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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3.48 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20221027_231053022_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9448195 No.9448195 [Reply] [Original]

Judo Master edition

>> No.9448248 [DELETED] 

>blurry shit
omg wtf is that shitty crt seriously

>> No.9448290
File: 3.63 MB, 3024x2268, IMG_2125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9448428

What are some games that you absolutely cannot play without composite?

>> No.9448514

What's a good solution for playing 480p video and below through composite? I currently use a Wii with WiiMC to mixed results. It plays but with occasional stutters and crashes.

>> No.9448568

Silent Hill. The dithering on Component/RGB is top distracting, if you ask me.
I guess that could apply to most games that use dithering heavily.

>> No.9448570 [DELETED] 

>muh composite

>> No.9448845

how in the FUCK do you get WiiMC to even work

>> No.9449903

use hackmii to install the homebrew channel, then just put wiimc on a compatible sd card and load it through the homebrew channel. bootmii installation optional. i also use another media player, mplayer ce, and between the two they play a lot of stuff, but not all. using a 360 or ps3 or something else is probably better, since the wii is pretty weak in comparison. i haven't tried anything but a wii thus far myself.

>> No.9450721

Are these the only options to load 480p video files onto a CRT tv from a hard drive?

>> No.9450791

no. it depends on the video codec, but you can also use dvd/bluray players which have usb ports (mind that most external hard drives use usb 3.0 where a dvd/bluray player might only have 2.0. wiis use 2.0). you could even burn it to a dvd or bd. you can also use tv boxes (digital tv converter boxes) which sometimes have analog outputs and usb ports. there are also things called media players which have analog outputs sometimes with a breakout cable. you can plug a hard drive into it. it does what you'd expect. you can also use a raspperry pi to output composite video through its 3.5mm jack (only certain models can do this). you can also use a pc and a video card with analog output, some of which require adapters. which brings up adapters. you can also use a pc with adapters to connect to an sd tv. or anything with an output not accepted by the tv. there are all sorts of adapters out there, but mind you some of them only output 480i and also have a poor picture, so i've been told. you could in theory have displayport to vga to rgb scart to composite to rf (through a vcr). there's also nas which might be usable with a media player, pc, or raspberry pi, but i don't know the details. basically there are five factors to take into consideration: how the video is stored physically (in your case a hard drive), what codec the video is stored in (dunno, but you can convert between them, sometimes losslessly), what's going to play the video (must support the physical storage and the codec), what the video output of the player is (can be adapted), and what inputs your display accepts (both physical and signal). if you can get all five of these to align, then you can display the video file. there might be solutions i haven't listed. personally i haven't tried anything but a wii on a tv and a pc connected to a monitor with adapters. godspeed.

>> No.9451543

Is taking pictures of a monitor just the dumbest thing imaginable? Cameras don't view screens the same way the human eye does. And on top of that you're filtering the image back through someone else's monitor, making it doubly worse.

>> No.9452898

I saw a few CRT TVs on Craigslist, and wondering if either are worth my attention. One is a 27 inch KV 27FS13 Trinitron at $300, which seems to be flat screen, and has 2 composite, 1 S-video AND 1 component, which surprised me. The other is a 27 inch KV 27TS36 Trinitron at $50, with just 2 composite and 1 S-video. I'm guessing the flat screen one might have better picture, and having component would be nice, but almost everything that uses component is also capable of widescreen. Still, I imagine the picture quality might be better. I'm not sure, though.

>> No.9452923

>KV 27FS13 Trinitron at $300
No, unless you meant $30

>> No.9453076
File: 1.88 MB, 2577x2553, composite soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WiiMC is pretty bad. It stutters a lot.
I tried encoding my own videos and it still stutters no matter what settings I use. For now I've settled on watching media on Movian on PS3. Smooth playback and way better interface.

No. Unless it's old new stock and comes with lifetime warranty. Even $50 is pretty expensive for a CRT as old as that, but if you can get that price down it might be worth it depending on the condition.

>> No.9454252 [DELETED] 

Why is the other thread in autosage mode? Is it because this thread exists.

>> No.9455315 [DELETED] 

because of its age

>> No.9455772
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Picked this up recently, right in time for my annual BF2 replay

>> No.9455859

Games with pre-rendered elements or even CG cutscenes like the older REs. Playing those games on modern displays does not do them any favors, especially if you're playing on a larger screen.

>> No.9456662

No one said anything about modern screens.

>> No.9457247
File: 4 KB, 250x187, Hitachi_21_Monitor1_superfuckingsmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I directly connect a PS2 and Xbox to picrelated using RGsB? I want to use this without building a GBS-C, and I don't know if I need custom cables.

>> No.9457278

ps3 is def the way to go for old media on a crt. currently watching old twilight zone on mine

>> No.9457289

What inputs does it have?

>> No.9457360

Regular HD15, but other models have 13W3. I also don't know if a hacked Xbox will output RGsB through SCART mode or HDAV mode.

>> No.9457608 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9458204
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Removing the antiglare coating from Monitors is worth it, 30% brightness increase without any downsides.
Allows you to run your tubes at lower brightness settings for better longevity and colors look better without anti glare messing up color reproduction
>But cant you see yourself in the glass afterwards
Can't you now?
Antiglare on crts does practically nothing anyways, you can see your reflection even with anti glare, using it in bright enviroments sucks even with anti glare, removing it makes no difference.
Easy mod that shows very big results, just dont ever use anything that could scratch the glass to rub it off

>> No.9458243 [DELETED] 

it's always the same old picture and not even retro video game related with you troons

>> No.9458345


>> No.9458348

The original XBox does only up to component signal.

>> No.9458529 [DELETED] 

who fucking cares man. i'm not doing that shit to my tv's or monitors and fuck your wallpaper.

>> No.9458665
File: 2.15 MB, 2790x2790, 6FC286C6-49EE-4B7F-8EFE-4DC5B949ECC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture a world, where nerds obsess over dead technology, where people shun advancements in favor of that which came before ... it's not so rare - in the twilight zone

>> No.9458731 [DELETED] 

I'd like to see how your tone changes in 20 years when literally everything you do and own requires a recurring subscription to function. Because that's where advancement is taking us

>> No.9458757 [DELETED] 

calm down spaz, that's my picture i posted and i have 8 crts
(it's called making a joke in case you weren't aware)

>> No.9459265 [DELETED] 

was it autism?

>> No.9459323

you have a 480p crt?

>> No.9459982 [DELETED] 
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Go back

>> No.9460014 [DELETED] 

How many times has he attempted to start a thread on /g/ only to have it archived a day later?

>> No.9460017

Donkey Kong Country looks great through composite and kinda shitty through anything else.
It's also absolutely vital to any PS1 game with prerendered backgrounds, and also Legend of Mana. Everything else I would gladly play in RGB.

>> No.9460271 [DELETED] 

I've lost count. Probably 30 threads I'd estimate.

