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File: 34 KB, 314x315, Mariobros2japanbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9498840 No.9498840 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished the lost levels on mario all stars and nintendo made the right decision.

This game would have been too difficult for westerners. Also American Mario Bros. 2 is such an awesome game.

Did nintendo make the right choice?

Also which mario 2 do you prefer?

I pefer american 2

>> No.9498853
File: 54 KB, 600x600, G03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9498854

There's only one Mario 2. The other is Doki Doki Panic.

>> No.9498889

>a-woohoo it's a me, a mario!
>ka-CHING! Hey-a-looka that-a brick, she's filled with-a the coin!
kids in america were too street smart to fall for this schtick over and over and over again

>> No.9498996

Back then Mario talked like a real person instead of Martinet's awful take.

>> No.9499004

Miyamoto and Tezuka got completely cucked. Imagine show ashamed they felt when they got told that one of their games was too unacceptable to be released, and that they wanted to replace it with another game that they didn't even make. And this was during the development of Mario 3 when they probably had a big ego.

>> No.9499265 [DELETED] 

this (or super mario usa if you prefer)
stupid fat burgers

>> No.9499271 [DELETED] 

Autistic, or triggered because Mario literally btfos tranny Birdos like yourself(samefag) throughout the entire game? In any case, best music, best control, best everything of any 8-bit Mario title

>> No.9499273 [DELETED] 

T. Birdo
I've literally never seen this topic discussed here

>> No.9499279

Mario Lost Levels is much better than SMB2 USA, which makes sense as SMB2 USA is a "Mario" game in cosmetic appearance only. I just hate the core gameplay feel and control of SMB2 USA.

>> No.9499442


>> No.9499458

I tagged teamed with a friend, the guy whose name may be from the Devil May Cry series, he and I wooped the game and was a great time, never going to forget, we gave this game quite a run.

>> No.9499461

Japanese SM2 is more like an addon to the original game than anything else, also reminder that Doki Doki Panic was originally going to be a mario game anyway, SMB2 USA was just the game returning to it's roots.

>> No.9499531
File: 596 KB, 1414x2000, smb2jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just finished the lost levels on mario all stars
The All Stars version is not that bad actually, they fixed the spring physics and most importantly, they don't make you start from the beginning of the world after getting a game over. Remember Worlds 7, 8, C and D? Now Imagine playing the FDS version of this
>Did nintendo make the right choice?
Yes because if they didn't we wouldn't have Super Mario USA. It's the better version of Doki Doki Panic and obviously we have one more classic Mario game now which is good
>Also which mario 2 do you prefer?
I'm a big fan of SMB1 so SMB2J is basically more of what I like but it's too damn stressful to play during the last few worlds so overall I love both equally

>> No.9499624
File: 149 KB, 391x390, 1666040610637737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer SMB2 (us). Just hearing the music to that one and a few others takes me back to going on video game adventures with my mommy as a little kid

>> No.9499708 [DELETED] 
File: 241 KB, 300x300, copium 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese SM2 is more like an addon to the original game than anything else

>> No.9499731 [DELETED] 

>Doki Doki Panic was originally going to be a mario game anyway, SMB2 USA was just the game returning to it's roots.

Yet it materialized into something fundamentally alien to the Super Mario series upon fruition (with few exceptions). Even with the reskin, it still stands out in the series like a sore thumb. That Doki Doki reskin will never be the real Mario 2 just like you will never be a real woman. Amerisharts will never change that fact no matter how much they seethe & dilate.

>> No.9499741 [DELETED] 

> fundamentally alien to the Super Mario series upon fruition (with few exceptions)
To the Super Mario 'series' my ass, when they started developing it there were like 1-2 Super Mario games. That's how some video game sequels were back in the days. Zelda 2 was different too. You should really learn more about something before you talk

>> No.9499749

The game wasn't difficult "for westerners", it was difficult for anyone. The whole concept of it was to provide a new challenge for people who had made the first game their bitch. Japanese players that were casuals or newbies weren't magically good at it, they suffered like anyone else.
Nintendo definitely did make the right choice by releasing a game that was far more accessible to a wider array of players, graphically more impressive and still very fun to play since DDP was a pretty great game to begin with.

