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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 105 KB, 680x425, scummvm-header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9490307 No.9490307 [Reply] [Original]

You ever notice these SCUMM games are all about wandering around being a dick to everyone?

>> No.9490328

It's called humor.

>> No.9490354
File: 196 KB, 1500x938, Laverne-as-a-tentacle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess. Imo the only funny part in Day Of The Tentacle is when the girl uses that laughably bad disguise and none of the tentacles notice.

>> No.9490370

That's why I like Police Quest.

>> No.9490743

The gameplay lends itself to it. For the genre to function the main characters has to both be a kleptomaniac and be a bit of a layabout. All they do is wander back and forth and steal things and question people.

>> No.9490781

Any stealth adventure games out there? Instead of stealing everything and talking to everyone you're trying to avoid using items even if they're an obvious solution while making sure noone pays attention to you

>> No.9490858

Sounds cool, I'd play it. Like a reverse detective story where you're trying to commit the perfect crime.

>> No.9490872

> For the genre to function the main characters has to both be a kleptomaniac and be a bit of a layabout. All they do is wander back and forth and steal things and question people.

Kind of like how in RPG's all you do is murder-hobo and steal shit, and if NPC's have a problem with it, you murder them and steal their shit.

Gee, it's almost like you can cynically typify any game into some pigeon-holed faggotry. I am smart. Give me (You)'s.

>> No.9490885

Yes, they're very realistic in that regard.

>> No.9491070

they're made by tim schafer, misery is classic jewish humor

>> No.9491103

You x 5

>> No.9491125

Schafer is a German surname, not jewish. Furthermore, Tim's games are filled with lots of light-hearted antics, none of them are filled with "misery". What games did you even play?

>> No.9491130

gen z is only familiar with Psychonauts

>> No.9491154


>King's Quest
>hey there Kingy, get me this trinket and i'll give you the item you need. *Graham falls into the water*

>Space Quest
>Hey there Roger, get me this gizmo and i'll give you the item you need *roger slips on a space banana peel*

>Police Quest
>Hey there Sonny, if you go through the correct police procedure to get me the evidence I need I'll give you the search warrant. *Sonny crashes his car*

>Leisure Suit Larry
>Hey Larry if you get me the drink I need I'll give you the condom *larry forgets to use the condom and dies of crabs*

>> No.9491173 [DELETED] 
File: 422 KB, 538x767, 1645036028253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schreier is a German surname, not jewish. You are an idiot. While Tims early life section doesnt mention it, just look at his jewfro and the rest

>> No.9491217 [DELETED] 

>>9491154>things that don't happen in any of the games mentioned and is clearly evidence that you have never played or even seen someone play any of themMany such cases.

>> No.9491224 [DELETED] 

Jews took on German last names you fucking retard; and Jason is literally jewish.

>> No.9491226

>things that don't happen in any of the games mentioned and is clearly evidence that you have never played or even seen someone play any of them

Many such cases.

>> No.9491262 [DELETED] 

Wait until they learn that there would basically be no video games as we know them today without the jews

>> No.9491272 [DELETED] 

white men created everything good

>> No.9491274 [DELETED] 

>be a kike
>revise history

>> No.9491284 [DELETED] 

Christians created:
>The internet
>Video games
>every single genre of video game
>the code responsible for creating said video games
>the consoles that play said video games
>the companies that funded production of said video games

So where exactly do the jews fit in here? What, is it because some kike wrote The Last of Us 2? Is that their major contribution?

>> No.9491308 [DELETED] 

Sega and Taito are two of the most important video game developers and publishers ever and both were founded by Jews
>So where exactly do the jews fit in here? What, is it because some kike wrote The Last of Us 2? Is that their major contribution?
Not retro go back

>> No.9491476

Hitman can at times be like that

>> No.9491681

Laverne is my waifu, but her voice actress is godawful.

>> No.9491884 [DELETED] 

Not that guy but literally most of them are grotesque to the point of borderline disturbing, be it some of the deformed Psychonauts characters, the entirety of Fandingo or even Monkey Island with downright disgusting segments like the needlessy disgusting spitting contest where the spit is green as if that would make it funnier to normal people

Also Schafer was shilling Sarkesian on his Twitter

>> No.9491902 [DELETED] 

>Sega and Taito are two of the most important video game developers and publishers ever and both were founded by Jews
Now I know why the press gave games on Sega consoles a huge bonus. Also you meant to say the most overrated devolopers

>> No.9491915 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 627x304, 1670854878354622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now I know why the press gave games on Sega consoles a huge bonus.
the ps2 version is actually the better one, too

>> No.9491928 [DELETED] 

did this guy never hear of Roberta Williams?

>> No.9491936 [DELETED] 

Alan Turing wasn't much of a Christian (although admittedly he wasn't Jewish either)
Bow down and suck it

>> No.9491937 [DELETED] 

Didn't early SEGA literally have to be shut down because of criminal business practices?

>> No.9492124

>Schafer is a German surname, not jewish.
Oh yeah, I forgot that there weren't any Jews in Germany.

>> No.9492163 [DELETED] 

Sega was developing slot and pachinko machines originally. The company is only important because of games developed by AM2 and Sonic Team. I don’t see a berg in Yu Suzuki’s name

>> No.9492483 [DELETED] 

>Different perspectives makes things better
>If you disagree you are blocked
Does he not realize hes completely contradicting himself?

>> No.9492609

Really enjoyed the look of these games back in the day idk why

Need to go back and replay these sometime

>> No.9492620

I think her voice sounds nice

>> No.9492678

actually he is right and you are the idiot who didn't play those games.
if you fuck the hooker above lefties you need to put on a rubber or you die. you also die after walking around for a while and you forgot to put it off! it's such bs.

>> No.9492747

Nah it fit the comedy of the game and it was an immediate death. It wasn't bullshit like the stuff in LSL2 where if you don't pick up every item you need at the start you die hours later on the life raft

>> No.9492918

Give us a break. We tried really hard,okay.

>> No.9493125

>Kings Quest
King's Quest 1 is the only one where you are sent out to find items specifically by a king, who does not give you any items you need, that is the objective of the game. You find the items and you win. Game over. King's quest 2 you start out as a king and King's Quest 3 you don't even play as the same character or serve under a king, you serve under a wizard. Dumbass who has never played King's Quest.

>Space Quest
Vague and generic statement that means nothing and has nothing to do with Space Quest, since the very first objective of Space Quest is "SURVIVE" as you are boarded by alien enemies. Again, dumbass that has clearly never played Space Quest.

>Police Quest
>Get me the evidence I need for a search warrant
Never happens once in the entire game, in any 4 of the Police Quest games, even the ones where you get a search warrant. Dumbass that has never played a QUEST series game.

>Leisure Suit Larry
You don't get a drink for anyone to get a condom, you buy one from the shop.

Cope, seethe, dilate, yadda yadda yadda.

>> No.9493350 [DELETED] 

t. Jew