>> No.9460584

Are there any decent converters for HDMI to composite, or HDMI to component, that any of you have experience with? I'd really like to get flashcarts and modded consoles, but that takes money I just don't have right now. It'd be nice to just hook my PC up to my CRT instead of dealing with shaders and shit.

>> No.9460592

just get a wii

>> No.9460603 [DELETED] 

go suck a dick, I make most of the crt threads here these days.
And please keep your tranny fetishism somewhere else, it does not belong here

>> No.9460619
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I have one, and I actually haven't bothered to ever mod it.
I don't think that'll suffice, though. I'm hoping to do up to PS2, and it'd be nice to increase performance on some games which I'm just assuming the Wii won't really do. Part of what got me thinking again is I'm replaying Ape Escape right now, and man does this game play horribly at times.

>> No.9460634 [DELETED] 

Oh so that's why /vr/crt is so fucking dead and the OP threaads suck

>> No.9460693

If the age is an issue, then wouldn’t it be better to get the 27FS13, considering it’s 10 years younger than the 27TS36? Or does the price difference outweigh that? I doubt I could get the 27FS13 for much cheaper than $150 if the seller is asking for $300.

>> No.9460730

>leave work yesterday
>no CRTS in building
>come in today
>three CRTs recycled between the five hours I was gone last night
>one is a 27" Trinitron from around 98 with Svid and component
>the other a 13" Sony with standard composite

>> No.9460940

love the basement aesthetic

>> No.9460984

What's preventing people from making a good cheap SNES rgb cable? Preferably with BNC connectors and not scart.

>> No.9461000

i've seen listings for hundreds of dollars drop to tens after a month. some people "know what they have" and are content to sit on it for years

>> No.9461010

Million percent SOUL with the wood paneling

>> No.9461013

One of my friends who worked at best buy had an nes "entertainment deck" in box come in for recycling and the box was in good shape too. Physical pain

>> No.9461073

Personally it's the lack of good cable stock and the expense if building your own connectors. Hint: VGA cables usually come with only 3 coax, and rarely 4. Good luck with audio and Sync-on-Composite crosstalk. Better to use the coax for sync and audio, while RGB goes through a twisted pair. You also have to buy a BNC crimper ($40), so you better have plans.

>> No.9461152

They could of taken the box. Quite honestly I took home a CIB PS2 Slim with component cables and three CRT monitors.

>> No.9461195 [DELETED] 
File: 1.05 MB, 1080x1920, heres your crystal clear picture.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jannies rn

>> No.9461196

the antiglare on my nec somehow got fucked up when it was stored in my basement for god knows how long. i removed it and now its almost too bright in the dark, even at the lowest setting. the blacks dont look as good as before and its theres a lot more bloom. theres only 2000 total hours on the counter though so i really didnt need the extra brightness but it definitely looked better before.

>> No.9461197 [DELETED] 

theres the autistic anon that makes up stories

>> No.9461201

would a slight car tint sticker help?

>> No.9461223 [DELETED] 

Holy shit since when 4chan has become this cringe and protective about lolcows?

>> No.9461401

are philips crt good in general? I got one in my area for pretty cheap, it also has a VHS player intergrated.

>> No.9461409
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I think they are fine. RRT4 looked better than I thought it would on my 9 inch Phillips. Then again any non-no name CRT should be good.

>> No.9461413

most sets used Phillips tubes, take that as you will

>> No.9461459
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donno this one just looks cheap af.

>> No.9462264

It is cheap, but you can only know if it looks good by testing. Since it's cheap and small you might as well get it.

>> No.9462330

If blacks are fucked and the monitor is too bright even with 0 brightness you need to open it up and decrease the SCREEN potenciometer on the flyback.
Not really, but if i you really want the anti glare back I think you can simply buy new films to put on the glass made for monitors
I think they call them screen protectors, finding one thats 4:3 might be tricky

>> No.9462357

I have been trying to play vice city on a modern PC today and to my dismay you have the choice of either capping the game at 30fps or the game sometimes bugging out when loading and vehicles not being able to drive backwards.
Badly programmed for new machines if fps gets to high the game breaks and you cant cap it to 60 only to 30 or not at all

>> No.9462472
File: 381 KB, 613x351, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so which one of these is better anons?

>> No.9462490

The sharp one probably, altough they will be more or less the same anyways

>> No.9462513

Are Trinitrons really better than the rest of known brands or is it just a meme when it comes to the later cca 90's models?

>> No.9462583

complete meme for TVs, but Sony made some very nice high end TVs

>> No.9462728

Not a meme, Trinitrons had a brighter, higher contrast image to shadow mask sets. Higher end sets by other brands obviously kept up just fine but there's a reason people prefer them, because contrast is king. They made great monitors too, obviously.

>> No.9462879

Its a meme because no TV made after the 60s is a shadow mask, they are all slotmasks which are equal to Trinitrons in light output

>> No.9462884

Looks like a common set but it's good-looking. I'm autistic so I'd get both, but go with the Sharp.

>> No.9462997

So I have a Sony Trinitron KV-X2903E. Over night the convergence seems to have gone off in the wrong direction with the red bleeding heavily horizontally, and the the convergence in the two bottom most corners being far worse than it has ever been.
I know the red has flickered in the past a bit, on occasion when I've started the set, the red has delayed turning on, failure in the making. But I'm wondering if and how the two are connected.

>> No.9463571
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okay anons the last comparison tier; This one or the Sharp. They're the same price but for the Sony one I'll have to go on a drive to pick it up, while the Sharp one the guy selling it would bring the tv to me. Guess he just wants it out of the house.

>> No.9463590

Just get both and keep the one you like the most. It's hard to judge without seeing it on first.

>> No.9463642

Get the Trinitron.
But as you are apparently in germany why not simply get a really nice TV for free?

>> No.9463646

Should I grab this. 50 bucks. Service manual lists the weight as 280 lbs

>> No.9463651
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Too retarded to post pic

>> No.9463657

>get a really nice TV for free?
How? Also these cost 15EUR, so they're practically free. I just want to try to avoid making clutter, it's not like I need more ""junk"".

>> No.9463680

you'll break your back carrying it.

>> No.9463686

hell yeah, make sure you bring a friend and a trolley
also make sure the car you use is big enough to put it in

>> No.9463713

are big CRT's worth the hassle? Personally the small form factor of some crts are one of their biggest draws, big ass tubes almost defeat the purpose(just to clarify I never owned a big CRT so I'm just guessing)

>> No.9463725

I have a 28" CRT and yes, it is absolutely worth it

>> No.9463834
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>> No.9463841

Some custom Xbox BIOSes change the Component output to RGB colorspace.

>> No.9463858

Wood paneling makes my peepee long and solid.

>> No.9463870

invest in component for PS2, you won't be disappointed
makes the system super sharp

>> No.9463895

For me personally, anything 8bit and under, various microcomputers and pc engine i think looks best on a small set. 3D stuff i want on a decent sized set, bigger the better if i can. 16bit era stuff can go either way, but i prefer it on a middle ground.

