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File: 316 KB, 350x511, persona_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9449504 No.9449504 [Reply] [Original]

I remember people on gamefaqs complaining about the ending of this game, but completely ignoring that the main theme of the game is death.

Personally I liked the ending. It made sense if you think about it from all the hints that the game was preparing for something like this and it fits to the entire theme of rejecting apathy and living your life to the fullest. This game is a masterpiece, and it's a darn shame Atlas never made another masterpiece like this in the persona series.

Do you think the game's ending fits the entire game?

>> No.9449525

Persona 3 is the only game that made me baw

>> No.9449527

The ending for original P3 is so perfect, I find it hard to believe anyone was complaining about it. Unless they were complaining about The Answer.

>> No.9449629
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>get to persona 3 ending
>MC gets tired
>"Ah he is just sleepy"
>then the white light hits
>the end credits song
>Aigis's tears at the end
>oh fuck at that point I realized
>My nigga died
>He only had enough life to live long enough to fulfill the promise he made to his friends
>The feel hit hard
>Cried like a little bitch

>> No.9449696

Who said that? Everyone I know praises the game. Ending doesn't always have to be a generic "and they all lived happily ever after". If that happened, the game would be another generic JRPG ala Persona 1

>> No.9449701

It's a kid's game

>> No.9449754
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>> No.9450706

it's for adolescents but more so for adults who want to reexperience adolescence

>> No.9450761
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The most tragic ending will always be Klonoa's.

>> No.9450809

I honestly would've been much more impacted by the ending if it wasn't such a shit-tier grindfest. Forcing myself to play to the end my overriding emotion was relief that I didn't need to go back into that godforsaken tower maze and get bogged down fighting recoloured lions

>> No.9450847
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>> No.9451091

The anime pretty much explains the entire plot without the need to go through a grind, and that's the only good thing about this game

Later perosnas have worse writing but much more polished and better gameplay

>> No.9451997

>he didn't get more invested in the characters by fighting with them fervently during the grind and thus more attached

>> No.9452149
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Probably the thing that saddened me more than the ending is the social link the Sun, which is also my favorite social link, because I happened to be suicidal at one point in my life.
This guy was young and was about to die so naturally suicide would be justified here right? But MC still convinced him that rather spending days suffering through depression and sadness, he should make most of what remains of his life.
His story always reminds me how life is a gift and that we should spend as much as we can on this world before death comes to take us, even if we are given as little.
Very few games made me feel connected to the character

>> No.9452165

P3 is probably the most emotional I've ever felt playing a game.

>> No.9452191

What's the deal with the FES ending? I never played it. I thought that it's pretty clear at the end of the base game that the MC dies, but apparently in the post-game of FES he's still "alive" in some form? Like it sounds like he could potentially be saved.

>> No.9452205

lmao what a faggot

>> No.9452230

His soul is a barrier that prevents Nyx from going back to earth and bringing the apocalypse. Since Nyx is invincible, she cannot be killed, hence the only way to prevent her from killing everyone is to seal her in a prison for eternity, which MC used 99.99% of his life essence to create a barrier. The remaining life was used to keep living for another month with his friends until the day where they had to meet on the rooftop of the school.
Igor's assistant Elizabeth leaves her position of being an asistant to pursue a way where MC's soul can be replaced as a barrier, potentially bringing him back to life.
I dislike that ending mainly because it defeats the entire purpose of the original ending and the entire message of Persona 3 about the purpose and beauty of life and how death is an important part of growing up and making us stronger. Feels like a crap fanservice to those people who felt dissatisfied that the main character died, even though he died for an ultimate cause to save billions of people.

>> No.9452256

So is your mom

>> No.9452615
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The ending is only disappointing or sad if you weren't catching the message of the game.

We all die, so the point of living is to form bonds and be active to live a fulfilling life up until your body gives out on you. The protagonist(you) lives a fulfilling life and makes the most of his time, and hos last action was to sacrifice himself so that his friends and everyone else have the chance to discover the purpose of life for themselves.
It really goes with my personal religious beliefs, I love it.

Then the fucking Answer ruined it by having his friends not get it and allow for him to come back to life if some other random monster we never heard about doesn't have a reason to come back. Nyx's importance is destroyed in the process too, everything that made the game so meaningful is raped and murdered.
And it's canon...

>> No.9452640

The ending is perfect and at the time people didnt like it because

1. Most people on game forums were literally 13 and
2. The main character dying at the end of a game was pretty unheard of let alone in an 80 hour JRPG, so at the time it made people upset. I actually can't think of any prominent examples that even predate Persona 3. I guess kind of Shadow of the Colussus? But even then he only "dies".

>> No.9452659

Also, I don't particularly appreciate how they added the "revival of Chidori sidequest" in later versions. Yeah I know it's optional but it's still idiotic. The entire fucking plot revolves around death and how people close to the deceased person change and grow stronger. Chidori's death changed Junpei, as you witness his persona changing. He becomes emotionally stronger and more mature.

But no, Atlus had to ruin it by saying "Hee hee, she is not dead, she got resurrected".

