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File: 2.33 MB, 3760x2110, GameCube-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9453065 No.9453065 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the GameCube considered a commercial failure compared to other Nintendo systems?

>> No.9453069

I own a virtual boy.

>> No.9453085

It was the first Nintendo console to finish in third place in its gen. Even an industry newcomer that hardly knew what it was doing managed to outsell it.

>> No.9453091

It sold only 22 million units while being cheaper than the PS2. That's why.

Great games tho.

>> No.9453098

Xbox had Halo and xbox live. Xbox live still dominates console online play.

>> No.9453146

Without the Wii and handhelds it could've unironically been over for Nintendo in the 2000s.

>> No.9453152

No it wouldn't have. You do realize you can be successful without being first, right

Not to mention, Nintendo remained king of the handhelds anyway

>> No.9453181

I think that they realized the power of emulation and realized that making control gimmicks instead of cheap computer systems was the right move. Nowdays there is no reason to have a ps4 or an xbone over a pc while at least switch offered something small and portable on top of their motion controls. Exclusives of the 6th gen were retarded because it was all totally arbitrary. Even now I play all the xbox games I liked either directly on pc or emulated.

>> No.9453185

Gamecube sucks.
I don't care how innovative it is but all the games suck and you can't say resident evil 4 because its on PS2 and improved.
It has the most exclusive games but the crappiest ones, and they're almost all aimed at little children.
Go ahead, name any game. It's either from another system or it's not that good. And if it is good, well, you have one good game, every system does.

>> No.9453225

Rogue Leader but yeah thats it

>> No.9453226

Ironically the Wii was just a GameCube with a faster PowerPC 750. Unlike the GameCube it’s also super easy to mod.

After my GC was stolen I just bought a used Wii for $40, every bit as good.

>> No.9453243

No games mostly.

>> No.9453247

Nintendo could continue launching gamecube /wiiu level consoles till the end of time as long as they were still making profit (even if not a alot). Nintendo usually sells their consoles with a slight profit unlike sony and microsoft and they make alot of money selling their games even at full price many years later. I don't understand why retards think nintendo would go third party over a few console "failures", even in the worst of times nintendo was never bleeding as much money as sega the situations aren't even comparable.

>> No.9453290
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and improved
why do you do this? why do you go online and spew lies just to trigger me? let's talk about the "improvements" you get with the PS2 version:
>an extra campaign for Ada
>extra costumes for Leon and Ashley
>an extra unlockable weapon for clearing the game
>true widescreen
>a movie viewer (in case you want to rewatch cutscenes)
and of course...
>poly count is cut in half
>dynamic and colored lighting effects removed
>multiple 3D models replaced with sprites
>physics effects downgraded or outright removed
>ganado count reduced by half
>changed weapon stats and enemy behaviors to make the game easier
>removed multiple special effects such as flickering candles (replaced yet again with sprites)
>lower resolution textures
>reduced color palette
>cutscenes are no longer rendered in-engine and instead are compressed "captures" of the GCN version
unless you really like rewatching cutscenes or playing Separate Ways, then the PS2 version is an objective downgrade in every way.

>> No.9453342

All Nintendo games were rushed and weird, people wanted N64 with better graphics.

>> No.9453360

>graphics whoring on a retro board
I'll take more content, game balancing, and a better controller over all that superfluous fluff, thank you

>> No.9453369

>graphics whoring
code for: "it looks like shit and i know it"
>game balancing
they balanced the game by removing half of the enemies, making the weapons do even more damage and removing wnemy behaviors? uh oh, i think you might have autism bro.

>> No.9453372

things people demonstrate:
>>poly count is cut in half (as demonstrated with fewer twigs (whoaA!!!))
things people have yet to demonstrate:
>>dynamic and colored lighting effects removed
>>multiple 3D models replaced with sprites
>>physics effects downgraded or outright removed
>>ganado count reduced by half
>>changed weapon stats and enemy behaviors to make the game easier
>>removed multiple special effects such as flickering candles (replaced yet again with sprites)
>>lower resolution textures
>>reduced color palette
>>cutscenes are no longer rendered in-engine and instead are compressed "captures" of the GCN version

>> No.9453374

Dynamic lighting is not THAT NEW a technology.

>> No.9453379

It goes beyond graphics. It also just generally runs worse. And I dont know why we're having this discussion because no one should be playing the GCN or PS2 version of RE4 in 2022 because you have better options available.

