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File: 119 KB, 491x625, IMG_3964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9497561 No.9497561 [Reply] [Original]

Finally playing pic related and it fucking totally goes to shit when it forces you to do the asset missions. Did reviewers just not play through the whole game?

>> No.9497571

Agreed. Played it after SA and was slightly disappointed. It's as if they hype you up for a story and then the story just disappears.

>> No.9497581


>> No.9497583

I disagree, the asset missions are when the game finally opens up and gives some freedom. It's a lot like the World of Ruin in FF6, which I liked.

>> No.9497587

They were fun, it boosted my entrepreneurial mindset

>> No.9497610

And then the ending is shite!

>> No.9497615

filtered babby, asset missions are the best part

>> No.9497617 [DELETED] 

Scarface is like 500% better in every way but tranny journos didn't get Rockstar bucks so no one cared

>> No.9497626
File: 91 KB, 800x600, EVmmqmvX0AAnflG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, nothing like grinding gang territories to unlock a mission that forces you to do more of that. Ubisoft tier.

>> No.9497630

Do Reviewers plays games? Of course they didn't.
GTA always paid journos. 3 was basically a tech demo. After the first few hours it became boring. San Andreas was bloated, precursor ubishit. 4 was one of the worst games I played and so on.
Vice City is the best, but they haven't even bothered to finish that.

>> No.9497664

Ahem: 4 is vice city. They are also all great games, excluding the first and the third

>> No.9497680

You obviously didn't play it past Los Santos

>> No.9497713

I wish I didn't, it's a game better enjoyed in free roam with cheats.

>> No.9497725

Asset missions are hit or miss. The cab company is fun as fuck, but selling drugs from the ice cream truck is boring as shit and so is the boatyard mission.

>> No.9497728

What are you talking about? You only need to capture territories at the end of the game. And it doesn't even take that long.

>> No.9497746 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9497770 [DELETED] 

Use your words instead of outdated demotivational posters from 2007.

>> No.9497858
File: 207 KB, 800x1132, 187140-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-windows-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did you realize PC ports of GTA despite missing effects were superior because of keyboard and mouse controls?
Remember Vice City's PC version is the canon version. It came out earlier than PS2 version in Japan. Considering we categorize everything by their Japanese release, GTA PC ports are the canon versions.

>> No.9497861

No. Those ports looked like horse shit, even modded it doesn’t look the same. Also a lot more bugs in the PC version. Would rather play the mobile version

>> No.9497862

the asset missions are a bit of a chore and definitely ruin the story's pace but I found them fun enough and iirc you only need a couple of assets.
this is true too. the game almost sets this up as an intermission. I suspect a lot of players stopped here because they were fine just roaming around the map and doing side missions.

>> No.9497865

I've beaten 3-SA on PS2 and PC. They are all better on PC. I just recently beat III and VC on PS2, and while they were still fun as fuck, they pale in comparison to the PC version.

>> No.9497867

gta3 mogs vice city and san andreas, which were just quantity over quality bullshit.

>> No.9497873

Am I fucking retarded or how are you supposed to know to do the asset missions without a guide? The game never tells you that you have to do them and some of the (like the pole position one) would have been impossible to do without just stumbling upon it randomly

>> No.9497886

I kinda agree. I beat GTA III twice this week, and I think that its strength is that it realizes it's mostly a driving game with car theft and light combat being a little deviation to spice up the gameplay. When you approach the game primarily as a driving game, you're going to get better mission design, because it focuses on what the game does well: the driving. When you start to put more of a focus on combat without the combat mechanics getting exponentially better, you've made more focus on the janky aspects of the game.

Still love VC and SA. Love them for what they are, but I also feel that III set out to do what it intended better than those two games did.

Avery calls you up and tells you to do this after Shakedown. I think the game has a prompt window about it, too.

>> No.9497907

Mods bring everything back.
The main advantage is aiming. I've first played GTA on PC. I knew there were missing stuff so wanted to play PS2 for the longest time. When I did, I was dissapointed. I've even beaten it, but auto-aim was just terrible. PC version is far superior because of free aim.

