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File: 39 KB, 460x289, tumblr_ojugraFLxH1rrftcdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9465337 No.9465337 [Reply] [Original]

Miyamoto still seething at the fact that Rare changed his Donkey Kong design so much that he redesigned him for the new movie.

>> No.9465339

miyamoto dk looks retarded as fuck, innofensibe baby shit

>> No.9465341
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>> No.9465351

didn't rare have the idea to have dk be a grown Jr. or is that headcanon?

>> No.9465354

No, he's not. Grow up.

>> No.9465365
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>> No.9465367

>miyamoto rumours
I love how free shiggers rents at retards' heads

>> No.9465375

>t. shigger

>> No.9465384

Jr. is current DK's dad, Cranky is the original DK

>> No.9465454

Rare DK was soulless "cool" 90s shit
>we have to be like Sonic!

>> No.9465460

soulless contrarian post

>> No.9465547

Your picture literally shows two different characters you numpty.

>> No.9465565

I love that no matter what, Rare's legacy will forever remain living rent free in the nips mind as the "true" DK design and setting for the character and Miyamutoid more or less has to just accept the Rare version as """his""" creation, since no one gives a damn barely about anything pre DKC or his original art designs.

>> No.9465567

Who pissed in your jankem this morning, abbo-kun?

>> No.9465570

Not even close. It was comfy 90s design with fun dialogue and designs that never took itself too seriously, but had a darker tone to enemies and worlds with a strong ambience to everything. If anything, its a great middle ground between Mario, Yoshi bingbong jap cartoon platformer and the 90s 'tude era. Its both timeless yet being an inoffensive time capsule of bits of the era and gaming from it.

>> No.9465583

Just still bitter about the slants selling off rare and not having the deceny to buy out the other Nintendo ips they made during their collab era. But they can never discard Rare's DK, because its the one that became popular and everyone associates the games as being "Donkey kong games". So they will forever have to just accept that legacy Rare left and cant just discard it like Killer Instinct, Banjo and Perfect Dark.

>> No.9465585

The Miyamoto thing was debunked years ago. It stemmed from that all graphics no gameplay quote which turned out to be made up by some random loser for his book. In reality Miyamoto got along great with the DKC team and had a lot of influence and contact with them the whole time they were making it.

>> No.9465596

>sell off
Stamper brothers are the ones who went shopping for buyers.
Anyways, who cares. Move on with your life. You sound pathetic right now

>> No.9465613

Never would have let those ips gone if they had been jap devs. Would have been dishonorabru as shit. Would be like them selling off Kirby or Pokemon, unthinkable.

Also, no.

>> No.9465648

Lots people here unironically believe the urban legend that Yoshi's Island was created to "beat" Donkey Kong with limited technology, even though it was in development 2 years earlier and uses FX2.

Simply put, the fictional versions of history are more compelling than reality.

>> No.9465706
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>> No.9465826

Rare's design for DK became permanent for the character

>> No.9465886


I can't stand Rare Kong. Nice game but shit character redesign.

>> No.9466065

New DK design still looks very close to the rare version.

>> No.9466310
File: 323 KB, 850x1098, donkey-kong-original-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you notice, it was Miyamoto that added the tie. The original design has little to differientiate itself from the King Kong design.

>> No.9466319
File: 112 KB, 460x289, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, literally monkey Sonic

>> No.9466346

People trying to do the whole "Rare made the TRUE Donkey Kong" is explicitly the reason why they made him look more like his DK 94 look. No one really thinks of post DKC Donkey Kong as a Nintendo character. They think of him as a Rare character.

>> No.9466392
File: 123 KB, 762x410, ogkachu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's never going to completely ever go back to his original look because the Rare redesign is how people have gotten used to him for nearly 30 years. It would be like if Game Freak made Pikachu a big fat mouse with a white tummy and brown paws again; people would think it's a new Pika-Clone.

>> No.9466407

/v/-tier thread

>> No.9466409

Fatass Pikachu has so much soul

>> No.9466445 [DELETED] 

I mean, they basicallly did. I'd assume this guy evolved into Raichu more than I'd believe Pikachu would.

>> No.9466451
File: 155 KB, 475x475, 702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, they basically did. Its more believable that this guy evolves into Raichu than Pikachu doing so.

>> No.9466495

Where did they use the pre DKC design after 94?

>> No.9466515
File: 104 KB, 1200x800, Screen_Shot_2022_11_29_at_5.05.25_PM.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've made a point of claiming that DK's design in the new Mario movie is based more on the DK94 look than the Rare design.

>> No.9466537

Rare also defined the character though. Miyamoto DK is a Popeye style cartoony brute slapstick. Rare DK is a more laid back, cool guy, yet still dimwitted and shown as really strong (which arguably you could say was inspired by the barrel tossing and stomping strength of the original) even if Nintendo did use the 80s style again, the DKC games defined what the "Donkey Kong franchise" is and even stuff like Jungle Beat and Jungle Climber were based off that. I wouldn't even call DK a "franchise" proper pre Rare since it was more like a loose association of a few games with no standard design shared in how they played, though perhaps DK94 and Super Donkey were going to change that. Also gotta give props to Rare for being the ones who essentially rebooted a villain character into a hero.