>> No.9463910

nah, it all looks better on a bigger set

>> No.9464438

It's a screen, anon. CRT, LCD, OLED, projection - you always want to go bigger unless it becomes uncomfortable to use, like with big touchscreens in smartphones.

>> No.9464523

There is a reason big tube TVs were desired and expensive back in the day.
They are pretty great to look at and ou dont need to sit so closely which helps mask composite artifacts for example

>> No.9464529
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Even Yuzo Koshiro is making a new MD game with composite in mind

>> No.9465083

Any anons know of stores in Columbus Ohio that will sell CRTs? I’ve only been down to the Ohio thrift on Henderson road with no luck

>> No.9465105

>29-inch late black Trinitron with S-Video input for 100 buckerinos
I know it's retarded to waste so much money on a TV like this, but it's Christmas my dudes

>> No.9465124

Getting one of the nicest TVs for SD content money can buy for only $100 is hardly a waste. CRTs haven't been free for years guys, especially not top-tier stuff like that.

>> No.9465361

you're better off checking out FB marketplace.
that p1230 looks pristine

>> No.9465369
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>forgot pic

>> No.9465462

It does but I only have 40 dollars to spend and even paying that would feel like I’m getting jewed

>> No.9465743
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>480p video through composite

>> No.9466140

Don't say that. I'm trying my hardest not to buy the damn thing.

>> No.9466263

in fairness, you can read 480p and output 480i. gamecube, for example, can output at 480i at 60 frames by only giving one field per frame. you get interlacing artifacts, though. also 480p24 can be telecined.

>> No.9466351

I have 36 inch JVC d series. It is very beautiful. Carrying it by myself almost killed me though. My forearms were sore for days. Got for $14 on Facebook marketplace. 10/10 would get again.

>> No.9466703

Can someone recommend me a good 14-20 inch CRT with component, s-video, and can do 480p?

>> No.9466856

zoomer idiots need to leave

>> No.9467230
File: 75 KB, 720x960, sony2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A old lady in my city is selling this Sony Watchman color CRT/Radio on Facebook marketplace but she said it has no image just sound. I asked her if it was because it couldn't pick up digital signal, said she didn't knew that it was "new" (don't know what she meant by that) but suddenly it gave no image.

Gotta go to her place tomorrow to test it with my PS2, she's asking $300 taco dolars (like $15 bucks) for it. Is it worth it even if it's broken? My technical skills for repairing electronics are medium, are there some good reference diagrams or tutorials for this model?

>> No.9467234
File: 85 KB, 720x960, sony4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More pics of this bad boy

>> No.9467241
File: 59 KB, 960x720, sony5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only pic with the CRT facing front is so blurry

>> No.9467342

i know that tvs can't receive 480p over composite. but if you have a 480p video file, you can still decode it and output composite 480i. each video frame at 60fps then only gets one field of 480i. so you lose every other horizontal line of every frame, but every frame is still shown at least partially.

>> No.9467352

here's the service manual. i'd bet that it works, but if it doesn't there's no telling how easy it would be to fix or if you think it'd be worth it.

>> No.9467417

if you watch movies you will get full resolution because of the low framerate

>> No.9467464

>1440i through composite
Its more likely then you think

>> No.9467469

Reminds me of a time that I had a videocard with a composite TV-out. Driver glitched and it was outputting 480p with NTSC color somehow.

>> No.9467553

right. that's telecine, for 24fps

>> No.9467901

In general you don't want a consumer TV that will do 480p. Those were EDTVs. They're not all that common and they used digital processing which means input lag. I have a 14' Advent brand set I got from Goodwill with component and S-video. It doesn't do 480p, but I'm glad it doesn't, that's a good thing. Monitors are a different story. If you need a CRT to do 480p that's the direction you want to look, but outside of PVMs you're not too likely to find the specific inputs you want.

>> No.9468018

People pay much more for LCD trash that is worse in picture quality, so try to haggle a bit down to 150$.

>> No.9468270

If it's good condition you absolutely should. Not that many ways you can spend $100 better.

>> No.9468292

Perhaps you nigs would know, but has there been any improvement with universal remotes the last couple years? I have some sets where i lack a physical button to even switch to A/V mode and i have some old ass remotes i use to use, but its such a hassle trying to dick around with the code input, only for it to reset or only give minor control functions like power switching. Is there any new shit thats far more efficient that locks on easier or just makes the code searching function easier? Fuck, can phones now do it via some models/programs?

>> No.9468296


>> No.9468307 [DELETED] 

do ps2 really?

>> No.9468392

Just buy an older version of a logitech harmony remote on ebay. With the computer application for it you can load devices to it without having to mess with codes and change buttons configs if you dont like the default settings.

>> No.9468562

zoomer idiots need to go

>> No.9468695

Nice, i will have to check this out.

>> No.9468907

I have one. Depends on the condition. I'm not a big fan of how mine looks but I think it's something related to the caps. The picture is dim and white color looks bluish, also convergence is not great. OSD looks fine so it's definitely not a tired tube.

>> No.9469109

My Trinitron started making a high pitched sound for like 30 seconds after i turn it on, is it gonna die?

>> No.9469146

Yes they have been, especially big TVs people give away so you take them out of their house.

>> No.9469360

I hate to mire in something so autistic, but I've gotta ask.
Should I get a new composite cable for my PS1/PS2 to play PS1 games? My original one died long ago, and I replaced it straight with a component because I was only playing PS2 games at the time. I've been playing a few PS1 games recently, and they just seem to sharp and aliased.
I don't have a problem parting with 8 bucks on a whim, but waiting a week or more to be disappointed annoys me.

>> No.9469509

I have two TV's on that list, so I might as well comment about it. The two silver Sylvania TV's are made in 2005 are nice, but are actually 20 inch (at least mine are). It has one composite hook up in the front, and a S video in the back. I really like the TV. The Sony Wega 32 inch Trinitron is amazing but a beast. It has a ton of hook ups in the back and has a great picture

>> No.9469585

Yes, you will be. Nigger you're already using component, why would you want to go back to that shit?

>> No.9469613

it kind of depends on the set, but the pixels should be noticeably less defined through composite than component. the degree to which they're noticeable will depend on both the tv and you. i don't have a ps2 or a component cable, but i could get a picture of ps1 s-video vs composite if you want. i don't have anything that outputs 240p over component, but i could also compare component vs composite on a wiiu or psp.

>> No.9469621

I don't mean disappointed in the sense that I don't expect the video quality to be less clear than component, I mean disappointed by it not solving my issue of PS1 games looking too crisp to my taste.
It's more of a personal opinion polling than asking for an objective answer.

>but i could get a picture of ps1 s-video vs composite if you want
That might be nice to see if it's not too much trouble.
I'll probably just grab the cable anyway. I don't mind throwing out the eight bucks, it just sucks to wait a week for something I might plug in for two seconds and then move on from.

