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File: 96 KB, 710x704, 15522-medal-of-honor-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9476226 No.9476226 [Reply] [Original]

this hasn't aged a day. i don't care about you zoomers scared of jaggy polgyons. this game is a classic forever, perfect design

>> No.9476239

MOH is fun but it doesn't even compare to goldeneye/turok/perfect dark

>> No.9476243

The other day we talked about this game in particular with a friend, this game always felt oppresive due the dark environments and stealth. MOH: Underground didn't feel like this, nor the other games

>> No.9476246

yes, and they don't compare to medal of honor. those games don't have the world and its presentation, medal of honor has its own setting.

>> No.9476251

I agree.
A mature fps game can never be compared to toddler's fps playground.

>> No.9476265

medal of honor didn't really get good until frontline

>> No.9476269

I liked it, it felt appropriate to the setting and concept of you being a lone operative behind enemy lines. Added a thriller element that helped make your imagination fill in the gaps of the blocky textures and short render distance.
Like those soldiers in the trees outside Fort Schmerzen catching you by surprise, or the dogs suddenly bolting to you in the sewers.
This game was WAY ahead of its time. Also, a great OST, with clear motif references to John Williams vis a vis Indiana Jones, and to some extent Star Wars:

>> No.9476273

shut up, dumbass. the original is a classic that surpasses frontline

>> No.9476279

I was spoiled by this game. I was forever disappointed that other FPS's didn't have unique hit animations for each part of the body you shoot on an enemy. Ragdolls are a cheap copout and I remember being disappointed when first playing Half Life 2 and seeing the Combine just take shots until they ragdoll.

>> No.9476367

Where's his face

>> No.9476374

mustard gas happened

>> No.9476412

You and me are buddies OP. Still unsurpassed FPS in many ways.

>> No.9476418

>this hasn't aged a day.
its like 23 years old

>> No.9476493 [DELETED] 

Do Americans actually believe there is honor in dying for Israel? More like Medal of Zohar

>> No.9476501
File: 2.90 MB, 862x710, MOH_snowman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9476504
File: 2.77 MB, 640x480, MOH_V2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9476530

>unique hit animations for each part of the body you shoot on an enemy
>go through first stage shooting as many enemies in the groin as possible
>Gunnery Evaluation: Jewel Thief
My cousin and I nearly pissed ourselves laughing when that screen came up.

>> No.9476569

Only because it has modern fps controls

>> No.9476594
File: 2.66 MB, 640x480, MOH_rockets2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9476597
File: 2.78 MB, 640x480, MOH_rockets.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9476617

Looks janky as fuck

>> No.9476703 [DELETED] 

to be fair jews rewarded us with some damn good movies

>> No.9476713
File: 2.77 MB, 640x480, MOH_UG_Tank.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Underground because it has more varied gameplay

>> No.9476824

looks fun maybe I'll burn a copy soon

>> No.9476830


>> No.9477176

he represents you, anon

>> No.9477182

it really is a great game. still very playable

>> No.9477226 [DELETED] 

One thing that does feel dated is the Spielberg hollywood portrayal of ww2 as the ultimate clash of good vs evil. I'm not a nazi sympathizer but as an American with German ancestry I'm beyond tired of le master race muh jews shit, and can't get behind the idea that any war is truly a "good" war.

>> No.9477230 [DELETED] 

>can't get behind the idea that any war is truly a "good" war.
agreed. but i think the intent of the game is to make a fun game for kids to feel like they're taking part in a war that really happened, and get a sense of the feeling of righteousness and hope that hollywood itself propagandized people with in that time and with ww2 movies following. it's about spielberg's love of war movies and heroism, and the backdrop should not be taken to be accurate. it's a GAME

>> No.9477239

for the narrow slice of people who had a first gen dualshock and dug in the settings to the 4th page it's literally a modern 2 stick fps, just with a shit framerate. somewhat less impressive being released in 2000 but a lot of 6th gen games didn't get that right. so many shooters dropped into a flaming dumpster before they finally figured that out.

