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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9453492 No.9453492 [Reply] [Original]

>2.5d platforming at it's finest
>cool RPG-lite elements
>fun mini-quests
>hilarious story
>4 interesting and different characters to choose from
>same screen co-op
>epic boss-fights in MECHS
>day/night cycle

>> No.9453754

Is the first one good? Should I play any other Goemons first?

>> No.9453764 [DELETED] 

>oh its on the n64
was this close checking it out

>> No.9453924 [DELETED] 

Based console warrior

>> No.9453967 [DELETED] 

t. 3rd worlder ps1 fan

>> No.9454270

It is good, my friend. The first N64 one is very easy, so give that a try, first. The SNES ones are great definitely worth playing, but are challenging and have far less content, so save those for later. The regular Nintendo ones are good, especially 2, though the RPG Gaiden ones are relatively standard fare.

For future reference, the first PSX one, Akogingu, is a little boring and uninspired, but playable, while two other ones, New Age Shutsudo and Oedo Daikaiten are supposed to be excellent (haven't played them yet).

>> No.9454275 [DELETED] 

You misspelled gay.

>> No.9454580

The 3D one on Playstation is awful.
Oedo is OK, reuses ideas from the SNES Goemons but it's not as good.

>> No.9454835

Thank you, anon. I think it's time to finally check out this series!

>> No.9455258

Goemon cares way more about your knowledge of the video games it parodies than the actual franchise. It's the kind of series that contradicts itself on purpose to make nerds upset.

Main Series:
* Mr. Goemon (short arcade game)
* Ganbare Goemon for NES/MSX (NES plays better, MSX has ~40 unique levels, foundation for gameplay of later games)
* Ganbare Goemon 2 on NES (upgraded sequel, "story" starts here if you care)
* Ebisumaru's Kidnapping on Gameboy (Further iteration on Goemon 2, English version is on Konami GB Collection 3 for GBC)
* The four Super Nintendo games (Core series identity established, each game has weird elements)
* Uchuu Kaizoku Akogingu on PS1 (First Playstation Goemon, roughly based on gameplay of SNES games)
* The two N64 games (First is a proper 3D game, second is a 3D side scroller)
* Goemon Zero on PS2 (Soft reboot based on first N64 game, no fan translation but the complete localization that went unreleased is available online)
* Successor of the New Generation for PS1 (Mega Man X parody sidescroller)
* Goemon DS (Untranslated, series finale)

Those games were mostly developed with a lot of shared staff and had proper budgets and deadlines. Play them in any order you want.

>> No.9455273 [DELETED] 

actually I'm more of a dreamcastchad

>> No.9455296

Side Games:
* Goemon Gaiden 1 and 2 on NES (Dragon Quest clones)
* Ebisumaru SNES (Puzzle game)
* Goemon Sugoroku N64 (board game like Mario Party, untranslated)
* Kurofune Tou no Nazo/"Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon" on Gameboy (Different game from Ebisumaru's Kidnapping, BAD Zelda clone developed by like four guys to hit a deadline, probably the worst game)
* Kuru Nara Koi on PS1 (Budget 3D game that's very short and heavy on backtracking, untranslated)
*The two Gameboy RPGs (The first is a tie-in to the Goemon anime where you play as an isekai'd Japanese kid, the second is a Pokemon knockoff made on the cheap)

The Gaiden and Ebisumaru games are pretty good and worth your time if you like the style they're going for. The rest are low budget, rushed out cash grabs. Kuru Nara Koi is the best of the rest, but still middling and skippable.

Rehash Games:
* Dynamites Awaru on Gameboy Color (original adventure that reuses level design from SNES 2 and 4, untranslated)
* Oedo Daikaiten on PS1 (original adventure made almost entirely of recycled content from SNES 1-4 and the 3D games, plot is making fun of this by featuring a villain obsessed with recycling, untranslated)
* New Age Shutsudou on Gameboy Advance ("Port" of Successor of the New Generation that has unique levels, different dialogue, etc, untranslated)

You miss nothing by skipping these, but you can easily play and enjoy these three if you've already played the games they borrow from. There's also a GBA port of the first two SNES games on GBA with at least one new minigame. If you slot that port into a DS while playing Goemon DS, it unlocks extra content. I'd really advise waiting until both a fan translation and a way to access that content without the GBA port of SNES 1+2 becomes available to play Goemon DS.

