if loading limitations was the reason they went in this direction.
Either that or devs were still figuring out stuff that's standard now, or didn't play games that had some quality of life features that might've made things smoother. Like the dpad could've been used to access camos and backpack items faster by holding a dpad button and have a ratchet style weapon wheel pop up, but for backpack items and camo for quick switching. They could've even used the left shoulder button item selection have 1 slot dedicated to camo only for faster switching, like Raiden's costume slot in 2 but you can toggle different outfits on the fly, like you would with the suppressor on a gun in 3, or ammo types in 4. Here you would've equipped 4 camos to switch on the fly, you can even make the switch subtle by having Snake quickly change clothes inside a cbox like in 5, it would increase the pacing a lot, even with that short cbox animation.
Easy Stalking could've been assigned to a different button that you can just hold, it didn't need to use 4 buttons, the game didn't even need it in the 1st place when stalking is possible with the left stick.

>> No.9517153

No offense anon but for a moment I thought it was pasta
>for me MGS excels when it's set indoors and close quarters
You must be that one anon who always says this when explaining why you prefer MGS2 to 3

>> No.9517162

I don't come to /vr/ as often as I used to but it probably is, though I don't remember saying it as much.

>> No.9517196

I love MGS3 but your quality of life issues are spot on. That said, I didn't mind using the menu system that much.

>> No.9517221
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sorry mi4 but we cannot forgive monkey combat

>> No.9517339 [DELETED] 

You haven't been alive over 20 years ya dumb nintoddler

>> No.9517417 [DELETED] 

>Yakuza 0
Shitty movie games are not real games

>> No.9517448 [DELETED] 
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Ultra Hot Take: I really enjoyed Metal Gear Survive and thought it was a great addition to the franchise. It and MGS5 have some of the best gameplay around and it's a shame the Fox Engine hasn't been used more because it would make for some killer titles in the right hands. People hated it for not being a Kojima game but I still had a lot of fun with it

>> No.9517452
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>> No.9517453 [DELETED] 

>Ultra Hot Take:
>I really enjoyed Metal Gear Survive
stopped here

>> No.9517458 [DELETED] 

Outrun 2006
Virtua fighter 5
After burner climax

>> No.9517495
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Inb4 burping anything about "the greatness" of NFS Underground. NFSU was shit.

>> No.9517524 [DELETED] 

>I really enjoyed Metal Gear Survive
Except for PES games I think this was the last 'big' game Konami developed and it was a disaster. I honestly don't understand how people can enjoy this shit and that's coming from a fan of MGSV

>> No.9517534 [DELETED] 

Cutscenes =/= movie game. Yakuza is a classic arcadey beat em up in 3D. Shenmue is more of a movie game than Yakuza and yet you won't dare shitting on it because it's considered a classic. MGS3 has a lot of cutscenes too but its gameplay is amazing and it just wouldn't work as a movie.
Something like TLoU is a movie game, Yakuza is as much of a video game as Mario

>> No.9517557

>GameFreak's apology to those who got pissed off by B/W blocking out all old Pokemon until the post-game
>Pretty much begins the nostalgia-wank obsession of the 3DS era, especially to the Gen1 games

>> No.9517568 [DELETED] 

thought mgsv's base clearing gameplay was fun, but everything in between was boring. I'm not a fan of resource gathering and building either, that was my least favorite parts of PW and V, Survive turned it to 11 and made it worse.
The movement honestly feels like the MP version of mgsv's gameplay, which I also didn't like, like it's using the same shit from the sp, yet felt off and unpolished, Survive had that same feeling, but worse.
I didn't care for the 'monsters' you sneak around, dumber and more bullet spongy than any other enemies in the series, except PW. Idk, dust copying Kojima stuff doesn't work, something's missing.

>> No.9517604 [DELETED] 

Not that anon, but how much participation Sega had both on Yakuza and Persona/SMT games? Sonic Team besides which Sega always rush the shit out of the game and i still don't understand how the director of Frontiers got one extra year from SEGA, Atlus and Ryu Ga Gotoku seems pretty much independent studios under Sega name.

