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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 24 KB, 768x515, Windows-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9485598 No.9485598 [Reply] [Original]

Retro gamingly speaking, is it worth it to keep a 2015 machine with Win 7? Any non-meme downsides compared to just keeping up with the HW/SW Joneses and emulating and/or remake/redo/remaster playing old stuff? I am pretty much only interested in PC gaming from Win 95 to Win 7 era.

>> No.9485623

As long as there are drivers for your hardware, you can simply keep an older hard drive or partition with a Win7 install.
No need to have a whole system yet.

>> No.9485638

Why specifically 2015?

>> No.9485656

Google Chrome started asking me to update to Win10 a couple of days ago. Makes Win7 feel 'classic' like 95 to XP

>> No.9485734

Windows 10 removed legacy support for Glide and a bunch of old Directx drivers and broke compatibility with many late 90's PC games so of course it's absolutely worth it.

>> No.9485821

If it's an Intel Haswell, AMD FX or earlier then install Windows XP on it. If there's a PCI slot slap an Audigy 2 ZS in there.
You'll be able to play almost every game released on PC pre-Steam.

>> No.9485830
File: 166 KB, 600x400, TheLastStand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the unix pill, retrogaming just works

>> No.9485834

7 is about to reach it's over-extended EoL this coming January so it's probably safer to not connect the PC to the internet from next year on if you want to go ahead with this. Also the whole thing with most web browsers dropping support for 7 alongside the EoL if you thought about using the net with it.
Aside from that, if you're going to use it to play 2000s and 90s games with more success then straight Windows 10 then sure have at it.

>> No.9485837

>the last stand
who's the-last-standing here?

>> No.9485842

>safer to not connect the PC to the internet from next year on if you want to go ahead with this
Viruses don't get your shit like they used to 10+ years ago. Unless you're a retard or open a shady email nothing will happen.

>> No.9485850

Same here. I only left XP in 2014, firefox couldn't run youtube videos because it was outdated.

>> No.9485920

Glenda without a doubt.

>> No.9485979

I can play any game on Win10

>> No.9486001

>Any non-meme downsides
The main downsides to keeping to an old OS is vulnerabilities from people who want to fuck with you are not longer being patched or supported so if anything new in the future comes, it's on your own.
Personally at this point, I think Win10 is fine (what are the odds, a microsoft OS finally becomes good at the tail end of its lifespan yet again) but I just hate the UI so I have ClassicShell installed.

>> No.9486003

didnt an update do the same for 7?

>> No.9486021

with a no cd crack. I too love downloading exe from russian sites to play games I own

>> No.9486137

It is a meme.
I have installed plenty of retro games from disk on my windows 10. All worked except Crysis.

>> No.9486191

Make sure you install the 32bit version, or you'll break 16bit win3/9x apps with the 64bit version. Outside of that it'll run 99% of what XP will, especially with Aero disabled. You can disable that by app if you like Aero/DWM otherwise, though. XP, honestly, is the better retro choice but 7 gives you a lot more convenience and modern readiness. XP is better for truly old shitboxes but for your 2015 machine 7 is ideal.
MyPal still works as a modern browser in XP, Youtube included.
Win10 runs old games by so many technicalities and is not recommended unless you can't be bothered to multiboot or use another machine. DGvoodoo, VMware + XP/7, and otvdm are musts for starters, and enjoy pcgamingwiki for just about everything. It works but I wouldn't recommend it for a smooth, research-free retro experience.

>> No.9486207

Again, by technicality. Unless you're installing gog-slop or lucking out, you'll need API wrappers, 16bit app support hacked in, VMware, or pcgamingwiki shit to get a lot of things off the beaten path working. The option's there, just a hassle on 10.

>> No.9486215


>> No.9486381

It's a stupid meme. If you need 98/95 support, get win98. All games work on win10. XP, 7 are obsolete. They don't have any advantage.

>> No.9486414

Except XP and 7 will run most games meant for 9x, and you'll need patches, APIs, VMs, or specific versions to run legacy games meant for 10. Yes, you can get things to run on 10 but its bare compatibility with old games is shitty.

>> No.9486420

*to run legacy games on 10.

>> No.9486518

It doesn't have as much as issues you make it ought to be. Also those patches generally fix other stuff as well, so you should install them even to xp 7. Not to mention you have to deal with another computer.