>> No.9453381

I just got finished playing ghost hunter for the PS2, an exclusive developed by SCEE Cambridge (Medievil team) and it had a flashlight that emitted dynamic light and cast dynamic shadows for everything, similar to doom 3 shadows. It's also a better (and funnier!) TPS than RE4.

>It also just generally runs worse
It seems to run the same in my tests, show proof.

>> No.9453384

Smash bros, luigi's mansion, resident evil and resident evil zero, paper mario, metroid prime, two zelda games, eternal darkness, starfox adventure.
These games were amazing at the time and it's just the games that we can all agree were good.
There were other games like ports of virtua striker, mgs twin snakes and many more.
I had all 3 consoles, but I think gamecube is the one I spent the most time on.
Btw I want to go back.

>> No.9453395

>dynamic and colored lighting effects removed
easiest example: walk up the merchant in the PS2 version, his blue flame will not cast blue light on leon
>multiple 3D models replaced with sprites
start a new game, look at the trees in village. many of the branches are not rendered 3D, but literal sprites
>physics effects downgraded or outright removed
hair physics and stuff like leon's weapon holsters were diminished
>ganado count reduced by half
literally play the game retard
>changed weapon stats and enemy behaviors to make the game easier
compare weapon stat screens on PS2 and GCN, you can even look up weapon guides on gamefaqs and compare. also, enemies will not run as quickly, will not work together as frequently to flank, and will throw weapons at 2x the frequency
>removed multiple special effects such as flickering candles (replaced yet again with sprites)
literally find any candle and look at the two versions, GCN flickers and moves, PS2 is completely static
>lower resolution textures
look at the screenshot
>reduced color palette
look at the screenshot
>cutscenes are no longer rendered in-engine and instead are compressed "captures" of the GCN version
this isn't even obscure knowledge, google it right now

you know nothing about this game.

>> No.9453404

This console redpilled me about the wretched tactics of nintenfags. They would circlejerk about some unknown game, called it a hidden masterpiece, sell it for big bux (even at the time when the console was still active). Then after you've been scammed you discover the game was actually shit. No other console userbase tried to pull this trick more than GameCube fags. Ended buying like 3 of these "hidden gems" before realizing the scam. For this reason alone I'll always hate the Cube. Even its best games were inferior to N64's best games.

>> No.9453427

Unfortunately, the reductions to the PS2 version have had a significant impact on the atmosphere.
Regarding weapon balance, I believe there was incorrect information available in the past, but there has been some change.

>> No.9453436

>ganado count reduced by half
>literally play the game retard
Bullshit. Where were 50% of the enemies removed from?

>> No.9453446

the enemies weren't "removed", the count was cut in half. another words, there will never be as many ganados on screen at one time in the PS2 version (and PC version for that matter) as GCN version because the game won't spawn more until some have been killed.

>> No.9453459

What were these games you bought that turned out to be shit?

>> No.9453464

Good fucking low effort copypasta

>> No.9453469

>It's also a better (and funnier!) TPS than RE4.
How? The gameplay is the most generic bog standard for third person shooting.

>> No.9453470

plot twist: he never owned the console and is a gigantic lying faggot. surprised?
>called it a hidden masterpiece, sell it for big bux
this was the giveaway. you could walk into Gamestop and buy shit like ikaruga, PSO and cubivore for under $10 in the late 00s. this nigger wasn't there.

>> No.9453475
File: 646 KB, 1080x1720, Screenshot_20221129_180433_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not pasta, he's literally that retarded

>> No.9453476

>The gameplay is the most generic bog standard for third person shooting.
This is false. Play the game, don't watch youtube videos of it.

>> No.9453478

I did play it. It was really boring.

>> No.9453481

Nintendo would have been dead months after the gamecube
Wii would not exist.
Idk even if gamecube could be a thing. N64 flopped way too hard since all the horse power powered into the n64 came from handheld sales income.

>> No.9453482

Baten Kaitos
Metal Arms

>> No.9453487

yeah bro it would've been over if the GCN hadn't sold almost on par with Xbox. not like they had a handheld market, continued N64 sales into 2003 or had fucking Pokemon (or the silo of liquid cash totaling several hundred million dollars they had in Japan)

>> No.9453494

nobody actually thinks P.N.03 was a good game, they just like Vanessa's ass

>> No.9453501
File: 1.94 MB, 474x360, 9846514856125852.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile in reality...

>> No.9453508

>meanwhile in reality...
you can get even more in the GCN version. you should try playing the game

>> No.9453523

This only happens in a few areas like the mine cart section because that section is considered multiple areas by the game engine, and the devs didn't account for anyone being autistic enough to collect ganados like that without killing any... which is why the framerate is in the single digits.