It all looks complicated, but it just means "some of these games are skippable trash and some are repeats, mind your step."

>> No.9456107

What's your opinion on New Age (PS1, not GBA, though I still want it translated)? Yeah, I hear Kura Kara Noi on PS1 is utter trash.

>> No.9456120

Is Mystical Ninja 64 still fucked on emulators? Or do they actually run it nowadays?

>> No.9456124
File: 164 KB, 750x650, 8859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Np my friend. Have a great time. I used to pronounce Sasuke's name as "sa-soo-kee" as a kid and thought Tosa was "Tulsa". Remember to look up a move list for the Impact battle moveset for the first N64 one. Don't be afraid to look up a guide for all the Lucky Cats, as those can get annoying to collect 100%. The third dungeon's music always sounds limr my brother is humming in the background. There was a really fun 2004-2005 fanmade PC RPG called "Mega Man The RPG" by a Swedish guy called Super Shadowman that used the great Yamato music from this game in it (I wish I could find a download link for it and the sequels he made for it, again).

>> No.9456130

Also, Gameshark allows for a fun "Hold L to levitate" code that only works before the first Impact battle, I think.

>> No.9456141 [DELETED] 

Dreamcastchads also enjoyed and played N64 during 1999-2001, liar.
>t. me

>> No.9456152 [DELETED] 

the n64 is pretty bad tho
>t. someone who bought the n64 years ago and then sold it 4 month after because of disappointement

>> No.9456160 [DELETED] 

Strongly disagree, but at least you like DC. Ended way too soon. I wish VMUs didn't eat watch batteries as snacks, but I had a lot of fun with them on Chao Adventure, Power Stone minigames, and MvC2 shop trading.

>> No.9457671

It not only runs correctly, but some jackals is working on a raytracing plugin and used it as an example game.

>> No.9459551 [DELETED] 

your loss gaylord

>> No.9460109
File: 1.98 MB, 1440x1080, Goemon's Great Adventure (U) [!]-221202-114632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything more iconic than needing to use Sasuke to clear Naruto Road.

>> No.9460738 [DELETED] 

sorry I don't play shitty consoles

>> No.9461267

Is there a romhack to restore everything they took out of the Japanese version like musical numbers https://youtu.be/F-6arYwxCZg

>> No.9461965

Not yet, but there should be. Seems too obvious of a candidate.

>> No.9461971 [DELETED] 

>Boobs and vaginas are icky!
We got it, you're gay.

>> No.9462016 [DELETED] 


>> No.9462020 [DELETED] 

it's a pretty fun 2.5D platformer

>> No.9462035

seems like a lot of work to translate the whole game for a few scenes
maybe if it was a simple swap, but I doubt it

>> No.9463105

1. The game is pretty text light.
2. Fixing a broken translation is easier than doing one from scratch, as you have the option to either adjust the translated game or reproduce results on the original using the translated game as a reference point. It's not drag and drop, but it's easier than if the game never got translated.
3. Both N64 Goemon games had pretty bad translations.
4. Fans already did the same for Goemon SFC 1. (Although that project is missing a bonus added to the international version, lmao).
5. "Finishing" Goemon's been a big thing in the hacking community lately and fiddling with those two games will likely make handling Goemon Sugoroku easier.
6. The other Goemon games left to translate are a bitch to work with and nobody's made headway.

>> No.9463562

>1. The game is pretty text light.
it's not about the amount of text, I'm saying the tile set might not be an easy swap
translating games isn't the issue with romhacks

>> No.9463794

I love reading people who have never hacked a game theorize on how easy or hard it “should” be

>> No.9463989
File: 952 KB, 1440x1080, Goemon's Great Adventure (U) [!]-221202-015807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what would even be easier, just patching the english game to have the missing content or just patching the english script onto the japanese game around that content.

