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947537 No.947537 [Reply] [Original]

Simon's Quest got an awful localization. A new patch has come along that gives it a new translation, with some new features. I want to test how truly new players, who've never played Simon's Quest before react to it. What I would like to do is have players be given all the tools that JP players did. That means the game, and the manual. Sadly, only the story prologue of the manual has been translated fully.

1. Read the story prologue: http://www.vgmuseum.com/mrp/cv2/documents/CV2J.txt
2. Patch and play the game.
3. Only refer to the ENG manual or JP manual (if you read Japanese), or the developer's guide.
4. Do not use any other guides.
5. You may use a separate map (which was included in the JP manual, but not the NA manual).
5. Try to get as far into the game as possible. If you get stuck, and quit, report back.
6. Remember: Only new players can apply.

The Patch:





>> No.947542

I played the first one but was so fucked up by its difficulty that I had to beat it with states and didn't go further, but, I've been wanting to give II a shot, so this comes along perfectly. I'll give it a shot.

>> No.947546

For the patch, he gives several options, and I chose the ones that added features from the JP version, but not all the extra ones he's added. The reason is that I feel that it should simply be as close to the original game as possible. However, if you want to make use of these features go to the site and download the patch with those features:


He added an in-game map, which I think is simply too good. You never need to read the signs. And like most "improvement" patches, he doesn't know when to quit. So he just keeps adding and adding things.

>> No.947548

Alright, I'm in.
Always wanted to play that shit, honestly, but everybody said it was totally bullshit.

>> No.947549

>Always wanted to play that shit, honestly, but everybody said it was totally bullshit.

The translation is terrible. The hints make no sense. The new translation makes more sense. I don't know if he's taking liberties with it however. He claims not to.

>> No.947563

I think I patched the ROM; however, I've never done so before, so I don't know if it worked. Are there any immediate differences that'll show me whether I was successful?

>> No.947565

Wait, never mind, I'm a fucking idiot, I see the "translation copyright 2012" in the title screen.

>> No.947584

I have never played a Metroidvania game.
I will try this later tonight.

>> No.947596


This is like a proto-Metroidvania.

>> No.947640

Hmm, so at night, you just have to wait until morning if you're in a town, fighting off enemies?

This seems like it'll be annoying.

>> No.947646

I liked it in 1989.

>> No.947651


gotta love romhackers.

>> No.947661

>the hints make no sense

They were never SUPPOSED to be hints. Part of the game is trying to figure out which people are lying/making rumors and which people are telling the truth. Also to give merit to the books you find which give you true hints.

That patch isn't so much a "translation" as it is just making up new dialogue to tell the players what to do. Which was never supposed to happen.

>> No.947662

What if the retranslations keeps the lies and doesn't make them obvious?

>> No.947678

>Developers cannot mistaeks
>Fixes TEXT
Gotta love fanboys

>> No.947682

You get obscure and outright useless. Simon's Quest was definitely in the Outright Useless zone.

>> No.947690

So far I'm disliking this game. I got to the first dungeon, and there are fake floors, and a very long hallway that led to a dead end, absolutely nothing there.

>> No.947698

All fake floors are in front of pillars. No exceptions.

>> No.947703

Oh, I hadn't realized that, never mind, I'm an idiot who can't into game design, sorry.

>> No.947706

Should I assume that was a hint that I glossed over/hadn't read because I haven't been to any town except the first?

>> No.947712

>romhacker completely changes all of the text to something he likes more. Just because he likes it that way.
>"This is a fix and a proper translation."

Uh huh.

>> No.947724



Which is NOT what it is. Read that. According to that it's just more accurate.

>> No.947723

Yup, I forget where it's said but it's said somewhere.

>> No.947727

Well, thank you for that. I ended up just checking every floor with holy water before I knew that, but you made things quicker.

I have the first part, and I think I'm going to stop for the night. The game really isn't that bad so far, as long as you aren't stumbling in the dark. The map in the OP helps.