>> No.9452660

>I actually can't think of any prominent examples that even predate Persona 3
Bro, how about THE PS2 JRPG, FFX

>> No.9452859
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Its pretty morbid playing out those last few days and the narration about your tiredness becoming more severe with each passing day, that really stuck with me. Its also quite a feat that he was so powerful that he stopped this impossible force using all his energy and still managed to tough it out for 2 months to see his friends

>> No.9452905

"Please don't cry..." - he says as he is drifting into eternal sleep...

>> No.9452910

Anime really is for trannies

>> No.9452934

I applaud you for not playing X-2

>> No.9452945

the ending was so disappointing, not because MC died, but because it's such a sleepfest holy shit. I don't get this persona 3 circlejerk at all

>> No.9453000

P3 is gay, only roneri weebs think its good. Digital Devil Saga is the superior series on PS2

>> No.9453142
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best girl

>> No.9453148

Checked. We lost personasisters

>> No.9453370

Great game, and one of the best stories in the game ever written. Only low IQ retards are going to complain about the ending, and probably because of them Atlus made The Answer, which is dogshit

>> No.9454469


>> No.9454473

I wish the other games had the balls to do what 3 and it's predecessors did. I'm not saying anyone or everyone has to to die but two games in a row of that happy saccharine friendship bullshit. You live in an era of instant online communication and a function commuter rail system. Your moving away is not emotional. The faggot from 5 could visit them the next day and it'd be less time than my commute to work probably. I'm not asking for tragedy but good lord. Have some meaning. Have some genuine emotion.

>> No.9454475

>modern persona discussion on /vr/
This feels wrong. Eventually p4 will be here.

>> No.9454506

As much as I enjoyed 5, I really hate how they had so many fake out deaths towards the end. And all of them had so little build up or payoff, so they felt like cheap gags. I didn't like aspects of P4's fake out death either, but at least they gave it a substantial amount of build up and emotional payoff.

One thing 3 (and I guess 4) did so much better than 5 was making your party feel like actual brothers and sisters in arms by having them respond to events during battle. Cheering each other on, yelling at each other to snap out of status effects, etc. In 5, you only ever hear Morgana or Futaba, depending on what part of the game you're up to.

>> No.9454825
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>> No.9454827

This is dumb.

>> No.9454831

i don't like persona and this is probably the only comic related to it that made me chuckle considering it's accuracy

>> No.9454851

Why do they shoot themselves when they summon their persona?

>> No.9454902

They have to experience a traumatic event in order to summon their persona, and putting a real looking gun and pulling a trigger is traumatizing enough

>> No.9457284

Nah, P3 and P4 is great, but P5 is zoomer tier shit

>> No.9457296

P5 is fine but retreads a lot of plot points we already saw in 3 and 4

>> No.9457325

P3/4 are gay, not retro, zoomer shit. Fuck off back to /v/

>> No.9457348

Sorry but P3 is retro if we are talking about the original PS2 release. You might as well call Persona 4 a retro since it came out near the end of PS2's lifespan

>> No.9457410

P5 was fine for a while. The juvenile, delinquent, gaijin, and homeless artist were a good crew of outcasts who had a real issue with society and were seriously invested in achieving their goal. Then The student council president and most popular and smartest girl ever showed up and ruined the entire fucking game.

>> No.9457445

I wouldn't say the ending is controversial. The idea is that when they went to confront Nyx, it was a suicide mission. It was expected somebody would die, and main character sacrificing himself to save his friends fits his personality as someone who would give his life to save others (His ultimate persona is Messiah, aka Jesus, who also sacrificed himself to save humanity)

>> No.9457491

>I remember people on gamefaqs complaining about the ending of this game, but completely ignoring that the main theme of the game is death.
It's a very stupid ending because the main theme is an orphan with psychological problems, who helps himself and others to overcome these problems. It's about death(suicide) is not the way out. Jesus fucking Christ, I ruined the future of Mitsuru by the manlet's tales about true love for what? To die for no reason on the roof?

>> No.9457501

Noble sacrifice isn't the same as suicide

>> No.9457518

>I wish the other games had the balls to do what 3 and it's predecessors did.
It's not about balls, it's about ludonarrative dissonance. It worked if the game has no social link part but with all those stories it feels like the head doctor died leaving the patients to fend for themselves. It doesn't work as an act of self-sacrifice or completion of urgent matters before inevitable death. It's just sudden death for memento mori joke.

>> No.9457524

The unjustified plot twist is still a bad writing despite a symbolism

>> No.9457541

Now I have to defend the writing, but the plot twist was justified if you actually read the dialogue.

Nyx is undefeatable. There was no scenario in which Nyx would have died, it was said multiple times. The main character tried that the first thing he did when he confronted Nyx, but he barely made any dent while Nyx managed to overpower him easily. The only way was the soul bound prison, which is a sacrifice. Death can come even when we least expect it. MC did however live his life to the fullest and with all the social links, helped people overcome their difficulties and made their lives significantly better. Romantic relationships are important, but I think saving the world from the apocalypse is a bigger goal. If you didn't want to go through all of that, you could have just chosen the bad ending and let everyone live their lives until the apocalypse, but that defeats the entire message the game is telling you and obviously the right thing to do is fight to the very end