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9515030 No.9515030 [Reply] [Original]

Post a game you got for Christmas that you remember having a great time playing on Christmas Day

>> No.9515440
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Your pic related, MK2 (SNES), SF2 Turbo, Streets of Rage 2, Duke Nukem 64, SC1 Battle Chest, Diablo battle chest, THPS3 for PS1, FFVII, and got picrel in a bundle from Costco. There were many more but these were my favorites from Christmas which was the only time of year my parents bought me a game. Used to be a paperboy to get any other things I wanted

>> No.9515445
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>> No.9515447
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I got a Genesis with the pack-in Sonic 1, pic related and Humans. It was pretty awesome. To this day I've never played past the first couple levels of Sonic but Ecco was an instant favorite and still is.

>> No.9515448
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My Grandma broke the bank buying this one for me. She didn't have much money, but knew I would be really excited over it. A year or so before that I got Kingdom Hearts with a PS2 which was really exciting for me, even though I already had a feeling it was coming. On the flip side, many Christmases before that I got Bugs Life for the n64 which remains one of my least favorite games I've played on the console. I stuck with it until the end regardless because that's what Christmas is about. Sulking while playing a shit game.

>> No.9515462
File: 29 KB, 265x376, BAA01EAD-AA1F-4D38-BC4F-CF51ACC7B26B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel. Amazing game, my brother and I were thrilled because it felt like you were actually in a Star Wars movie (one of the good ones). Also very challenging to get gold medals on every level.

We got almost every GameCube launch game and had a blast rotating through them on Christmas Day 2001. Even wave race: blue storm was fun.

>> No.9515471

I got this, Melee, and Perfect Dark on Christmas 2001. Goddamn what a year that was for me.

>> No.9515481
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Christmas morning when I was in 1st grade, got a Genesis along with Batman Returns and Sonic the Hedgehog

>> No.9515516
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Beat it in 2 days, but a great time.

>> No.9515536
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>> No.9515542
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Picrel, I don't remember what year it was but probably 1993. At first I was like what the fuck is this shit but as it turns out it's not a bad game by any means. The controls are responsive and the level of difficulty increases very progressively. I had fun with it, 7/10.

>> No.9515545
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>> No.9515571
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I don't remember getting that much vidya for christmas. We usually got things like Lego or a "useful" gift. Most of the games, we bought with our own allowance. I did get my first Zelda game ever (OoA). I got Minish Cap a couple of years later as well.

>> No.9515575
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>> No.9515780
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This is like an opposite one for me. I was a massive fan of Lunar 2 and excited about the remake. My brother got the full version with the book, pendant and all that which was a way bigger gift than we typically got each other. I was so thrilled at first only to then play it and find it's one of the worst remakes of all time.

>> No.9515792
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I have no idea why my brother bought me picrel , but whatever it was a wonderful time right after we watch Memento, his other gift to me. Great Christmas.

>> No.9515794

Mario Party 3 for Christmas 2001, spent hours and hours playing with my sister.

>> No.9515889

Idk probably golden eye or medal of honor frontlines tx0gaa

>> No.9515945
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I got the latest Tony Hawk game every Christmas but the when I got the first one it was a particularly memorable and fun Christmas for me.

>> No.9515956
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>> No.9515960
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It was the only game we had for a while, but it was actually a ton of fun.

>> No.9515971

I assume you also got the NES with it, being a pack-in cart

>> No.9515973
File: 195 KB, 378x263, Banjo_Kazooie_Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an 8 year old the experience was nearly magical.

>> No.9515974

Yeah and some other game but I can't remember what it was as I was a mario nut

>> No.9515976

I also had that as a Christmas gift. Loved it.
Of all the games i'd ever asked for as a Christmas gift, Zelda: Majora's Mask is probably my favourite.

>> No.9515978
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>> No.9516020
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My family got me a copy of the new Budokai game every single year for awhile (or at least every single year one released) all the way through Budokai Tenkaichi 3. It became a tradition of mine to wake up early Christmas morning just to open that particular gift so I could start working on the story and unlocking characters

>> No.9516113

This was a great Christmas. I got this, Luigi’s Mansion and Wave Race as well, but this one was my favorite

>> No.9516135

That’s fucking legit

>> No.9516141
File: 39 KB, 256x363, Tenchu_Wrath_of_Heaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2003 i got tenchu 3 along with manhunt and jak 2, this became my favorite of the bunch. took me a long time to actually beat all the games cause i was a dumb kid.

>> No.9516154
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When I boot this up, the sounds and music of the first couple of levels still make me feel a tiny bit like a kid at Christmas.

>> No.9516161
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Fucking tug of war

>> No.9516195

that game is a fantastic experience to put it simply.
feels like the ultimate sendoff to n64 fans, they really poured their hearts into that one

>> No.9516251

I don't remember ;_;

>> No.9516346
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And now for something completely different

>> No.9516367
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Literally this. Then listened to Beavis and butthead on my R2 tape player

>> No.9516372
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I got a game probably every Christmas, but somehow this is the only one I specifically remember getting on Christmas
I remember being slightly surprised at this, as I already had a Genesis, and I don't remember saying that I wanted it for Christmas or anything
Cool game anyway, though

>> No.9517104
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>> No.9517112

then Kirby's Dream Land on Game Boy

>> No.9517331

Didn’t get this for Christmas specifically, but playing lots of good old lucasarts and Blizz games was something I did very often during Christmas breaks.

Yeah, I enjoyed all the games, but rogue leader really sucked us in, probably because we were huge SW fans and the franchise was a big deal at the time. The quality of the game stands the test of time, certainly.

>> No.9517372
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>> No.9517406

Great Christmas

Great Christmas

LEGENDARY Christmas!

Great Christmas

>> No.9517424

Link's Awakening. And Mario Golf the year before that.

>> No.9517505
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it was 1998, also demo one and psmag eurodemo 39

>> No.9517539
File: 130 KB, 256x251, A_Bug's_Life_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every year was wonderful but I remember these the most.
A Bugs Life
Toy Story 2
Documents of MGS2
Marvel Vs Capcom 2
Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2
Dead or Alive Xtreme
Prince of Persia Warrior Within
GTA Vice City

>> No.9517564


Epic puss bubble blisters and ruined n64 controllers

>> No.9517571

>Get a brand spanking new PS One with Crash 3 for christmas
>No memory card
Classic mom moment.

>> No.9517617
File: 28 KB, 243x409, Sonic_the_Hedgehog_CD_North_American_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On Christmas of 1993, I got the Sega CD and one of the best Sonic games ever to go with it.

>> No.9517645

>No memory card
kek that happened to me with Gauntlet Legends on the N64. Neither of my parents knew what a memory card was, which is odd, they were both played games and kept up to date on things up until that specific console generation.

>> No.9518924
File: 33 KB, 608x456, A4574757-7A63-4F8E-B025-A9D2FA6E7356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bomberman 64, the first one

>> No.9518989
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My mom took this away from me after she saw the case and yelled at my dad for gifting me a game with a sexy woman on the cover, accusing him of wanting to oggle tits and ass while he just kept insisting that he had heard it's a good game. To this day I never got around to actually playing it, though I've played the modern ones and I'm disappointed they nerfed her boobas. It's like the devs decided to listen to people like my jealous mother.