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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 106 KB, 1280x720, SMB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9467980 No.9467980 [Reply] [Original]

Okay anons, let's settle this once and for all time. What is the single greatest 2D platfomer? I've heard people say Super Mario World, Super Mario Bros. 3, and Donkey Kong Country 2. I kind of feel like Super Mario Bros. 1 is underrated because of how simple it is. Your thoughts?

>> No.9467981

Chip n Dale: Rescue Rangers.

>> No.9467984

Even for the general reality warping standards of this board, calling SMB1 "underrated" is kind of a new milestone.

>> No.9467986

For me it is Horace goes Skiing

>> No.9467997

DKC Tropical Freeze, boomer.

>> No.9468009

It's impossible to choose the single best one, let's see
>SMW (I usually prefer SMB3 and Yoshi's Island but I got filter'd hard during my latest playthroughs of both and I'm tsundere towards them now)
>Mega Man X or Mega Man Zero 1,2
>Castlevania Rondo of Blood
>Ninja Gaiden 3 (the JP version, fuck limited continues)
>Castle of Illusion aka the greatest Sega platformer

>> No.9468013
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None of the Mario games and certainly not any DKC. The simple matter is no game *gets* platforming better than this.

>> No.9468024

Every contrarian 'platformer connoisseur who's not into mainstream kiddie shit like Mario' gangsta til it's time to actually play the Umihara Kawase games instead of watching 5 minutes of a Youtube LP

>> No.9468026
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>> No.9468070

Sonic 2

>> No.9468081

>best platformer ever also has the cutest girl ever
what a masterpiece

>> No.9468092
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>> No.9468098

I don't agree at all. SMB1 is only rarely ranked above SMB3 when it comes to these discussions. It's severely underrated because of how simple it is. Nobody denies how influential it is if that's what you're arguing.

>> No.9468106

>brings up weird shit game they heard about online...
>accuses boomers of getting their opinions from YouTube...
Yeah checks out.

>> No.9468109

For my tastes, i don't think this game was fun at all. It became repetitive and boring to me after about an hour. But I think the physics are a marvel for a 16bit game.

>> No.9468120

I don't see what more you could want in a platformer other than excellent platforming design and physics directly tied to the mechanics. What do you think was missing?

Too puzzle focused and slow, looks pretty.

>> No.9468121

Umihara Kawase is the game that anon posted though

>> No.9468129

>What do you think was missing?
Fun. It's more of a puzzle platformer. I prefer action-oriented platformers like Castlevania III

>> No.9468134

>It's more of a puzzle platformer
It's literally a platformer platformer. There's no puzzles. There's only you + the mechanics vs the levels. It's as distilled a platformer as you can make.

>> No.9468135

My favorite is SMB3. The others mentioned are all good though. It feels like everything else took SMB3 and went in a different direction with it.

Super Mario World and later Yoshis Island and even Wario Land leaned heavily into the collectathon elements and multiple paths and secrets that were present in SMB3 but not as much.

Sonic 1 and 2 felt like that early sun stage in SMB3 or some of the stages running up and down hills and added pinball physics. It feels like someone came up with sonic through speedrunning mario.

DKC 1 and 2 especially take the gimmick levels from SMB3 and make an entire game of “gimmick” levels. I dont mean to degrade them I think DKC2 is one of the best, but most of the levels have gimmicks that remind of the Goomba’s shoe level or the sun level again or the big fish level.

Of course SMB3 was a continuation of 1 and 2 and I think an improvement. Its faster, levels are shorter and a skilled player can do tons of cool things. I understand that some people could dislike all the short levels but they keep me interested, and to a beginner these short levels can take a long time. Boss battles are a little more varied.

I think SMB3 combined all these elements that would get built upon later into a unique package in 1990 that hasn’t really been topped yet.

>> No.9468139

I think the true best platformer is one I'm not allowed to mention.
Something about the Adventure Island games just does it for me though, with New Adventure Island on Pc Engine probably being the best one.

>> No.9468140

>how do I grapple from a-z with these obstacles and walls in my path
It's a puzzle oriented/maze platformer. Not fun for me. I want to kill things, not stuff octapi in my backpack

>> No.9468141

For me it's Kirby Super Star

>> No.9468146

A puzzle platformer with no puzzles, interesting stuff.