>> No.9497910
File: 97 KB, 800x452, 1521243082_gta-vc 2018-03-16 23-34-58-827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tommy canonically hires Yakuza.

>> No.9497918 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 800x450, grove street home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course he does. He is a Capcom video game character from Japan.

>> No.9497934
File: 166 KB, 969x1023, gta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all 3 GTA games now have RetroAchievements under development for PS2. unironically I'm excited to replay them now

>> No.9497939
File: 285 KB, 300x710, havana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course he does. He is a Capcom character. Havana outfit almost look like something else right?
From what I've heard, Japanese also look down on gaijin who play GTA with controller.

>> No.9498027

rampaging around is by far the best experience in III. just solid compared to the buggy law enforcement of Vice and... i dont know what to call it in San Andreas but it wasn't quite right
whole lotta faggots showing their age in this thread btw who couldn't possibly understand the magic of the trilogy when it came out.

>> No.9498105 [DELETED] 

What's outdated? It succinctly tells you that your post is FAIL

>> No.9498125

This is the only game of the trilogy I have not completed.

>> No.9498197

So now that steam doesnt sell the original trilogy any more and rockstar only sells the gay definitive edition, how can I actually get these games? I'm feeling like replaying all three of them. Is piracy actually the easiest way? I don't really pirate games so I'm not sure where to even start looking lol

>> No.9498201

buy it off Fleabay

>> No.9498208

>gang territories
It is fun.

>> No.9498226 [DELETED] 

There re3 and revc don't know how good they are, but keep them in mind.

>> No.9498232

There is also re3 and revc. I don't know how good they are, but keep them in mind. They are decomp projects improve the game overall, I believe.

>> No.9498257

gta games are shit, the story and driving is just jawful

>> No.9498376

re3/VC are now the true definitive. all the soul intact because it was reverse engineered from the PS2 version, not PC. so dont listen to these fags who tell you to just mod the PC version, it ain't the same. Definitive San Andreas is still unfortunately stuck on the PS2 but PC with mods is acceptable.

>> No.9498387 [DELETED] 

we NEED more motivational posters from 2007

>> No.9498396
File: 164 KB, 736x819, dbec50c3c4cb9bed623dd1eeacf59b31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the soul intact
y-yeah, all the soul...

>> No.9498405

that's a sleekass CRT my nigga

>> No.9498407

somebody dropkicked this niggas TV wit da wafflekicks

>> No.9498412


>> No.9498427

Agreed, I’ve played all three and GTA3 definitely ends up being the one I come back to far more than the others

>> No.9498491 [DELETED] 

When using reVC, I had issues with radio on Vice City. Could it be because of reVC, or something else is the issue?

>> No.9498497 [DELETED] 

There isn't any keyboard or mouse in that picture. How do you even play it?

>> No.9498515

When using reVC, I had issues with radio on Vice City. Could it be because of reVC, or something else is the issue?
There isn't any keyboard or mouse in that picture. How do you even play it? That's not soul, but torture.

>> No.9499064

Ratchet & Clank fucking wen?

>> No.9499076

skill issue, controls like n64 zelda

>> No.9499173

Zelda isn't a shooter. It's more like Syphon Filter, which I can't go back to.
re3/reVC brings PC controls to controller as well. I wonder whether games like Syphon Filter could be modded like that. Then again it would transform in to an entirely different game at that point.

>> No.9499197

I played this ten years ago, got to the mini helicopter mission, and stopped playing ten years ago

>> No.9499202 [DELETED] 

You are teh suxxors

>> No.9499207

GTA isn't a shooter either

>> No.9499613

What a dreadful take.

>> No.9500812

GTA is a shooter.

>> No.9500863

That's a really nice TV.

>> No.9501097

really? i thought those were pretty comfy.