>> No.9463996

>just patching the english game to have the missing content
>just patching the english script onto the japanese game around that content
it's clear you don't know anything

>> No.9464007
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, Goemon's Great Adventure (U) [!]-221202-193510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hence why I say I don't know anything.
I imagine it would actually be surprisingly easy if that stuff happened to just still be on the game, just dummied out but I assume that can't be the case otherwise someone would have done it by now.
Were they unable to get the rights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eeHifHoqKA

>> No.9464020

I must be missing something, this game is good but I like the SNES games way better. Why is this the one people seem to love so much? Its basically Ganbare Goemon 2 in 3d

>> No.9464025

>Its basically Ganbare Goemon 2 in 3d
>I must be missing something
you're not missing anything, just remember Goemon 2 never came to the west

>> No.9464032

Out of the 3 home console western games I was always a Legend of the Mystical Ninja guy. The 64 games arent bad I'm just always surprised at how much more fondly they seem to be remembered than LotMN

>> No.9464036

they're not, it's just the SNES game was alone, people wanted more, it wasn't until much later people found out about all the sequels
the 64 ones both came over

>> No.9464059
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, Goemon's Great Adventure (U) [!]-221203-010450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

memorable dialog

>> No.9465041

Being lower in terms of total text tends to decrease the amount of testing that needs to be done.

I'm not saying it's easy or hard, you tremendous, condescending faggot. I'm explaining reasons it's not a lost cause/people would actually bother doing it. Why are you giving that other anon shit for asking the best course of action? The fuck is your problem?

>> No.9465165
File: 1.12 MB, 500x268, 22b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like GGA is the epitome of the Goemon series, yes it obviously has elements from GG2 but also takes elements from the other 3 games in the sfc quadrology, it feels like a game that culminates it, also it is the most challenging Goemon game. It's the classicvania title that the actual Castlevania series did not get in 5th gen.

>> No.9465403

>Getting this mad
>Every anon I don’t agree with is the same anon
Damn, lad.

>> No.9465418

It depends entirely in how the game is coded, and how files are handled.
I’ve hacked games where most of the text data, images with text, etc, are isolated enough that porting then to a different region is pretty straightforward, specially if the text display code maintains the limitations of the japanese version (ex.: monospace), but it can vary from game to game. Until someone actually looks into it, there’s no much point speculating.
Unfortunately, there has been zero attempts at hacking any or the N64 games (that we know of). Even though there have been very thorough hackings done for the NES, SNES and PS1 games, they were done by different hackers for a reason. Hacking on different system can be a completely different beast. There’s no guarantee anyone who has already worked on the series would be interested or capable of getting into the games on a different system.

>> No.9465478
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, Goemon's Great Adventure (U) [!]-221203-203253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A certified ホニー moment

>> No.9465581 [DELETED] 

the n64 is great unless you exclusively play weeb rpgs

>> No.9465598 [DELETED] 

no its not, I'm sorry but the truth hurts

>> No.9465819
File: 2.05 MB, 1440x1080, comfy edo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd actually say it's one of the best games ever, even if the platforming has a few issues in one of the later worlds
It's just insanely packed with diverse content, gameplay, humor and good atmosphere. The steep difficulty, bosses and GOAT mecha fights and then, on top of everything else, a fun co-op mode. Definitely the best Goemon game togetehr with 2 on SNES

Quite a shame the series is mostly known for its much weaker predecessor

The first N64 game is not really a good video game. I'd only recommend it if you already love at least one other MM game and want to see what it was like. Still quite charming with a few very high highs

>> No.9465825 [DELETED] 

A console is as good or bad as its games and the N64 had some of the best games ever made, so you are full of shit and should look for a therapist rather than cope-posting your life away

>> No.9465838

What are games you would recommend someone who likes Goemon and needs his fix?

>> No.9465843

>Widescreen play area, not stretched UI. Nice. What emulator/settings? Any tips on how to set it up?

>> No.9465863
File: 2 KB, 256x240, Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2 - Tenka no Zaihou (Japan) (patched)_008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played the 4 Famicom ones. The two isometic action-adventure games were fun, surpringsly not challenging at all. First game lacked bosses and was a bit more repetitive, they made it up for that int he second.

Then I played the 2 RPGs, they were fun, tons of humour, nice graphics; but combat, especially in the first one, was a little one dimensional.

>> No.9465964

such a weird unique gem that just exists

>> No.9466061

The first n64 one is good yeah, and pretty funny.
It's interesting to see a take on 3d zelda before OOT set the framework.

>> No.9467274

I'd much rather assume it's one anon stuck up his own ass than two.