>> No.9466539

They did bring back morbidchu in sword/shield sort of.

>> No.9466542

Seems like a mix of both, but i can see it in the facial expressions. They are however using some weird ass aztec culture design for the kongs though which you can still relate to Rares influence on the ip, plus Cranky being there.

>> No.9466543

It looks like a merger of both old and Rare designs.

>> No.9466710

I like how people invented this narrative that Nintendo is "mad" about Rare's design when:
>Nintendo signed off on the design and gave input for the final look
>The IP was doing fuck all for years prior, and then was revived successfully by rare and printed money for Nintendo
>They happily used said design for subsequent Mario Karts/Party's/etcs, Donkey Konga, and Wii DKC games
>Rare has done jack fuckin shit of note since the Microsoft acquisition and failed spectacularly to revive PD and Banjo on the 360 (let's not mention the Battletoads abomination). The best thing they have done with Microsoft is releasing their actual classic games on Rare Replay

This thread just seems filled with bitter seething and headcanon coping from angry autists.

>> No.9466758

From an artist's POV, the Rare DK is superior here. The one on the left is generic and uninspired, the one on the right is dynamic and stylized. The left wouldn't even make the cut for a Hanna-Barbera cartoon while the right is a memorable design.

Granted, good or bad character design doesn't save Donkey Kong games from being boring, but we're just talking the artwork here.

>> No.9466759

why do they give him this face O.o

>> No.9466769

Seems like Nintendo fans and journalists love making shit up about what goes on behind the scenes, whether it's N-Sider claiming that R&D1 hated working on Super Mario Land 2, or Wired implying that Yoshiaki Koizumi snuck Rosalina's storybook into Super Mario Galaxy. These stories get proven false all the time, but the myths still persist, and sometimes their "sources" are even cited in Wikipedia articles. Honestly, the general gaming community's willingness to eat this shit up and spread it around is fucking disgusting.

>> No.9466773
File: 330 KB, 564x391, FA46FHXXEAY3vwg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreamworks Face.

>> No.9466836

what is this expression trying to convey?

>> No.9466850

>I'm about to make $500M

>> No.9466851 [DELETED] 

this is the expression jews make. it's because they aren't human and don't know how to properly convey facial mannerisms, so they make this weird face that they think is approachable or friendly but is actually horrifying to any human. just look at the faux smile, the raised eyebrow, the betraying eyes, the concerned wince; they don't know what an actual happy face looks like, so they attempt to replicate it and inadvertantly produce an expression which combines pain, doubt, fear, curiosity, anger, joviality and smugness. this is truly terrifying.

>> No.9466861
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Attitude or being confident. Sonic has been making this face for decades.

>> No.9466880
File: 196 KB, 469x348, Blurst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the Korean sweatshop monkeys in charge of animating sanic just made his brow uneven cause their eyes are slanted

>> No.9466894
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>> No.9466914


"I am cool and likable and my mind is full of intriguing thoughts." What it actually conveys: "I was designed by a person with bad taste."

>> No.9467095

I can't believe people are so tasteless to prefer the right, holy shit. Miyamoto is vindicated as far as I am concerned.

>> No.9467157

Corporate brand loyalty has rotted your brain, you don't have artists eyes.

>> No.9467174

No one is saying that. Its just that its obvious that Rare's one legacy working with Nintendo that couldn't be sold off like Banjo or forgotten about like Starfox Adventures or Diddy Racing is the fact they really defined and molded Donkey Kong into an iconic franchise rather then just an 80s icon people remembered.

>> No.9467190
File: 13 KB, 236x236, 781763848839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one is saying that
Put your spectacles on and read the very first sentence of the OP. And then afterwards read this mentally unhinged rant >>9465565

>no one is saying that

>> No.9467204

>cites a single obvious shitpost on a shitsite as facts

>> No.9467215

>gets called out and immediately begins moving the goalposts
Pretending to be retarded is not an excuse, son. You'll learn one day

>> No.9467231

You will get far in life taking oppions vomited on this site as the truth.

>> No.9467232
File: 91 KB, 494x741, 71F4GTgP0JL._AC_SY741_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I can understand, The original design for the Rare Donkey Kong was that Cranky was suppose to be the original DK, and Donkey Kong was Donkey Kong Jr. This caused Donkey Kong to be the grandson of Cranky, instead. For the longest time, Rare's Donkey Kong was the default look for DK.

>> No.9467236
File: 2.15 MB, 1264x831, DK_Krash_Lost_Mines_DKC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9467239
File: 1.62 MB, 1275x815, DK_in_Treehouse_Tyre_DKC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9467250 [DELETED] 

I would prefer opium over the vomit of an oppions (what even is that?), but that's neither here nor there. Goodnight to you

>> No.9467262
File: 2.28 MB, 1200x844, 1200px-DKEnguarde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9467296

Boom finally someone gets it.

>> No.9467425

>Miyamoto still seething
I doubt it.

It's certainly not like you're going to post any evidence to back this bizarre non sequitur assertion of yours.