>> No.9477250

Medal of Honor's pretty great.
I'll admit I grew up with the 64 and GoldenEye but a while ago I gave MoH a chance and was pleasantly surprised by how good it was.

>> No.9477269 [DELETED] 

It's a shooter. As a legitimate question, how would you have worked in something more nuanced? A segment where lingering outside a window causes an elderly German woman to offer your character some pie, healing you 10%?
The Underground intro says that Germany was "swept by madness", which is pretty much the accepted truth of the situation. While I recognize which website we are on, Hitler and his friends aren't loved much, but people recognize that there isn't something fundamentally about German people - quite the opposite, if anything, Germans are adored where I live. But I don't much see the fault you guys do with the concept. It's slightly jingoistic as presented, but it was a global war, the last one of its kind, and genocide is generally agreed upon to be squarely in the "evil" bucket.
I agree with you that the scientists in MoH1 are over the top, though. That bothered me even as a kid.

>> No.9477341 [DELETED] 

I guess the idea of risking your life in the American military seems a lot crazier now than 20 years ago, and propaganda designed to make it seem cool comes off as cringe, to me at least. "Die for the US's position on the grand chessboard and on behalf of people halfway across the world who hate you, just like Jimmy Patterson and your retard country bumpkin grandfathers did back in ww2"

>> No.9477367

Same. It's not quite up to Goldeneye's standards, but it's still very well made and I totally get how much PSX owners that didn't have an N64 at the time must've loved it.

>> No.9477382
File: 30 KB, 266x266, F33F50EB-61D7-4889-811C-8AA8072E09A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it’s picrel

>> No.9477387

As someone who played vastly superior PC FPS games at the time and only tried this recently, I'd say it's fairly charming for what it is and I recommend trying to play it on emulator with m+kb controls.

>> No.9477408

Medal of Honor is based but it's clear the dev team wasn't very experienced, the engine has some very strange quirks that are made much more apparent with Underground which pushed it to the extreme.
I still like to replay it but the dual shock scheme makes it too easy to get 3 stars on all missions.

>> No.9477423

3 stars was never very difficult, it's just about killing all the enemies and finishing with more than 75% health or so. Just save a medpack for later and grab it after you've killed everyone and you're good.

>> No.9477430 [DELETED] 

Well it's crazier now because there's virtually no reason to join. But back then it wasn't really propaganda, anon, Axis forces invaded and occupied virtually every country in Europe, namely including our allies and long-time trading partners, and Japan tried to OHKO our entire Pacific Fleet out of nowhere. Even if you somehow think "Germany can control all of Europe and Africa, and Japan can own all of Asia, that's fine by me", it's beyond absurd to think that one or the other wouldn't immediately proceed to invade the Americas. They even took steps to do so during the war anyway.
No one today views Afghanistan as being on the doorstep to global domination and mass genocide, but Germany and Japan were very much doing so. Combating that wasn't really a "chessboard" decision.

>> No.9477450 [DELETED] 

people had the same attitude after vietnam, and it only took a little while and a good false flag to get those boys to sign up. the reason to join is free college and you can travel and get pay after for a family. that is always the incentive, recruiters go to poor towns and scoop kids up. but the thing of people being too pacified never lasts. you can always stir people up for war. look at democrats foaming for war with russia when a short time ago they were the ones rallying, a million marching against invasion of iraq. they completely flipped to being warmonger pigs. actual human soldiers won't be necessary very long, soon it will all be robotic and we'll pay for it with taxes

>> No.9477469

Got a ton of memories attached to this game. Really enjoyed it all.

>> No.9477479

I loved the train station level where you wore a disguise and you had to go through that
>papers please
>your papers are in order
routine every time you got to a security checkpoint. This was before Hitman, or at least before I got my hands on CN47, and it got me hooked on the social stealth concept before that really became a thing.