>> No.9501287
File: 993 KB, 1920x1080, reVC_2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

revc is nice to modify if you can program

>> No.9501309

Am I the only one having issues with radio in reVC? Should I try reinstalling?

>> No.9501339

i do not have issue with re3 or revc radio

>> No.9501357

Thank you very much anon. In vice city radio keeps getting turned off when I try to change it or while driving for a while.
I will reinstall both Vice City and reVC.

>> No.9501534

shit people say these days...

>> No.9501694

>goes to shit when it forces you to do the asset missions
Lol, the game has around ~6 good missions, it's a bare-bone prototype but they tried to hide it with hits from the 80s and Hollywood actors.

>> No.9502693

Pardon me if I'm incorrect but weren't re3/VC abandoned basically as soon as their first release came out thanks to Take Two's lawsuit bullshit? Is anyone actually maintaining them anymore?

>> No.9502703

Scarface was on the front cover of every magazine magazine and had banner ads on all the major websites

>> No.9503509

they're abandoned and they both work fine. it would be foolish for someone to take over the project (publicly)

>> No.9503526

It's almost like the only good GTA story is 4

>> No.9503648
File: 23 KB, 518x498, scarface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it also didn't review badly. only two outlets shown here gave a score less than 7

>> No.9504312

for the first hour, maybe

>> No.9504331
File: 64 KB, 210x240, Will Smith shot RE2 PSX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got filtered when you and Lance have to blow up a store in the mall then escape back home.
Lance's AI is so shit I just couldn't handle it after so many attempts .
Its a shame I was loving the characters and story.

>> No.9504541

>getting filtered by GTA

>> No.9505131

>failing Cop Land

>> No.9505163

>land chopper near exit that's literally right by the place you have to blow up
>immediately exit and fly home

learn to strategize. this ain't current gen on-rails GTA. this is GTA designed by a company that had faith its playerbase would take advantage of this being an open world game where you can go where you want when you want with whatever you want.

>> No.9505182 [DELETED] 

>tranny tranny tranny!

>> No.9505198

>faith its playerbase would take advantage of this being an open world game
lol stop giving them so much credit. Cheesing missions with helicopters and armored vehicles aren't some galaxy-brain puzzle solutions they're just oversights in a game with shallow gameplay.
I love old GTA as much as the next guy but people convincing themselves Rockstar had the same character arc as Bethesda are kidding themselves.

>> No.9505375

>lol stop giving them so much credit.
I'm not. Compare the PS2 missions to the overly scripted railroaded mission design which will fail you for walking too far to the right.

Game design is far better when it allows for player agency. I dont care how lazy it comes off, I will always prefer it to action setpieces

>> No.9505747 [DELETED] 

Using a helicopter isn't the intended way to play dumbfuck. go huff your own farts over on reddit

>> No.9505967

>muh intended way
There is no "intended" way to play that way, you idiot. The game gave you an objective and you accomplished it using the tools at your disposal.

>> No.9506002
File: 51 KB, 238x210, claude confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intended way
>open world game
Dumb fuck.

>> No.9506120 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 750x600, 1169960377802497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9506197

No, you're failing to understand the difference between changes in developer mentality and changes in technology.
Rockstar WOULD have filled Vice City with scripted on-rails missions if they could.
You're delusional if you think Vice City is the result of design philosophy, and you're delusional if you think a game with no physics or even rudimentary AI has any level of deep open-ended problem solving. Go ahead, think of a scenario where you can finish a mission in an interesting way that doesn't involve "go to play and get vehicle" or "go to place and get weapon".

>> No.9506207 [DELETED] 

Helocopters and vehicles despawn once you walk 5 steps away. Im playing on official PS2

>> No.9506209

Total horseshit.

>> No.9506235

>Rockstar WOULD have filled Vice City with scripted on-rails missions if they could.
You're basing this on what?

>> No.9506238

Anon, I beat this game on PS2 last week. You probably despawned it.

>> No.9506376

how do you get a chopper?

>> No.9506397

One spawns on top of your mansion.

