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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9496907 No.9496907 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the best jrpg developed by a western dev?

>> No.9496909

Then it's not a JRPG.

>> No.9496917

go play it and try and say its an wrpg

>> No.9496989

Jrpg is a style.
So is wrpg
So is crpg
So is anime

>> No.9497024

Only correct post in this thread other than mine. The rest of you are retarded faggots.

>> No.9497095

No. That's not how it works, doofus.

>> No.9497186

The majority of the western rpg consuming populace disagrees with you, so yes, regardless of original meaning, it now describes rpgs made in a specific style. Rage all you want, but it will continue to be that way and only become more prevalent. Its not unlike the term rogue-like where 99% dont even know what Rogue was, players and designers, but it has a unique gameplay style that is recognized and copied.

Keep screaming into the void, no one will listen.

>> No.9497192

shut up, retard. who the hell are you to speak on behalf of any group of people? lmao

>> No.9497196 [DELETED] 

More like goyslop consuming populace. I'm gonna molest you, bitch.

>> No.9497204 [DELETED] 

Good luck getting through my chastity belt pervert

>> No.9497213

>Twilight is better than the Lord of the Rings
Cool, opinion disregarded. Keep being a moron.

>> No.9497214

no youre retarded it has always meant japanese style role playing game like dragon quest. then you fucking retard nigger zoomers redefined the word to mean any fucking game out of japan with roleplaying elements and shoehorn action rpgs like Ys into the jrpg genre cause you're fucking stupid.

>> No.9497219

Anime isn't a style though. Anime is literally just cartoon made in Japan. Panty and Stocking is as anime as Dragon Ball.

>> No.9497221

I think if this sort of thing needed to have a genre, it would only fit three games. Sudeki, that, and binary domain. As in, things that were bizarrely bridging the gap between WRPG and JRPG. Don't discount Binary Domain, you might like it. A real hidden gem.

>> No.9497229

It was worth a playthrough as a teenager, but I don't think I ever recommended it to anyone. Not great but okay

>> No.9497232

No wonder you stay on this board, your oppions are outdated and the rest of the world doesn't care about any of them.

>> No.9497238

Well, by the late end of that console gen they were trying shit like lord of the rings, the third age. Which was literally combining the movies with JRPG elements or else you're daft.

>> No.9497239

Shadow Madness and Icarus are two others.

>> No.9497256



>> No.9497262
File: 161 KB, 526x493, 20191231_094056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best selling jrpg type games are made in the country that popularized them and their style

>> No.9497292

It's a style, otherwise the label is 10000000000000% fucking worthless. We don't call rpgs made in Australia ARPGs and rpgs made in France FRPGs and RPGs made in Germany GRPGs.

It means Japanese-style RPG. It basically means games that take after Dragon Quest. That's it.

Anime denotes a style in the west, otherwise, it is once again retarded. Modern anime uses lots of outsourcing to korea and china. Using your idiotic logic, some episodes of the very same series are anime, while other episodes aren't. Or entire segments of an episode are anime, but other segments aren't.

Anime, in the west, means Japanese STYLE animation. When Japan produces family guy type shit, that's a fucking cartoon.

>> No.9497303

It's an old style that isn't really a thing any more
Weaboo style that's got enough money behind it to be commercialized. One culture emulating the other without any sarcastic irony.
It's a rare and decent cultural breed.

>> No.9497310

Japanese creative team makes it anime. Castlevania, for example, is not anime for the same reason Batman the Animated Series is not anime.

>It means Japanese-style RPG.
You mean like RPGs made in Japan? The only consistent definition of JRPG that doesn't rely on vague, subjective bullshit?

>> No.9497321
File: 3 KB, 119x48, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.9497346

So if legendary JRPG developer, Matsusuckyo Diketsu moved to Kenya with a few of his loyal disciples and some local jungle men and developed Violent Princess Raper 8-II, would he no longer be a Japanese game developer because he no longer is in japan or is it still a Japanese game purely because he is an east island pygmy?