>> No.9469667

i think youll be satisfied with the composite. ps2 stuff looks better with the softer edges

>> No.9469737 [DELETED] 

PS1 games look great on composite
PS2 games look like shit, interlacing looks bad with it and the console doesn't really use the interlacing
but I think this is reliant on what screen you play on
My CRT has clear scanlines even on composite

>> No.9469743

PS1 games look great on composite
PS2 games look like shit, interlacing looks bad with it and the console doesn't really use dithering
but I think this is reliant on what screen you play on
My CRT has clear scanlines even on composite

>> No.9469770

>i don't have anything that outputs 240p over component, but i could also compare component vs composite on a wiiu or psp.
PSP will output 240p over component while playing PS1 games.

>> No.9469793

>My CRT has clear scanlines even on composite
The connection doesn't matter at all when it comes to "scanlines". The sync signal is the same, so those lines are always blank, no matter if you're using RGB, composite or even RF. The blurring and blending that comes with shitty connections happens only on the horizontal axis.

>> No.9469902

>only on the horizontal axis.
not true, blending happens in both directions because bloom is a factor, especially with composite
now fuck off with your "akshually"

>> No.9470030

i don't have any ps1 games for psp, but good to know.

>> No.9470254
File: 2.83 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up my CRT monitor by fiddling around with 240p120Hz resolutions.
Now, even when I set to a 1024x768 resolution, the horizontal scaling is too wide.
What do I do to fix this?

>> No.9470427

the signal is converted back to RGB before the CRT itself sees it so no scanlines are unaffected

>> No.9470516

Open the OSD menu and adjust it?

>> No.9470583

I keep adjusting it on the OSD but some of the settings don't change anything anymore.
For example, I try to change the horizontal size but it doesn't do jack shit.
It still stays overly stretched.

>> No.9470637
File: 469 KB, 1337x1641, received_706565187309630_edit_3043196437633544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine did the same, then died week after. Light button blinks red when trying to turn it on :(
>pic related
Sucks, now I don't now how to get rid of it, big fucker

>> No.9470640

>high pitched sound for like 30 seconds
could be a capacitor or coil whine

>> No.9470763

Can you acces the service menu?
Or do a full reset in the menu?
240p 120hz shouldnt break a crt, its an accepted resolution like any other

>> No.9470819

Running a CRT at 120hz, will completely ruin its motion clarity for 60fps content which defeats the main purpose of having a CRT. Motion clarity > scanlines. CRT refresh rate must always match content frame rate or else it looks like shit.

>> No.9470834

Getting rid of these things is the worst.

>> No.9470958

just give it away to someone who wants to fix it

>> No.9470961

No it doesn't.

>> No.9470969

I don't know what to tell you. If it looks ok to you, then good for you.

>> No.9471083
File: 803 KB, 1160x970, 20221204_113454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't have a PS2 growing up so retard question about PS2 on CRT: been playing GTA VCS and there is a shimmer on outlines of every bright color. Jagged line going up For lack of better comparison it reminds me od chainsaw blade running. Is it normal for 480i on CRT or the game is ass. It doesn't show on Wii for example. On the picture it shows on the outline of his shirt an jeans. Captcha XJGTAS

>> No.9471105

Sounds like a composhit problem.

>> No.9471136

use scart

>> No.9471387

Fuck I forgot to mention I am using chink RGB cable but who the fuck knows maybe it's just an av cable with scart plug. The original PS2 av cable has the same issue.

>> No.9471487

Dot crawl definitely means the game is displayed through composite.
Doesn't necessarily mean the rgb in the cable isn't wired, proper PS2 scart cable would have both rgb and composite signals in the same connector and your TV chooses which to display and the way it's done is totally depends on your TV because the standard is fucked.
If it's a chink cable the only way to know if RGB is even there is to open the head.

>> No.9471506

What model is your CRT?

>> No.9471536
File: 1.56 MB, 3044x2284, IMG_20221206_203737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some chink RGB SCART cables aren't wired correctly and don't switch the TV into RGB mode, so you only get composite. The fix is to solder a 100ohm (I think) resistor between pins 8 and 16.

>> No.9471683

It's a Sony kv-21fx30e

>> No.9471694

Can't open that bitch up. It's glued shut. But if it persist on both cables then is it safe to say it's just scart av cable and I got ripped off? True RGB signal shouldn't have the shimmer and should be clearer? I can't even read map correctly it's blurry as fuck

>> No.9471731

Change to YPbPr in the PS2 BIOS settings and check if the picture becomes green. If it does, the cable is true RGB (the PS2 uses the same pins for RGB and YPbPr component), if it stays the same - it's composite only.

>> No.9471738

If it's got 2 scart inputs try another one, only one is wired for rgb. If both don't work then cable is fucked, get a new one.

>> No.9471745

This, try changing the bios setting to RGB

>> No.9471887

what's the best way to play arcade games on my crt? is it really the mister? i tried to use fb alpha on my ps3 but it won't open when outputting 480i apparently

>> No.9471902

yeah, but if you want more games, try Pi4 with RGB-Pi

>> No.9471923
File: 1.70 MB, 1920x1440, s-video wing 36 slot resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, here's some comparisons. s-video vs composite. i'm using chrono trigger for the comparison, but the same should apply to any psx game.

>> No.9471934
File: 3.81 MB, 4032x3024, s-video end 36 slot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the brighter colors are a little blown out on some of these but you can still see a difference

>> No.9471938
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1440, s-video land 36 slot resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9471945
File: 3.58 MB, 4032x3024, s-video door 36 slot resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9471949
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1440, composite land 36 slot resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now composite on the same set. the colors are a little different because the picture settings are saved separately on this tv. i should have set them to be the same, especially sharpness. whoops. but you could try adjusting your tv's sharpness if you can.

>> No.9471951
File: 1.85 MB, 1920x1440, composite wing 36 slot resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9471953

>the colors are a little different because the picture settings are saved separately on this tv
I think composite colours are just inherently different to the cleaner connections

>> No.9471958
File: 3.26 MB, 4032x3024, composite door 36 slot resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9471960
File: 3.23 MB, 4032x3024, composite end 36 slot resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9471963
File: 3.48 MB, 4032x3024, composite bridge 36 slot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9471970
File: 3.40 MB, 4032x3024, composite bridge 14 slot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's on a flat tube

>> No.9471973
File: 3.43 MB, 4032x3024, composite door 14 slot resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9471980
File: 3.29 MB, 4032x3024, composite end 14 slot resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9471989
File: 3.25 MB, 4032x3024, composite door 20 trini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now on a trinitron

>> No.9471997
File: 3.55 MB, 4032x3024, composite end 20 trini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9472004
File: 3.57 MB, 4032x3024, composite bridge 20 trini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9472007
File: 3.39 MB, 4032x3024, composite end 20 slot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally, on another flat tube, this one's a toshiba which i think has a very sharp picture even though it's composite only.