>> No.9468157

Reading comprehension seems to be lacking from you, oriented was the keyword there. No need to be passive aggressive

>> No.9468160

You'll have to demonstrate what you mean. I don't see the puzzle orientation or the mazes even. It's simple floating blocks in a space that you have to navigate with the moves you have. Doesn't get much more platformer than that.

>> No.9468165

Smb3 and world are tied for how influential, popular and polished they are as games. Sonic 3 with knuckles definitely deserves to be talked about so does DKC 2 and imho DK 94 is the greatest 2d platformer, even though its heavy on the puzzle side of things, the control scheme for platforming is the highest tier of 2d platform control design and paired with flawless level design that is only rivaled by Mario vs DK (which is also an s rank 2d platformer), DK 94 is easily a top contender that is more satisfying, addicting and comfy to replay than smb3, DK 2 or sonic 3/w knuckles. It also has a very large amount of levels for a game boy game. With that being said, I would also go so far as to say Mario vs DK is also better than the latter three platformers. If you haven’t played dk94 or MvsDK I urge you to do so immediately!

>> No.9468187

Is contra a platformer? Is mega man a platformer? Back in the old days they were simply called action adventure games you fake ass boomer. So you can't just simply 'pick one' as developers wanted the games to invoke specific feelings, often different from one another.

>> No.9468195

run n gun
>mega man
action platformer

>> No.9468197

Smb3 is one of the greatest (I'd we stick to retro only)
Do get the all stars version though, so much better

>> No.9468237
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Boring. I never liked these rope swinging mechanics in any 2D platformers. It's slow and boring.

>> No.9468257

Kawase is one of the fastest games in the genre anon, you've never played it.

>> No.9468263

Is it? I remember trying it for like the first or second level and getting really turned off by it. The levels are so empty and I just really dislike the main mechanic. Maybe the PSX version will be better.

>> No.9468269

Yes, it's physics driven unlike basically every other game with a grapple hook. You go as fast as you can force yourself to go with your understanding of the physics. Momentum is carried and inherited. Launch yourself and bunny hop around.

>> No.9468330

I have Kirby Super Star Ultra for DS. Is there any point of playing the original SNES game?

>> No.9468335

>If you haven’t played dk94 or MvsDK I urge you to do so immediately!
Duly noted anon. I hadn't even considered playing these two until you brought them up. Thank you.

>> No.9468398

U r a faggot. Dirtt fagget

>> No.9468409

The most overrated platformer of all time praised by people who don't even play it.

>> No.9468415

*hated by people who never played it

>> No.9468416

The original is slightly more difficult and has a better artstyle, otherwise, pretty similar

>> No.9468419

Everybody has played it. It's simply not that interesting or fun to actually play. It has novel rope physics and that's literally it.

>> No.9468423

Grappling hooks are literally one of the most fun mechanics in video games.

>> No.9468427

>Everybody has played it
Very few people have played an indie super famicom platformer from 30 years ago that has only recently gotten and widespread release and is still only bought by literally a few thousand people of which only 60% of them have played the first level.

You don't need to make "everybody has played it" dismissals when literally only people on /vr/ have seen the name more than once in a decade. It's retarded, you don't want to be a retard do you? Prove to us all you aren't a retard.

>> No.9468435

It's not as obscure as you think it is. It's babbies first hidden gem.

>> No.9468436

>It's not as obscure as you think it is.
All research indicates it is even more obscure than I think it is. Try again retard-kun. Show me your IQ isn't in the 70s. Show us all.

>> No.9468438

It's 4chan, you don't have to play a video game/watch a film/read a book, etc. Just find out about what's the most obscure thing is and say that it's better than the more popular thing

>> No.9468442

I thought it wasn't obscure.

>> No.9468447

It is compared to stuff Mario and Mega Man

>> No.9468450

>All research indicates it is even more obscure than I think it is
It has an HG101 article and it was an episode of GameCenterCX. It isn't obscure.

>> No.9468451

The duality of shitposters.

>> No.9468454

Those aren't mutually exclusive statements.

>> No.9468458

I agree, but what do they have to do with the mechanical and design superiority of a game starring a girl swinging on a rubber-band lure? I only get the impression that contrarians are threatened by this concept.

