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950173 No.950173 [Reply] [Original]

>zSNES 2.0 is under development.

>> No.950179

it will probably have the same gay fucking GUI. I don't know how that GUI alone on ZSNES doesn't just drive people away from it next to the fact its fucking shitty. 2.0 will probably be shit too

>> No.950178


It's basically snes9x with a zSNES GUI. However, it's very WIP and possibly buggy. Download only to test it out. Previous versions had sound issues.

When this is all done, it's going to be officially called zsnes 2.0 and put on the main site.

>> No.950184

>it will probably have the same gay fucking GUI
spot on, the emulator is actually snes9x it just has the zsnes interface because retards are attached to it and wont move on

>> No.950187



>> No.950190

what? an outdated buggy emulator is different from an old game. what is your point?

>> No.950193

I didn't actually say that I just think it's silly to purposely limit yourself to an emulator that has numerous problems and has not received an update for over half a decade because you like the interface

>> No.950194

They really are determined to kill that piece of shit aren't they?

>> No.950196

Thats nice.

Get your filthy horse garbage out of here.

>> No.950195

OP, that's misleading. This is by no means zsnes 2.0
You had me intrigued for a second there.

>> No.950204

>has not received an update for over half a decade
SNES9X also hasn't updated in half a decade. Your point?
inb4 bsnes/higan bloatware

>> No.950202

>This is by no means zsnes 2.0
>You had me intrigued for a second there.

The plan is to turn this into zsnes 2.0 after testing is done. Regular zsnes 2.0 is never gonna happen, and the last "dev build" is like 6 years old. All that's needed is to have whoever still maintains the zsnes site to get on board.

>> No.950209

What? It's continuously getting updates.


>> No.950210

an actual zsnes 2.0 is never happening, there's just no reason to try it has x86 assembly mixed in the source code and there are already better emulators that are open source

>> No.950215 [DELETED] 

sent ;)

>> No.950217


Speaking of, why doesn't Snes9x:

>Get a new website that isn't dead
>Release a new stable version

Them not having a proper site is one of the biggest reasons it isn't adopted as much as zsnes. I know they lost access to the site, but jesus man, just make a new one.

>> No.950218

Let's think about it, though. Who has the final say in whether it counts or not? The current ZSNES team, whatever remains of it? But the people who first coded ZSNES left the project looooooong ago. Does ZSNES 1.51 not count as a real version, then?

>> No.950220

Good question.

>> No.950226

ZSNES is shit. This isn't about "stop liking what I don't like" ZSNES is literal shit, its free like every other emulator so you are knowingly choosing to use an inferior program, ZSNES sucks shit and thats the bottom line cuz stone cold said so

>> No.950237

And besides, the concept of there being a "new" version without the original people on board isn't new in the world of emulation. Snes9x has changed hands several times. Nestopia's dev fell off the map one days years ago, and someone else has since picked up the slack. 1964's last "official" version was 1.1 long ago, but some people worked on it and gout out a version 1.2.

So really, there's no reason this cannot be ZSNES 2.0. It takes ZSNES, rips out its emulation core, and replaces it with a better one that isn't written in fucking x86 ASM.

>> No.950258

I mainly use ZSNES for playing romhacks.

>> No.950264

>I mainly use ZSNES for playing romhacks.

Ah, yes. Someone should make a version of snes9x or bsnes that is fully compatible with those romhacks. Then we can finally get rid of zsnes.

>> No.950281

Fucking retard go back to /v/

>> No.950297 [DELETED] 

Meanwhile, on /v/

>> No.950347

this will never happen. do you understand why?


well, the reason all those shitty romhacks work on zsnes and no other snes emulator is because zsnes's emulation of the original hardware is piss-poor. it uses various workarounds and straight-up bullshit to increase performance.

the reason why bsnes needs a computer capable of running Crysis at max settings is because the coder is so anally-retentive about getting exact hardware accuracy. which zsnes did not really give a shit about.

and that is why your romhacks do not work on bsnes or real hardware

>> No.950354

>the reason why bsnes needs a computer capable of running Crysis at max settings is because the coder is so anally-retentive about getting exact hardware accuracy.