>> No.9486630

>7 is about to reach it's over-extended EoL this coming January so it's probably safer to not connect the PC to the internet from next year on if you want to go ahead with this. Also the whole thing with most web browsers dropping support for 7 alongside the EoL if you thought about using the net with it.
Oh wow. So nice of them. Guess I'll have to install a libre OS on my desktop sooner. I've been putting this off for as long as possible but I guess it's finally time.

>> No.9486808

I kept 7 for as long as I could (about 9 years) until very recently my mobo was gone to shit, despite 10 being worse in most regards (UI and privacy the most) thankfully combability with games and programs is almost 1:1 with 7, like 99,1 %. Of the 1200 games I have on my computer theres only 1 that doesn't directly work on 10 (but there's fix). Though if there new mobos that worked with 7 I'd opt to go back to it

>> No.9486819

Is windows 11 significantly worse than 10 with compatability? I got an Alder lake processor because amd processors are bad for PS3 emulation but apparently you need win 11 for their performance cores to work properly

>> No.9486826

>is it worth it
I don't really understand the question. It's a computer. It's not some massive industrial machine that costs a ton of money to keep going. You can get windows 7 era pcs for free. And who doesn't have a few spare computers around.

>> No.9486897

11 has made people miss the days of 10.

>> No.9487105

Not really. It's basically 10 under the hood, just with a bunch of backend changes.

>> No.9488053


>> No.9488068

EoL is a bluff to make you buy new software. Nothing bad will happen if you don't "upgrade" your OS. If you're incompetent enough to click ads on porn sites or whatever it takes to get malware then you'd already be on W10 by now.

>> No.9488235
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>smooth, research-free retro experience

>> No.9488320
File: 1.84 MB, 2016x1512, Retro_Win7_time_machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of my time machines, my Win7 one is closest to completion. I don't intend for it to be online, but I remember there were some mitigations against some hyperthreading like Spectre/Meltdown which reduced performance and disabled hyperthreading. Since the time machine is not ever going to be connected to the internet, what patches should be avoided to keep away from those mitigations for improved performance?

>> No.9488638

>Doesn't run Crysis
top kek

>> No.9488873

>Retro gamingly speaking
>2015 machine with Win 7?
Nigger, my current main, very modern and very much useless for retro gaming rig was assembled in March '14
>I am pretty much only interested in PC gaming from Win 95 to Win 7 era.
Buy a thrift-store PC circa '08 and install XP on it

>> No.9488882

Firefox never stopped playing YouTube on the versions running on XP, you faggot. My retired mother was left with my "intermediate" XP rig and she's watching florist tutorials on YouTube without any issues.

>Literal zoomer
The fuck you are doing on /vr/?

>> No.9488884

>All games work on win10. XP, 7 are obsolete. They don't have any advantage.
And >>>/v/ is that way. Thanks for saying us all you never even tried to run anything pre-'05 on Win10

>> No.9488889

Give me a single game that isn't playable that isn't a win9x game.

>> No.9488891

Nta, but it's just Win10 with 7 years less of figuring out both how to make it work on the MS side and how to use it on user side. But as mentioned, under the hood it's the same game as always.

>> No.9488896

>Better content than the PC I'm posting from
>I run on it games from current year
But then again, I've played the shit out of State of Decay on '05 PC. The trick was not being retarded and knowing your way around the hardware.

Also, that top fan is superfluous. It actually decreases the draft in such configuration

>> No.9488897

>she's watching florist tutorials on YouTube without any issues.
Based af

>> No.9488902

From the top of my head: Original War.
Which was the first "Nope" I made toward Win10 when it just popped out. Unless you plan to patch the shit out of the game with three different patches or run the borked out GoG version, you are shit out of luck.
And that game isn't even proper retro.

>> No.9488910

>Give me a single retro game, that isn't actually retro!
Told you that >>>/v/ is that way, didn't I?

>> No.9488920

Nigger, if I didn't need 64bit for my job, I would be still on XP, that's how much I didn't need upgrade to anything past it. And the reason I need it for job is that some cunt at Esri figured that we can speed up the whole process not by writing better scripts, but just throwing more RAM at the half-baked coding.
When they said they end support for Win7 the next day after it was officially "retired", I'm sticking to legacy version, because all the shit works on 1:1 basis anyway and until they introduce completely new coding, it will continue to work.
But go on, tell me how I need a new OS every 4-5 years, or else MS will make slightly less money and how I should feel bad about it.