>> No.9467431

It's literally the same phenomenon behind "why do 4channers post soijaks at each other so much". It's weaponized psychology, they're using facial expressions to manipulate your emotional state. The "dreamworks face" suggests smugness, judging, knowledge that they have that you don't, which on a low subconscious level makes the hapless viewer think "Oh, these entities know something I don't and are judging me for it, I'm not cool or hip, I better get with it, I better buy a ticket to that movie". You can argue that that kind of thing doesn't work on you but let's not forget we're talking about the world's hundreds of millions of cud chewers here, statistically this has some effect.

Soijaks meanwhile evoke the predator detection reaction. The large bulging eyes, the wide open maw, it's designed to stimulate the fear/fight or flight sense that emerges when suddenly being confronted with a dangerous wild animal. People don't post them "just" to mock an opinion that upset them- it's literally a psychological attack, the same as a cat raising its hackles and hissing.

>> No.9467485

>They are however using some weird ass aztec culture design for the kongs though which you can still relate to Rares influence on the ip,
More like Retro's

>> No.9467486
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>> No.9467617
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Going forward all Donkey Kong 3D models should be based on the 1982 plush toy.

>> No.9467654 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9467753
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>Seth Rogen as Donkey Kong

>> No.9467760

literally jack black

>> No.9467795

Cope. Miyamoto may not have said I publicly but it's obvious he was shamed by DKC being the best Donkey Kong game despite playing like NES battletoads and dkc is the best platformer on all of SNES.

>> No.9467798 [DELETED] 

Rares design is Kino.
Irate gamer at least has good theme music and oddly enough has become more respectable le than AVGN.

>> No.9467803

Closest fatchu we got today is gigantamax pikachu

>> No.9467856
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>> No.9467858
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This. Still looks very much like Rare Kong compared to pic related.

>> No.9467872
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>> No.9467924

> based on the real arcade game

Sounds like "scent of a food based on the chunk of actual food"

>> No.9467928 [DELETED] 

Your entire post is cope and headcanon seething

>> No.9467935

Plush Rei for boomers

What's with all those /vr/ stuffed toys radiating a weird aura? There's more than a few, I think.

>> No.9467970 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 1920x1080, MV5BN2U2MGY4NGMtZTE1YS00YzBhLTg1NGItMjAyY2MwYWIwYTZhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjYzNDgwNzk@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeh I watched some of his stuff recently (remasters with commentary) and he's pretty honest about why he made the whole thing. His reasoning is alright I guess. Meanwhile James completely wrecked his authenticity with SWM and ruined whatever respect was left with his horrid "I'M AN ENTITLED SPERG WHO LUCKED THROUGH LIFE" book.

>> No.9467995

>doesnt code
>doesnt do ingame art
>doesnt do music
>doesnt direct games
If Miyamoto was forced to write down on a piece of paper what he has ever done at Nintendo, would that paper be completely blank?

>> No.9468068

it's ok but looks more like a cereal mascot

>> No.9468118

Yeah we get it dude you saw the dunkey video too

>> No.9468153

he posed the question to the metroid prime devs of what if samus had a fly's head. this zen line of thinking lead to them creating different helmet visors.

>> No.9468159

he was in the prime of his career in the 8 bit era, he has just been old for the majority of nintendo's gaming prominence.

>> No.9468167
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>> No.9468243 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 760x374, Shigeru_Miyamoto_DKC_quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Donkey Kong Country proves gamers will put up with mediocre gameplay if the art is good." - Shigeru Miyamoto

>> No.9468249
File: 64 KB, 760x374, Shigeru_Miyamoto_DKC_quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9468489

>No one really thinks of post DKC Donkey Kong as a Nintendo character. They think of him as a Rare character.
some of the stupidest shit i've read on this site

>> No.9468746
File: 268 KB, 1280x720, dkcmillstone[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you not remember these stages?

>> No.9468747
File: 31 KB, 800x682, flat,800x800,075,f.u1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seth Rogen as Donkey Kong
Makes sense to me.

>> No.9468753

lookin' good!

>> No.9468861

underrated comment

>> No.9468879

Man, those filters
Everything looking like actual turd

How do you play it like this

>> No.9468902

>those filters
it was the 90s/early 00s, don't judge we didn't know any better.

>> No.9468954

He's not wrong. Which Donkey Kong games do YOU give a shit about? The crusty arcade games Nintendo shat out in the 80s or the generation defining ones from the 90s made by Rare? For all intents and purposes, DK is Rare character and has been so since DKC.

>> No.9468967

no he's not
why do so many of these shitty rumours come out about Miyamoto?

>> No.9469024

Success breeds an insurmountable amount of envy

>> No.9469075

Happy 70s anime (that heavily rips off western ideas) vs edgy 90s anime (with western influence)

>> No.9469136

>Every interview imaginable Miyamoto praises Rare for their technology and how their games are like Nintendo's
>Every former Rare developer interview claims they pretty much had free reign

>still rumors of seething

Has there been ONE (1) interview where Miyamoto talked shit about rareware and proven to exist (we still haven't found a source for him supposedly shitting on DKC)? Genuinely asking

>> No.9469142

the dude was based
He has also gone on record to say he pushed for more 2D games on the N64 but was constantly denied

>> No.9469154

I can totally see how the shitty modern animators and artists of today think the right is better, no lie.