>> No.9472010
File: 3.47 MB, 4032x3024, composite bridge 20 slot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9472013
File: 3.58 MB, 4032x3024, composite door 20 slot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9472016
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1440, composite land 20 slot resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9472020
File: 1.58 MB, 4656x3024, composite title 20 slot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the title screen, with the pendulum graphic for comparison of how composite blends pixels together. the numbers at the bottom are exemplary of this set's sharpness.

>> No.9472026
File: 1.34 MB, 4032x3024, composite crono 20 slot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and lastly, here's crono's sprite, which shows the color bleed on composite. you can also see it in the other pictures, but it's really apparent here.

>> No.9472082

Won't waste anyone's time with massreplying.
Thanks, man. I'll just spring for the cable. I'm also on a flat panel Toshiba, so those photos look a lot like my set.
I really appreciate all the effort.

>> No.9472123

Those are good pictures, I appreciate them.
Does that set takes component too? I really would like to see a comparison between S-Video and component.

>> No.9472260

you got it, bro

it does not. composite only. the jungle chip accepts Y/C from the internal dvd player and RGB from the micon, but i'm not sure if the RGB is analog or not. no datasheet available for the jungle chip, M61277FP. someone on shmups who has a set with the same chip tried doing an rgb mod, but it didn't work. dunno if that's their fault or not. the only way to get component onto this thing would be an rgb mod and then use a YPbPr to RGB SCART converter. i don't have any such converter, if anyone can rec one i'd appreciate it. the osd looks really nice.
unfortunately, although i have a set which takes both component and s-video, i don't have both cables to anything that outputs both and also everything i have that outputs component is 480i.

>> No.9472280

Gta 3

>> No.9472282
File: 526 KB, 1080x706, Screenshot_20221206-214200~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are sdtvs Better than crt ?

>> No.9472290

CRT's are SDTV's

>> No.9472314

Yea. Are the sdtv versions better than older crt ?

>> No.9472341

you mean the ones that can receive a sd atsc signal?

>> No.9472343

SDTV just means standard definition i.e. 480i

>> No.9472347

do you mean edtv?

>> No.9472367

I thought it was different technology.

>> No.9472378
File: 14 KB, 450x184, sdtv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ones with this logo on them?

>> No.9472453

Is the service menu the same as the OSD menu?

>> No.9472459

the service menu is the next level OSD that gives you geometry control amongst other settings

>> No.9472497
File: 590 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_5412 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the model of my monitor.
But I can rarely find any info on it or the manual.
It's probably super obscure.

>> No.9472512

just type in LG crt service menu on google
find something til it works, however judging by how you're asking, I guarantee you shouldn't be messing around in there

>> No.9472610

How does one get a PVM nowadays?

>> No.9472643

I spent way too long setting up playing PS1 and emulated games on a PS3 because it has old school RCA output before being reminded it can't output 240p. Is a fucking Wii going to work for a bootleg SNES, there's one of those hanging around nobody has used in 10 years.

>> No.9472729

>Is a fucking Wii going to work for a bootleg SNES
sure, but not PS1
check out mister or RGB-Pi

>> No.9472746

PS1 isn't a problem. I still have a barely holding on PS1 and a PS2 and I need to eventually get FreeMC or whatever on the PS2 anyways unless PCSX2 makes a sudden breakthrough.

>> No.9472827


>> No.9472863

wii is perfect for 240p 8 and 16 bit emulation
ps3 is still a pretty serviceable option for ps1 games on a crt even at 480i

>> No.9472881

It stays the same. Well time to hunt a new cable. Thanks

>> No.9472927

Tekken 2 demo looked really good so I suspect it's still using a 480 vertical resolution like Tekken 1, when I got Legend of Mana working from USB it was pretty suspect with the world map looking like crap, but it was directly comparing the jittery mess of emulated SNES FFV to the PS1 version of FFV running on real hardware simultaneously that got me back to remembering why I hadn't done this when I first put CFW on that PS3. It's weird looking at it with a higher interlaced resolution because it simultaneously seems more like a modern digital display in how over sharp it is but also feels like a really bad analog connection with the acid trip grass tiles are doing and stuff.

>> No.9473993
File: 74 KB, 914x176, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate ecelebs so much it's unreal

>> No.9474002

Just reply with an offer that says no way fag.

>> No.9474168
File: 32 KB, 493x276, 1439857281566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9474434

haha, what a cunt

>> No.9474745
File: 2.69 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20221207-203217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did and now look how sharp.

>> No.9474749

nice one anon, not just sharp but more colourful too

>> No.9474750
File: 2.26 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20221207-203547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9475280
File: 1.82 MB, 3225x1814, 1620683117577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Write down your TV settings before you go fucking around so you can change them back and know what you're adjusting. Don't forget to use whatever this software is I forget the name for testing. I know you can get it for SNES and DC, assuming you have the ability to run roms.

>> No.9475813

240p test suite

>> No.9475816

How do you go about buying a CRT off Facebook market place? Should I ask if it turns on or test the picture quality?

>> No.9475819

>How do you go about buying things

>> No.9475821

I never bought something from another person. Going to their house to pick it up.

>> No.9476120

no shit. why wouldn't you ask?

>> No.9476434

i use one of these for watching anime on my crt it looks good enough, for the video output i use some other shielded rca cable i had around though you can get cheap shielded cables on ebay, dont go spending a lot on them though because expensive shielding is a meme https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B09N3B4755

>> No.9476614

Thanks! I'll look into that.

>> No.9476757

Never hand over a CRT without checking:
If it turns on
If it actually displays an external input
If you (or you and a friend) can physically lift it, if it's a big one.

>> No.9477876

>primary gaming setup is a large pro monitor with RGB, and is the set I generally use for prolonged gaming sessions
>want to play an old game that I never tried when it was current
>have to have my first play of it via composite or RF on a small 80s to very early 90s consumer CRT, otherwise it feels like the game has been forever despoiled in my mind
>if my first play is on my anachronistic pro setup or an emulator, I will never, and I mean never, be able to truly appreciate it as a true game of its time, but will always have it burned in my memory as a fundamentally modern experience
Anybody else feel this way?

>> No.9477923

Kinda. I ended up thinking about it on a console-by-console basis.
NES - composite on a small bedroom TV, or rf on something older
SNES - looks good on everything
N64 - giant consumer trinitron

>> No.9477980

autism: the post

>> No.9477995
File: 261 KB, 1920x1080, Retroarch ntsc-320px-svideo-gauss-scanline shader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convince me to get a crt, because this screenshot I just took in retroarch using a shader seems to do everything a crt does.

>> No.9478074
File: 989 KB, 1920x1080, composite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$5 TV

>> No.9478080

You will never understand having that shit beamed into your eyes at full brightness with no motion blur otherwise.