>> No.9499763

Shiggy said that they put a sticker on every copy that said the game was for super players who mastered the first game only (it was an actual sticker, not part of the box art). I think I've never used the soul meme until this moment but holy shit it's pure SOUL

>> No.9499785

>This game would have been too difficult for westerners.

That was a bullshit excuse. "Westerners" back then were better at video games than easterners, the audiance actually seeked a challenge. In the west, most magazines had a challenge rating, for instance Nintendo Power had "lasting challenge", that or the "lastability" grade was heavily based on the game's difficulty and not just how many levels there were, in other words the harder the game was, the better the grade. Tons of action games were made harder for the west and it wasn't just because of "rentals", and the inverse is also true, western action games like Battletoads were made easier for the Japanese market.

Meanwhile in Japan, no such "challenge" rating in magazines and the audiance complained that even mainstream jRPGs were too hard (Final Fantasy 2, 3, Mother, Dragon Quest 2, etc).

>> No.9499827

JRPGs are more luck than strategy so I'd even say that there are no hard JRPGs in the traditional sense. Games like Mother 1 and Dragon Quest 2 can certainly make your heart beat faster but that's like when you are trying to win in a casino. And yeah Japs played JRPGs and Famicom Detective Club or whatever so they certainly aren't more hardcore than the west. Quite the contrary, we played more platformers and other skill-based games than Japan

>> No.9499860

Why is there a burger on the cover?

>> No.9499875

I used to see it
but I can't anymore
it's like there's no magic in my eyes anymore

>> No.9499953

Yes absolutely. Original SMB2 is too difficult. I can't even beat the first SMB as a kid, SMB 2 and its frustrating levels would kill my interest in the franchise for sure.
I still don't like it and it's the only Mario game I don't want to play.

>> No.9500008

>would kill my interest in the franchise
As a kid you don't even realise if the game is hard or easy, you sort of just play and take everything for granted, you know? You probably wouldn't care and would still enjoy your time because it's good ol Mario. Even if it meant just replaying the first 2-3 worlds over and over

>> No.9500013

No, kids would have found it hard exactly because they would be stuck replaying the same 2 worlds over and over.

>> No.9500028

2-J hits you so hard so soon that I've never had the work ethic to get anywhere in it. I would've hated it if I'd been stuck with it as a kid.
there was a sweet spot difficulty curve where a kid could blow through a few levels on his first try, and beat the first boss, game over somewhere around a third of the way through, learn the levels, get near the end, hit a difficulty spike that kept him from beating it, and beat the game a few weeks later
Sonic 1 was god damned perfect on this.

>> No.9500036

Haven't we been over this shit before for decades now?
2/LL is the expansion sequel with more of the first.
2/USA is the gameplay sequel intended to see what new things they could do in the platformer genre that had dookiedookie slapped on while in development and even if Mario never was used, it was always a SMB successor.

>> No.9500037

>2-J hits you so hard so soon that I've never had the work ethic to get anywhere in it.
Do this and give the game another chance sometime

>> No.9500041

Never finished this game but do they ever explain why there's a burger on the box art?

>> No.9500092
File: 30 KB, 500x393, mmo free trial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both games were very good

>> No.9500150 [DELETED] 

I know that they only reskinned Doki because Amerisharts are too shit at video games to handle the Japanese (real) Mario 2. If muricans weren't as bad at video games as they were at not being obese, the reskin would never have happened and everyone would be playing the Japanese one. Wow, the murican Mario 2 seems so legitimate, huh.

Also, you can go to Japan & ask the people there what they thought of Mario 2. See which one they refer to.

>> No.9500168


Nintendo made the right decision, as well as when they gave us “The Lost Levels.” Absolutely brilliant, I had way more fun playing those in the 90’s than I would have as my second game

>> No.9500250

I can't play SMB USA after beating Lost Levels because after getting used to the physics and having to build up momentum to jump farther it feels like I'm walking on ice in SMB USA

>> No.9500275

There seems to be some confusion in this thread. Super Mario Bros. 2 was released in Japan on June 3rd, 1986. It closely follows the same formula as its predecessor, Super Mario Bros. I linked footage of it below. I hope that clears things up.


>> No.9500285

SMB2(USA) is a lot more fun and innovative than lost levels. Played them both, lost levels is harder dlc but nothing new. Nintendo was right to do something different.

>> No.9500292

It was pretty good until the maze garbage.