>> No.9469162

Literally the only one I can think of that comes close was when they were showing him the opening to DK64 and he was shocked that Donkey Kong was wielding an actual shotgun. When he saw that everyone was nervous, he took out a pen and paper, drew a log with a trigger and a leaf for a sight, held it up, and said "coconut gun".

>> No.9469163


>> No.9469165

>80's design looks like a saturday morning cartoon
>90's mascot has ATTITUDE
big surprise

>> No.9469178

Most likely the guys at Argonauts. They still insist that Mario 64 is actually their Yoshi game and that Miyamoto personally came to shit talk them when it was released.

>> No.9469181

Dont know if its true, but for links crossbow training he supposedly wanted to just give link a gun and have him go to the future to fight robots

>> No.9469183

Well that literally is what happened in BOTW

>> No.9469671

Thanks, bro!

>> No.9469723

Oddly enough DKC1 had quite a lot of emphasis in moving fast towards the stages, it feel good.

>> No.9469725

I don't. It was just a picture I pulled from Google.

>> No.9469759

The game and watch games

>> No.9469763

I genuinely thought about your post. I liked your "Dreamworks face" analysis, but I never tried to rationalize soijaks before. Always thought it was either trolling, shitpost or a "me good, you bad" mentality. About the latter, modern people tend to live in their bubble (much easier to do so online), so any outsider seem weird and... "wrong", the soijaks being used to paint those strangers as alienated, shallow, unhinged and of low intelligence. In other words, a mean to validate the poster against others. That's what I think, and I want to correctly understand your remarks. Do you mean that if I post a soijak, it's like I'm telling you that you're like a cornered animal bearing its fangs because you know no better? Always picking up fights, assuming the worst, and never using your brain?

>> No.9469784

Its odd that both DK94 and DKC came in 94 months away from each other and same year.

>> No.9469798

They're not going to publicly air their frustrations. Yes, I 200% believe, NO. I know Miyamoto hated dkc because it proved he was a hack.

>> No.9469803

This is his mindset and it's wrong. Euro jank physics > smw bland gameplay/level design

>> No.9469807

Wasnt the whole "Miyamoto diss DKC cause Yoshi's Island sold less" narrative a lie? On the grounds that Miyamoto himself supervised and his name was on DKC?

>> No.9469814 [DELETED] 

no, he means that independent of any humiliation/bullying aspect of the soijak targeted at a specific group they're supposed to make anyone who views it uneasy and threatened.

>> No.9469817

Would really be horribly if people made false stories to destroy others with false evidence if at all just for attention and dumbfuck lazy idiots just keep spreading lies as truths. Imma right?

>> No.9469829 [DELETED] 

>contine shirt

>> No.9469845

Pretend you flashed your penis to them

>> No.9469849

True, i forgot about the Game&Watch Gallery stuff, though i think 4 used the Rare design.

>> No.9469858

Yeah i was thinking this as well, like did the idea to do 94 predate DKCs pitch, or was 94 made as a handheld game to ride the new revived hype of DK in the early 90s that DKC was building? Then there is that Super Donkey game that i guess is what turned into Yoshi's Island? And we still dont even know if that was going to be anything like DKC since the sprites we have seen look a lot like Mr. You from Sky Skipper, another 80s arcade game where you fight gorillas, so if it was made to be some connection between Sky Skipper and DK arcade, he would still have probably been a baddie in that as well.

>> No.9470123

>Thisu jurst what I neededu
>not neededo

Story confirmed for fake.

>> No.9470131

The right has more in common with Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny than the left, you're just not smart enough to understand how.

>> No.9470148

>a fake meme quote can be taken as a factual account of someone's mind state
Seek help

>> No.9470315
File: 97 KB, 794x810, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attitude via smugness.
I'm pretty certain that I've seen it in many anime's though rarely in advertisements.
Western animation just uses a much more extreme expression to convey that.

>> No.9470823

Originally, the fake Miyamoto quote was mostly parroted by people who thought DKC was overrated, as well as older Nintendo fans who wanted to reassure themselves that Nintendo "didn't need Rare" after the Microsoft buyout. Today, it's used almost exclusively by butthurt GCN-era Nintendo fans who are convinced that Miyamoto has the same personality as Yuji Naka just because they didn't get their dream sequel to TTYD/GX/Assault.

>> No.9470934
File: 2.44 MB, 3012x3248, 1659689780159.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual sources for the controversy.
I'll post them here for reference.

>> No.9470936

Cranky Kong

>> No.9470939

Guy a douchebag

>> No.9470941

Mistranslation lol

>> No.9471059

what's your point? it didn't looked like that shit, minimize the game window to have an idea or play on crt

>> No.9471130

Chris Pratt seems like a way bigger douche to me.

>> No.9471147

Didn't they hire some anime artist to redesign Mario around SMB 2 USA/Mario 3?

>> No.9471190

I will always ALWAYS remind people that Nintendo game F-Zero an unheard of push back in the GNC days. It got:

>A major console release
>A arcade port OF the console release
>Three GBA games; one of which was a launch title for the console
>An anime adaptation that was localized worldwide

And it was still a major sales disappointment.