>> No.9507281

keyboard and mouse controls are the reason pc versions are inferior. mind you, these are the versions i played at the time. in 3 and vc shooting is completely broken, it's like playing on very easy. gas and brake are broken in a bad way - you can't dose them.

>> No.9507518

>keyboard and mouse controls are the reason pc versions are inferior.
Dumbest take in this thread, especially considering you can play the PC versions with console aiming.

>> No.9507694

Yes it is easier, but it also involves more skill.
With auto aim, you're dealing with shitty auto aim, that is the difficulty. You just press the button to auto aim and fire button, and it kills the enemies. No gameplay involved, in a way artificial difficulty.
With PC version while game is easier, there is also more gameplay. It is overall an improvement.
Also as another anon said, with re3/reVC you could just use console aiming as well, or use PC aiming with a controller. Older versions are obsolete. Those ports have everything as a choice.

>> No.9507792

of course i meant the original experience back in the day, with mods pc versions can be made perfect (haven't tried re3). i even got my first pc controller during the paythrough of vice city but quickly returned to kbm

>> No.9507794

what's the deal with that minimap?

>> No.9508857
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1080, re3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Radar mode: Blips only

>> No.9509828
File: 1.93 MB, 3500x2100, sims 3 vice city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9510060 [DELETED] 


This is easily the best GTA game. You'll never be a woman.

>> No.9510085

I fucking hate dealing with loading in the other half of the map on the ps2 version

>> No.9510117

>Welcome to Vice City
>Massive head on collision

>> No.9511273

Or you glitch through the bridge and drown

>> No.9511280 [DELETED] 

III shits on it.

>> No.9511374

Does anyone like GTA 1 and 2? Are they worth playing?

>> No.9511473

Yes and yes.

Honestly, I feel the answer to this question is always yes, if only to see how far a series has come.

>> No.9511550

gta 1 is absolute goat for the permanent mission fail mechanic. why don't other games copy this feature is beyond me.

>> No.9511552

best thing about the first GTA (I somehow never played 2) was how it felt like a game show, especially with the announcer and sound effects

>> No.9511557

They look horribly repetitive and boring.

>> No.9511562

never gave it a thought but it's pretty cool indeed. gta 2 retains the announcer and even doubles down on it in the bonus minigames launched from the main menu.

>> No.9511568 [DELETED] 

>pre-programmed response

>> No.9511608
File: 116 KB, 640x448, gta3_011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly, I feel the answer to this question is always yes, if only to see how far a series has come.
Play Body Harvest and Space Station Silicon Valley then. Their teams ended up making GTA3 while most of the GTA 1/2 designers got dabbed on and quit the company.


>> No.9511621

This is probably the gta3 being prepared for dreamcast. I wish we got to see that one.

>> No.9511635

I have! Body Harvest is one of my favorite N64 games. I'm so sad I lost my copy.

But yeah, those two games show early glimpses of vehicle-based gameplay that gave you many choices on how to move. For a long time, I really wanted a sequel of some sort to Body Harvest, because there's a lot more you can do with that concept using the GTA mechanics as a framework.

>> No.9511992

Oh come on, that mission isn't even hard. The really tough ones is rescuing Lance at the junkyard, or the bank robbery, where your shitty PC at the time absolutely fucking chokes on the all the smoke and it's completely unplayable.

>> No.9512057
File: 2.92 MB, 320x240, grand theft auto.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first one is a bit punishing in difficulty, and a bit one note, but it's also fun in an arcade-like sort of way. Once you get a knack for the driving, and the awkward aiming and shooting (or secure a machinegun and lots of ammo so that you don't have to aim), it gets increasingly fun.
You basically grind for score by doing missions and activities, but the game makes it work with its colorful graphics and mission dialogue. If you fuck up a mission, you don't get another chance at it, but there's always lots of missions and activities to do.

>> No.9512073

>The first one is a bit punishing in difficulty, and a bit one note, but it's also fun in an arcade-like sort of way.
The worst thing about GTA1 is that it's locked at 24fps and the camera is constantly zooming in and out when driving.