>> No.9478139

absolutely not! thats rude!

>> No.9478173

I know I'm responding to bait, but your pic is nothing what a CRT does. It only simulates a shit quality signal.

>> No.9478312

Missing a few layers there lad.
>No phosphors
>No scanlines
>No bloom
>No curvature
There are some good CRT filters out there but that ain't it chief.

>> No.9478416

That's a pretty small CRT monitor. Is it even possible to get replacement parts for it in 2022? It must have been very niche even back in the day when it was still new.

>> No.9479030

All of my CRTs look better than this over composite.

>> No.9480101

What is a good powered av switch?

>> No.9480118

Crosspoint for flexibility and utility. Be warned that you will have to adapt stuff to BNC and be careful of which inputs go where.

>> No.9480404
File: 3.25 MB, 3000x1688, IMG_20221209_153222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just standing there

>> No.9480418

Sorry I'm too based for you

>> No.9480528
File: 34 KB, 609x404, h4b423dywkr91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello I recently got into retro gaming. I would like to acquire a big CRT for my gaming room. Something in the 30 to 40+ inch range. But I am a complete noob. Where is the best place to buy one that works well?

I was wondering if anyone could tell me how I could acquire a Sony KX45ED? I heard this is a very good and big CRT.

I have a couple thousand dollars saved up that I would Be willing to spend on a retro game collection. I'm most looking either SNES or Neo Geo. I havent decided yet. I really like cartridges.

You advice would be appreciated. If the Sony TV isn't available, where can I find something in similar size? Have nice day.

>> No.9480532

>Something in the 30 to 40+ inch range
Good luck with that friend

>> No.9480537

>Good luck with that friend
I'm sorry. I do not know. Are these rare? I remember CRTs used to be everywhere when I was younger. Now that I have money I would like to buy one.

>> No.9480538

Tell her to sweep

>> No.9480541

Anything above 30” is rare and most likely expensive
Just don’t go for DLP or HDCRT’s
Start on local trades like Facebook marketplace, otherwise you’ll have to use eBay and pay ridiculous scalper prices

>> No.9480546

its the opposite, anything above 30' people want to get rid of because its so heavy they cant toss it by themselfs
32inch is the most cummon thing you can find for free, 40' on the other hand is pretty rare indeed

>> No.9480551

brother those massive TVs will not look good.
You gotta remember these games are putting out low resolutions so when you go fuck off huge you're going to notice how bad it looks.
Just get yourself mid ranged crt.

>> No.9480560
File: 1.01 MB, 2576x1932, 1652544869083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like every one of my Monitors and I hope they will continue to last for a long time.
Divine protection!

>> No.9480561

Why are you an alcoholic?
Aren't you having fun with your games?

>> No.9480585

You can have fun and still be an alcoholic you know

>> No.9480591

>brother those massive TVs will not look good.
>You gotta remember these games are putting out low resolutions so when you go fuck off huge you're going to notice how bad it looks.
>Just get yourself mid ranged crt.

Can you help me understand why 40+ inch is bad for CRT? I do not understand.

I watched some YouTube videos and people play Famicom snes on big 42 inch crt TV and they say it look so good.

I just wanna buy one CRT to handle all my things. I might hook up VHS and beta max and maybe s-video too. I have a collection of VHS tapes sitting in my garage.

Sorry I am noob. I don't understand CRT size problems. If big is so bad then why they make it that big size?

>> No.9480615

Do you plan on playing any 3D games, ps1, ps2, game cube etc?
Because they won't look good on a massive tv like that.

>> No.9480617

>people want to get rid of
>32inch is the most cummon thing you can find for free
stop lying, if you are finding CRT's this size easily, they are DLP or HDCRT

>> No.9480621

>Do you plan on playing any 3D games, ps1, ps2, game cube etc?
>Because they won't look good on a massive tv like that.
I might play Nintendo 64

>> No.9480649
File: 2.50 MB, 3264x2448, 1659210406056665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, everytime I look at my countries craigslist I see a dozen ads for 32 inch 2000s big tubes in my area, almost never projection.
One time I even found a bunch just sitting in a field, took one that looked nice home and its been good to me.

>> No.9480676

Would it not depend on viewing distance. Sure if you sit 2 foot from the thing its going to look terrible. But if you are sitting on the couch, with the thing across the room, its going to be ok.

>> No.9480678

Someone really needs to develop a generic replacement CRT control board. So many good CRT tubes could be saved with good replacement electronics.

>> No.9481014

Since I pretty much emulate everything at this point and hardly touch my consoles anymore, should I get a CRT TV because they are cheaper and easier to find? Or should I get a CRT monitor if I can find an affordable one? Do they still work fine through adapters since my computer doesn't even have DVI?

>> No.9481024

DP to VGA works for the most part, but a CRT TV is much better for emulation because Monitors cant do 240p at 60hz

>> No.9481434

is there anything about pc crt monitors that make them less durable than consumer TV sets? I've had 2 monitors die on me, and this has never happened to me with TVs. Even my Trinitron from the 80s is still going strong after being used all day every day for a decade by my father, when he was watching, the news while working from home.

>> No.9481524

There is just more to go wrong, TVs are simple compared to monitors
learn 2 solder and replace the capacitors and 90% chance the monitors will work fine again

>> No.9481560

Yeah, it runs at double the frequency and the resolutions can be switched to your choice

>> No.9481634

The filters in this screenshot don't do anything CRT actually does and frankly looks worse than emulating with no filters on.
If you don't know how a game on CRT looks I suggest enjoying blissful ignorance and just emulating with sharp pixels, would save you a lot of headache.

>> No.9481640

makes sense. Thanks guys.

>> No.9481661

If I cant use a decent filter or crt id take pixel perfect over upscale/smear filter any day

>> No.9481663 [DELETED] 

President Ye will issue an executive order compelling monitor manufacturing companies to make CRTs again.

>> No.9481669 [DELETED] 

Niggers are stinky

>> No.9481671 [DELETED] 

I'll put up with the stench if that means fresh, high-end, CRT monitors.

>> No.9481756

Ended up buying it the damned thing. Just arrived, actually. Might post photos later. I'll make some tests for the time being, but first impressions are pretty good. Don't think I'll throw away my WEGA any time soon though. Would rather keep both since both look so good.

>> No.9481862
File: 1.66 MB, 4160x3120, IMG20221210195141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, bros. This TV was just working last night. I don't know what to even do

>> No.9481875 [DELETED] 

he's probably going kill himself before 2024

>> No.9481883

weird pattern
I was going to say capacitor but that should be more even lines

>> No.9481908

Whats the issue?
Looks like 240p instead of 480i?
Try connecting a different device or something, doesnt look broken to me

>> No.9481935
File: 200 KB, 1816x1127, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>four THOUSAND plus dollars for a junk TV that probably got fished out of a liquidation sale for a defunct news station for $5
reddit was a fucking mistake

>> No.9481940

>that write up
Pretty faggy and absolutely embarrassing, Wes.

