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[SPOILER] No.948374[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: endings that pissed you off.

She was never real. Nothing you did ever mattered, and all it did was wake you up. Some fucking achievement.

>> No.948376

>Funny that Link's dream girl wasn't Zelda.

>> No.948384

But she was.

if you stayed alive the whole game.

>> No.948389

Why did you make such a cryptic spoiler post? If you hide everything without even telling the game title, most people would want to view the spoilers regardless.

>> No.948396
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Should've added the game title. I'm sorry, friend.

>implying a chick with wings is real
wait a sec are you trying to make me hope again?

>> No.948448

You forgot, didn't you?

On the beach. She confides in you that she's looked at the Seagulls, who are able to fly away to far off lands, and sing their songs to other people, and that is her dream, to be able to do that some day. If you do the game deathless, she gets her wish granted. You heartless son of a bitch.

>> No.948716

LA's ending is perfect, and beautifully fitting into the mood the game puts you in in its later parts. Nothing about it that should piss you off - not like 'It was all a dream' was somehow news to you.

Secret of Mana, with the sprite vanishing out of nowhere, now that sucked. I loved her :<


German translation has her as a she. And I'll always maintain this, regardless of what the japanese version says.

>> No.949052

She was really a seagull.

>> No.949394

Are you saying that Link had sex with a seagull?

>> No.949430

A theory I somewhat recently heard was that Marin did exist in the real world, but not as a human - she actually was a seagull that got caught in the dream and manifested itself as a human girl.

>> No.949436

>Sprite returns to the ebb and flow of mana
Oh shit, the fucking feels are flooding back...

>> No.949441

Link had sex with a lot of stuff including female fish.

>> No.949703

Germany gets lots of genders wrong, including cartoon characters (Digimon is a good example).

But if it makes you happy, I won't argue with you.

>> No.949741

What do you mean nothing you did mattered? It's made quite clear throughout the game that the beings in the dream are real, even if they disappear when the dream ends. It's just the way dreams are. You saved the Wind Fish. You saved yourself. You helped the inhabitants of Koholint Island, even if their lives ended up being short. In the good ending, Dream Marin got her wish of being able to be a seagull and explore the world and so didn't even disappear when the dream ended.
It sounds like you're just angry about some stupid waifu bullshit, OP.

>> No.950127

I just want Marin to stop shitting on my car.

>> No.950157

Shining Force II
"so many broken hearts"

>> No.951158

Also it's made clear that the nightmares specifically invaded the Windfish's dream to rule it. The monsters suddenly increasing in numbers and cutting off the route to Animal Village make it clear that they're accelerating their plan. Had Link not woken the Windfish, the inhabitants of Cocolint would've been tormented forever.

>> No.951162
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>> No.951220
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Do these count?

>> No.951230

Bleh... I love (or rather, don't love) how people forget that sooooometiiiiiimes dreams are continued in another dream.

>> No.951237
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Not quite an ending, but when you finally save this bitch was the most infuriating moment I've ever had in a JRPG.

>> No.951241

Never has an RPG made me think the thoughts of "We're going to hell, and I'm taking you all with me" as a perfectly rational mindset for when everyone expects you to save them.

>> No.951259
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the ultimate bullshit ending imo, would be the completion of a 100% run of dragon warrior III for GBC. you have to grind like 250~ bronze, silver and gold medals and present them to Grandragon. the reward is nothing.

>> No.951264

So basically pokemon?

>> No.951271

Goddamn I fucking hatefucked Bahamut Lagoon's story.

>> No.951324
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LA's manga has better ending

>> No.951351

Syndicate (the first one). After completing the last mission there's no special animation about how you have conquered the world, but just the credits followed by "keep on thinking."

Oh, and you can't cancel the credit sequence.

>> No.951364
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Spiderman-Venom Separation Anxiety
You get this story the whole way of what's going on and what you need to do but when you beat it you just get pic related.
It's like 'you want to know what happens with our heroes? fuck you the game's over'

>> No.951435

How does this happen?

Does the german translaters not give a fuck or do they feel like they are improving the games?

>> No.951472

Short answer is they just do what they want. Pretty much someone fell for the sprite as >>948716
did and didn't want to feel gay about it so it got changed.

>> No.951507

Link probably died cold and alone in the ocean after the game.

>> No.951970

Back when SoM was translated, the translation team consisted of precisely one person. Who didn't speak Japanese.