>> No.9467289

>"The series is mostly known for earlier games" when, outside of Japan, Goemon was best known for the two N64 games until two years ago.
>Neo Momoyama is "not really a good video game" when it has fantastic control for an early 3D game, great presentation, and somehow managed to nail almost everything OoT would perfect in 98.
Confusing post.

>> No.9467567

somehow don't remember that character? is she jap only? also what shader are you using?

>> No.9467569

>Why is this the one people seem to love so much? Its basically Ganbare Goemon 2 in 3d
>it's the best Goemon game in 3D
>with better bosses, villages, way more content and much higher difficulty
It's a mystery

>> No.9467684

She does appear in the English version top.

>> No.9467817
File: 997 KB, 1920x1080, Goemon's Great Adventure (U) [!]-221204-225023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just a classic crt guest advanced while the core itself is rendering upscaled, because I'm a chaotic weirdo who likes to make the graphics nicer than they should be but then still put a crt over it.

>> No.9468405

What does that mean in English? Also is Ebisumaru gay? Or just hyper-feminin?

>> No.9468492 [DELETED] 

I'm not full of shit, the n64 is horrible, it has ames running at 10fps, do you know what 10fps is? also the res is so bad it hurts my eyes, its all blurry
>the N64 had some of the best games ever made,
kek sure, they all look ugly with their puke textures and run pretty bad. I don't see any good n64 game, theres always something better elsewhere

>> No.9468494 [DELETED] 

and I didn't even talk about the sound or the shitty controller

>> No.9468589

Ebisumaru was revealed to be a sexy woman placed under a curse in Goemon 2.
This is never brought up again.

>> No.9468653

Ebisumaru is a sexy girl in disguise, and is also a descendant of James Dean, and the father of some little girl at the end of GGA.
Impact is a robot created by Wise Man, and also an alien from Planet Impact pretending to be a robot.
I love Goemon’s lore.

>> No.9468851

>This is never brought up again.
because it was a joke

>> No.9468895 [DELETED] 

oh boy, aren't console warriors great

>> No.9468914 [DELETED] 

Here are your (You)s, dumb faggots.

>> No.9468919 [DELETED] 

>no argument
no argument. Its not even console warrioring, its just reallity

>> No.9468940

So is everything in Goemon.

>> No.9468950

correct, I wouldn't look too far into its story

>> No.9469010
File: 1.53 MB, 370x335, tom-delonge-wtf1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based schizo Japanese.

>> No.9469390 [DELETED] 

>it's the guy who keeps bringing up fps and saying "no argument" when called out for the console war offtopic he does
Hi! How are you doing?

>> No.9470021 [DELETED] 
File: 1.48 MB, 1440x1080, conker shitting on playstation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theres always something better elsewhere
No there is not, as much as you deluded yourself into thinking that with your retarded picture you spammed here for a while. There is no alternative for Zelda and the huge organic world OoT offered packed with a dozen unique underground dungeons that again all offer a different form of verticality. There is no alternative for Mario 64 and its lack of annoying tutorials, deep, momentum-based moveset. There is no alternative for all the best multiplayer games. And, what's actually related to this topic, N64 has by far the best Goemon game

How are you obsessed with the N64 for 30 years?

>> No.9470034 [DELETED] 

What's hilarious about this retard is that he's been desperately defending the DC on that "dreamcast is overrated" thread for days but look at the bitch shitting every single N64 thread on /vr/ with the same console-warring shit and the same shitty english, fucker can shit-talk the 64 for days but someone says something bad about his sega garbage and he starts crying out like a little bitch and blaming it on N64fags.
What an obnoxious faggot, easily one of the worst posters on /vr/ so far.

>> No.9470059

Literally for what reason would they remove this in the first place?