>> No.9512235

Yeah they smoothed that way out in 2.

>> No.9512508
File: 107 KB, 666x548, dun goofed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played the game nonstop love it, but that mission made me stop playing. It is "hard" trying to get Lance not to die.
They give you 5 stars excpecting you to drive home in fragile vehicles. Lance has over a 50% chance of dying in the exploding vehicle instead of following you to a new car

>> No.9512609

I used to write for a gaming mag, back when RDR got released it was buggy as Hell, so we gave it like 7/10. That was the last time we got a press release disc from the company, they legit got so salty (guess nowadays it's all about the Metacritic score etc.) they never sent us any more games. But we did finish it. Now most games you'd pop in for an hour or two, check the other reviews posted online already and write a review based on the initial impression + opinions of other people basically.

>> No.9512702

GTA 1 didn't age well.
GTA 2 is amazing

>> No.9512981

SA has even more pointless side content that it force feeds you. It legitimately killed all my hype back when it released.

>> No.9512995

How is it forcing side content when it's side content? It by definition does not need to be done.

>> No.9513029

You have to do these things (gang wars, dating etc.) to go through the main story as well. It's also a pain to 100%, because these things become very boring very quickly. The dating especially is honestly ubisoft tower climbing tier.

>> No.9513058

Isn't that what embargoes are for? As a fellow journo, i understand you perfectly - salty bitches can't take any criticism in any fucking sphere, they just sewer connections and pretend that they didn't say what they did or something like that.

>> No.9513165

>You have to do these things (gang wars, dating etc.) to go through the main story as well.
you can kill millie to get the key card without having to date her

>> No.9513221

>You have to do these things (gang wars, dating etc.) to go through the main story as well.
Gang wars only need to be done at the game, and there is literally no point in the game at which you're forced to go on a date to finish it. And the portion of the game where you date Millie to get the keycard, because as Anon pointed it out, you can kill her...but more importantly, the casino heist arc isn't even needed to beat the game in the first place, so if all this is so troubling, just skip it. I don't always do the casino heist in SA playthroughs.

>> No.9513775

play gta III
never finnsh the game
play gta III remaster and finaly see how the game end. some side mission imposible to play

>> No.9513780

dream on

>> No.9514189

Love the tv but goddamn your PS2 looks nice. I have a silver slim and black fat, never knew they made them silver AND fat. I'm jelly.

>> No.9515260

What's so bad about having to kill people in a GTA game? The asset missions in VC are bad because they are the opposite of what you would want to do during regular gameplay.
Like the ice cream truck missions, fucking boring.

>> No.9515343

So I've been trying to pinpoint WHY I preferred III and SA to VC (though VC is still a fucking ace game - I've beaten it at least 20 times in my life) and I think this is it right here. The mission design in VC just isn't as good as the other two games. A lot of the missions are boring (to your point on the ice cream, why are we doing such a mundane mission so late in the game?) or over-reliant on shit combat.

The map is also a little on the boring side. Yeah, we're in Miami and it's great, but the only exciting thing about the setting (the beach) and barely anything happens out there. We're just kind of left with a really flat city that's not too remarkable in the end.

>> No.9515530

While what you are saying is definitely correct, I just have to ask: What do you think of the time period VC takes place in?
Most discussions of GTA games can be cut down significantly by just pinpointing if you like the era it is set in.
If you don't like the 80s it would explain why you prefer the other games.

>> No.9515594

See, that's the thing. Atmospherically, VC just hits all the sweet spots. There's something to be said about taking Tommy and have him drive across town in a sports car while he's on his way to take out some drug dealers as 80s pop music plays. It's a kind of atmosphere that most games don't hit. It's strong as hell.

Gameplay just doesn't hit the highs the others do. It's also probably why I kinda prefer VCS - the gameplay makes it stand tall.