>> No.9468459

How the fuck is my post a shitpost? Like what part of it is a shitpost? Umihara Kawase is as popular as Mario now?

>> No.9468461

Contrarians are the ones pretending a gimmick indie game is the best platformer ever made.

>> No.9468468

Umihara Kawase and Mario fans don't know what a real 2D platformer should be like:

>> No.9468479

Name a better one then. Baring in mind grappling hooks ARE the most fun thing ever, and no game does grappling hooks as fun.

>> No.9468485

Umihara isn't even as good as Kid Chameleon. The gimmick simply isn't that fun.

>> No.9468491

It's not a gimmick, it's the central mechanic like jumping is to Mario in SMB. Why are you so hostile over this game?

>> No.9468502

It's a platformer with a gimmick.

>> No.9468503

No, that's not what a gimmick is. Jumping is a secondary move to the hook in Kawase.

>> No.9468504

Kid Chameleon is the blandest platformer ever.

>> No.9468505

>basic platformer with boring level/enemy design but with a hook
That is peak gimmick.

>> No.9468508

SMB's water levels are a gimmick, the hook in Kawase is a central mechanic and has more depth than anything in any Mario game.

>> No.9468514

The only thing anyone ever mentions about Umihara is the physics. That's because there is absolutely nothing else of note about it and playing it actually sucks. Gimmick is an accurate description.

>> No.9468515

>The only thing anyone ever mentions about Umihara is the physics
Yeah, that's what elevates it above every other platformer. No other game in the genre is as well designed and mechanically interesting, which is what makes it the best game in the genre.

>> No.9468517

>No other game in the genre is as well designed and mechanically interesting
Kid Chameleon is better.

>> No.9468518

It's not, but go on.

>> No.9468519

>and has more depth than anything in any Mario game
Momentum in SMB (a 1985 game) is deeper than your so-called 'central mechanic'. I understand that Nintendo lives rent free in your head because you are a /v/tard but you don't have to shit on Mario in every platformer thread

>> No.9468520

>there's nothing but movement tech and level designs in a platformer
Well yeah. What do you want? Cutscenes? Do you want her to go super Saiyan and fight Chaos?

>> No.9468528

It has different forms with their own gimmicks and different routes. It's like Umihara but it plays well.
I would like a game that's fun to play instead of jerking off over the physics engine.

>> No.9468532

>Momentum in SMB (a 1985 game) is deeper
That's the thing, it's not. There's no slopes to modify it, the only countering factor against it is a few too distant jumps (single digit count) and a clock ticking against you. Momentum is only controlled directly with the run button, and is built only by distance moved with no other mechanics involved.

Not even you are convinced of it.

>> No.9468538

I have to say Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City

>> No.9468539

>Not even you are convinced of it
I'm not just convinced, I'm sure of it.

>> No.9468546

You sound very bored by just talking about Kid Chameleon. Care to share why Umihara Kawase turns you into such a contrarian? It's weird to get so twisted by an obscure platform game.

>> No.9468554

Fucking autist learned about Umihara Kawase a week ago and is now making its fans look bad

>> No.9468558

I'm actually thinking of playing Kid Chameleon in a few minutes. It's nothing special but the movement and physics in it are genuinely good which makes it fun to play. If only the same could be said about Umihara.

>> No.9468559

>It's nothing special
You said it.

>> No.9468560

Yet it's noticeably better than Umihara Kawase.

>> No.9468571

Not really. It's one of those cookie cutter Mario clones that doesn't understand the appeal of Mario.

>> No.9468582

It has enough gimmicks to set it apart from Mario while also having good movement and controls.

>> No.9468596

Gimmicks are the last think that makes Mario good. Level design that pushes you forward and challenges you just enough is what makes Mario good.
Dullards see Mario and think it's about a guy who puts on hats and gets different powers, and that's how you get Kid Chameleon.

>> No.9468601

>Level design that pushes you forward and challenges you just enough is what makes Mario good
Something completely absent from Umihara notably.

>> No.9468608

Aren't you that Lodoss anon from another thread?

>> No.9468623


>> No.9468628

Umihara Kawase barely even counts as a traditional platformer. It's mostly a puzzle game. You don't win because of your reflexes like in Castlevania or Mario

>> No.9468630

I love me some Ghost n' Goblins, did u remember to get the knife anon?