>> No.9470101

True, I'm a bit biased and too harsh on the first 64 Goemon. Comfy, a lot of content to get your money's worth and the tight stick controls are nice indeed. It lacks level design to make said controls shine, though. It suffers too much from empty-hallway syndrome and even the "dungeons" don't have much interesting or challenging going on. The movest is lackluster and items don't feel fluid. Not a great action adventure like OoT and not a great platformer like the GGA

>> No.9470370 [DELETED] 

>even shit like tomba is more popular now because of one meme youtube video

>> No.9470624

Either couldn’t be bothered to find a way to fit the expanded english script and cut something else to make room for it, or some random mandate about the songs being too japan for americans (which would be surprising, considering the first one did okay and was marketed around being quirky)

>> No.9470628

That, or the costs of the international licenses for the songs

>> No.9470645 [DELETED] 

yes there is better elsewhere
>Zelda and the huge organic world OoT offered packed with a dozen unique underground dungeons
all the tomb raider and panzer dragoon saga had that too, zelda is not the only advventure game you know
>There is no alternative for Mario 64
theres rayman 2
the n64 is just a piece of crap with no games, sorry but thats how it is.

now go enjoy your shitty games running at 4fps with shitty res and snes sound

>> No.9470649 [DELETED] 

kek nice cope, I'm just saying the truth, the n64 sucks and I gave good argument while you tendies didn't

>> No.9470650 [DELETED] 

>console war
nice argument

>> No.9470697 [DELETED] 

>he's still at it

>> No.9470747 [DELETED] 

nice argument

>> No.9470752

>he's still crying

>> No.9470764 [DELETED] 

Nice Goemon thread, pathetic babies.

>> No.9470853 [DELETED] 
File: 1011 KB, 402x301, 1646853695700.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope, the n64 sucks

>> No.9470863 [DELETED] 


>> No.9471060

To be honest I’m surprised they got the man the myth the legend hironobu kageyama to begin with https://youtu.be/kDmPwujSlf8

>> No.9472018

And Mizuki Ichiro!
I wonder if he's ever performed Ore Wa Impact live

>> No.9472040 [DELETED] 

go back to your ps1 seizure graphics

>> No.9472047 [DELETED] 

Just stop giving him (You)s and report. The guy is doing offtopic/spam.

>> No.9473160 [DELETED] 

Why do N64 exclusives like this trigger certain guys so much? Like 40 posts were purged, all by the same guy (the "20 fps, no argument" schizo)

>> No.9473205

Can we expect an English version that has this? Really gives all the enemies and bosses more character

>> No.9473208 [DELETED] 

>Like 40 posts were purged
I'm just glad they actually were for once. Usually it feels like anything Nintendo is fair game

>> No.9473209

>GOAT mecha fights
It's actually funny to say out loud but Goemon games have the best mecha gameplay in all vidya

>> No.9474004

We can only hope a romhacker works on it eventually. Unless someone on this thread takes on the challenge himself, there’s no guarantee it will ever be done. See: >>9465418

>> No.9474794 [DELETED] 

because the n64 sucks and that's a reality

>> No.9475027
File: 144 KB, 1462x633, 614AC1B4-7968-456C-9B05-656E223C476D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rapid punches!!

>> No.9475331

Haven't played Tomba, but I hear it's pretty similar. If you like the old style Goemon games, there's Animanics (SNES) and Cowboy Kid (NES).

>> No.9475336 [DELETED] 

Very few people who aren't nostalgia-fagging about their poor childhood think this.

>> No.9475640

>Haven't played Tomba, but I hear it's pretty similar.
The start of Tomba is very cool and charming but then it kinda becomes a fetch quest simulator with a lot of backtracking and not really much platforming

>> No.9476067

Best 5th gen game in coop

>> No.9476404
File: 262 KB, 1399x1125, 9131396B-99FB-4B4C-85A5-174CED3B4911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piggy back was such a good idea given how tricky some platforming sections can be.

>> No.9477381

This still plays extremely well if you can avoid input lag. Giving it double jump was a blessing

>> No.9477512
File: 995 KB, 1920x1080, Goemon's Great Adventure (U) [!]-221208-235818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got so excited when I saw a video showing light punch x3 combos into rapid punch that I forgot I can't actually input c up c down c up heavy punch quickly enough to make the combo with an analog stick.

>> No.9479472
File: 822 KB, 1920x1080, Goemon's Great Adventure (U) [!]-221209-201325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come I don't remember Ebisumaru just suddenly having a daughter show up right at the end.

>> No.9480017

Jap games love to pretend a character is gay by making them act like freaks so you jump to conclusion and equate gays with freaks and just to reveal they are straight at the end

>> No.9481040

I always cringe when I see N64 game lists and this isn't among them

>> No.9481252
File: 821 KB, 1920x1080, Goemon's Great Adventure (U) [!]-221209-200036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot all about this part, why are we fighting the giant monster in person instead of in impact.