>> No.9481942

maybe change out of those jammers

>> No.9482007

>Holy Grail

>> No.9482225

Nah the picture was all fucked up and out of order. It's working now but I fear it'll do it again

>> No.9482580

well, there's the open source crt chassis, but it's not really in a complete state last i checked.

>> No.9482748

Sadly, someone will pay that.

>> No.9482752

It's funny how these guys always list consoles and games at the bottom of the listing. Do they really think the people buying BVMs will be searching for "nintendo TVs"?

>> No.9483112
File: 529 KB, 478x700, 1665848103202424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9483384
File: 31 KB, 444x738, pal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do retro games look like on a monochromatic display without any color separation matrix in the way?

>> No.9483632

Guys I'm about to pull the trigger on a 40 inch Mitsubishi CRT.

Is there any reason why I shouldn't do it? Should I hold out for a Sony Trinitron?

>> No.9483634
File: 2.27 MB, 1754x1467, kanna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9483643

Have you ever seen a large crt (32in+) in person? On larger sets the scanlines aren't as defined and you can see the shadow mask much closer than you can on a smaller set.

>> No.9483647

Trinitron is overrated. Also, the stabling wire shadows are really annoying.

>> No.9483648

Also you better have a someone else to help you because that TV probably weighs close to 200 pounds

>> No.9483651

It's been more than 20 years since I last played famiclone on black and white TV so all I remember is how it was just barely playable and had a lot of garbage on the screen.

>> No.9483656

>stabling wire shadows are really annoying
It's noticeable on my VGA trinitron at higher resolutions but on regular TV the wire is hard to see even if you look for it.

>> No.9483665

Odd, I remember the wire being super obvious. Maybe they managed to make it thinner in newer stuff? The trinitron we had was pretty old.

>> No.9483675

Original Xbox can connect to a PC CRT using a "VGA Bios" that forces 480p+ and RGsB.
Whether your CRT support RGsB or not is another question. The Trinitron monitors I have do.

An extra note is that I think most VGA bios need patching to allow xbox live to connect to Insignia. I had to patch my X2 VGA bios before I could connect.

>> No.9483678

I've got late 90s 25" trinny and the only way to consistently see them is blast the white screen on 240p suite, I never notice it in games.

>> No.9483694

>Should I hold out
Unless you're paying (or paying a lot, I guess it depends on your stance on the matter), just have fun now. Stop waiting for the ideal - which isn't even an agreed upon thing in this case.

>> No.9483782

What's a reasonably priced amp to get stereo sound from old consoles when using a PVM, with 3.5mm headphone out?

>> No.9483985

>On larger sets the scanlines aren't as defined
i've found the opposite to be generally true, but i don't pretend to understand all the factors involved.

>> No.9484151

Just get an old stereo amp and plug your consoles in via RCA, most of them will have more than enough inputs. Japanese stuff from the 80s and 90s is generally a safe bet. Check what's available in your area, 90% of the time you'll even find some reviews on the net, especially for the more popular brands. Just avoid Technics' "new class A/class AA" amps, those are hot garbage and very prone to failure with no replacement parts available.
Personally I'm using a Denon from 1989. Paid less than 100€ for it and it sounds great for games and music. Eventually had to fix a few things, but repairs are fairly easy with those.

>> No.9484320
File: 388 KB, 1672x1254, tube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False. Look hard enough and you can find anything. My second CRT was a 34" Toshiba I got for 5 bucks.

Look on marketplace, craigslists or whatever you have at your disposal.
Search for "old TV", "big TV", "34 tv" and such, not just "CRT TV." You probably won't find 40" TVs though. I'm pretty sure those KX45ED were only sold in Japan.

See if your town has a recycle center or something that handles e-waste and check if they have anything and are willing to give/sell.

Don't rush. Look enough for a while and you'll find a nice deal. Don't give in to the hype of people trying to sell "RETRO VINTAGE GAMING TV" for hundreds of bucks.

But then... Anything over 29" is pretty huge. Bigger sets tend to have worse geometry and convergence. Also, be careful not to get a HDCRT.
You said you're a "CRT noob", so you probably don't know how big and heavy these things really are. Maybe try and settle for a 29"?

Personally I think they look fine. It's about personal preference, unless we're talking about HDCRTs. Those won't look good.

>> No.9484389

Just as a reminder, a 30" 4:3 TV is equivalent to pillarboxing on a 37" widescreen.

>> No.9484472
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JVC makes a good CRT

>> No.9484515
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>> No.9484569

I got this 20 inch Zenith TV and it has a really weird audio problem:

Whenever anything 'loud' happens, it crackles and distorts REALLY badly

What's strange though, is turning the actual TV volume down/up doesn't change it at all - but if the game has a volume slider and I turn that down, THAT totally fixes the problem.

Any ideas why its like that / how to fix it?


>> No.9484935

>What's strange though, is turning the actual TV volume down/up doesn't change it at all - but if the game has a volume slider and I turn that down, THAT totally fixes the problem.
First of all: have you checked it with other consoles? This might be a problem with your N64's output, not the TV.

>> No.9484960

Yeah I tried with two different n64's and different cables

>> No.9484961

Because that TV weighs more than God and you'll never, ever be able to get rid of it when you realise it's overkill for playing Bubsy 3D, or whatever.

>> No.9485002

Then it sounds like your TV's audio preamp is fucked. Usually a situation where changing the volume doesn't affect the distortion would point towards the power amp, but in this case something in the input stage (before the volume control) apparently amplifies the signal so much that even the volume control can't do anything to help.
Now, whether that's repairable depends on your TV. If the preamp is made with discrete components then it could be really easy to fix if you know what to look for on the board. But if it's an IC/part of a larger IC then you could be out of luck, depending on the availability of a replacement for that IC.
Anyway, I'd suggest just using an external stereo amp and speakers. You'll get superior audio quality as a bonus to it being a workaround for your problem, too.

>> No.9485012
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Ok good suggestion with external speakers

Do you know if something like a RCA attenuator could solve the problem? Because like i said, if the game has a sound option and i turn the sound down there, it works perfectly then

pic related

>> No.9485013

Oh yeah something else that might be relevant to mention

The mute function is also fucked up and strange

When I hit mute, i can still hear the audio its just faint, its still very obviously audible though, and you can still hear the distortion/crackling when 'loud' things happen. So strange!

>> No.9485060

If turning down the source volume works then yeah, you could use that as a ghetto makeshift solution. I'd still recommend getting an external audio setup though, it's worth it.

It's not really strange, the mute function can be implemented in a few ways. Newer, digital solutions usually just cut off the sound completely, but most older analog amps would simply attenuate the signal by additional 20dB or so. The latter obviously happens at roughly the same point as the main volume control, so that won't help with your gain problem, as you can clearly hear.