>> No.9468636

Yes. The game is a series of puzzles with no pacing the speak of.

>> No.9468665

There is a reason Umihara isn't brought up that much, and it's not because it's a metal Jesus hidden gem.

The game is okay for what it does, but nothing more that that. Doesn't hold a candle to smb3 or sonic2

>> No.9468707

I don't think stuff like Contra, Megaman, GnG and Castlevania should be considered. Those are shooters/hack n slash. 2D platformers should have jumping as the central mechanic and possibly primary method of attack.

>> No.9468710

>central mechanic

>> No.9468716
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>not a single plat former ITT

>> No.9468734

>motion controls
Fuck off retard

>> No.9468745

he said tropical freeze, not Returns dipshit

>> No.9468758

Even Mario has you shooting fireballs and throwing shells as attacks

>> No.9468762

klonoa door to phantomile

>> No.9468772

Yoshi's Island, Sonic 3K or DKC2

>> No.9468780

But it's not the primary method of attack. You can't even do it without the apposite power up. Jumping on enemies is.

>> No.9468790

you can't jump on a lot of enemies either because they damage you

>> No.9468791

Returns on 3DS doesn't have motion cockrols.

>> No.9468795

Yeah but who cares if you can just be a fucking boomer and shit on anything that came out after gen 5 without even checking the wiki articles or watching gameplay videos

>> No.9468797

Rayman Legends
DKC Tropical Freeze
Sonic Mania
Shovel Knight

Sorry boomers.

>> No.9468809

Just how retarded can someone be to make a post like that?
This is a retroboard so let's focus on retro games.

>> No.9468820

There's an autist lurking this board who claims that Shovel Knight is a retro game and it's impossible to convince him otherwise. I think he's about to appear like he always does

>> No.9468823


>> No.9468846

It's definitely lost levels

>> No.9468959

I finished SMW as a kid and only last month did I finish SMB3 (the all stars version). I found 3 to be harder but I still prefer SMW.
Umihara Kawase is great too, what the hell is wrong with people ITT claiming nobody plays it? I discovered it about 5 years ago and play it at least once a week to this day. Sometimes I just jump around in the first level to practice some tricks, playing with the rope is such a joy.
I also played the DKC games but I'm kind of a contrarian in that I didn't like 2 very much.

My final ranking after thinking about it for 20 seconds:
SMW > Umihara Kawase > SMB3 = DKC > DKC3 = DKC2

>> No.9468979
File: 1.54 MB, 256x224, Actraiser 2- Death Field (optimized)-ZyM8hF6aH9o_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm no. ActRaiser 2 is clearly dominant in every way.

>> No.9469008

Kid Chameleon has better level design than any mario game

>> No.9469017
File: 2.19 MB, 852x478, smwgameplay.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is mario level "design."

>> No.9469021

yeah that's easily the worst level in SMW. that and the other autoscrolling cave level in Donut Plains

>> No.9469031

Take celeste and shovel mania out and I can agree

>> No.9469037

This happens with every game series whenever they go a little beyond moderately popular. It'll eventually happen with all retro games in existence, including your favorite hidden gem series. It's inevitable.

>> No.9469040

looks like fun

>> No.9469046
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wtf it's a masterpiece

>> No.9469056
File: 56 KB, 350x350, 11570050_ed8229fb4fbe4133a20e5c4d2e305a45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What were the devs thinking?

>> No.9469062
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>but sir this level HAS stop action
Then miyamoto soiled his pants.

>> No.9469086

This is more like a satur(n)day cartoon simulator than a 2D platformer.

>> No.9469113

No, it’s boring as hell

>> No.9469117

Sonic the Hedgehog 2

>> No.9469151

>shovel mania

>> No.9469203
File: 24 KB, 170x236, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ isn't about video games
/a/ isn't about anime
and now /vr/ is slowly becoming not retro games.
I've seen it all. Only thing left is if every anon has a tripcode and thus,

>> No.9469296

Nothing will be more groundbreaking than the original donkey kong country. Sorry Miyamoto.

>> No.9469334

These are all fucking garbage.

