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File: 9 KB, 160x235, zera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9471180 No.9471180 [Reply] [Original]

Not religious myself, but the creative bankruptcy of the pope turning out to be evil, the in-game church just being a front for duping people or God being the final villain does get repetitive when trying to catch up on all the classics, especially when it becomes jarringly obvious the writers never cracked open a Bible in their lives while directly quoting it (Xeno games)

Can you even name five good ones? Religions existing as a part of the worldbuilding is fine

>> No.9471205

I usually see it as a compliment to Catholicism. Speaks for itself they have to rely to it to make their games feel deep and epic.

>> No.9471209

forced self-contained shit tends to be cringier

>> No.9471213

Japanese don't know anything about Christianity except it's a cool exotic foreign religion. It's like Greek mythology to Westerners.

>> No.9471214

Repetitive nonetheless

>> No.9471220


>> No.9471221


>> No.9471225

If God himself is not the final evil then that would suggest God has either created such evil or let it continue tormenting mankind despite being fully capable of preventing that.
A God that creates evil is not worthy of my prayers, a God that lets evil exist because they cannot vanquish it is not a God, a God that does not know of evil would not hear my prayers.

>> No.9471229

>especially when it becomes jarringly obvious the writers never cracked open a Bible in their lives while directly quoting it (Xeno games)
Easy way to spot anyone who never played Xenogears and beyond.
OP won't even fucking bother to give a good example either.

>> No.9471231
File: 155 KB, 568x800, E0zmsKRWYAQ8vmQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost all of them have traces and that's good if you don't want them to feel like some boring slice of life shit. Picrel doesn't go out of its way and was fun, though. Also Monolith Soft

>> No.9471234

You know what I'm sick of in retro JRPGs? Probably not but I'll say it anyway
>fantasy setting
>when things get ramped up, suddenly everything becomes scifi
Fuck you. And I know people on this board like this shit, Idc. I'm totally taken out of the world when suddenly I'm fighting laser shooting robots with swords and bows.

>> No.9471241
File: 9 KB, 150x184, 150px-Lion-faced_deity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*tricks every single online ironic christian thinking it's the one true God*
What's it's secret?

>> No.9471251

Ultima 1 did it first
>start the game on a quest to stab an evil wizard to death
>end the game with killing said wizard
>somewhere in between all that you buy a space shuttle and travel to outer space

>> No.9471259

>Easy way to spot anyone who never played Xenogears and beyond.
How so?
>OP won't even fucking bother to give a good example either.
Everyone who played them knows the Bible references and quotes that usually go nowhere. A literal crucifix named Zohar might be the dumbest conflation in the history of conflations

>> No.9471264

They would make it more accurate to real Catholicism but Square doesn't want child rape scenes in their games. Not anymore anyway

>> No.9471281
File: 57 KB, 502x569, E353FF48-83DB-4E03-83F2-437171AEFBD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not /vr/, and it’s ironic considering some of the other games in the series, but Xenoblade 2 is surprisingly pro God and the main character is likable if you don’t want the usual brooding JRPG protagonist.

>> No.9471313

>If God isn't the final evil, what is?
Evil is born in the absence of good, evil by definition cannot be good.
If God is purely good then the absence of God is evil. In that case of those who wish to separate from God's creation are left nothing but evil.

Would a loving creator force his creation to worship him or perish? I would characterize the removal of free will in nature of security to be evil. This is why evil exists, God wishes to give forgiveness and love to all. Even those who do wrong.

>> No.9471317
File: 397 KB, 888x758, 80jq6j8ihn791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>especially when it becomes jarringly obvious the writers never cracked open a Bible in their lives while directly quoting it (Xeno games)
Name one off thing about Jesus in Xeno.

>> No.9471320

What if god isn't all powerful? Deities are not always depicted as perfect beings. Case in point, I don't think God in SMT is letting Satan be a cunt, it just kind of happens.

>> No.9471324
File: 947 KB, 1200x600, web3-sodom-and-gomorrah-afire-burn-wikipedia-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would a loving creator force his creation to worship him or perish

>> No.9471325

People love to say this in their defense when there are interviews where writers say they read up on religion and literally use games to deter young players from it
>"That's when I started having an interest in religion and I did research by reading various books. With religion there are many different denominations and there are many people who believe them. These people suffer from an ideological virus. The status quo is to turn away from the virus portion, and ever since I was a student it was something I wasn't able to comprehend.
>"I digested thoughts about [things like] the actual path of how religion came about and felt that I wanted to present those doubts I had as a child. I think there must be some young people who have the same kind of doubts, and this would be a part that they could respond to."

>> No.9471330

For one he isn't God but just a regular human who knows about mana. That's as blasphemous as it gets. To even use him for your headcanon animu story is

>> No.9471334

>a city of degeneracy of every kind
>the people there immediately tried to rape the angels when they saw them
>God waited to destroy it till every good person was out, even if it was only a family

Abraham wasn’t even begging for God fearing people, just any righteous people.

>> No.9471339

they literally banned christianity in 1620 because it made their religion with transgender frog gods and being reborn as rocks look dumb. butthurt ever since

>> No.9471349
File: 186 KB, 300x306, ArcadiaDC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could alternatively be read as "colonialism is bad" or "the english are bad". Nothing really about relgion in there.

>> No.9471357

>A literal crucifix named Zohar
You never played Xenogears.

>> No.9471361
File: 856 KB, 917x636, sakakino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite JRPGs don't even have a hint of religion and they still feel "epic"

>> No.9471372 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 728x546, ancient-islam-presentation-8-728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've cracked open a (((Bible))) a number of times, I used to believe that bullshit bunch of nonsense regulations were for "my own good". Now, I see it as vile Judaic originating filth! Same goes for the (((Koran))) and Hadith of Islam.