>> No.9471769


>> No.9472001

Oh look, the next thing Funkin/EXE faggits are gonna ape for their dumb game

>> No.9472009

You are a faggot and probably suicidal

>> No.9472012

because Pratt's superior penis and glans scooped out anon's semen when Pratt banged his sister

>> No.9472015

Can't scoop out what's already been bred, city slicker.

>> No.9472042

I don't have any sisters but God damn sisterfucking is hot as fuck to me. Is it some Freud shit?

>> No.9472060

The right has more in common with a flash animation cartoon from the late 2000s. The right feels like it was drawn digitally, while the left feels drawn by hand and with character.

>> No.9472120

This to me is evidence of how much Miyamoto liked Rare. That and offering them Star Fox (the only modern advocate of this franchise at Nintendo today). Miyamoto had every reason to sperg out at them for them giving DONKEY KONG a realistic gun but he seemingly took it pretty well and didn't immediately just tell them to scrap it.

>> No.9472126

GX was never reported as a million seller but probably would have done well if the Gamecube itself sold better.

Maximum Velocity was a million seller.

It was the F-Zero Anime that killed F-Zero. All of it's game adaptions bombed and the anime dub was cancelled in the west.

>> No.9472372

I will never forgive Steven L Kent for creating two decades of autistic slapfighting over Donkey Kong Country just to have a fake quote for his dumb book.

>> No.9472484

>Mah ebin battle toads but its a gorilla!
The sheer depth of rare's incompetence and lack of talent is why Nintendo didn't want to acquire them in the first place. All they could do was make inferior clones of existing Nintendo games. I remember thinking it was cool that they gave the kongs fruit based weapons in DK64, only to learn it was Miyamoto who designed and suggested it, because the soulless drones at rare though it would be appropriate to give donkey kong a generic fucking shotgun. Fuck those retards (except Grant)

>> No.9472543

Japs at Nintendo deliberately sabotaged Rare because of racism. Change my mind.

>> No.9472565

I wouldn't call it sabotage, but ive always felt this way.

Like look, im not saying Miyamoto and Iwata were seething about these bongs, but i can absolutely see the highest corporate people of the company, the stock holders, old jap pride honoru mentality folks during the Yamaguchi era that probably did not like Rare all that much and pushed for the sale. They were probably a little assblasted due to their increased success in the 64 era while the jap division struggled to push put stuff like 64DD and many games being pushed to next gen. They probably saw the gamecube as a clean slate, a new start and one where they didn't need Rare.

Because honestly, there is NO WAY Rare would have beem done dirty like they were if they were a Japanese company. What happened to them is like if Nintendo sold off Hal, or the Kirby IP. And selling them to a foreign company at that? They would have been assblasted across their home turf. But Rare was a foreign entity, that sense of honor doesn't extend to them so there is no shame in selling them off. The fact Nintendo wasn't even willing to pay to hold the collaboration era ips like Killer Instinct and Banjo, that really shows how much they wanted to just pretend Rare never existed as a major part of their history. Like they still have some rights ownership over fucking Cruis'n, yet they weren't willing to pay to keep characters that showed up multiple times in their big marketing campaigns, merchandise and even Mario games with direct appearances of them? Thats just some bs and fans were right to be pissed back then, like imagine the shitstorm if they sold off Pokemon to Sony. Would be unthinkable.

>> No.9472685

Ugh, bro, read posts above, the whole ''MIYAMOTO HATED DKC'' was a lie.

>> No.9472693

Why do white people have such a victim complex?

>> No.9472705

The only racist here is you

>> No.9472708


>> No.9472874

I didn't even type that, i specifically went out of my way to put that i dont believe Miyamoto had any issues with them. What i do believe, is the actual people running the company at the time did, the ones not involved in game design, the nameless that were on the corporate side of things. The ones that actually pushed for the buyout. This is the same era of Nintendo high-ups that told Square to fuck off and never return, that rpg players are all losers and that the 64 should be a bitch to design for to weed out bad devs. And now they have these devs that are doing great, but they aren't necessarily heel lickers like Nintendo of America, they are having almost too much success that the Rare logo is becoming almost as iconic to the 64 as Nintendo themselves and most importantly, they are not even a jap company. Seems like some good reasons to "lose some weight" for their renewed focus on their next gen system while pocketing a nice check in the process.

>> No.9473298
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>stretched to 16:9 aspect ratio

>> No.9473304

>What i do believe, is the actual people running the company at the time did, the ones not involved in game design, the nameless that were on the corporate side of things.
Tell the voices in your head to settle down

>> No.9473312

The writer has never provided the direct source, and there's so many ways that this could be interpreted wrongly by him. He would have to provide an original audio recording to have others examine this, otherwise it should be ignored.

Miyamoto has also heard about these kind of online posts, and has strongly denied it. So at the very least he likely doesn't even remember this. It's likely an innocent off-hand comment that this guy blew up or mistranslated.

It could simply be him stating the correct view that gamers are initially drawn in by visuals rather than gameplay.

>> No.9473314
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Fixed aspect ratio.