>> No.9517608 [DELETED] 
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>I'm not a fan of resource gathering and building either, that was my least favorite parts of PW and V
Same, I hated it. In PW it's just plain retarded. It's like the game is supposed to be open world and yet it's just Portable Ops with slightly bigger maps which you gather resources on, it's ridiculous.
As for V, this game should've been mission based with each mission being like Ground Zeroes. 10-15 missions total would do. No open world, no dumb base building and soldier recruitment, would be really nice but that would require effort to make. Modern video game design philosophy is all about avoiding putting effort into your product at all costs though so it wouldn't happen. Aside from very few instances

>> No.9517609 [DELETED] 

you don't even know what the words you're saying mean.

>> No.9517627 [DELETED] 

Atlus was acquired by Sega and SMT/Persona started before the acquisition so SMT don't count as Sega games. Also Sega obviously doesn't take part in the development process of those.
RGG studio is an inside team and it didn't even exist before Yakuza 5. So it's like Nintendo's 1-Up studio or something like that

>> No.9517631 [DELETED] 

Is this what moving goalposts looks like?

>> No.9517635
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Wip3out was really a perfect game. Especially if you got good at it and did all the unlocks. The HD Wipeout reboot on PS3 or PS4 sucked and the physics didn’t work when it scaled to faster races. It became a worse game than an average Kart game. The music on HD is incredibly grating and worse than Wip3out.

>> No.9517639

That's why it was the last good pokémon game, did you even read what the thread was about before entering?

>> No.9517657

The last good Pokemon game was Platinum. B/W was an experiment that was novel but ultimately backfired, and B2/W2 was the concession to defeat.

>> No.9517679

if anything, it's way less shit than Sonic 3.

>> No.9517693 [DELETED] 
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Yup, I enjoyed the shit out of 4 and 5. The retroactive screeching about 4 is especially ridiculous, it's an amazing fucking game.

I even liked Portable Ops. Peace Walker vastly improved on pretty much every aspect of it but for an early psp release it was pretty impressive. I liked the digital graphic novel style and it was the first MGS game to do the recruitment and team management thing

>> No.9517702
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Couldn't stand to play any after it for more than an hour or 2

>> No.9517703


Please, as if that wasn't HGSS. People are so selective with how they remember things.

>> No.9517712

>they're not Shinobi games because I say so

>> No.9517737
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Fight me!

>> No.9517784

The last good game, anon, not the first bad one

>> No.9517876
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>> No.9517984 [DELETED] 

>Says the guy who thinks Sega has made any good games in the past 20 years
How are you enjoying Sonic Forces?

>> No.9518029

>not liking Hot Pursuit 2

>> No.9518227

PU was definitely the peak of the franchise but i'd say that U2 was the last truly good NFS, and the last truly innovative one. Everyone praises MW but in hindsight it aged way worse, being way to bloated and trading stylish neon-filled night for mid-2000s brown and bloom. I remember physics also being way too simple even for arcade racer. Everything after MW is just various sorts of shovelware, sometimes very expensive shovelware.
I didn't play PS2 version and i love the PC one just for beautiful tracks but after PU it was downright barebones. No car customization, no economy, no proper career, nothing - it feels like an engine demo.

>> No.9518236

Maybe it's cause I played the PS3 port, but I don't remember being interrupted very often by the menu management in MGS3. In fact, it doesn't cross my mind at all when I think of the game. I played it in 2018

>> No.9518358 [DELETED] 

Cope harder little nintoddler

>> No.9518379

Also, Burnout 3 and Crazy Taxi 3. 6th gen was the last good console generation.

>> No.9518663
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>> No.9519024 [DELETED] 

>everyone who doesn't like Sonic Forces is a nintoddler
Holy fucking shit, Batman.

>> No.9519027 [DELETED] 

That's the average Sonic fan to you, totally mindbroken.