>> No.9453535 [DELETED] 

>anyone being autistic enough to collect ganados like that
I'm not sure why, but it made me laugh out loud. Gotta catch 'em all.
btw, its still a basic design issue. Unfortunately, RE4 has some.

>> No.9453540
File: 2.93 MB, 640x334, the bad version of the best game ever made easy mode.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to see if they made the game easier. Here is the PS2 version, as you can see the nice Mexican man goes down in 3 hits, easy! This game is so easy. I tried to aim for the same area in both versions, personally I think Winback has a better aiming system. This is most certainly the easiest version of the game. Since the game defaults to the ultra-easy setting on first time play (this is my first time playing the game) I domed this very easy first zombster in just a few shots. Needless to say, this version is extremely easy. Trivial even. Perhaps this is why the Gamecube version is considered harder?

>> No.9453549
File: 2.94 MB, 640x334, the best version of the best game ever made ultra nightmare leon must die mode.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the Gamecube version, the GC version scans in just a few lines to the left so I had to crop it differently. You probably can't notice, but I'm just using this as an example of differences. Anyway being that the cube version famously defaults to ultra nightmare mode, this first baddy (boss really!) goes down in three pain-staking hits. I have to say, I almost got killed here and the game really is showing itself for how hard it can be. This really is a world of difference in this version.

Also, I did in fact notice, the Cube version has more twigs.

>> No.9453552
File: 1.75 MB, 640x480, Winback auto aim slow mo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>personally I think Winback has a better aiming system
How? The game auto aims to whoever it wants and is difficult to see what you're even aiming at thanks to the camera.

>> No.9453554

>get BTFO'd by facts
>act like a woman and write two hysterical essays

>> No.9453556

Also worth noting: The walls look nicer and shadows deeper on GC. However Leons hair looks less green. This is likely due to the cube's texture compression which gives things a greenish tinge. The colors are definitely better on the PS2 in this comparison. Both captured in 480p over component. (really it's like 334p because the stupid letter boxing but trust me, there's no interlacing here)

Every weapon has a different lock on distance, it's not entirely reliable, bullets are physical objects traveling in the game world making dodging and leading shots a very skillful job, you never lock onto heads so they must be manually aimed at (which is something your muscle memory can be trained to do, this is really good game design) and there truly is nothing as satisfying as lining up that perfect shot across a giant room, firing it off and seeing some mook running into your bullet with a red flash knowing you full well earned that shot.


>> No.9453559
File: 2.79 MB, 640x480, Winback auto aim.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unreliable auto aim is really good design
I disagree. Also the aiming acceleration/sensitivity is pure trash.

>> No.9453560

and you do this for free, lmao.

>> No.9453563

>unreliable auto aim
It's very predictable, the more you play the better you understand how it works. It's meant to be something you learn to use if you want to succeed, not fall back on as a cop-out. This is why the shotgun has a wide horizontal but flat vertical spread, it uses very distinct classes of weapons. Did you know the SMG targeting range is shorter than the pistol? For good reason!
>I disagree
You're a beginner level player, so that's OK.
>Also the aiming acceleration/sensitivity is pure trash.
You get better the longer you play at it, like most things it's not immediately easy. Just wait til you get to the rooftop lasers, the great filter...

It's fun for me :)

>> No.9453568

not only does he do it for free, he's bad at it
i don't know why this is even a debate. this info has been online for over a decade. the PS2 version has downgrades, people need to accept it and move on.

>> No.9453573
File: 8 KB, 64x128, tex1_64x128_e25c50a76472c109_14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's very predictable
It's not, as I demonstrated. The game is junk and poorly made. Also Leon's hair texture in RE4 does not have a green tint.

>> No.9453578 [DELETED] 

see >>9453427 There was some misinformation online. The NTSC-U version has differences between the two, I'm sure of that.

>> No.9453579
File: 3 KB, 260x80, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not, as I demonstrated
It is, your sight intercepted the metal container and reproduced this behavior on the second attempt where you went for another target then proceeded to get hit by a guy that was trained on you after you popped out the second time. Very poor playing.
>Also Leon's hair texture in RE4 does not have a green tint.
You've been playing with emulators to pull textures lately, make sure you pull both and don't mix them up and then lie about them like that time you revealed time splitters 2's textures are worse on the gamecube. It's in poor taste to be a dishonest fanboy.

>> No.9453584

>You've been playing with emulators to pull textures lately
Well I just so happened to come across someone who goes on about GCN compressed textures, then I look it up and the textures are fine. Weird, reminds me of how I heard Winback has good controls only to find out they suck.