>> No.9500370 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 692x587, 56% 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“I know for a fact the Japanese SMB2 was just an add-on to SBM1 because that's what it was marketed to me as in burgerland to cover up the Doki Doki fraud”

>> No.9500497
File: 784 KB, 640x943, Super Mario USA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a thread about Super Mario USA?

>> No.9500554 [DELETED] 

Amerifart cope. The Doki Doki game was developed with Arabian themes like magic carpets, flying masks, vases, genie lamps, and Arabian music which neatly match the Arabian themed characters. If there was anything that got “slapped on” its the Mario characters.

So the devs went from classic Mario Bros. elements like bumping boxes, mushroom power ups, and Bowser for a nemesis, then decided turn the series completely on its head with a red heart meter, pulling up turn-ups, time freezing, weird arabian themes like magic carpets & genie lamps, & some alligator to replace Bowser, then went back to the classic Mario Bros. elements & Bowser for a nemesis for SMB3? Seems legit.

>> No.9500650

Not completely relevant but there was a picture one of artists made of what Mario would look like if he were American made for Japan's release of super Mario USA.
Does anyone have that and would like to post?

>> No.9500654

I'm genuinely curious, do you consider Super Mario Land titles to be Mario games?

>> No.9500972

Dokidookie was literally slapped on to a prototype work in progress that had no theme, tard.

>> No.9500976

Do you even zelda 2, bro?

>> No.9501253

I doubt they were too hung up on it. Tezuka and Miyamoto both had a part in making Doki Doki. Miyamoto is credited as producer.

>> No.9503119


Lost Levels isn't hard.

>> No.9504362

I'm genuinely curious, do you really think that was a good analogy? Super Mario Land was far more Mario than Doki Doki.

>> No.9504378

The game was obviously more geared to the Arabian themed characters than some Italian plumbers. There isn't even pipes in Doki. The game jetisoned practically all the core Mario Bros elements, save the invisibility star. Oh but sure that was the REAL Mario 2, not the one officially released in Japan.

>> No.9504389

So what. Which Mario 2 has better claim to being the legitimate SMB1 sequel: the one officially released in Japan the following year that closely follows the same format as the original or the one released years later that jettisoned practically all the core Mario Bros elements & enemies in favor of some Arabian theme? It's honestly not even close. The Doki reskin is referred to as “Super Mario USA” in Japan and for good reason. It's not the real Mario 2, anon.

>> No.9504394

Nice flamewar you started there.

Also lost levels is just a dlc for the oroginal game.

Mario usa is the superior title, was always cool that you could play with peach and toad, game was varied in its settings, erc etc.

>> No.9504395

Also since the tranny jannies are removing my posts, can you remove this one: >>9500972 he used the word “tard” and that's just so toxic. He needs to go back to /b/ with that sort of language.

>> No.9504413

Holy fuck you are dim at getting the point despite mentioned multiple times here.

The UNNAMED PROJECT that was being worked on was a SEQUEL, not to MARIO the fat guido, but to SUPER MARIO BROS THE GAME. As in literally, "we made/perfected the running left to right platform game, can we do something now that takes the same concept as SMB, but instead make levels with a vertical focus instead of horizontal?"

THAT is what DokiDoki and Mario USA are based on. NEITHER of them were designed from the ground up, both of them were literally slapped onto a project they were dicking around with. First Doki because they got the contract to do a game using those mascots, then Mario for the western release and future releases.

If they didn't get the deal to make Doki, it could have gone either way if it was released at all. Releasing it as a budget disk title with minimal risk since they were contracted to release ANY game using those characters gave them an easy way to test this vertical focused platformer they had been dicking with. The arabian themes are leftover from that version, probably, but thats still literally a skin applied to something that they were working on that had no identity attached to it yet. Without Doki, it either would have been a scrapped project, gotten a new IP attached to it or they eventually would have decided to just use Mario anyway seeing as it was being designed as a successor to Super Mario THE GAME. Doki was not 100% designed from the ground up just for that ip to have a game, it was a skin given to concepts already in the development phase.

So yes, BOTH Mario 2 games are sequels to Super Mario Bros. 2 Japan is a literal continuation of the same first game while USA/Doki/US 2 is a sequel to trying new things with the ideas and gameplay of Super Mario they had already done.