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9454730 No.9454730 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9454735
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>> No.9454737

There's something fundamentally funny about removing the mist from Myst

>> No.9454818
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>> No.9454852

Silent hill remaster comes to mind

>> No.9454863

The worst part is the absence of the ghosting/blur effect that gave the entire game a more dreamy atmosphere. Only on PS2.

>> No.9454871

video games no longer have soul

>> No.9455031
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>> No.9455067

it's been years since I played p4, but wasn't the fog actually part of the lore?

>> No.9455121

I'm playing P4Golden now and the pics are misleading. It also looks and plays much better than the PS2 version.

>> No.9455349
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Whoops, wrong image from my fog collection. Can't delete it now.

>> No.9455370

how come 5th gen consoles (I know your screen is ps2 but still) could do heavy fog but modern programmers can't program fog to save their lives on much potent hardware? Is this another meme like programmers losing the ability to program mirrors until raytracing appeared?

>> No.9455413

I hated this shit. It was like the atmosphere was more dust than air.

>> No.9455467

Psx fog was just render distance. And they usually hid that behind lore like the world is skawwwy in silent hill. In 6th gen this happened on xbox with morrowind also.

>> No.9455508

PS2 had hardware features that allowed screen-filling graphical effects like fog and distortions without much of a performance hit. When they port those games elsewhere, they need to either recreate it in software or just not bother.

>> No.9455571

This game is just bad and gay, the fog has nothing to do with it

>> No.9455584

Weeabu friend simulator?

>> No.9455590

>play myst
>walk around
>looks cool
>get to puzzle
>fiddle with it
>look around for clues
>got nothing
>fiddle some more
>turn off game

>> No.9457256

>Psx fog was just render distance
Surely it can't be THAT hard to replicate that with modern hardware, can it?

>> No.9457260

SOVL, Soulless, and DEMENTED

>> No.9457426

It doesn't fit neatly into rendering pipelines. Nowadays a dev will use a particle shader to make fog, while in the old days it was more "polygon distance from camera * grey * pixel rendered from scene = fog". Easier to write particles into the pipeline instead of writing to the framebuffer directly.

>> No.9457431

It isn't hard, but nobody does it since it's highly unrealistic. Visibility depends on lighting conditions just as much as distance.

>> No.9457439

Atmospheric fog is a basic effect for realistic lighting in any modern engine

>> No.9457668

It's more like bloom is used to make the entire viewport cloudy instead of actually making fog and having light come through it.

>> No.9457690

Fog aside, why do the models and textures in Masterpiece Edition look lower-quality and more dated than the other versions? It seriously looks like a bad Unity asset flip.

>> No.9457694

can you explain how they're misleading?

>> No.9457696

All the remakes are outsourced to Asia for next to nothing which is why artistic quality is always shit. Even At home all the art talent has quit, HR replaced with harems. It is the same reason industry as a whole has stagnated. you should not even consider remakes , with very rare exception

>> No.9457901

He's lying.

also P4G removed the heat wave/ghosting blur effect that was heavily used throughout Persona 4 on PS2, along with some distortion effects seen in the TV world. It ruins the atmosphere for the sake of "clarity."

>> No.9458007

Please understand. Fog is very hard to do on modern GPUs without a huge hit to performance. Volumetric Lighting is a good alternative, but it also is very expensive. The way the PS1 and PS2 GPUs render graphics allows them to get away with overlapping tons of semi-transparent textures for basically free, but that's not how modern GPUs work. Hell, even cool tech like PhysX on PC just gets ignored because it's so taxing.

>> No.9458018

I wouldn't say that but it does look less impressive than it ought to given where it started and where we are now.

>> No.9458024

Speaking of Myst are you now at the age your father was when he enjoyed Myst?

Do you enjoy Myst now, old man?

>> No.9458059
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Virtually all of the fog effects in the old days are using the Z-buffer to control how foggy shit is.

Many modern engines are using the deferred rendering meme where everything even down to lighting is post-process effect. You need the z-buffer to pull off any that shit effectively so there's no reason why ye old fog can't be done as post effect today apart from the fact it goes against the PBR meme.

>> No.9458140

Top right doesn't look bad actually. Light rain doesn't need to have heavy fog.

>> No.9458161

Normies will shit their pants and cry if devs did it today.

>> No.9458164
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>Surely it can't be THAT hard to replicate that with modern hardware, can it?
No but most devs are lazy as fuck

>> No.9459874

OP is a dumb example because Rime (the real myst new age) has fog and cyan was responsible for the first masterpiece edition and removed the fog anyway

>> No.9459889
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>> No.9459892

Right is PCSX2 with upscaled graphics and widescreen patch. Left is P4Golden with brightness and gamma turned all the way up.

>> No.9459917
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Unironically yes

>> No.9459920
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Gib fog

>> No.9459927

That effect is terrible.

>> No.9459960

I'll take fog any day over depth of field

>> No.9460021
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>doesn’t look too bad actually

>> No.9460190
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>> No.9460213
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>zero atmosphere
>dogshit lod visible everywhere
name one game that looks good with no fog
you cant

>> No.9460219

>those max payne 2 textures
damn, didnt remember them looking that good

>> No.9460246
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Cheeki breeki

>> No.9460414


>> No.9460447

It's not fog, it's mist

>> No.9460523

My first thought

>> No.9460556

It's what the devs intended the game to look like. They spent weeks, maybe even months, working on that effect and put it all over the game.

You can think it is terrible, that's your opinion... but you can't argue that it is a good thing to remove it in an HD version made by different staff. At least have an option to enable or disable it, since it is intended to have it.

>> No.9460565

No you can totally do it, but most people today don't like low render distances.

>> No.9460575

I'm still a few years off, but he didn't like Myst, thought it was all style with no substance. I used to think it had to do with the shitty puzzles, but he also loved LucasArts adventure games, so.

>> No.9460602
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>> No.9460636

golden is a vita game, of course it looks worse