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9506182 No.9506182 [Reply] [Original]

I can't be the only one who actually likes this game, right? Maybe it's nostalgia speaking but I honestly think it's pretty aight. Nice artstyle, some really fun levels (although admittedly some shit ones too) and top-tier music.

>> No.9506195

No I like it as well anon. It's SA3 in a way.

>> No.9506196

of course its good, don't fall into the sonic le bad meme made by retards who never played sonic in their lifes

also that music https://youtu.be/WMiELYCfyJA

>> No.9506276

It's ok.
It seems like a game that had troubled development.
The engine seems like it had 0 playtesting. Almost every mechanic in this game has at least 1 thing off about them.
I've had a few game overs from the rails, Light Dash, and vine swings just flat out not working correctly.
The difference in levels for each of the teams aren't really too different enough to justify playing every stage 4+ times.
Speed character is fun, but 75% ends in a falling death.
The Bonus Emerald stage and Pinball controls are some of the worst things in any video game.

That being said, some of the mechanics are fun, the jank and repeating voice lines can be funny or charming at times, the graphics and music are nice and it runs smoothly.
This coming from someone who finished it the other day.

>> No.9506293

I wanted to like it but it was just too glitchy. I had the PS2 version, though, which I've heard was the worst version.

>> No.9506312
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I like it too anons. Hell, I prefer it to adventure 1 and 2. I like that its structured like a classic sonic game with 2 acts and stages; I like that its all speed levels instead of making me go treasure hunting or fishing or some other stuff I'd rather not do.

I think the art direction is one of the better attempts 3D sonic had done at the time to match the Genesis titles.

I especially love Rail Canyon and Egg Fleet when you can just jump out into the skybox and land on a rail.

Once you get used to the jank in the controller it I think its fun and you can pull off some cool moves. Biggest issue is playing all stories takes too long just to see the real ending. Still done it 3 times That and the Bonus stages being genuinely shit

>> No.9506323

Visually speaking it's probably the most stunning Sonic game ever made.
The physics kill it for me however. It's so easy to fall off a ledge with rocket accel and by attacking with knuckles/omega. I can't count how many cheap deaths I had because of that.

I wish there was a fix for this issue. It's really damn annoying.

>> No.9506329

>Here they come!
>Eggman's robots!
>Leave them to me, Sonic.

>> No.9506331

Team Sonic/Dark/Rose should have all been more distinct from each other. They're basically just a level length modifier and if you play Team Dark first you've seen everything and more that the Sonic/Rose campaigns have to offer.

>> No.9506371


>> No.9506384

The way it was intended was
>Team Rose = easy mode
>Team Sonic = normal mode
>Team Dark = hard mode
But then it made no sense that you had to play them all to unlock the final story. And it's unlikely anyone would play Team Rose before Sonic or Dark, so needing to do the easy mode (including forced tutorial at the beginning) after the others was especially boring

>> No.9506390

Vector needs to be playable more often
It's one of the few good designs in this franchise

>> No.9506639

>I think the art direction is one of the better attempts 3D sonic had done at the time to match the Genesis titles.
I feel like Adventure 1 was closer to the Mega Drive games, but I really like Heroes' art direction. Something about it is just so satisfying and fun, almost toyetic in a way.
Oh yeah the physics are rough. I'm surprised there's not been a fix implemented by some enterprising fan for the PC version as IIRC it's abandonware.

>> No.9506698

You aren't the only one that likes it because sonic fans will settle for anything, but i think its easily the least fun out of any 3D sonic title. Sonic 2006 is so broken its funny, this game is only broken enough to be ass. It is exactly the same game as shadow the hedgehog without what makes shadow fun (shooting at police, crazy story, edgelord aesthetic). It does nothing well and most things very poorly. I've played a ton of sonic in my life but i dont think i've ever had the urge to go back and play sonic heroes to have fun.