>> No.9477486 [DELETED] 

I mostly agree with your conclusions, but
>sign up
The US had a draft in place during Vietnam, most people didn't want to participate in the conflict.
>foaming for war with russia
>against invasion of iraq
1) I live in a Democratic city, and I have not heard one single person opine for war or even armed conflict with Russia. I'm not talking about politicians, but about people that are otherwise pro-Democratic policies.
2) Iraq wasn't doing anything, Russia actively invaded a country it had a peace treaty with. There are a lot of differences between the two.
>we'll pay for it with taxes
No change there.

>> No.9477492 [DELETED] 

you may not heard anyone beg for war, but you don't see them questioning the squad for immediately withdrawing a letter than maybe, just maybe, wanted to consider that we don't need to send 100 billion to ukraine, like it's all just arms. it's disgusting. how can you pretend to be progressive and vote yes to send 40 billion in weapons every few months. no one in the party questions it. that is what is gross. once upon a time democrats would be first to vocally question and put it into comedy at night, why the hell are we sending weapons of war overseas and making ourselves part of FUCKING UKRAINE, who the fuck ever cared about ukraine. we won't even feed our starving or house our homeless and we send all that money for weapons. no protest from the so-called anti-war party. democrats are afraid to speak in any way against imperialism. it's hopeless. they are as bad as republicans or worse for pretending

>> No.9477495

>FPS games on PS1
Without exaggeration they are below Wolfenstein 3D.

>> No.9477530 [DELETED] 

Is sending weapons imperalism? Not sure I agree with that. But foreign policy in the US has never been very committed to any particular structure. The average American will fluctuate like a metronome between "who cares about those people? Not my problem" and "those bloodthirsty bastards! The free world should teach them a lesson -- and America should lead the charge".
But also, the aid isn't just for Ukraine, it has value beyond that. It also shows that the US isn't willing to merely ignore any form of Russian aggression, which reassures our other friends in Eastern Europe that are perpetually scared of being invaded just like Ukraine was. It also asserts dominance, reminding Russia that while they can play in the dirt a little bit, we reserve the right to fuck them up whenever we choose to not hold back. Lastly, it signals these same things via a side-eyed glance to China. The Chinese government wants to pull the same shit Russia is doing, but worse, so they are gauging how we treat the Ukraine situation in order to guess how we might respond if they do something like invade Taiwan. It isn't just us, either, the EU has sent arms as well, and that's the first time they have ever done that in history. Lastly, we've spent maybe 55 billion on aid, which is like 6% of our military budget. When you consider that we only have a military to defend against and threaten potentially hostile nations, that money seems better spent in the hands of Ukrainians (who we don't care about) blowing up tons of Russian materiel (which is a sizeable portion of global equipment that could be used against us or our allies), than it would be spent on other military purposes. Is it better spending that money on a ship that will do nothing but float around and get decommissioned after sponging up tax dollars every year?
Feed the starving and house the homeless, sure, but let's be honest neither party is going to do that anytime soon. Unfortunately, those are seen as un-American.

>> No.9477531 [DELETED] 

If you're talking about America, they didn't join the war until AFTER Japan attacked them first anyway.

>> No.9477545 [DELETED] 

occupying a third of syria (the oil) and drone striking 5 or more countries at any given time, with 1000 military bases around the world is imperialism. democrats are ramping it up, that's why the military budget is so high - when they were supposedly against everything rump wanted, they not only gave him the budget increase he wanted for military, they raised it even higher. obama took us from bombing 2 countries under bush, to 7 by the end of obama's second term and he ran out of bombs because he dropped so many in syria. dropped more bombs than bush. you are a statist, an establishment ass-kisser to defend the military this much

>> No.9477569 [DELETED] 

I'm anti-military, retard. I'd cut 90% of it ASAP. Syria? Sure. Drone strikes? Sure. Bases? Sure. But giving weapons to Ukraine is not imperialism. I never said anything about the first three, and mentioning them doesn't make my pont magically disappear.
>that's why the military budget is so high
No. Both parties are pro-military and are happy to keep ramping it up, it isn't a partisan issue. Most Americans are pro-military as well, go into your local Republican watering hole and try loudly proclaiming to those "small statists" that the military should be downsized and veteran benefits slashed.
>defend the military
By saying that they shouldn't get new ships and that our money is better spent on Ukrainian soil than on our own soldiers? What the hell are you talking about?
...Yes? What's your point, that fighting the Axis was less admirable because they waited to join until they got hit? Or that America should always wait until it gets hit before it starts fighting?