>> No.9471381 [DELETED] 

No one asked

>> No.9471383 [DELETED] 

>mohammad was a red-haired jew who fucked kids and conquered his neighbors
>paul was a jew assassin who uh, had a change of heart hehe
>both of them caused civilization to go backwards with retarded wars and conquests and jihads and crusades
>jesus just told people to quit being assholes, especially the greedy jews

>> No.9471425

As they say, even staunch pundits eventually come around to make Cathocilism their death bed. Whether that's true for Takahashi or not, XB2 Klaus is definitely one of the coolest things he ever put in a game, deep but wholesome and familiar instead of edgy and depressing

>> No.9471428

Is it really as good as all the rankings and polls make it out to be?

>> No.9471435

Reminder the villain in this is canonically a pedo transvestite, even if Orishit tried to retcon him into Sephiroth

>> No.9471445

Nah, I think it’s very much against the church, but very pro-God. If you pay attention to the subtext the “pope” in this game was chained to traditions and using the church to further his own will, not “God’s”. I definitely wouldn’t say it’s pro-catholic, but it’s definitely pro-God, though he’s reimagined and isn’t exactly a 1 for 1 representation of the God in the Bible. Still, a protagonist befriending an all powerful god is a lot more refreshing than taking him down.

>> No.9471478

I fucking love it, but I wouldn't be surprised if first timers were a little underwhelmed considering the hype. The Dreamcast version has the issue of constant random battles all the fucking time, but the Gamecube has a shittier soundtrack. The airship elements are obviously very novel, there's absoloutely tons of content if you can be bothered from the discoveries to building your own ship crew and island town, and the world and environments are impressively detailed, but it didn't exactly re-invent the wheel with regards to combat (it's bog standard turn based stuff with a fairly elaborate but easily ignorable magic system, but there's some cool special moves and some challenging but not overwhelming boss fights here and there) or storytelling (it's very clearly influenced by one piece, albeit fare more grounded despite the airships). I would definitely recommend it personally.

>> No.9471516

Amalthus is just animu pope because he got everyone killed who was in charge of animu church, including the former animu pope who was more neutral and on his case. Though Amalthus himself is also a lot more multi-layered than you would expect and not just evil because evil

>> No.9471539

>The Dreamcast version has the issue of constant random battles
Dammit. What is it like in the GC version? Is there an item that lets you prevent random battles altogether?

>> No.9471542

I agree but I think there’s an important message there (even if I think there’s some bad stuff in the game, lust is a big’un). The moment you seek God outside of His Word you leave room for a fall. Catholics have some very questionable extra Biblical doctrine, and I think that is very apparent and being reflected in their most recent popes. You need to be very careful on what you’re led by, and whom you’re led by. I think that was the BIG religious theme of Xenoblade 2 and it’s a good one. Much, much better than the usual religious themes in Japanese vidya.

>> No.9471547


>> No.9471560

it's not real retard

>> No.9471576

It's just simply not quite as tedious in this regard for whatever reason. There's less of them, especially in the overworld (which is where it was REALLY annoying until you get the ability to fly above the clouds) and EXP is gained faster to compensate.

>> No.9471579


>> No.9471584

you can have your books after you take your meds

>> No.9471623

What about Star Ocean?

>> No.9471746

>just a regular human who knows about mana.
Confirmed not playing the game.

>> No.9471760
File: 180 KB, 450x718, Zohar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A literal crucifix named Zohar
>A literal crucifix
Holy kek, the Ironic Christian meme is real.

>> No.9471791 [DELETED] 

Oh, the irony.
Also, of course LOT (who was the protagonist of the S&G story, not Abraham) couldn't find any righteous people. Not even he and his family were righteous. Romans 3:10 says "None are righteous."
We have a few logical conclusions, then.
1) God allowed someone (who offered up his daughters to complete strangers as fuckpuppets, by the way) to waste his time trying to find righteousness when He knows there to be none. Kind of a dick move. Also, speaking to Lot but no others when even Lot isn't righteous (what sort of SICK FUCK offers his daughter's puss-puss to a stranger?) shows that God has bad judgement.
2) Paul is wrong, the epistles are man-made and not inspired of God and should be abandoned or mainstream Christianity renamed to Paulism to keep it in line with its views, which derive from Paul and differ radically from what Christ Jesus actually preached.
3) Paul and/or scripture is wrong in this instance, which leads to the possibility that other scripture might also be wrong so why follow any of it to the letter when you could just use common fucking sense to know right from wrong (like knowing that offering your daughter's virginity to a literal who? is fucking wrong)?

The Final Fantasy games, at least up to 9 (haven't played any after 9) don't have much in the way of religion at all and don't have any wicked churches in general I can think of. Also Robotrek, Phantasy Star I, II and III (IV kinda does) and the OG Persona and the Persona II duology. Seiken Densetsu III and the OG Lunar present religion in an extremely positive light, as do literally all the DQ games. Oh, and Brigandine. One of the warring nations is an obviously Catholicism-inspired theocracy led by their in-world version of the Pope and the College of Cardinals. They're protrayed as legitimately good. Speaking of hexagons, Dark Wizard portrays the church positively, as well.

>> No.9471987

I'm playing through the Gamecube version now. It's OK. Reminds me of FFVII. I like the music.

>> No.9472002

Have you ever met a Japanese person before?

>> No.9472005

>God being the final villain
Just cause the characters call it God doesn't mean it's the equivalent to what you think of as God. It's almost always a monster which could be called a devil as accurately as a god.
This is just a stupid meme spread by people who don't understand religion.

>> No.9472008

My now-dead aunt was a nipnong. She was a Christian, convinced that pinkies and bananas are proof of the existence of God.
Christianity is hardly exotic.