>> No.947734


Read http://bisqwit.iki.fi/cv2fin/diff

According to that it's just more accurate. The manual saying that the townspeople lie is just the original translators giving up or not understanding that they were translating wrong.

>> No.947748


Also, I forgot to mention this. But I sort of want you to not use any outside hints. You're a kid in 1989 who has been handed this game. I just want to see how far you can get without outside help. When you get completely stuck and want to stop, or need to consult outside help THEN you come back here and report. Oh and give the report when you're done in spoilers. Where you got stuck, what you did, what you thought, etc.

All I'll say is to keep looking, talk to townsfolk, and write down any hints. You should have a pen and paper beside you.

Huge shame that there is no translation for the JP manual, which is much more in depth and better than the ENG manual. This patch + that translated manual would be the best thing.

>> No.947754

>The map in the OP helps.

Yeah. The JP version had a map packed with the game. The English version did not. There is an option in this patch for an in-game map, but I think it's actually TOO good. With the in-game map you always know where you are and never need to read the signs. I prefer to keep it closer to the JP original.

>> No.947760


It's basically a test to see how hard the game is for truly new players.

So basically leave this thread and only come back when you're done playing. Either stopped playing because of getting stuck and needing outside help, or because you beat it.

>> No.948120

Shit is pretty interesting. The guy covers a lot of the weirdness in the text really well. I only ever 'beat' the game using various codes from an old NP book. Otherwise I spent the time wandering around not knowing what the fuck was going on. Imma have to try this.

>> No.948125


1. Write every clue down on paper.
2. Be aware that the patch I uploaded is very basic. It amounts to these edits:
>New translation
>SRAM saving
>Minor JP extra text

I specifically avoided all the extra things he added, since I feel they are frivilous extras. If you want them, you'll have to download the patch yourself.

>> No.948143

even if you removed the puzzles from the game entirly it would still stink

the level structure is awful with too many moments where there are no enemies to fight or platforms to jump

the way sub-weapons are handled has less depth than the first game, which required you to plan what subweapons to pick up in advance, balance how many hearts you used to fight enemies vs level up the subweapon vs to kill the boss

cv2 doesnt even have bosses

having to grind for money to buy things is just tedious. its just tedious. find an area with easy to kill enemies and no pit falls and repeat over and over.

>> No.948145


What, do you want me to do an LP of it or something?
I've never played Simon's Quest.

>> No.948182

>A new patch has come along that gives it a new translation, with some new feature
Oh fuck yes.
I already finished the game though.

>> No.948295
File: 315 KB, 1000x1536, ad5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>947584 Here

I can't get the patch to work. Can someone upload a pre-patched rom?

>> No.948317


You just use lunar IPS tool.

I've uploaded anyways.

Screen should look something like this.

Recommended Emulator: PuNes. Nestopia if not using Windows (1.44 has vsync and a few other minor problems)

>> No.948319
File: 10 KB, 640x480, RetroArch-0730-033414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Screen should look something like this.

>> No.948326

Many thanks.

>> No.948328

>What, do you want me to do an LP of it or something?
>I've never played Simon's Quest.

That'd be... interesting. The whole thing is to test how confusing the game is with the new translation.

All I can say is:
>Use the resources listed in OP only
>Talk to everyone
>Write everything down

>> No.948852

Reporting in with being stuck. (spoilers so players playing for the first time don't read this)

I got to Aljiba. An NPC told me that I can't cross the swamp without laurels, and I'm right next to the swamp, so I can't go on, and another NPC told me that Aljiba is the best place for garlic, so, I went through the town looking for a shopkeeper who has either garlic or laurels. I did not find either. I know there are hidden shops, but I'm pressing UP on every square of floor and not finding anything. I'm 100% stuck, and I'm reporting in such.

>> No.949609


Thank you for your report. Keep playing until:

>You have to consult an outside guide
>You give up entirely

Either of which would end this "test". After that, I'd like to see how many times someone has to consult a guide tobeat the game.