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File: 303 KB, 1530x1369, metroid 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9504004 No.9504004 [Reply] [Original]

I made a thread the other day about Metroid 1 and some people were saying Metroid 2 was a big improvement. I'm playing it now and I have to say that I completely disagree.
The controls are super sluggish, especially whenever you're in the air. In the first game you slowed down when jumping, but it still felt pretty satisfying; in Metroid 2 it's way too slow. Specifically, there's a big problem with how long you can hold the A button to jump. In Metroid 1, whenever you release the button, you immediately stop rising and begin falling. In Metroid 2, however, after a certain point, it becomes impossible to cancel out your jump, so even if you let go of the button, Samus will continue to rise, and this feels really shitty. If you've played the game you'll know what I mean.
The screen is way too zoomed in and it's retarded that there's no automap. In Metroid 1 they advised you to make your own map, and that's what I did, but such a recommendation is not repeated in Metroid 2's manual, and making your own map would fucking suck because of how zoomed in the screen is. So I've spent ages going over the same little bit of area with the shitty sluggish controls and ear rape music (trying to be suspenseful and atmospheric on the Gameboy was an ambitious concept but it falls flat on its face, it's just a bunch of irritating beeping) and can't find the gay fucking Metroid. I've got 18 left so I'm not even halfway through this bitch.
So the first game was definitely better. I don't know why they put a "mainline" sequel to the original on the Gameboy of all things.

>> No.9504083

>classic metroid bad
yes we know. go run along and play zero mission and am2r

>> No.9504085

Weird. I've cleared all of the mainline Metroid games (1-5) and didn't have any of the problems you mentioned in 2. I like 2 a lot. I also like the original a lot, but 2 is a huge step forward because video games changed a lot in the few years between the release of Metroid and Metroid 2.

I recommend playing the game on a Super Game Boy. The added colors do a lot to help the game. Just don't use the default pallet because it's ugly.

>> No.9504091

I also liked 2 a little more than the first game, but none of your criticisms are really too unfair. I unsurprisingly like Super Metroid, Fusion and Zero Mission a lot more than the first two games.
I don't take as much issue with the sound design in the game as you do, but I did always feel that the screen was zoomed in just a little too much for my liking. The other guy is totally right though; it looks a little nicer on a Super Game Boy.

>> No.9504094

Metroid 2 is good, but Metroid 1 is a masterpiece. Agree with you on the physics. Unfortunately Game Boy games almost always have much worse physics than NES games

>> No.9504169

call me a bitch boy but I actually rather like the 3ds remake. haven't gotten around to trying am2r despite its praise. I tried to play the og back in the day but didn't get all the way through it, the areas just all started to blend together as I played it and it lost my interest.

>> No.9504201

Metroid 2 is split into very easily navigatable chunks of cave that you tackle one by one without ever having a reason to backtrack to anything earlier. This is specifically so you can easily keep the layout in your head and thus be able to play on the go without taking notes or drawing maps, which is why the manual doesn't recommend it.
If you can't find more Metroids despite not having activated a quake after your most recent kill, you always know it's somewhere within a few screens of you, so all you need to do is comb those screens over again to find whatever door you missed.

>> No.9504203

No worries, bitch boy. I have the 3DS version sitting in my backlog.

>> No.9504248

the parry sounded real gimmicky on paper but so far it really hasn't gotten old bitchslapping enemies away before drilling them with lasers. the timing is narrow enough to make you feel cool with a reasonable possibility of failure and wide enough to not too regularly disrupt the illusion of power. also movement feels real nice.

>> No.9504259

>If you've played the game you'll know what I mean [about the jumping].

I have and I don't. It was like twenty years ago though so I've forgotten some things. Still, I would remember hating the jumping.

Same goes for the zoomed-in view and the lack of a map. I had no problem with these aspects of the game. I also didn't mind the music, although I didn't actively enjoy most of it.

What I did dislike about the game was its linearity. I didn't feel like I was exploring. And yeah, the graphics and sound aren't the best. So:

>the first game was definitely better.