>> No.9519097

Okay if you like, but 3DS is so you’re still wrong

>> No.9519105

I knew of Shinobi 3D but I thought it was part of the '3d classics' lineup like Streets of Rage. But it's a whole new game, really cool, I'll definitely give it a shot

>> No.9519206 [DELETED] 

>everyone who strawman cope waaaaahhhh
lol. I kinda feel bad that your mommy never let you play anything but Switch but you're such a little bitch you deserve it.

>> No.9519236 [DELETED] 

Not that anon but I'm honestly jealous of people who enjoy non-/vr/ 3D Sonic games because I consider myself a fan of the series. I've recently played Colors on the Wii and didn't like it at all even though it's supposed to be one of the best Sonic games ever
>never let you play anything but Switch
The Switch is literally the only modern console with worthwile games. And both Forces and Frontiers are on it so why would you even shit on it?..

>> No.9519258 [DELETED] 

>Sonic fan calling anyone else childish
Top zozzle

>> No.9519268

KoF XI is still my favorite of the series. The tag team mechanic (stolen from the Vs. games, I know) is a great addition to a series with 9001 characters and lengthy combos for each of them.

>> No.9519386

I really liked that you don't recover health by tagging out in KoF XI. I normally hate tag team mechanics in fighting games because of that crap, but in KoF XI it was a welcome addition that gave you a fair way of avoiding bad character matchups. I want to focus on fighting, not managing health meters.

>> No.9519946 [DELETED] 
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Whatever helps you feel better

>> No.9520000

Based AF, first Halo and its engine far superior to anything that came after if you were fanatical about the multiplayer gameplay. Also its single player is by far the best,... i'd only consider the non retro halo 5 because it added 4 player coop and that, to me, is a big deal. Not since Brute Force was I able to have so much fun w 3 other players. Anyway, yeah ur awesome and Halo 1 is the king of Halo.

>> No.9520031

Wipeout doesn't have any bad games besides Fusion.

>> No.9520106
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>> No.9520125 [DELETED] 
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You're correct
Swap for Ratchet 1
Play the non-/vr/ Wipeout in Virtual Reality but yes all correct except ffix
Completely wrong, 2 is probably the worst in the series. Good thing they turned it around with 3.
As mentioned above, there is one good game post-ffix and it's ffxiii
Filthy genwunner die
Worse than Sonic 2
Never played these games they don't make my brain release dopamine fast enough
Respectable but Link Between Worlds is the best Zelda and best 2D Zelda game so you're wrong but entitled to this opinion
All true
Hot Pursuit ps1 better than this
2001 Ultimate Match is my personal favorite but '99 is solid
>recently played Colors on the Wii and didn't like it at all even though it's supposed to be one of the best Sonic games ever
Literally who the fuck told you that lmao
When I finally got around to colors I was like "well that wasn't as disappointing as I thought it would be." Generations is probably the best modern sonic but I haven't played the new open world one.
Never played

As for my contribution: pic related. Yes it's obvious and yes it's a popular opinion but plenty prefer 3 over 4. Regardless, 5 sucks.

>> No.9520163 [DELETED] 


>> No.9520168

Oh boy a contrarian circlejerk thread! Just what /vr/ needs more of!

>> No.9520173 [DELETED] 

Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter

>> No.9520178

Correct opinions

>> No.9520198 [DELETED] 

An amazing post modern deconstruction of jrpgs. Actual art that incites genuine emotion from the player through its game systems. Dragon Quarter is one of the few games on the level of paintings and sculpture in its expression

>> No.9520208 [DELETED] 

HAHAHAHAHAHA NO! BOF V is at best mediocre!

>> No.9520219 [DELETED] 

No, everything you posted is 100% correct about the Xenosaga Trilogy, not breath of fire V

>> No.9520262 [DELETED] 

Honestly couldn't really bring myself to be invested in the story after 4. I get everything else is a prequel but it just felt really forced.

Tekken 5
Going into Tekken 6 most of the fun seemed zapped away and they ruined the original arcade mode.

Fallout NV
Fallout 4 was just so awful. I wish the text based dialogue returned from FO NV (and wish it wasn't so crappy).

Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3
I feel this game kind of perfected the formula with reverts and just general flow. Series seem to be on its way out after this.

Uncharted 2
This game had a nice balance of set-pieces, gameplay, and cinematic moments. Uncharted 3 felt like a drag as they constantly slowed down the game to make you marvel at the mediocre story and insane jaggies of great visuals at 720P.

>> No.9520291

>Also the menu stuff kills the pacing
Finally someone calls out what a cluttered mess MGS3's items and system management was. It feels like most of the shit was shoved into menus because Kojima couldn't or wouldn't compromise on all the survivalist stuff he crammed into the game. It really feels like a slapdash attempt at shoving in everything.

The weapon/item "backpack" submenu should've been cut especially. Why they couldn't just use the tried and true shoulder button inventory of 1 and 2 is stupid.
That's because you didn't interact with the various systems much. The game clearly wants you toying with every medical, camo, food system for the true "stealth survival experience", and in order to do so you have basically stop the game.

Really, MGS3 is what happens when a Jap developer tries to make an almost "western style" stealth game without actually having played one.

>> No.9520302 [DELETED] 

>Outrun 2006
>not retro
>not retro
Must be great not having mods for a board filed with illiterates.

>> No.9520313 [DELETED] 

As much as I dislike MGS4, the way it dealt with 3's camouflage and over reliance on menuing was absolutely fucking brilliant. Too bad the game was awful.

>> No.9520358

R Racing Evolution kicks ass, though I dunno if you think that counts given the spin-off status

>> No.9520362 [DELETED] 

Shinobi 3DS is literally the best Shinobi game and I'm so serious about that I would actually fight you irl to defend it. 5'8 190lbs and I'll fuck you up if you talk shit about it. It's pure soul.

>> No.9520454 [DELETED] 

I'm not shitting on the switch. I'm shitting on the child who has it as his first and only console.

>baby continues to cope and strawman
Top zozzle


>> No.9520547 [DELETED] 

>Metal Gear series
Yup, Metal Gear Solid 4 was the last truly good, if not great one to me.
Agree again with New Vegas being the last Fallout game that is more than bad-to-mid-range in quality. FO4, Conversely, does have better gunplay in most areas especially compared to 3, and if you dig beyond the stupid retcons, interesting ideas here and there such as the role of Synths and the introduction of the Institute + the MInutemen in it. Also, I find it interesting that chems are more realistically played out in FO4 as opposed to other 3D Fallout games in that they don't take their effect automatically. The DLCs are a different kettle, this is about the base game. Either way, FO4 still has lots of modding potential.
>Tony Hawk Pro Skater
Never played any of those except for a poor GBA entry.

>> No.9520664

>That's because you didn't interact with the various systems much
I liked the camos but maybe I'm too good at the game so never had to dillydaddle in the menu too much

>> No.9520679
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Last good shinobi game.

>> No.9520692

>Some people like the PS2 games and that's fine but they're not really Shinobi games.
Kind of a dumb take cause Shinobi has had varying play styles before the PS2 game. But I get it, you wanna desperately fit in even though your rhetoric is exactly like someone from /v/. Hey maybe next time kid.

>> No.9520808

Agreed, everything after MGS2 is fucking stupid. MGR is the best game out of all of them, but not retro.

>> No.9520827

Monkey Kombat is fine.

>> No.9520939

It doesn't play anything like Ridge Racer though.

>> No.9522008
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I like how the most competitive centric title had the most focus on single player than the latter release did.
Don't get me started on what Brawl did to Classic Mode and Break the Targets.

>> No.9522018
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>> No.9522028
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>> No.9522225

THIS so fucking much

>> No.9522261

This is the definitive answer. If only X-2's battle system was put into a good game, things could be different.

>> No.9522512

yep, that'll do it

>> No.9522708
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>> No.9522746

Jak 2 is the best of the trilogy though....

>> No.9523613

It's a spin off, not part of the mainline series. The game's title alone says it all.
The actual follow up to RRV came out on 360, and there's also the other spin off on psp that's closer to classic RR but easier.