>> No.9497354

it's a Japanese game if the creative team is Japanese. If the jungle kenyans are part of the creative process than I guess it's a Japanese-Kenyan joint but that's kind of an unrealistic scenario because they're so different culturally, economically, linguistically, ect that it seems like it would be pretty hard to create something like a video game together which is why you don't really see things like that in the first place so you're kind of just wasting my time asking a retarded hypothetical question

At any rate, find me any Japanese creative input whatsoever here

>> No.9497360

Do you ethnically have to be Japanese or can you just have citizenship?

>> No.9497364

I remember getting this from Target for $10. It was excellent. I tried to play it again somewhat recently but ran into some weird bugs and glitches and couldn't get out of the first area of the game

>> No.9497382

Had it as a teenager, never finished. Don't remember anything that really stood out, other than the starting-area/bugs being all over the game. Like softlocks out the ass, and having to use the internet to go around them. Yet I remember nothing note worth otherwise. Probably wasn't great

>> No.9497392

>Keep screaming into the void, no one will listen.
>says the guy who dumped an entire paragraph over a few words

>> No.9497419

I finished it but yeah, I was glad it was over. The huge locations filled with slow-ass battles really gets tiresome.
I don't remember getting softlocked, but maybe I had a more recent version where they fixed some bugs. Or just got lucky.

>> No.9497423


>> No.9497436

man i tried to play this shit a couple weeks ago and the battle is SOOOOOO SLOW, I gave up after a couple hours. Couldn't suffer it.

>> No.9497538

Very low IQ

>> No.9497539

Oh ok so now when an American studio hires Japanese animators, now that's not anime because it wasn't directed by japs.


Also, false.
>You mean like RPGs made in Japan? The only consistent definition of JRPG that doesn't rely on vague, subjective bullshit?

Your definition is worthless bullshit. Nobody gives a fuck where it's made. That's why we don't have "Canadian racers" and "Australian FPS". Absolute fucking moron. Learn to take the L, you have no critical thinking skills whatsoever and are a very clear of what it looks like when someone has aspergers and LOW IQ.

>> No.9497540

Japanese animators went to California to work on Avatar the last air bender.

Oopsie doopsie.

>> No.9497568

The encounter rate is way too high, also battles take way to long especially early hame. Id say Anachronox is better but no one remembers that game

>> No.9497570

Anachronox as well.

>> No.9497636

download the improved combat mod

>> No.9497651

Dumb trash.

>> No.9497652

not even slightly

>> No.9497824

Jagged Alliance 2 is my favorite JRPG

>> No.9497881

Albion and Anachronox are both superior.

>> No.9497968

This is why you don't make up stupid words to describe things. Now you don't know your ass from your mouth.

>> No.9497980

Normal people call them turn based RPGs. YOU call it jap whatever. Now you are upset like a tranny that no one wants to accept your fantasy.

>> No.9498047

>>Oh ok so now when an American studio hires Japanese animators, now that's not anime because it wasn't directed by japs.


>Also, false.
So Batman the animated series is anime now?

>> No.9498058

Fallout is the best JRPG developed by a Western developer ever

>> No.9498091

/a/ has allowed Rankin & Bass threads for years.

>> No.9498168

Fallout is a textbook example of a wrpg dont be an obtuse faggot

>> No.9498179

character models, story, gameplay, setting all of it is based on classic JRPG elements. That was even the intent of the Developers. Almost all rpgs were turned based back then so dont try to hide behind that

>> No.9498206

Fallout is a descendent of Wasteland, which is a descendent of Ultima, one of the earliest JRPGs. So nope. JRPG.

>> No.9498231

The Japanese animators Rankin Bass used were later absorbed by Ghibli so I could see that.

>> No.9498489

Wrong. Ultima is a dungeon crawler.
Jrpg means dragon quest style games like final Fantasy

>> No.9498520

Dragon Quest style games like Ultima and Wizardry, the games it was directly inspired by? Yeah, if DQ is a JRPG then they're also JRPGs. Or they're all WRPGs. Or you accept that Japanese means "from japan" and shouldn't be used as a genre.

>> No.9498574

Some of the episodes were directed by Japanese people. So...

>> No.9499403


>> No.9499413

>Normal people call them turn based RPGs
Lel. You can stop posting.

>> No.9499503

Nah, it's a sub genre that they created, and you can get over it.