While true, I do have to point out that many people exaggerate bsnes' performance needs. I run balanced core at full speed for most games on an Intel Dual core 2.0 laptop CPU. That isn't exactly cutting edge.

I've also heard that byuu is not the best coder, and has failed to optimize his code properly, which results in a lot of lost performance.

>> No.950361

>well, the reason all those shitty romhacks work on zsnes and no other snes emulator is because zsnes's emulation of the original hardware is piss-poor. it uses various workarounds and straight-up bullshit to increase performance.

Good example of this is what happened to numerous SMW hacks. A series of programs called AddMusic with versions by various programmers were made but used zsnes as a base since it was (and unfortunately still is somewhat) the most popular snes emulator. But then people wised up on zsnes' shitty emulating and now a whole lot of smw hacks are unplayable on accurate emulators or on the actual console. It wasn't until a year or two ago when addmusics were made with emulation on the actual snes in mind.

>> No.950360

What you talking about

>> No.950369

Learn to cross-link.

There's no reason why you can't break SNES9x or bsnes, BZSNES does in fact have a few tiny changes that allow certain things to work, but only as much as you'd expect from an April Fools Day joke.

>> No.950397

There's other reasons as well. Bottom line is to test on the real system if you can, but bsnes is a close second.

He's covered that somewhere, and code readability comes before optimization for obvious reasons. Also have you tried any games with the Super FX or SA1 chip?

>> No.950406

>and code readability comes before optimization for obvious reasons.

Optimization should come first.

>> No.950816

The zsnes GUI is one of the things I like least about zsnes, it's macro ability is really the only worthwhile thing and some people prefer the netplay.
I far prefer snes9x ui because I can just type the name of shit and windows will find it and list it and just tap to it enter and done.

>> No.950882

>Having any kind of loyalty towards ZSNES whatsoever

I understand nostalgia but COME ON. These types of people on Facebook were even arguing about the same thing, It was so stupid, I closed my browser a few times

>> No.950891

Funny thing is that this ZSNES 2.0 is made by a guy who hates ZSNES, and it's actually a trojan horse designed so that people still stuck to ZSNES would upgrade to something much better and stop using that emulator once and for all. Genius, really.

>> No.950902

Optimization at the cost of readability is pointless when your codebase becomes so difficult to maintain you abandon the project.

For any large codebase, a certain level of readability trumps pretty much everything.

>> No.950906

>with a zSNES GUI.
What? Why?

>> No.950909

>it just has the zsnes interface because retards are attached to it and wont move on
I don't get it, somebody likes that - that thing?

>> No.950912

Why are you people being so autismal over liking an interface? It's not even liking ZSNES as an emulator, just its GUI. This is completely a matter of opinion.

>> No.950998

Awesome, this will literally kill BSNES

>imb4 they fuck it up and it's SNES9x with a ZSNES skin, but not its functions.

>> No.951067

More like under development for android market jewbucks

>> No.951753

Even more so for one where improvements have come from many sources.

Agreed. While I'd still never use ZSNES just because of the underlying code and its third-rate Linux support, I do have a soft spot for its UI, and it's definitely good usability-wise.

>> No.952713

>>half the rest of the thread
The ZSNES GUI has to be the most polarizing thing I have ever encountered. Everyone either absolutely loves it or hates it, and there's a huge group of people (for example 950909 and 950226) who just can't understand how someone could possibly be in the other group.
It's quite fascinating, really.

>> No.952737

>Awesome, this will literally kill BSNES

Byuu is doing a good job with that. He's added extra things, and hoops for people to jump through.

People are going to keep using bsnes, but through RetroArch, and now, ironically through zSNES 2.0 (zmz). ZMZ allows for the playing of SNES libretro cores, and bsnes has been ported to Libretro.

>> No.952832

idk if byuu is awesome or awful as I have no means to compare, but certainly he probably has not spent as much time optimizing as he has trying to get hardware-level accuracy.

i also absolutely exaggerated the hardware reqs, but they are substantially higher than what zsnes requires.

and there is a reason for this.


completely disagree, readability is more important at the end of the day

>> No.952838

>completely disagree, readability is more important at the end of the day

The effect on the end user is #1.