>> No.9469507

Honestly I would agree with you outside of retrod discussion. That is honestly without a doubt my fave 2D platformer of all time. However, we're on /vr/ right now. If I was truly forced to make a decision about retro 2D platformers I have to give it to SMB3 for how it controls and how innovative it truly was at the time. I don't think any game ever made a leap like that before. SMB to SMB3 is massive.

>> No.9469512

insightful post

>> No.9469531

Thanks, I've been on a Kirby kick lately.
That game scares me honestly. I have watched a few playthroughs while I larp as a zoomer. I'm tempted. If I do, then I will get the knife.
I kind of agree even though I love the Castlevania series, but that really restricts options. I feel like Castlevania and DKC for example have more in common than most people would think. I can't even think of a term for it. Methodical platformer is about as good as I can come up with.
SMW recently moved up my personal ranking. I used to be a diehard SMB3 guy. Thing is if I had to choose which one I wanted to play more of, it's SMW. That's what decides it for me. I felt like SMB3 wins on difficulty if that's more important to people.

>> No.9469547

The original DKC isn't the most overrated game of all time, but that's only because there are too many games like Super Metroid and Link's Awakening fighting for that title. DKC is gloomy and miserable. Half the game is in caves. You can barely see your character. The other have the weather is pissing snow or sleet at you while you dodge giant hornets. The level design is sketchy as fuck. I like in spite of itself.

>> No.9469616

Based. DKC takes the crown for best music, design, characters, extras, levels, kredits. Super Mario World did not offer anything ground breaking or special.

>> No.9469631

I never had trouble seeing two of the biggest objects in the center of the screen. Maybe adjust the settings on your screen

>> No.9469863

Just Google underrated SNES games and it's there in googles automated list. It's not very obscure anymore, not like metal max returns, gossun oyoyo or even fucking dual orb2

>> No.9469871

The obscurity was never a point in its favor, only a delusion for its detractors as to why its being praised.

>> No.9469914

>The original DKC isn't the most overrated game of all time
of course it isn't
Half Life is

>> No.9470115
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Tropical Freeze. Funnily enough made by some Texan dudes

But since I'm sure you meant to say retro: Super Mario World and Goemon 2 (SNES)

>> No.9470119

It's pure dog shit. Actually play the games you are talking about

>> No.9470160

Mario is good, DKC is good, Umihara Kawase is good. You can like multiple things. Let's not turn this into a pissing contest.

>> No.9470428

>Umihara Kawase is good.
No it's not

>> No.9470574
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>> No.9470725

Nobody is saying any of them are bad except mariogroids upset their game isn't the best. Learn to read the room, tool.

>> No.9470767

>all these plebs filtered by umihara because they couldn't get past the tadpole boss

>> No.9470895

skill issue

>> No.9470946

but it lacking soul you fuccy wuccy wiener

>> No.9470979

I was disappointed Half Life didn't live up to the magazine ads and articles honestly. It was still pretty cool though in the context of the time.

>> No.9470980 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9471962

I agree

>> No.9472135

In which genre? Not platformers surely. You must mean the grapple hook simulator genre.

>> No.9472150

Of course is a turbo autistic chris chan like furry retard sonic retard that has to massreply in order to get attention.

>> No.9472152

Trine 2 shits on all of those. Filthy pleb.

>> No.9472336
File: 1.34 MB, 1951x1280, bubble-bobble-electrocoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meet BUB and BOB our bantam-weight brontosaures who are bent on battling big bullies by blowing and bursting bubbles. Before battling these brazen bullies, beware that bubble blowing is better than blasting bullies with bazookas, or better than bouncing bombs from biplanes, and even beats boxing those brainless barbarians. So now that we briefly belayed the Bub and Bob biographies, begin by browsing the play instructions below and becoming the best BUBBLE BOBBLE bubble blower on the block.

>> No.9472373

I forgot about this one. I played it a bit as a kid. Though I can't remember much else about it.

>> No.9472974
File: 28 KB, 374x454, plutoniumBoss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantastic, anon.

>> No.9473384

I wish grapple hook simulator was a real genre

>> No.9474480

what exactly is so good about DKC?

>> No.9474753

The graphics looked great on CRT back in the day. The faux 3D made the SNES look like maybe it wasn't on it's last legs. That's about it really.