>> No.9473559

What the genuine fuck are you talking about? THEY were the ones who looked for a potential buyer when Nintendo couldn't afford to increase dev costs. Nintendo even went into a bidding war with Activision and Microsoft to keep Rare on board, but bowed out because they couldn't risk the whole company on just Rare. I think people forget how fucking bad the N64/GCN era was for Nintendo financially. If Pokemon hadn't happened, they would have been in dire straits in the early 2000s.

Yamauchi was a big fucking cunt, but he knew Rare's value. They just literally couldn't afford to keep them around. Besides, do you think early 2000s Nintendo would have been able to Killer Instinct and Banjo as good as 90s Rare? Fucking CURRENT Rare can't do them justice.

>> No.9473619

I hate monkeys in general, but rareware's design is clearly more appealing than Miyamoto's, looks stronger and even somewhat cool. The other one looks like something out of a children's coloring book.

>> No.9473729
File: 313 KB, 1319x752, Why Nintendo Sold Rare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo sold Rare for purely financial reasons, not Japanese pride.

>> No.9473756

Rare had already sold itself you dip shit. Nintendo owned 49%, Rare was majority holder st 51%. Rare sold it's entire company to Microsoft. Shut the fuck up

>> No.9473806

The only shame is that Miyamoto didn't step in harder during DK64. I guess at that point he thought that they were guaranteed to do nothing wrong.

>> No.9473881
File: 485 KB, 1026x426, what usual golden bananas you coot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare made lots of weird little retcons for Donkey Kong 64 (no doubt the DKC trilogy 'party' money got to their heads), including but not limited to:
>Cranky being DK's father instead of grandfather
>Diddy being DK's nephew or "nephew wannabe" instead of an unrelated friend who looks up to him
>The golden bananas always being part of the banana horde
Nintendo basically went "yeah ignore all the N64 retcons, we're using the SNES-era story," and even ex-Rare employees went "yeah IDK what we were thinking either."

>> No.9473886
File: 4 KB, 384x224, MarioClashCameo8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget his cameo in Mario Clash.

>> No.9473920

The banana hoard's scaling on the SNES matches the golden bananas.

>> No.9473931

desu I do like the idea of rare DK being a grown Jr., better use of him than just being kept on ice in Nintendo's IP vault.

>> No.9473932

DKC1 and 2 are made by the same team.
DKC3 is a different team.
DK64 is a different team again.

>> No.9474035

DK Jr. wasn't on ice. He was in the first Mario Kart

>> No.9474052

That article confirms me belief that they were discarded to focus on Japanese devs and a new push for next gen development.

>> No.9474062

Agreed. Always liked the idea of modern DK being Jr. Especially fitting since Junior's first appearance was in a platformer game.

>> No.9474110

Yes. Yoichi Kotabe.

>> No.9474121

I really hate this. The design from the past 20 years is perfect.

>> No.9474369

>DKC1 had quite a lot of emphasis in moving fast towards the stages
Just like every platformer series except for Gargoyle Quest

>> No.9474398

>except Grant
Why? His music nowadays is (excuse the buzzword) soulless as fuck

>> No.9474416

Nintendo letting gaijin use their IPs was a mistake
Disgusting shit

>> No.9474419

Yes. Seemingly internally they were never consistent with it and at one point the official RAREWARE website contradicted what the DKC manual said since Leigh Loveday wanted current DK to be a grown up Junior:


>You're being far too highbrow for the likes of our readership. You also share the disconcerting Winky fetish that seems to be emerging from the woodwork at this late stage, I see. As far as I know, 'our' DK is the son of Cranky, which does indeed make him the original DK Jr. all grown up: so if you see Cranky referred to as DK's granddad anywhere, just cover your eyes and hum loudly until it goes away.

>> No.9474471

It's a nice story to tell yourself but there's no basis for it. If there w as s a major impetus for the end of the relationship, then it was Howard Lincoln leaving Nintendo. He was the main liaison between Nintendo and Rare, and their professional relationship was weakened significantly upon his departure.

>> No.9474504

If this article is accurate >>9473729
Then it does prove there was a push towards removing their western studios and focusing on their Japanese partners for next gen. Not as cut&dry as "FUCK WHITE PIGU", but there was absolutely a conscious decision to no longer support their efforts despite being easily a top 5 western dev of that era.

>> No.9474674

Interesting. I may have to reconsider my position; Even further, it aligns with the decisions made to try and make Zelda appeal to Japanese with the wind waker design direction. However, a simple rebuke of foreigners is ridiculous, as it offers no explanation for subsequent work with Retro Studios and Next-Level Games. The conjecture put forth earlier about Nintendo not being able to afford to keep them exclusive, as well as the article's citation of diminished returns, might make a more logically consistent case.

>> No.9474697

In the case of Next-Level and Retro, they definitely seem more under the "thumb" of Nintendo then Rare ever did, but then again Leftfield was kind of in that same position as those two as well. Perhaps it was a directional shift, then realizing they fucked up focusing on japan and now they had no western devs? Combined with the ps2 still selling like crazy that w gen, so maybe they didn't get as big as a chunk of the Japanese market as they were hoping which also crippled plans like the capcom exclusive games.

Regardless, it just was dumb to let go of their only major, actually well regarded western studio, or atleast short sighted. Regardless of their decline in quality, im sure they still would have done better with their output and staff staying with Nintendo then they ended up with at Microsoft, if merely for the prestige aspect of it.