>> No.952863

>Everyone either absolutely loves it or hates it, and there's a huge group of people (for example 950909 and 950226) who just can't understand how someone could possibly be in the other group.
>It's quite fascinating, really.

Welcome to 4chan

>> No.952864


Irrelevant. No change you'd reasonably make for the sake of readability is beyond the compiler's ability to optimize back out when you actually build the code.

>> No.953065

So while he does the emulation core, other people handle the users? He'd probably say "Mission Accomplished" to that.

>> No.954621

Readable code affects the end user by being less buggy

>> No.954651

I have used ZSNES always and have no idea why it gets hate.

>> No.954732

Because its popularity combined with its inaccuracy is holding back the SNES ROMhacking scene from utilizing the full potential of the SNES.

>> No.956739

The ONLY reason I could imagine someone using ZSNES is the fact that it's the only SNES emulator for Mac that can create ZST files, which in turn allow easy extraction of palettes. It is its only advantage.
ZSNES is inaccurate and gives the false impression of accuracy.

>> No.956757

Because it does what 99.99999% of the people playing ROMs want: IT RUNS THE GAME. MUH ACCURAYCAY FIVE TERAHERTZ CPU MINIMUM faggots are just ultra-butthurt their irrelevant shit gets ignored.

>> No.957049

ZSNES is great if you ignore games like Yoshi's Island, Super Mario RPG, Donkey Kong Country 2, Donkey Kong Country 3, Zelda 3, Kirby Super Star, Kirby's Dream Land 3, Earthworm Jim 2, Der Langrisser, Tetris Attack, Air Strike Patrol, Battle Blaze, Jurassic Park, Star Fox, Timecop etc...
Some of these games are buggy in ZSNES, some play at double speed, some flash as crazy and the list of problems just goes on.

The ZSNES developers didn't even bother to add an exception for the "SNES test program" so it doesn't even manage to pass that.

If you're still running ZSNES today you are either horribly poor or out of your mind.

>> No.957054

If I wanted to play Star Fox at three frames per second I'd play it on my Super Nintendo.

ZSNES running it at a playable framerate is a welcome change.

>> No.957076

If ZSNES runs at full speed on your computer then you're probably running the game at twice the speed it runs on a normal SNES. It's still probably a fun game but it's not the experience you'd find while playing on a console.

>> No.957083

Again, I own the game. If I wanted to play it as it really is, I would play it on my Super Nintendo. If I wanted to play it at a good framerate, I play it on ZSNES.

You people act like emulators tie you for life. Guess what, you can have more than one emulator and you can both emulate and play the real thing at the same time.

ZSNES has problems, but being able to run Star Fox at full speed is absolutely not one of them. It's not accurate, no, but there are other emulators for that.

>> No.957093

>You people act like emulators tie you for life

They do you stupid jerk! This is a very serious matter.

>> No.957191

Hey it's your life and your decisions. I personally value accuracy above speed but I can't force you or anybody to do what I want. I've just experienced too many ZSNES fanatics that have decided that ZSNES is the only reasonably SNES emulator and if you make homebrew it has to work on ZSNES.
The problem has been a huge factor when it comes to Super Mario World hacking, as people have refused to improve the current tools because any improvement in the coding would break ZSNES.

>> No.957258

What? I played all of those games, on ZSNES. No problems whatsoever. In fact, ZSNES is better than your autism emulators which can't even run Starfox without stuttering.

>> No.957274

>You people act like emulators tie you for life. Guess what, you can have more than one emulator
It's funny to me, because I agree with you, but have always used the most recent actively developed versions of FCEU and Snes9x.

>> No.957325

It's fine dude, I usually listen to music at twice the original speed as well. It makes me feel edgy.