>> No.9515630

I was never that bothered by that. Though I could plain not play the Hotline Miami games at all with how the camera was constantly swaying left and right at all times, so I get how something like that can be disorienting or distracting.

>> No.9515749
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 51DcQvU-HzL._SY580_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Vice City is chore to complete, but Fever 105 makes it somewhat barable

>> No.9515808
File: 36 KB, 310x171, gross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the map is terrible and clearly rushed without much thought put into initially planning it. the further away you are from the starting area around ocean view the more obvious it is. this section is disgusting

>> No.9515820
File: 34 KB, 310x171, coolsville.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the whole, yes, but I love this little section in red here.

>Skumole Shack, probably the most dilapidated place you can stay in, which is perfect for a criminal
>VCPD Helicopter Spawn
>Fun Stunt Jump
>PCJ-600 in the shop window, ready to steal
>Micro-SMG spawn at the bottom of the stairs
>Angels spawn outside of biker bar
>Body armor

Not to mention it's a decent place to have a rampage. It might be my favorite little corner of the map, to be honest.

>> No.9516771

I can't explain why but I like the burned out shack save point.

>> No.9517397
File: 608 KB, 3840x2160, vfDqV0S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not to mention it's a decent place to have a rampage.
The mall would be absolute best if you could take cars in/out and drive RC vehicles inside.

Rockstar never bothered making another big, densely packed interior with multiple entrypoints in GTA after this.

>> No.9517439

I can't explain it either but it's comfy as fuck.

>> No.9517491

you can have the best of both worlds with the reverse engineered versions, just hope they release SA

>> No.9517592


I think VC was a great sequel. It's SA that killed GTA

>> No.9517601
File: 103 KB, 391x190, ShaftHotDogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomers will never understand mall culture. There's nothing like slobbering on a Shaff Hot Dog and then washing it down with a big gulp of Sprunk.

>> No.9517652

>Their teams ended up making GTA3 while most of the GTA 1/2 designers got dabbed on and quit the company.

Aw shit that explains A LOT. I was wondering why GTA 3 didnt have any of the stuff that the series was doing up to that point, like the gang respect system for example.

>> No.9517728

Ehh, GTA3 effectively has a respect system in that you will piss off gangs. Only thing is you can limit the gangs that are pissed at you by refusing certain missions. I can also see why it was hard to attach a narrative to a 2-esque respect system.

>> No.9517805

Just when I thought this site couldn’t get any worse, I see this post. What an abominable opinion

>> No.9517808
File: 2.55 MB, 3840x2160, GTA_ Vice City 03_05_2021 20_49_45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VC's biggest flaw is the game never requires you to truly engage with significant portions of the map. Yeah exploring is great in any GTA game but meaningful engagement in all parts of the map - even if only to allow the player to learn the layout - doesn't happen which is quite the negative in my opinion. I like the game a lot but even the whole hollywood 80's vibe the game has cannot cover up its flaws under meaningful play. GTA III and SA send the player all over the map and it feels like a sensible progression (as in, X character sending you to Y location makes sense for the most part). That said i'm also of the opinion that 3D GTA is best at the start when you are a nobody and the wide world is a hostile entity to be conquered - perhaps it is the (relative) vulnerability the stories imply and limited weapon options that enhance that.

>> No.9517816
File: 241 KB, 376x374, Jail All Gays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hollywood 80's vibe

>> No.9517819

VC is built off the back of the likes of miami vice, magnum PI, scarface, tequila sunrise et al - the world it depicts never really existed.

>> No.9517835

You really know nothing about 80s do you?
Maybe instead of playing video games watch an interesting documentary or read a book

>> No.9518103
File: 131 KB, 711x960, couch-grew-up-80s-aylos-no-grew-up-80s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he means that the 80s as depicted by synthwave and vaporwave memes, with wild designer shit and neon lights everywhere, and wireframe grid visuals, you could certainly go and find it in places outside of just marketing material (typically commercial districts of urban centers, you could find some colorful neon signs here and there even in less nice and expensive places), but as a whole it really wasn't everywhere, it stood out even at the time, the entire point was a really distinct and unusual aesthetic which was cool and grabbed your attention.
However, GTA Vice City also isn't wild in this regard, there's the neon lights and colorful designer shit, and it's all urban, but you only find the stuff in some places, like at the fancy clubs, a designer mall, the beachfront with all the hotels, etc, otherwise, most of the environments you see are actually fairly grounded for the kind of game that it is.