>> No.9488937

Kinda proving my point. June 15, 2001 release by a Czech dev. They developed it on win98 and didn't do a good job.
You also say there are 3 patches available, they most likely improve the code. Why not use those. It most likely makes the game more stable overall.
And again win XP release date: October25, 2001
Stop acting like a retard, and give me a game that isn't playable.
I don't like the way Microsoft handles it myself, not a fan of win10 myself, but
>But go on, tell me how I need a new OS every 4-5 years, or else MS will make slightly less money and how I should feel bad about it.
I'm not getting payed for this. Do whatever you want. Enjoy your obsolete OS. Linux is getting better hopefully in a few years we would be free.

>> No.9488974

Just use Linux bro

>> No.9489025

Why would you update to win10 if you're interested in old PC gaming era? Yourself gave your own answer.
>end of support, they're going to fuck you PC with virus
Yeah, only if you are dumb enough to seek single mothers next to your house on the internet.

>> No.9489048

If you need older Windows to play games then just use a VM. I have XP for playing The Sims and 98 for older DOS games

>> No.9489056

unironically just use linux bro. go with mint or something. using 7 barely gives you a retro gaming advantage over windows 10 and old pc games are WINE's bread and butter. and yes the unpatched vulnerabilities are an issue regardless of the dunning kruger retards who think buffer overflow exploits leading to a compromised system is the same as accidentally downloading some adware virus

>> No.9489140

>all these people actually sugesting Linux for games
>all these people who are to fucking lazy to make certain games work on 7/10
>all these people who act like like 7/10 makes every old game go haywire despite most of them being perfectly (if not near perfect) playable
kys, all of you

>> No.9489217

>this dunning kruger retard insisting what's been put in front of them is automatically the best
>doesn't know what linux is but is sure it can't play old windows games (it can play all of them)
>actually defends windows 10
bill is never going to fuck you. ever.

>> No.9489249

Linux requires just as much fuckery as 10, but you can run just about anything on it too. Just not ideal.
7's 99% fine, never said it wasn't. XP's a little better, but usually unnecessary.
No, 10 does indeed fuck with a lot of old games because it drops and fucks with a bunch of old APIs and forces DWM. Your tastes are just too bland and unadventurous to notice it, or you just use gogslop. You CAN get anything to work on 10, but it often requires a pcgamingwiki trip or some API wrapper/VM.

>> No.9489253

Almost based but VMs suck at Win98. No hardware acceleration. Whether that's needed or not is up to you, but it's something to note. PCem is better for that. Or hell, VMware XP or 7 is likely better for running 9x games than VMware 9x.

>> No.9489264

This computer and how much thought/time you're putting into it are stupid, sharpie-kun. Everything about it is dumb. Just buy some Dell or HP biz tower and throw a mid 2000s Radeon or Geforce into it you freak. You've had this for a year, and it's hardly even appropriate for the time anyway, like you're building some Delorian or some shit.

>> No.9489319

3/4 of my game disfs dont work on 10 anymore

>> No.9489392

I still use Windows 7 on my one and only PC. There is no reason to downgrade to 10 or 11.

>> No.9489420

>GNU IceCat

>> No.9489457

I've been tempted to install Windows 7 on an isolated boot drive many time because some games on GOG don't work right on Windows 10. Also, Windows 10 got crap driver support for my soundcard. So instead of each 3.5mm jack being an individual in/out, they all get merged together.

>> No.9489526
File: 3.84 MB, 2560x1440, The_heart_and_soul_of_retro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The concept was that there are 3 intake fans from the front, so to match 2 fans to pull the air up and to the rear. Given the heat of 2 old video cards which is no longer how things are now of singular cooler cards, the warmer air is best extracted with the extra pull from the two fans rather than just one at the rear.