Ultima inspired dragon quest, just like how classical music inspired metal. You're stupid ass argument is as dumb as saying, "classical inspired metal, therefore Mozart is metal".

That's not how it works faggot.

Just like how it an American covers an Irish folk song, it's not American folk now. It's Irish folk. But then that song can inspire Americans to make new songs that have their own distinct style, and now that becomes American folk.

You brainless fucking cunt.

>> No.9499517

No, they dont. Maybe you old men should have picked better names for genres instead of lumping literally everything Japanese or anime that involves numbers as "jrps" and we wouldn't have people using the term at all for games that resemble them.

>> No.9499519

It clearly is not aping the style of japanese takes on classic rpgs, so no.

>> No.9499521

Find me all of the western made rpgs that are clearly imitating the style of dragon quest and final fantasy and ignoring the western ones like ultima. Heres a hint, op posted one.

>> No.9499817

Ara Fell, Skyborn, Sea of Stars, Pier Solar

>> No.9499854

Then come up with your own label instead of trying to force a new definition that doesn’t make sense when taking the word Japanese role playing game literally. Like toriyama-style rpg. Also dragon quest takes after ultima lol.

>> No.9499871

I remember playing this game and liking it until it became complicated with magic cards. That and that the robot dog companion had a laser attack that was absurdly strong.

>> No.9499936

>you're kind of just wasting my time asking a retarded hypothetical question
pretty sure that was the point. he's showing you that your definition is just as susceptible to vague, subjective bullshit if not more so.

>> No.9499959
File: 2.93 MB, 2417x1984, D4327EFA-0540-43EC-8732-A035145E4DF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anime, in the west, means Japanese STYLE animation. When Japan produces family guy type shit, that's a fucking cartoon.

>> No.9499981

>dnd ruleset

>> No.9499991
File: 956 KB, 1266x1316, crown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.
Everyone but you ought to shut the everliving fuck up.

>> No.9500106


>> No.9500107

Anime in the west means Japanese cartoon. All anime are cartoons, the fucking word anime is literally the Japanese word for cartoon, you buffoon.

>> No.9500136

I genuinely couldn't sit through the first few combats. Hacking away at fucking crabs (?) with absolutely no tactical engagement at all.

>> No.9500142
File: 377 KB, 600x853, Anachronox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing that came to my mind is Anachronox. The game is essentially a love letter to JRPGs

>> No.9500362

style meaning gameplay style not aesthetic you stupid nigger

>> No.9501191

Thanks, anon.

>> No.9501198

You are illiterate.

>> No.9501208

>Almost all rpgs were turn based back then b-but nobody called them that thing they were!
This is you.

>> No.9501210

All games are rpgs
Simple as that

>> No.9501212

>Ultima is a dungeon crawler
Depends on which Ultima.

>> No.9501219

Binary Domain kicks ass

>> No.9501398

Only noteworthy thing I've noted is that the geek mechanic dude is a total chad. Heavily implied he no way fagged the protagonist.

>> No.9502251

That was Always the point of the label.. Always, because as already stated, THERE'S NO OTHER FUCKING REASON TO BRING UP THE COUNTRY IN THE FUCKING FIRST PLACE. There's a reason nobody ever bothers to label any other genre with any other country.

Dragon Quest, not Ultima, took Japan like a fucking firestorm, became a cultural obsession on the level of star wars in America, and inspired a billion copy cats.

Ultima meanwhile, is to DQ as baroque is to classical. Derp.

Every one of those is clearly Japanese style. Not family guy south park ed ed n eddy type shit.


>> No.9502257

Wrong. It means Japanese STYLE. There were "how to draw anime" books being printed in the fucking 80s, establishing right from animes introduction in the west, that it has an explicity different style from western cartoons.

>> No.9502258

I own this own Steam. is that version good?

>> No.9502262

I played this game for an hour, it crashed, and I refunded it, I wish it wasn't such a technical mess. I had fun for that hour though.

>> No.9502402

Maya was into him, but he was too much of a sperg to notice it. They play into the same theme with led and you get to do a side quest to unlock the synergy (or not).

>> No.9502408

I got a laughing fit from this post. I'm inebriated, but well played, you're a funny guy anonymous.