>> No.9474827

everything. there's nothing about it that isn't good. maybe the bosses couldve have more effort?

>> No.9474845

The first game or the series in general?

>> No.9474967

Is this the game with the girl and the fish?

>> No.9474968


>> No.9474969

All the people criticizing it couldn’t get good, guaranteed. Shit is so satisfying. When I did that section with the three one ups stuck in the ceiling is one of the only times I stood up and started screaming at my wife in 40 years of games

>> No.9474975
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>> No.9474980

Good bait

>> No.9474986

it changes daily, somtimes I feel like sonic, other times mario or castlevania.

basically it could be one of these depending on the mood

mario 3
sonic 3
wonder boy 3
castlevania 3
megaman 3

Over all probably caslevania sotn, it may be the last aaa real 2d platformer.
For arcade platformers I like Willow and Magician lord.

Sonic 2 is just about perfect.

Smb 3 is great but I think it needed a save system, its just too big to beat in one go if you don't know it in and out. The closest thing I can do is either use the save rom hack or make a save state after I die so I'm not cheating the item system. Still if it had saves I think they would have made the game different. The all stars version looks ugly and has bad music to me.

>> No.9474989

I think it really is Super Mario World. Tryhards will say it's too easy but there's just so much to explore in the game. The amount of content is ridiculous by modern standards, and feels very well designed instead of simply padded.
I would just assume people nowadays play it with a guide so they don't get the genuine "woah!" moments after finding secret exists and going on a completely different path in the game, but for a completely isolated experience it has yet to be topped.

>> No.9475095

>All the people criticizing it couldn’t get good, guaranteed
Same for the people praising it.

>> No.9475686

>The amount of content is ridiculous by modern standards
By modern standars full of 2d search action games and procedurally generated roguelikes it has no content. And it is a bad exploration game because the damn timer was kept.

>> No.9475768 [SPOILER] 

Is it collective amnesia or don't you all agree the best plat is without doubt nes TMNT 1

>> No.9475827

True but not retro.

>> No.9475849

I feel like DK94 isn’t talked about enough. It’s arguably one of the best GB games. Good tunes, feels good to play, cute waifu too.

>> No.9475851

Mario rpg

>> No.9475910

>procedurally generated roguelikes
They have 1/10 as much content that gets jumbled around to make it seem like more
>2d search action games

>> No.9476097

>search action games
Old-ass name for metroidvanias

>> No.9476115
File: 207 KB, 1920x1080, mario christmas tree winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I "finished" Super Mario Bros. for the first time with savestates and save scumming.
I thought world 7-4 was about going fast, after a few tries I gave up and looked the solution on the internet.
Does the SNES Mario game have more reactive controls and gameplay?

>> No.9476146

The same piece of shit TMNT that I spent my childhood on drowning and getting killed by seaweed only to master that part and never get past the next stage? No thank you.

>> No.9476202

Lol but I disagree SMW has less content. I guess the square footage could be smaller, but the variety.

>> No.9478109

At least beat the All Stars version legit you fucking scrub. It has infinite continues

>> No.9478115

Its strange hearing about the dam stage with the seaweed being hard, I beat that as a child multiple times. Same with zelda II and metroid. Without Nintendo power

>> No.9478559 [DELETED] 

It's a really common complaint. In any case I never said I couldn't beat it. I beat it every time I played the game. I never got much further though. Turtles would drop off and that was that.

>> No.9478807

Umihara Kawase on Super Famicom is pure sovl, especially the PC port which fixes the slowdown, I just wish the fanbase wasn't full of weirdos who want to fuck the main character.

>> No.9479061

So does the NES original.

>> No.9479262

she literally leaves her panties behind when she dies. game was always targeted at horny otaku, otherwise they would've made it about a scrimblo bimblo instead of an anime girl

>> No.9479515
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It's the most wholesome kind of horny though.

>> No.9480096

It's strange that you find it strange. Everyone I knew as a child got stuck there, and I've seen this experienced reflected by others on forums like Gamefaqs as long as I've used the internet.

>> No.9480116

"Greatest" doesn't mean "technically best", so SMB1 is the greatest.