That's some of the problems of using period correct parts. I still haven't figured out how to inject in drivers for the Intel Optane drive intended for the page/swap file. Intel Optane is a technology no longer supported that was at its "height" at the time, and I still have to find a way to use a slimmer fan on the front tower of the heatsink so that the stick can vertically mount (underneath the power cable in this image). It is a challenge in getting Windows 7 to work because there's so little support/information available for it now since everything is about 10/11 may not apply.

>> No.9489854

Late XP-era machines are still usable as daily drivers so 7-era machines definitely will be for a while.

If you said 98/ME/2000 or something even older than those then in that case you would lack web-browser and anti-virus support so they'd not be very useful for anything beyond old games, but anything XP or newer will work fine.
>vulnerabilities from people who want to fuck with you
Which is noone unless you're a fortune 500 business or an old grandma who replies to Nigerian prince scams

>> No.9489903

If you can boot Linux, you can troubleshoot Win10.
If you have at any point used Win7 and played older games on it, then you can troubleshoot Win10.
There's no reason to pretend dxvk, nglide etc are hard to use. And checking pcgamingwiki is standard for anyone who doesn't feel like tracking down updates on archive.org.

>> No.9489920
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I have no idea why.
Ten can do everything if you can use dgvoodoo and scummvm. Between ten and XP it's completely pointless. Either go as far back as XP or if you REALLY need to feel like windows 98 had a butt baby, some ME.

>> No.9489921
File: 34 KB, 579x663, 1633454622526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suffice to say, windows 98 was a controlled mess that might have amounted to the best OS ever made. If the world worked on windows 98 I would be a happy lad, I tell you.

>> No.9489953 [DELETED] 

Bill is going to fuck everyone due to hubris leading him to play god.

>> No.9489961

>Which is noone unless you're a fortune 500 business or an old grandma who replies to Nigerian prince scams
B-but anon, muh heartbleed! What you mean "I've disabled QSS the moment I've finished reading what that is in the router's settings"?

>> No.9489989

timeline switched to the trump timeline

>> No.9490037

It's worth it for the Win7 experience alone, regardless of retro game compatibility.

>> No.9490074
File: 121 KB, 990x1266, 7fb15b40043debf0e19b976f727bfdcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when /vr/ shared an old obscure Jap PC shooter, I had way better performance on 10 LTSC than 7. In general games work like a charm there.

>> No.9490309

Windows 7 was officially supported until 2020 and is still in very common industry usage. Even its original release was hardly more than one decade ago. What exactly are you trying to achieve with this autism? Buy a refurbed office PC and install W7 from the disk, it's not rocket science.

>> No.9490341

if it has XP drivers then downgrade it to XP.

>> No.9490353

>so it's probably safer to not connect the PC to the internet from next year on
Nice way of showing you are a PC illiterate.

>> No.9490360

Nice way of showing you and the other retards here are PC illiterate.
But please continue using net with XP and 7. You don't click ads right?

>> No.9490390

>using net
You have to be 18+ to post here.

>> No.9490693


>> No.9490696

Linux does have a better support for WIN9X stuff than Windows.

>> No.9490954
File: 110 KB, 600x600, Stubbs-the-zombie-in-rebel-without-a-pulse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.9490972

Ok that is true, but it's still playable
>Digital re-release by Aspyr in 2021 contains multiple bug fixes and features such as controller support, native widescreen resolution

>> No.9493031
File: 2.73 MB, 2304x1728, Current_year_arguement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a chance to right the past. Since I couldn't afford it, I had no choice but the poverty AMD option. At the time a HD7850, no matter how lowly the settings, was always a stuttering experience that it made me quit video games. Gaming was for the Linux snobs with Intel and nVidia, but since then the parts were cleared out for newer Intel+nVidia and Windows 7 is still a great OS for me. It is a chance to rekindle the joy that was robbed from me by AMD.

>> No.9493042

Why would you downgrade to 8/9/10/whatever to begin with?

>> No.9493256

>Since the time machine is not ever going to be connected to the internet, what patches should be avoided to keep away from those mitigations for improved performance?

Just install the patch roll up that updates you to 2015. You don't need any patches after that. Many of the patches after that just tends break more shit than it fixes.

Though if you want a real Win 7 Time Machine, you should really put parts no later than 2012 in there.

>> No.9494389


>> No.9494554

Win 7 is not retro. I still use it as my daily driver.