>> No.9477583 [DELETED] 

No, my point was that America didn't JUST join the war because Germany and Japan were doing scary stuff elsewhere, but because Japan literally attacked them.

>> No.9477586


Is this PS1 footage? If so I'm impressed.

>> No.9477626

Right. I said that in the original post.
>Japan tried to OHKO our entire Pacific Fleet out of nowhere
My point was that I didn't view the game as military propaganda, since it really only focuses on WWII material and has zilch to say about the modern US military. And that, further, it isn't propaganda to say that the US was on the right side in that war, because we were (1) openly being attacked, and (2) would have been invaded by one or both of Germany/Japan a little down the line even if we resisted joining the war for some bizarre reason. Even without speaking to broader concepts of global brotherhood, preservation of peace, or anything like that.
It's a good-looking game for the most part. Obvious limitations, but they spent the resources well where they did, IMO.

>> No.9478339

Kek, no, fuck off. Just having Doom, Duke3D, Quake 2 and Powerslave, even in gimped forms puts it far above Wolf.
You could make a point about Blake Stone being better than most PS1 original FPS games (excluding ports) somehow, but Wolf is worse, even the Mac one.

>> No.9479429 [DELETED] 

You're an idiot and you're historically illiterate. The Axis powers didn't do what they did in a vacuum. All wars are banker wars.

>> No.9479484 [DELETED] 

Wow, what a compelling case. I stand corrected.

>> No.9479527 [DELETED] 

>I'm not a nazi sympathizer but

>> No.9479582

Really amazing game. Even if you don't like shooters, you should play it.

>> No.9480168 [DELETED] 

>Kill Germans


>> No.9480324 [DELETED] 


>> No.9480369

Turok is fucking garbage. Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are unplayable without the 60 fps mod, especially perfect dark. I would also say PD's mission structure is much worse than Medal of Honor.

>> No.9480373 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 768x960, EX6bsfgU4AA3iNk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American with German ancestry

>> No.9480981 [DELETED] 

This. Helps GE has no save dah jew setting. Ebil Vlad is overdone too but the finale (bonus) villains aren't even ruskie

>> No.9480991

shit taste

>> No.9481482

They didn't really work well for me. I don't know if it's the sensitivity or anything else.

>> No.9482550 [DELETED] 

There is zero point in going back and forth in some gay debate. I just wanted you to know you are a dipshit.

>> No.9482557 [DELETED] 

kill yourself, faggot

>> No.9482613 [DELETED] 

no you

>> No.9482625 [DELETED] 

peace treaty with? what? Ukraine violated Minsk 2 and got invaded. thats it.

>> No.9482957


>> No.9482965

No matter how hyped I was to try and play this get each time I sat down it bored me to death and I felt a sense of pointlessness and like I was wasting my life. Only game that ever made me feel that way. The explosions weren't even explosions it just quickly morphed the thing that the explosive was planted on.

Gun play was boring.

Spec ops was a similarly boring game.

>> No.9484382 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 487x550, 1460567965521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9486585

Oh, don't get me wrong. It's one of my all time favourites! It's a really badass game. The fact that the OST felt very John Williams as you said, it's very appropiate!

>> No.9486609

spec ops on ps1 was far worse
if you want TPS on the console go with syphon filter trilogy

>> No.9486891

PS1 had some excellent FPS games. Disruptor, Alien Trilogy, Alien Resurrection, Lifeforce Tenka, excellent ports like Doom, Powerslave and Quake 2...

I would argue most of these have aged better than the Rare shooters, and it's only N64 nostalgia that keeps people interested in them. Without the goggles those games are painful to play now.

>> No.9488586
File: 2.79 MB, 640x480, MOH_UG_Sidecar.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]