>> No.9506772

I remember liking it as a kid so I tried it again recently and it just felt miserable to play

>> No.9506869

Sonic Heroes? More like Sonic Shitters
can't hold a candle to Adventure 1 or 2; a shame we got Heroes instead of adventure 3 but Sonic 06 in a way is Adventure 3 so maybe that avenue is best left undisturbed and buried

>> No.9506879

Its fun in short bursts but gets repetitive fast. Carried hard by the graphics and music

>> No.9506913

when i was a kid playing this me and my autistic friends were obsessed and we'd run around in a line at recess and occasionally say a character's line for swapping and change who was running in front kek

>> No.9506930

Have you replayed it recently? I had fond memories of it as a kid and went through it again a couple months ago, enough to actually beat the last boss this time. Its an enjoyable game but God its flaws are obvious when you're older.

I liked the colour saturation as a kid though it comes as more kitsch now, and the models do look like action figures. I feel like if you petted sonic in a not gay way it'd be like touching a wax model or something. The gameplay is much jankier than I remember it being and I got catapulted into space more than a few times using the homing attack. Doing the four stories fucking sucks, and the special stages are bs.

>> No.9506969

this game was the first game as a kid to make me reconsider buying things without researching them first. it made me a cynic

>> No.9506980

love this. I was a kid for starfox 64 and my friends and I publicly embarrassed ourselves in a similar fashion

>> No.9506991
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>I feel like if you petted sonic in a not gay way

>> No.9506997

I'm very fond of it, though there can be some truly bullshit falling deaths.
I like how it's pretty much one of the only 3D Sonic games that've truly captured the aesthetics of the 2D games.

>> No.9507138
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the railway/canyon stages were my top favorite. in general, I have good memories of the game, but now I don't want to ruin it by replaying because it seems janky as hell.

>> No.9507198

Too many cheap deaths to be really enjoyable.
I hated it back in the day, trying to unlock everything.
No way I am going to replay it vanilla.

>> No.9507212

>I wish there was a fix for this issue
Stop holding a direction while attacking with knuckles/omega

>> No.9507324

Can't blame you. Though I emulated the GC version rather than the PS2 version I grew up with which allegedly makes for a better experience. The flaws are very in-your-face when you're older.

>> No.9507340

I mean the adventure games weren't AAA but it was the beginning of the end

>> No.9507346
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It's a good game, but in hindsight and even at the time the goofy tone comes off as juvenile compared to the Adventure games. Shadow's game gets a lot of hate but I give them credit for picking up where SA2 left off with cool stuff like remixes.

>> No.9507351
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Also bringing back this guy as a regular enemy in the later stages and having the walker mechs from SA2 as vehicles in the game you can just mount and unmount. Such a cool idea

>> No.9507443

I wish Sonic Frontiers looked more like this game in terms of UI and artstyle direction.

>> No.9507480

Same. I miss the anime-esque look the series had. '06 was the turning point and since Unleashed the character designs have been virtually unchanged. I would go as far as to say that Sega has been re-using the same character models of Unleashed even.
You can really tell Sonic games lost "soul" after Yuji Naka left.

>> No.9508721

I beat team rose first cuz i got filtered by power plant chapter as a kid

>> No.9508761

It's a major step down from the SA games in basically every regard IMO. Even the voice acting is somehow worse.

>> No.9508771

>I can't be the only one who actually likes this game, right?
Statistically no, you can't.

>> No.9508872

You're not and I think the people who complain about the controls just suck ass. I played it on PC and have zero complaints about the controls.

>> No.9508878

It's just a conversation starter.

>> No.9508885

I have beaten around 1000 games in my life, including basically every Sonic game, and this is one of the worst games I have ever played. It's painfully boring, and the visuals and audio are genuinely unpleasant. Those horrible 60 second music loops and the gross animation. It commits just about every cardinal sin a game can commit.

I could go into more detail but you get the idea.

>> No.9509126

It's really good, and Knux feels like knuxx

>> No.9509259

The music, really? I thought that's one of the game's strong points, it's not quite as good as the Adventure games, but it's mostly great music

>> No.9509609

Here I come, rougher than Knuckles
The best of them, tougher than Knuckles
You can call me Knuckles, unlike Knuckles I don't chuckle
I'd rather flex my Knuckles
I'm hard as Knuckles, it ain't hard to chuckle
I break 'em down whether they're Knuckles or Knuckles
Unlike Knuckles I'm independent since my first chuckle
First Knuckles, feel the Knuckles, than the Knuckle chuckle

>> No.9509701

The main and final boss themes are both pretty good.