>> No.9495997
File: 2.46 MB, 2016x1243, Nothin_special_but_this_boy_gets_the_job_done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The top result of the search leads me to KB3102810, is that it? I already have a couple of pre-2012 XP time machines in the works, but are also far since I still have to learn to solder/desolder and have the funds to understand/have capacitors changed like this one here. It is a bit of work, but I'm just closest with 7 which requires only a little more research.

>> No.9496028

Works on 10

>> No.9496196

I don't even SEE ads.

>> No.9497182

I'm using windows 11
I seriously don't know what you guys do with your computers that you can't play things on it

>> No.9497212

Lost my virginity, it sucked, should have saved that money for a graphics card

>> No.9497218

>not running *nix
Ishiggy diggy famalamadingdong.

>> No.9497246

I has question:
Has anyone written super autistic Apollo Guidance computer cores for super austicially accurate flight simulation?

>> No.9497272

Shit, my bad, wrong thread.

>> No.9497424

No, Microsoft's last major changes were in Windows 7 with their driver models and etc. with their kernel and they haven't done anything that groundbreaking and breaking compatibility with the NT kernel other than hypervisor enterprise support and enabling WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) so for all intents and purposes, the compatibility between Windows 7 and 11 is by and large good enough on the gaming side that it will never make a significant difference. We're talking about a minority of DX9 games, a bigger minority of DX10 and a big majority of DX11 for what was done gaming-wise with releases in Windows 7 lifecycle. These all will still be fine with Windows 11 today. Also technically not /vr/ since XP is the cutoff.

Also off topic but yes to an extent but it only goes as far as running the flight software. Does require deep software engineering knowledge even then too.


>Virtual AGC is not a flight simulator, nor a lunar-lander simulator, nor even a behavioral simulation of the Apollo Lunar Module (LM) or Command-Module (CM) control panels. (In other words, if you expect a realistic LM control panel to suddenly appear on your computer screen, you'll be disappointed.) Virtual AGC could be used, however, as a component of such a simulation, and developers of such software are encouraged to do so. Indeed, some developers already have! See the FAQ for more information: http://www.ibiblio.org/apollo/faq.html

>> No.9497567

I've heard there's a way to install XP on modern hardware. Is that true, or just some project that will never be finished? An XP machine for those directsound games would be ideal, since OpenAL is sporadic at best.

>> No.9497715
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Can't you buy a raspberry pi and install windows 98?

>> No.9497729
File: 62 KB, 571x590, 4131546995755905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me how to play Disney's The Lion King II: Simba's Pride then or any disney cd rom game on new hardware and i'll kiss you, no homo. I still have an original disney magic artist cd around and i would like to play it sometimes

>> No.9497815

have you tried the guides at pcgamingwiki?

>> No.9497842

Yes, i got to run only the typing game, but i guess i fucked up the installation process

>> No.9497890

Windows changed to Windows NT with XP. XP, 7 and 10 all have issues with WIN9X stuff. So you do need Windows 98 one way or another to get games from that era working on modern PC. Even patches don't work all the time for win9x. Yes, 98 support is better on XP, but even then some of them has issues. XP and 7 games are fine on win10, sometimes needs patches, but works completely fine.
Patches for windows 95/98 games are sometimes are system specific. Maybe the installation went fine, but patch isn't a good one.

>> No.9497990
File: 90 KB, 285x328, Cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a prepackaged version of DOSBox-X or whatever that comes with Windows preinstalled so that I can just install games?

>> No.9498250

> Windows changed to Windows NT with XP
It would be more accurate to say, windows was discontinued, and replaced with a completely separate operating system with the same name.

>> No.9498282

I believe win95 and 98 were running dos on the background.

>> No.9498292

Not true. Win9x performed a complicated dance with dos if you had a driver that required dos. But if all your drivers were 32bit, then dos does not run.

>> No.9498402
File: 21 KB, 376x169, bits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> XP, 7 and 10 all have issues with WIN9X stuff. So you do need Windows 98 one way or another to get games from that era working on modern PC
No you don't a very few games actually might need it and half of those are like pic related but they are not many.

>> No.9499535

>accidentally post in the wrong thread in my drunken stupor
>not only does such an obscure autistic thing exist, an anon knows of it, and posts about it
/vr/ is low key the most based board.
Cheers m8.