>> No.9481879

Cool factor

>> No.9481886

Its presence is the difference between a poser and someone who actually likes video games

>> No.9481893

Is there a patch for the latest version of the Goemon 3 translation so that it runs on real hardware without crashing

>> No.9483059


favorite boss

favorite island

favorite village

favorite 2 characters to play as

>> No.9483062

I think so, but good luck finding it

>> No.9483185

I like cutting things in half with Yae, though I tend to have to rely on Goemon's double jump.

>> No.9485328

Why does the color look like that on the boss? Hit effect or emu issue?

>> No.9485383

Rip https://twitter.com/ExpressKyoudai/status/1602203074919104517

>> No.9485389

Never know Kishimoto fan of Sega, Final Fantasy/Nintendo and Konami?

>> No.9485697

You aren't downscaling are you? Doesn't the game still have some dumb graphics bugs at high res?

>> No.9485702

At least he lived a long life

>> No.9485707

>favorite boss
From what I remember I liked all of them but the terminator is probably the most memorable one while the final one impressed me the most because I've never seen 2D bosses suddenly turning 3D like that before, even though it's kind of a Konami staple
>favorite island
>favorite village
Probably the first or second for both. They're really all great
>favorite 2 characters to play as
Sasuke has nice speed but I suck at him. The girl's katana is nice but the range sucks a bit. Usually just staying Goemon

>> No.9485759
File: 864 KB, 1920x1080, Goemon's Great Adventure (U) [!]-221212-120918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure does, although it could be my pc; I don't have a dedicated gpu

>> No.9485829
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, Goemon's Great Adventure (U) [!]-221212-121225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the 100% reward as an Impact Boss Rush like it was in Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, and not just outfits to buy.

>> No.9486635

outfits are great. just wish they weren't so stupidly hard to get

>> No.9486639

The singer dying should motivate someone to finally patch the US version right? (Please also replace the ugly U.S. title screen)

>> No.9486664

I think the content must be missing to save money on cartridges.
They already took out on cartridge saving for memory pak required, I assume removing the fully voice acted opening and ending cutscenes from the first one and the musical numbers from the second one saves enough memory to also use a cheaper smaller storage space cartridge.
I mean, they'll make you download most of the game on a patch for that reason today, so why not remove stuff like that for a similar reason back then?

>> No.9486780

Playing as Yae Invader is pretty good though

>> No.9486782
File: 261 KB, 666x1254, tumblr_lgz5ygtxg01qhpq2do1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9486887

>Lum Yae

>> No.9486967
File: 2.16 MB, 2814x2000, _Front and Back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The roms are the same size though. I'm still inclined to think it was because of licencing costs.

Whatever the reason was, speculation has put us 0% closer to an actual romhacking attempt. Know any N64 romhacker that takes paid requests? I'd pay though not upfront

>> No.9487892

These games are literally just superior Mega Man games with much better platforming and even bosses
Funny which one became world famous and which niche even in Japan

>> No.9488359
File: 285 KB, 1200x900, 1670850290232760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw a big dump on cdromance. Besides the prettier title screen, does the Euro version have anything or do anything better than the NTSC? NTSC games have more frames right?

>> No.9488426

>See if there are any speed runs
>"So you run faster with the stick than you do with the D-Pad"
What??? How did I never notice?

>> No.9488720

Just tested it and can't tell any difference. Don't overthink speedrun nerdiology

>> No.9488730

>The four Super Nintendo games (Core series identity established, each game has weird elements)
2 isn't tooo weird. quite straightforward but also the best of the bunch

>> No.9489534

The first world's was a perfect first boss
Misty one
The first one with PLASUMAAAA
Goemon and fatty because the kanji attack is clunky fun

>> No.9490525
File: 86 KB, 663x247, pacifist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, I've already 100%'d the game, now I'm turning to retro achievements to find more things to do.

>> No.9490703
File: 65 KB, 736x736, 6d6805787cd026cc9dc9f2cddd849db5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9490705

Does the epilogue actually work on emulators these days? I think you have to reset the console after credits but that never quite worked on emus so you got cucked

>> No.9490708

Have you played the SNES games yet?

>> No.9490715


>> No.9490717

>can't bump
What did the mod mean by this

>> No.9490761

Marked for deletion (old)