>> No.9509819

It's alright, but for what it's trying to be some of the levels really outstay their welcome. I think it's great that they tried to go back to the Genesis format instead of just doing Sonic Adventure 3. For the first few levels, it really is a blast to shoot through the levels in whichever way you see fit. I recall there being lots of branching paths and different ways of approaching a level depending on which team member you have selected.

The big problem comes later on in the game when enemy health gets so fucking bloated that you have to stop the pace and hammer away at these enemies for upwards of 10-20 seconds (a hell of a lot of time to be stopped in a Sonic game), even if you had all team members fully leveled. This problem is magnified with the sheer size of some of the levels towards the end of the campaigns. A lot of the reason they take so long to beat is because of all the forced combat with massive enemies. And the last few levels weren't really all that interesting to boot. Compound that with the fact that you basically have to play the same levels four times to fully beat the game, and it got really tiring after a while. For a single playthrough? Sure, it's a fun time. But I'd never willingly completely beat the game ever again.

>> No.9509838

All the characters look greased, and control like it too.

>> No.9509843

No, I like it as well.

>> No.9509865


>> No.9510078

Been replaying it recently, fun as fuck once you get over the Jank and learn how to deal with it

>> No.9510640

>The big problem comes later on in the game when enemy health gets so fucking bloated that you have to stop the pace and hammer away at these enemies for upwards of 10-20 seconds (a hell of a lot of time to be stopped in a Sonic game), even if you had all team members fully leveled.
This isn't true, if you have your members fully levelled you fucking blitz everything, even the tankiest enemies. It rewards doing the levels in one life with a smoother experience and better time, another idea from the Genesis games. The issue is of course that that isn't always practical and the game is so janky and untested that even a skilled player will eventually careen off a cliff through no real fault of their own and be left facing down a bunch of super chunky enemies that they're nearly powerless against because the power gap between lv0 and lv3 is utterly insane.

>> No.9511453

>It seems like a game that had troubled development.
It did.

>> No.9511458

Just play P-06.

>> No.9511498

Sonic 06' is the true SA3, Hereos has it's own identity.

>> No.9511524

Yeah it's not that bad. Final fortress and egg fleet are good levels, there is a ton of good music, and if you're looking for an arcadey type game to just play it's good. The physics issue is overblown I think. Obviously it shouldn't have any issues but as long as you're not retarded you'll figure out stuff like when not to hold the directional stick, the fact that flying is the best attack type, etc.

>> No.9511827

>Bright colors
>Neat graphics
>interesting settings
Game's good

>> No.9512223

Sonic 06 is better than heroes.

>> No.9512954


>> No.9512986

No, really. Sonic 06 can be laughed at, Heroes is also bad at everything but it doesn't have any of the entertainment value. just garbage level design with slippery controls and a gross plastic aesthetic, and jun senoue flat out phoning it in

>> No.9513035

It's a good game, but Adventure 1 and 2 are way better. Almost every stage in those two is built with mastery in mind and that makes almost every level there worthwhile and fun, and the controls compliment that. In Heroes, most of the stages are fun to just play through, but not fun at all to master due to the controls breaking and the levels being so long and repetitive. The bosses in Heroes also suck, and while Adventure 1 and 2 also had some meh bosses, they were quick and there were some good ones that made it worthwhile, while in Heroes there's only Egg Albatross and Emperor that are fun, you have to do both of them four times and the rest of the fights (which you also have to do four times) are boring filler.

>> No.9513043

Never played it but I enjoyed Running Shine's review of it.


>> No.9513046

Heroes is playable, Sonic 06 is mostly glitches and long loading times. 06 is pretty hard to like even ironically as a dumb contrarian joke.

>> No.9514708

I only like the sonic campaign. Team dark's levels are way too long and the constant combat ruins the flow, team rose is really boring and team chaotix means a dice roll if a level will be fine or completely miserable. team sonic's campaign is great and the best sonic was after 3&k until rush

>> No.9514713

I think it's terrible which is odd because I can see why people like it. At least it's not Unleashed.