He was told to 'Make it funny', given the script to the English translation (Which was terrible), and was otherwise left to his own devices.

Such issues would continue until the late nineties. Even games as late as Terranigma experienced translation-creep where the German- and English names for NPCs were mingled, leaving the palyers confused as fuck. It wasn't until the early 2000s that Nintendo professionalised their translation business in Europe.

>> No.951991

>Does the german translaters not give a fuck

>> No.952321

they killed mark hamil!!!

>> No.952516

That shit was the worst. Seriously it came out of nowhere just to say "Hey look, we're subverting the trope!"

>> No.952525

Most seagulls fly near the shore. He probably survived.

>> No.952528


Holy shit, how has nobody mentioned Myst yet?

>Beat game.
>As a reward, you get teleported back into the same game.
>No, there's nothing different.
>And you solved all the puzzles.
>Have fucking fun.

>> No.952535

More like "You want to know what happens with our heroes? Fuck you the game's over, go out and spend money on the comics if you want to know."

>> No.952574

Mother 1's ending kind of pissed me off. That bullshit cliffhanger ending, and Mother 2 making it look like the first kids did everything for nothing.

>> No.952579

You met the only dude in the world at the heart of the island and the mystery of Which Brother's A Dick got conclusively solved with fatal explosions. What more do you want?

>> No.952774


It's from an obscure indie game, so I don't know if anyone else has heard of it, but it's called "Falling Stars", it's a Blades of Exile scenario. Going to spoiler text; because I recommend this scenario to everyone, and it really will ruin the ending.

>Your country, Xancrest, is at war.
>You're losing.
>It's one of the cooler mechanics, actually. You have to move FAST, or the enemies will burn down towns, kill quest givers, make your life miserable. You don't have the leisure to sit around and rest after each encounter, and it feeds into this desperate frenzy that the game tries to set up.
>Eventually, it looks like they're on the brink of victory.
>Your bosses come up with this ridiculous, desperate, longshot plan.
>Your first reaction when you hear it is "There's no possible way this can work." It involves a lot of things that all have to go right, exactly, or the whole thing falls apart.
>Your task is to assassinate this lich, that commands the undead that guard the command post you need to sack.
>It's very clearly a mission that they hope you'll succeed at, but don't really expect you to.
>Get in there, kill the lich.
> Get a visitation by a UNL diplomat, where he gloats about the war being over in a couple of days.
>Go to the command post.
>Your troops are rampaging through it.
>Wipes out your entire task force in like two rounds.
>You can't even hurt it, you have to run.
>Would think it's an ass pull, but it's actually beautifully foreshadowed, the sort that it's incredibly obvious on a re-play, but I was never going to figure it out the first time.
>But yeah, they were one step ahead of you the entire fucking time.

I stood up and shouted at my computer for half an hour when it happened the first time. It was amazingly powerful, and brilliantly done. I'd still punch the game designer for putting me through that though.

>> No.952775


An ending? Something that affected YOU? Or is that too much to ask for?

>> No.952949

Do you have a link to this game? I'm having a hard time finding it with Google.

>> No.952952

Nevermind, I misread your post over and over again and just got it now.

>> No.953008

I don't want to write the spoilers tags, so skip this if you want.
Marin was not real, she didn't get any wish granted and the seagull at the end was just passing by since link was drifted to a coast nearby. The wind fish was not real either, Link just passed out and he dreamt the adventure because why not, the fish was just passing by and maybe link heard it, opened his eyes while sleeping and what not. Link was never rescued and died at the ocean, or maybe he did was rescued, either way, the timeline splits again.

>> No.953019

It was one hell of a plot twist, OP. It's still amazing, if you ask me.

>> No.953030

die deutschen wissen nicht die unterschied zwischen mann und frau

habt ihr die deutschen frauen mal gesehen???

>> No.953031

I read like half this thread thinking we were talking about Silent Hill

>> No.953397
File: 576 KB, 640x453, Karatechop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you talking about? silent hill has the best endings.
It was really unexpected and theme breaking to get abducted the first time, I remember laughing so hard I couldn't breathe
Shit was cash.

>> No.953783
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>> No.953787


I don't remember the ending of SoM too well but wasn't the final picture of the sprite looking up at the stars?

>> No.953790

>Claude M. Moyse
>Who didn't speak Japanese.

You are fucking stupid. He was the German Woolsey and put a lot of "flavor" into his translations but saying he doesn't speak Japanese is fucking wrong.