>> No.957652

ZSNES used all of those workarounds and bullshit to make games ACTUALLY RUN at a time when more accurate emulation wasn't possible because of the typical computer hardware power at the time and lack of insight into the technical workings of the SNES or individual games' cartridges. While it's outdated now and there's no good reason to use ZSNES anymore, and it has left a bit of a bad legacy (romhack community using shitty old tools that rely on ZSNES, people not switching over to better emulators because they use romhacks or like ZSNES's interface), it was a good emulator in its time, before people could even consider trying to do actual hardware-level accuracy, and treating it as if it were always a piece of shit that nobody should have ever used is not really a fair or honest approach.

>> No.957668

Or you could play it on RetroArch's Snes9x-Next core, which has an overclock function that allows you to play it just as fast if not faster than ZSNES does, while still being an overall better emulator.

>> No.957672

I bet you don't even know what was wrong with those games or what the correct behavior is supposed to be like, so you perceived them as running without any issues at all.

Hint: on Jurassic Park, the factoid windows that pop up aren't supposed to be solid. Neither are things like water supposed to be opaque in Kirby's Dreamland 3.

>> No.957682

Eh, I never really mind zSnes but after the many comments on bSnes on /vr/ I checked it out and really enjoy how accurate the games play.

>> No.957731

Bsnes is a research project to create the most accurate snes emulator and document how it works so emulation of the snes can be improved further, it's not about speed. Byuu suggests using compatibility or snes9x instead if you actually want speed.

>> No.957827

I still don't get the attachment to ZSNES, it's 2013 now

>> No.958192 [DELETED] 

So the differences are so irrelevant that you can't even tell it's "wrong"? Oh wow. You go have fun chasing that MUH AUTHENTIC RETRO EXPERIENCE LIKE THE DEVELOPERS INTENDED which you'll never attain because if you weren't a 12 year old tumblr hipster you'd know that even back then the gaming experience was wildly different from setup to setup and there never was any LIKE THE DEVELOPERS INTENDED bullshit.

>> No.958240


You can play Star Fox over clocked properly in Snes9x-Next. It plays it much smoother and at a stable faster frame rate.

zsnes does overlcocking for SFX games, but by accident. It was because it didn't know how to work them right. It plays them twice the speed, but not as good as snes9x-Next.

Right now SNES9x-Next can be used in:

Any feature that zsnes has that's good has already been done in other emulators, and likely much better.

>> No.958250

>I still don't get the attachment to ZSNES, it's 2013 now

Humans are semi-rational creatures. Once emotional attachment gets into things, all reason is thrown out. They use their brains awesome power to rationalize their emotional decisions. Think about all those things you can't really understand why people do, especially in different cultures.

>> No.958252

They still intended your character to be visible behind trees (KDL3) or the game to not freeze on equipping items or getting star pieces (SMRPG) or barrels not to keep spinning (DKC2).

>> No.958257


2/10 bait

>> No.958260

Things like missing transparencies in Kirby's Dreamland 3 is hardly "irrelevant". I know, because I actually played it on a real SNES back when it came out. My cousin lost the cartridge, so later on I felt like playing and so I downloaded the ROM. Imagine my confusion when I couldn't see Kirby through the goddamn water, which I knew could not be correct because I played the real game years before.

And that's not even getting into the music.

>> No.958262
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>responding to obvious zsnes trolls instead of reporting and moving on

>> No.958267



More ZSNESfag delusion. Jesus Christ, just accept you are wrong and move on from that old inaccurate piece of shit

>> No.958284
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>> No.958303

>just accept you are wrong and move on from that old inaccurate piece of shit

You mean move on to ZSNES 2.0? Ok!

>> No.958309


Why would you report people having a conversation about emulators?

I haven't been reading the thread, but come on. If it bothers you that some people are bickering about ZSNES, just ignore them.

>> No.958361

Higan is bloatware?

>> No.958371

>Higan is bloatware?

bsnes is great. Higan adds a bunch of other emulators that are all alpha level and not needed.

>> No.958570

>not even Tim fucking Willits liked the pre-reboot version of Doom 4

Jesus fucking Christ, how do you make a game that fucking bad?

>> No.959148

The GBA core, sure. The GB core is necessary for Super Game Boy, though it definitely needs work, Gambatte is far better. The NES core actually has potential to be awesome but it currently falls down with mapper support.