>> No.9453585

>then I look it up and the textures are fine
Show the class your findings, pull both textures :)

>> No.9453593
File: 9 KB, 64x128, 65ca8f14e9d769de-85e4c0598d588c60-000059d3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a completely different texture because they changed the way his hair is rendered. Direct comparison was not apt as a result.

>> No.9453598

>like that time you revealed time splitters 2's textures are worse on the gamecube
kek ironically the guy you're arguing with about winback is not the dude from the TS thread, that's me -- the one BTFO'ing you on RE4 just like I BTFO'd you in that thread. btw that detail texture only appears in 2 levels AFAIK and detail textures are not raw textures you dimwit.

>> No.9453601

>his golden goose is a multiplatform game that was tailor made for the GC hardware, and still the rerelease was just as good and has more content
>reaches and stretches as far as possible to convince anyone that the GC version is superior, as if that would somehow redeem this failure of a console
What's next, saying the N64 was good?

>> No.9453603

>more content
>just as good
apparently not as evidenced by the facts stated in this thread (2D tree branches LMAO)
>vr is one person
take your suppositories

>> No.9453616
File: 110 KB, 1091x446, E303F91E-5E54-4004-B6FF-AD401D98AF6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit making threads.

>> No.9453679

This board is where anti-Nintendo seethers go after they get bullied off of /v/

>> No.9453683
File: 44 KB, 196x634, its_time_to_stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9453689

Doesn't matter. Nintendo lost to an industry newcomer that barely had a clue, the why is irrelevant

>> No.9453692

>Can't play CDs, nevermind DVDs
>Marketed only to children

>> No.9453695

>unfinished mario game
>cartoon toddler zelda game
>worst original classic RE game (0)
>its dudebro magnet was released on PS2 a year later with more content
>looks like a childrens lunchbox
>n64 was a terrible console and ass rimmed last gen
It was over before it began, lmao.

>> No.9453696


>> No.9453717

PS1 became the definitive console by offering softhouses whatever they needed and wanted, which led them to the PS1 and turned the PS1 into the best game library of its era. The N64 appealed to a niche audience.

The PS2 simply perfected the formula of the PS1, while the GC really didn't bring anything to the table.

Since the 90's, Sony has just maintained its fantastic strategy, while Nintendo has offered next to nothing and is now permanently damned to do something revolutionary that catches people's attention for a period of time if it wants to succeed.

Does anyone even give a shit about motion controllers nowadays? No. It was just a trend that eventually died.

As much as Nintendo fanboys worship Big N, Sony turned gaming into what it is nowadays.

>> No.9453718

I liked the N64, but the controllers sucked.

>> No.9453723

The N64 is where actual innovation was going, it was a library of a relatively smaller number of A+ titles. The PS1 was full of a lot more titles, but the majority were just shameless attempts to ape what Nintendo was doing. It was a library of a large number of B- at best titles.

>> No.9453725

>As much as Nintendo fanboys worship Big N, Sony turned gaming into what it is nowadays.
This really was not the slam dunk for Sony that you were hoping for. Modern gaming is absolute shit, all style over substance with an emphasis on cutscenes. You're right that the PS1 pioneered this, but that not a good thing. We desperately need games that innovative in terms of gameplay like Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time.

>> No.9453769

Disc based systems were a mistake
Movie games were a mistake
rpg are a mistake
fps are a mistake

>> No.9453773

>fps are a mistake
this is where you went south

>> No.9453786

I had a virtual boy, with panic bomber, wario land and tennis. It was fun when I was younger but seeing everything in red now is kind of a drawback at my age. For example, sometimes stoplights confuse me

>> No.9453789

>Doesn't matter. Nintendo lost to an industry newcomer that barely had a clue, the why is irrelevant
don't be so disingenuous, the only reason MS was able to compete at all was because of the deep pockets they had from other ventures, just like sony.

>> No.9453820

PlayStation won because it was simply a better platform in every way that mattered.

>> No.9453848


>> No.9453876

sony won because they took a gamble and used the entire companies resources to make it float. I'm not interested in who won or lost console wars from 100 years ago zoomie I'm just stating the fact if MS didn't have deep pockets, it would not have been able to compete against nintendo

>> No.9453880

>used the entire companies resources to make it float
They actually had to work with a side branch of Sony and make their own branch to make it work. Most of Sony hated the PlayStation and wanted it dead, luckily Sony Music existed and helped establish SCE.

>> No.9454034

Literally doesn't matter why lol, Nintendo lost to a newcomer