I agree. Dunno why people here keep whining about it. It's super old, it's clunky, whatever. Be generous with it or don't play it. This is not a difficult choice, though you'd think it were given how much trouble 4chan douches keep on having with it.

>> No.9504345

I agree, the linearity really hurts it. It feels like it could've just as well had a Mario style world map the way it's split up into standalone levels.

>> No.9504516

Someone saying you don't need a map for Metroid 2 was the secret to it finally clicking for me.
The new area you can explore after each earthquake is actually quite small, so the game is infinitely more linear than the original game.
Stop seething about the lack of a map and give your full attention to figuring out the layout and secrets of the relatively small area you are currently in, in your brain and you should be good.

>> No.9504893

>I have and I don't. It was like twenty years ago though so I've forgotten some things. Still, I would remember hating the jumping.
If you play Metroid 2 right after Metroid 1, you'll notice it right away.

>> No.9504934
File: 9 KB, 250x226, gumpei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> too zoomed in
it was designed for a gray brick, not a modern monitor or even a CRT
> too slow
LCD refresh was ass on the gray brick
> no map
the point of the game is to get lost and learn your way around
> annoying beeping
...yeah ur right that shit sucks
> the jump
crouching and jumping gives you another height, 2 tile i think it is
> blah blah blah
its honestly a technical masterpiece for the system it was designed for, yes its flawed, but its far superior and not really comparable to anything else on the system as far as an open world action platformer

>> No.9504937

Yeah, it's really good for the Gameboy, amazing even, but why the fuck is it on the Gameboy?

>> No.9504946
File: 61 KB, 300x276, mario_isScrewed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> why the fuck is it on the Gameboy?
the same Nintendo R&D 1 team that made the original game made the gameboy

>> No.9504969

Super > ZM > AM2R > 1 > 2

Haven't played Fusion or Dread.

>> No.9505920
File: 125 KB, 1138x1024, Metroid II - Return of Samus (World)-221220-175829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished it. I managed to get the Samus strip tease on my first go again, too.
The metroid nest at the end of the game was really cool and mostly redeemed the rest of the game for me. It's the first time this game actually succeeds in creating a suspenseful atmosphere; I was actually just a little on edge when I walked into the final room and heard the noises the queen made without being able to see her.
Overall this game is pretty good, and I wouldn't say it's skippable or anything, but the first game is still much better. Metroid 1 manages to stay ahead of its remake by actually being open-ended (unlike Zero Mission which is linear casualized shit), but I doubt Metroid 2 is actually superior to AM2R. It's probably better than Samus Returns, though, because that game looks like ass.

>> No.9505943
File: 19 KB, 460x276, images - 2022-12-21T120712.241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're worse than Metroid 1. Kid Icarus is better than metroid, Earthworm Jim is better than Super Metroid, pick any first person shooter and it's better than Prime.

Other M is really the only Metroid game that got it right and that's because Team Ninja know how to make babe's look sexy.

>> No.9505945

>Zero Mission which is linear casualized shit
fuck off to your zoomer contrarian hole

>> No.9505958

the main thing it offers over the original is graphical ambiance, the first game is extremely dry visually even for a nes game.

>> No.9505961

I played Zero Mission right after I finished M1 and it was literally unplayable to me. You take a game that intentionally gives you no direction, and you turn it into a game that forces you to receive objective markers. Shit.

>> No.9505965

Zero mission had simplified controls which put off people who played Super Metroid first.

>> No.9506164

holy moly now this is a collection of takes

>> No.9506327


Did they really put that speck of turd on her chin

>> No.9506543

It's a "beauty mark". Doesn't really fit Samus's face or general demeanor but that's Other M for you. Wasn't that game all about Samus worrying about her eggs drying up because of a baby metroid?

>> No.9506642
File: 33 KB, 600x691, EDC010CB-6320-405B-8D43-0B3367969F3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9506709

ACfag, take your falseflag baiting ass back to /v/.

>> No.9506743

I'm not going to read all of that, but I will say I rented metroid 2 the day the video store got it in and finished it by the second day.

>> No.9507815

some of the worst bait yet produced