>> No.9480183
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While 3 and world are great, I feel mario controls the best in 1. He has a weight to him that doesn't exist in the other 2. While you can slow down in mid air, you're pretty much committed to the jump, you can't turn around or speed up. It makes the jumps feel alot more satisfying to me. World and to a lesser extent 3 just feel so flimsy and fake in comparison. It's a shame how limited 1 is in comparison to the other 2, I'd love to play 3 and world with the momentum physics of 1.

>> No.9480191

Meant to post this

>> No.9480520

Prince of Persia.

>> No.9480694

super mario bros 3 is probably the most impressive. the game is practically flawless and yet extremely creative at the same time, all on the nes

sonic 3 manages to be utterly consistent in quality and finally adds polish to the more varied prior sonic games, all of which had good ideas but arguable execution

yoshis island is probably nintendo at their most unique with platformers

jazz jackrabbit 2 is the first pc platformer ive played that actually lives up to console platformers and its also drowning in style

super meat boy is modern but its really tightly designed and solidified what shitleste would become

>> No.9480783

I will never play super meat boy because the artstyle and the gore disgust me. I don't care how good it might be.

>> No.9480891

I don't feel like any other platformer has captured the feel of SMB1. I really should try the Lost Levels at some point.

>> No.9481616

I can appreciate why you didn't enjoy that. Unfortunate, because the next level is my #1 even though it is harder again.

>> No.9481718
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This one is such a gem

>> No.9481731

for me, it's a tie between SMW and DKC.

>> No.9482045

Definitely not any Mario game with piss easy boss fights that can be cheesed with stunlocking.
They're still excellent, but can't possibly by the single best.

>> No.9482067

Shun is kino. The level design plays with physics in ways that no other game comes close to. Huge improvement over the original, which was already great.

>> No.9482095

You should try playing it. It's like a platformer with divergent gameplay. You have a ton of different ways to beat a level. Even like a frame or two difference can completely change your time. Protip: don't spoil yourself on every level and try to pick up tech as you move along. You'll find there are some levels you can beat in like than 5 seconds with the right strats. Also, when searching for shun videos on youtube, you'll want to search 旬F(field number). The best advice for playing these games is in Japanese.




>> No.9482096

>Goemon 2 (SNES)
Mystical Ninja's a lot better
This is even worse than Rayman Legends. Congratulations. I think you posted the worst game in the thread

>> No.9482101

>I will never play super meat boy
You're not missing anything. It's just soulless insta-retry garbage

>> No.9482116

>game wasting my time is soul

>> No.9482123
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The best 2D platformer like ever? I mean I'm 34 and never even grew up with it, but its most certainly Mario Bros 3. I though this was common knowledge. Its literally perfect. I mean even when you compare it the original or Super Mario World, its literally perfect. I don't even know how you can pretend its not in the top 3 2D games of all time.

>> No.9482138

SMB3 used to be my favourite, but it does have a big flaw: you can't save the game, even though it's too long to play through every world in one session. I now prefer SMW for this reason.

>> No.9482679

SMB3 was definitely my fave for a long time and I personally believe it's better than SMW. However, if you ask me which game I'd rather play now it's always going to be SMW. I find it more enjoyable and the difficulty is pretty much perfect for my tastes.

>> No.9482698 [DELETED] 

>I kind of feel like Super Mario Bros. 1 is underrated because of how simple it is.
If Famitsu polls are anything to go by, SMB1 is Japan's favorite Mario game.

>> No.9482719
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>ctrl+F gimmick
>everyone talking about level design
>no one has posted the actual Gimmick
I've always been a DKC/DKC2 kind of guy but I think this is without a doubt the best 8-bit platformer

>> No.9483960

super mario world was the first game i ever played and it's one of my all time favorites but even i acknowledge 3 is better

>> No.9483968

Looks ugly. SMW is better.

>> No.9484021

I loved SMB3 since I was shitting in diapers and I still do
I never fucking played Super Mario World in my life

>> No.9484056

Mario 1,3 and World are perfect video games

>> No.9484059

>platformer connoisseur who's not into mainstream kiddie shit like Mario
You need to grow up from that mare-io and play football, son, and drop your pokeymans too
You younger brother is playing Sonic and is already banging chicks

>> No.9484115
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She has a big rack and that's it.
The 3DS installment was way more horny

>> No.9484378

ahhh Yoshi's Island... now there's a perfect platformer