>> No.9474762

>Omni Mario
Holy moly and chadpill

>> No.9474765

Cranky prime form.

>> No.9474807

Honestly I think Rare really wanted to do something with Jr. but Nintendo wouldn't let them. We know Diddy Kong was supposed to be Donkey Kong Jr. but Nintendo thought he was too redesigned so they told Rare to make it a separate character. Then they tried to retcon the current DK as Jr. but NoJ basically cleaned up Rare's attempted retcons in the Japanese localization and that ended up being Nintendo's preference, leaving Jr. still MIA. I'm surprised they let Cranky be the original DK in the first place.

>> No.9474808
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>> No.9475152

No it doesn't you fuckin retard. Nintendo went out their own way to invest in Silicon Knights and Retro Studios. Take your schizo theories and go back to /v/

>> No.9475180

And at the time that article was written, it literally says they are focusing on their Japanese partners. Did Nintendo own Retro at that time? Or any major stake in it prior to/leading up to Metroid Primes release? Or were they just a 3rd party at the time like Silicon Knights whom they were funding for one project?

>> No.9475282

"sigeru" is a legit romanization of the name Shigeru in some obscure romanization systems. Same reason why Gumpei is sometimes spelled "Gunpei".

>> No.9475298

Donkey Kong '94 on Game Boy uses Miyamoto's design.

>> No.9475324

And it sucked compared to dkc.

>> No.9475329

miyamoto was always a talentless hack with incredibly questionable art skills. if he wasn't hired by nintendo, he'd be the guy who does caricature portraits in a tourist trap somewhere in japan.

>> No.9475339

>Game Japan

>> No.9475340

the only thing nintendo actually owns is the characters and name. the actual games are owned by rare (now microsoft) and the original arcade version of donkey kong is STILL OWNED by Ikegami Tsushinki. nintendo lost it all 41 years ago.

>> No.9475343

Whatever. I like them both, so sue me.

>> No.9475349

Sometimes I wish Sega had never went out of business but rather Nintendo instead.

>> No.9475357

i agree anon. sega's console business was poorly managed by the americans and the japenese, and they all blamed each other for the failures of saturn and dreamcast. was inevitable. anyway, they merged with sammy to become one of the bigger players in pachinko slots, arcades and video poker machines, so they didn't get completely out of the gaming business.

>> No.9475371

It was the rise of style over substance shit gaming that killed Sega, not management. Sega still wanted arcade and simple game experiences instead of storyshit with bad gameplay, which they even tried out with the Sonic Adventure games to lure people in but people would rather buy the fucking PS2 with its library of trash instead of real games.
Oddly enough, DKC was one of the first style over substance trash games, Rare cared more about pretty graphics than solid gameplay mechanics (movement and control is imprecise and it seems like the developers didn't care as long as the game was pretty).
No, this isn't a troll, mods, I know you fucking love to ban me because I post these things in /vr/ but THEY ARE THE FUCKING TRUTH. Try living through gaming since the 70s and watching it all go to fucking hell in the mid-90s first and then let me know what you think. 100% guarantee you'll agree with me.

>> No.9475385

>It was the rise of style over substance shit gaming that killed Sega, not management.
combo of both i think. someone was greenlighting these games for official licensing and distribution.

>Sega still wanted arcade and simple game experiences instead of storyshit with bad gameplay, which they even tried out with the Sonic Adventure games to lure people in but people would rather buy the fucking PS2 with its library of trash instead of real games.

i think the variety of new and different things that started arriving on psx consoles opened up people's eyes to what a console could give them. despite how trash some software was, it was very different to what sega and nintendo were putting out at the time.

>Try living through gaming since the 70s and watching it all go to fucking hell in the mid-90s first and then let me know what you think. 100% guarantee you'll agree with me.
born in 80. agree with most of it yea.

>> No.9475393

>No, this isn't a troll, mods, I know you fucking love to ban me because I post these things in /vr/ but THEY ARE THE FUCKING TRUTH
cut the victim routine, none of what you're posting is controversial enough to be banworthy unless you're especially a faggot about it.

>> No.9475398

I'm sorry you were brainwashed by style over substance "gaming" when you were a kid by Sony and Nintendo and will never know what it feels like to grow up in an era where game companies actually care about fun, good, quality games.

>> No.9475401

>had went

>> No.9475404

it's typical arcade character design. also wasn't he supposed to be a dumb gorilla? not a menacing one. it's donkey (engrish for stupid) kong (as in king kong)

>> No.9475409

All joking aside, it's kinda obvious that Miyamoto doesn't really care about the crocodile soldiers being reoccurring characters and likes vague jungle stuff more..

>> No.9475414

honestly yeah he is menacing, his fanfare and screeches are the only character he's given aside from when he gets knocked on his head. I think for the left to make sense they would have had to animate some goofy unrequited kissy faces or something.