>> No.9485094

>All of this autism
It has nothing to do with slot/shadow/aperture grille
It's all to do with the TVL

God I cannot wait for 20000PPI displays to be a thing so we can near-neighbor scale retro games to perfection since current pixel density isn't enough
CRTs are far from the ideal way
Low resolution is inherently flawed and can only be properly be remedied by being upscaled ito an absurdly high PPI display

>> No.9485109

I'm honestly surprised that there isn't at least one small CRT factory somewhere in the world run by created by CRT enthusiasts to manufacture, repair and supply monitors.

Like those people several years who bought a small building and started re-manufacturing old Kodak film for cameras. Suddenly a bunch of antique cameras (from 50 years ago) were usable again. Film that hadn't been manufactured in decades were now being made.

Theres nothing similar for CRT monitors?

>> No.9485129
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OTOH notice how Chrono's belt buckle disappears in composite?
Composite is dogshit.
Color bleed is a retarded meme that was mostly used by retarded western developers like the Mortal Kombat dev.
You want 292TVL(292x224 is the SNES resolution after PAR adjustment) RGB/Component or more ideally you want to upscale it to a 10000 to 20000PPI resolution(not possible yet but will be in the future).

>> No.9485160

what do you think TVL is?

>> No.9485169

There's probably still a billion working CRTs on the planet that can be obtained for as little as $0, it's a pretty hard sell. Retro consoles are a barely viable niche and those are much easier to make and replacing rarer hardware, and really only sell at all because people don't want to use CRTs considering the supply of the original consoles hasn't dried up.

>> No.9485170

Then why do Arcade cabinet technicians constantly complain that its getting impossible to find CRT monitors anymore? If there's a billion monitors ad you claim, then it should be easy.

>> No.9485179

I meant CRT TVs, arcade monitors were orders of magnitude less common and need much more specific specs. PC monitors were burned out and junked at a higher rate than TVs as well.

>> No.9485185

Arcade monitors are the same as TVs tho. I've seen people in this thread talk about putting a TV in their arcade cabinet.

>> No.9485206

For 15Khz internally basically, yes, but different connectors and no mounting brackets so it requires messing with stuff. Some original arcade hardware is 24/25Khz though.

>> No.9485280

What do I do if my CRT breaks

>> No.9485294

>All of this autism

>> No.9485382

Probably a combination of people not knowing arcade and TV tubes are the same, irreplacable components like flybacks that you cant grab from consumer chassis failing and the technicians you heard complaining being from kikemerica were despite crts being cummon they are price hiked to hell.
For every crt Monitor there must be atleast five TVs out there.
Monitors are also much more complicated then TVs, all TVs are 15khz and parts are pretty standardized all things considered

>> No.9485405
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>> No.9485447


>> No.9485652

There are places that still manufacture them for legacy military hardware, nothing a consumer could use though, and even then it's sporadic and nearing the end, if it hasn't already.
The problem is that it's not so simple a small team could feasibly make the tubes. The specialised equipment no longer exists. The specialised equipment that made the specialised equipment no longer exists. Anyone with the right knowledge is retired, or dead.
It would take a large company quite a lot of money to make even a small production run and they absolutely would not make a profit unless they charged thousands per set. The market just isn't there.

>> No.9485672

>292 TVL
That's not how TVL works.

>> No.9485903

What happened to the equipment that manufactured CRT monitors? Can't China do it for cheap? They always make random stuff for ultra cheap.

>> No.9485939

CRTs are one of the most difficult things to manufacture. Making a good CRT is right on the edge of impossible. CRT technology was the product of 80 years of continuous development, most of that knowledge is now lost.

As for repair and supply. Have you seen how expensive shipping costs are these days. Transporting CRTs would cost too much.

>> No.9485949

Yeah but it's 2022 now. Out technology should be able to make CRTs much easier than 1990s. 3D printing, computers, and robots and stuff make it easier.

>> No.9485971

No, modern electronics will make driving a CRT easier, but actually making the CRT, there is really no modern technology that is going to make any significant difference.

3D printers would be useless for making CRTs. Robots are still primitive machines that require millions in investment to perform simple manufacturing steps.

>> No.9485974

Just ask Sony to sell them the old CRT manufacturing equipment.

>> No.9486023

figgs it dood

>> No.9486090

>making a glass tube with a metal mask infront is too difficult to manufacture in 2022

>> No.9486096

Are you suggesting that 2022 somehow makes it easier. Because it doesn't. Outside of a few narrow fields, technology has been stagnant for decades, and has even gone backwards in some places.

>> No.9486156

>Are you suggesting that 2022 somehow makes it easier.
NTA but Yes I agree with him

>> No.9486315

>has even gone backwards in some places.
In what way?

>> No.9486317
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Philips Matchline 28pt842b
Not the best photos but, what do you think?
I do need to recap it though crazy googöd sound on this television

>> No.9486330
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>> No.9486351
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Not my picture but, it comes with a really cool remote

>> No.9486394

I just mean that with PC monitors you could run them at wacky resolutions/refreshes and kill them faster, and they are small enough for people that used them to just huck in the trash when they're done while grandma couldn't get her TV out of the house if she wanted.

>> No.9486407

NTA, but I'd say that it's the people that have regressed. Remember how 10-15 years ago you'd think that soon everyone will know how to use computers and become accustomed to them? Well, nowadays smartphones have made everything so streamlined that they don't need that. Teenagers don't know what files and directories are. They only know "apps".
And even for those that work with computers, everything is done with such high-level tools, that some apparently essential knowledge is being forgotten. The art of optimization went out the window, everything is bloated now and needs a ridiculous amount of resources for little real improvement. You can see it on your phone, PC, in video games, it's not hard to imagine that it's also affecting various other industries.

>> No.9486479


>> No.9486550

The stuff used to make the tube? Sold onto small CRT manufacturers most likely, but before you get your hopes up, cathode ray tubes are used in a few applications that have nothing to do with imaging. If you need an overkill amplifier or need to make some x-rays in a hurry then they still make CRTs that do that.
The stamps for the masks likely just got thrown away, would need to be redesigned and remade, and that's a real precision engineering job. The phosphor coating formulae and application methods were company secrets, probably could be remade if a company wanted to restart production, but just because they've got the formula in a drawer somewhere doesn't mean they can send it off to a factory and say "give me 1000 gallons of the old rgb". That chemical plant hasn't made anything like that for decades, they'd be looking through their files to see if they could remember the process. Not impossible, not hard, just time consuming and expensive.
Basically, if Sony today decided to start making Trinitrons again, they would likely be able to cobble something together, but the first generation would be crap and take a herculean effort to pull together from multiple other big companies, each trying to rediscover something they stopped making 20 years ago. A Chinese startup does not even have that advantage, they'd have to invent most of it from scratch. Then you get into the logistics of storage and distribution. There's a reason you don't get cheap washing machines on AliExpress.
We can only hope that laser scanning displays become a thing.