So if he means like pic related, no, the 80s didn't look like the top image near universally, even in the biggest metropols, but Vice City doesn't depict it as such either, rather just having it in touches where you would actually expect to find it, upscale commercial establishment in a major American city. There's lots of homage to Magnum P.I, Miami Vice, and Scarface, plain as day, but those movies weren't dolled up like the top image at every turn, there's plenty of locales and characters who look really ordinary for the actual 80s. Take some random screenshots of the non-commercial urban areas and compare to photos of Miami streets and boulevards in the 1980s, and much of it is not that far off.

>> No.9518409

yeah the game that took loads of references from scarface and other gangster flicks and has a soundtrack full of hit music from the decade is a totally accurate representation of what it was like to live then and not just a call back to the media of the time

imagine arguing against that with a straight face. you probably think SA and III were highly accurate to their respective times too, huh?

>> No.9518413

What the fuck are you talking about? You clearly know nothing about 80s Miami or what its like to live in the hood

>> No.9519924

grand theft auto vice city for ps5

>> No.9519930

yeah GTA could have used more big interior areas like this

>> No.9519952

Only if it has some functional use. I had fuckall reasons to visit the mall in VC outside of missions. Sure, it has an ammunation and somewhere to eat (restore health) but so does the rest of the city. There's nothing left in there that's actually fun to do.

>> No.9519962

>that zombie mission in VCS
b o r i n g

>> No.9519971

lmao, that was a great concept for a GTA mission, but it kinda fails in execution because you just stand in one spot and mow down "zombies"

It's kinda weird because VCS has some general exciting missions. There was a lot they could have done to make that one more interesting.

>> No.9519989

yeah i replayed again this literally for these past two weeks after not playing for years and the gang territories at the end to unlock the last mission is retarded

>> No.9519993

heres the attention you wanted. the most obvious bait on planet earth

>> No.9520008

It takes 30 minutes at absolute most lmao. maybe even faster if you use a tank

put on some tunes and go find some ballas to bloody up

>> No.9520023

i beat it already but i felt there were too many territories to capture and it messes with the smooth feel the story has

>> No.9520078

I haven't been paying attention to the GTA mod scene and this DMCA shit, but are there any hacks of the GBC, GBA & DS games on any of these sites?

>> No.9520148
File: 183 KB, 800x600, GTASAGANGWAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly really love how in the older Grand Theft Auto and Saint's Row games, you would get into high octane gang warfare where you could go as far as to bring an armored personnel carrier with a machinegun, or an outright fucking tank with its canon, so you could then rain down absolute thunder on the other gang as they (or the police) are helpless to stop you, escalating shit well and far beyond where it ever went in real life.

>> No.9520197

What's really bullshit is you go to all that effort and the game just dumps that whole mechanic after a certain point.

>> No.9520402

3 = vice city > everything else

>> No.9521060

IIRC R* North were going to implement the gang territory aspect in other areas of the map but it got cut before release. I think it's why there's that weird part in Bayside that you can claim.

>> No.9522410

that's rockstar. interiors you can only enter once or features that get disabled after a mission or beating the game

>> No.9522498

open world game superiority

game gives you a simple task with a buttload of ways to handle your problems. a+ game design because it allows for maximum fun through experimentation

>> No.9522591

IIRC, flying towards out of bounds 'enables' the other territories outside of Los Santos. One mission forces you to fly towards out of bounds, which enables that Bayside gang turf.

>> No.9522610

Ah, that was it. I knew I remembered reading something about that before.