>> No.9475682
File: 934 KB, 1080x811, grandpappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never liked the idea of every Kong being related, I know they're animals but they have human enough qualities that it's downright weird to think of Diddy and Dixie as being related. Apparently the idea of the Kong family was to be a literal family, but it was Diddy being a monkey with a tail and not an ape without one that made them second-guess it, not Donkey and Candy. I do think Nintendo should've let Rare go with the DK Jr. retcon though, it's always been odd to me that grandson DK is older than Junior when he appeared in the arcade.

>> No.9475758

If I had to guess, DK's changes were more stylistic while there isn't much that Rare could've done with Jr. without keeping the same design, hence why the attempts to make Jr. Diddy or DK himself fell through. It's especially weird since the Gamecube era was where they fully dropped Jr. (He was considered for MKDD based on a character select image) in favor of Diddy.

>> No.9475769

They are both appropriate designs for each game.
>original one that kidnaps Pauline is a goofy buffoon that is easily defeated if you climb up to him and was originally going to be Bluto from Popeye
>get to look like a badass while playing as DK on the SNES

>> No.9475934

Also the Game & Watch Gallery series.

>> No.9476062
File: 14 KB, 240x160, Gandwgalleryadvanced_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DK in the 4th one looks closer to the Rare design on the title screen but it's clearly '94 DK everywhere else,I guess it technically can't be the Rare one because back then Nintendo still credited Rare with that design.

>> No.9477368

i thought in the booklet diddy and dixie were bf/gf

>> No.9477380

>41 year ago
Really? The reason Cranky Kong as new generation Kong appeal teen lifestyle

>> No.9477419

They are. Rare was going to make the whole Kong Family related in some way during DKC1, but then backed out due to how impractical it is: https://www.youtube.com/embed/jX3g9Z3JF9k?start=1626&end=1750

>> No.9477451

I love DKC but I will fight you. Donkey Kong 94' is one of the best video games of all time, still the best Mario game, and pretty much the pinnacle of remakes. It's perfect.

>> No.9477457
File: 365 KB, 716x883, Diddy Kong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo still honors this relationship too:


>Diddy Kong
>A mischievous young male Kong with his trademark features of a red cap and red shirt!
>He's Donkey Kong's trusted companion and close friend! They're always adventuring together, and Diddy's a reliable friend who helps assist Donkey Kong. It seems he also has a girlfriend named Dixie Kong.
>Although he's small, he's nimble and his jumping strength is an excellent quality. He can also hang from things with his long tail.
>In comparison to Donkey Kong, Diddy has quite the firm character. He can skillfully wield all kinds of items!

Tiny Kong still being Dixie's little sister is still up in the air though ever since the drastic redesign.

>> No.9477502

you got it switched around sempai

>> No.9477617

dk94 is one of those great 10/10 games that I ended up finding kind of boring, sort of like doom.

>> No.9478158
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>Tiny Kong still being Dixie's little sister is still up in the air though ever since the drastic redesign.
I think that's attributed to Japanese DK64 rather than the redesign.
Umlike the English version, the manual doesn't mention if Tiny and Chunky are related to Dixie and Kiddy/Dinky, but it adds K. Lumsy being K. Rool's brother, go figure.

>> No.9478161

No way. It’s cute and totally in line with arcade era kino.
I think the Rare design is better for standardization though.

>> No.9479173

Yo, the new Sonic friend looking FIRE.

>> No.9479179

A fucking poop rat.

>> No.9479182

Imminent Rape

>> No.9479189


>> No.9479218

Why would a spinoff kill a franchise?
>F-Federation Forc-
We got an average remake then a superb revival of a old DS project that nearly broke 3 million and an upcoming release for Metroid Prime.
It's like fags don't know how projects work and get greenlit at Nintendo. Federation Force exists because Nintendo wanted NGL to make a new DS Metroid after Hunters, not some shitty panic title.

Also apparently we just got news that some European dev was going to put out a "really ambitious" F-Zero game on the WiiU/Switch.
Only few have saw it

>> No.9480169

Yes. Supposedly this is why Miyamoto wanted DK to wear the tie to begin with:
>Well, for instance, during the development of Donkey Kong Country I gave different directions for character design. At that time, I ordered them to give Donkey Kong eyebrows, but because that was something that was difficult to show in CG, I was pacified by making the area around his eyes black. And then, I had indicated that I wanted his hair to stand up straight more, but that was also difficult, so we made it all one piece. In the end, I felt like the "dumb" feeling wasn't apparent enough, so I was the one to decide to give him a necktie.

But then he says he wants both Mario and Donkey Kong to become cooler anyway:
>Alright. I think that after becoming CG, Donkey Kong has become really cool, but I also feel like he's become a bit kiddie-like as well. I would love to see both him and Mario become a bit cooler in the future.

>> No.9480226
File: 35 KB, 340x330, DK_Nintendo_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DK is nice blend of being kiddie but still cool. I think being smug and chill is something that just appeals to all ages.

>> No.9480925

Hey man, you're entitled to your oppion

>> No.9481336

suck my dick, fag

>> No.9481486

64 render Mario also had a similar vibe to rare dk, cooler but still cartoony.

>> No.9481664

there's a reason DKC was a success, it's a great design
to answer the op's bait, i don't think they added elements of the original sketch to the movie version because of "miyamoto hates rare" headcanon, it's surely a homage + changes done to make expressive animation easier