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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9446917 No.9446917 [Reply] [Original]

I remember buying a few games for $15-20 a few years ago and now those same games go for $60
will it ever stabilize bros or will I have to just bite the bullet?
I wish I never sold my collection; I've always wanted it back ever since

>> No.9446934

just mod a wii bro dont pay the resell jews

>> No.9446946

I like having the physical copies though

>> No.9446953

Buy a modded Wii or GC and play to your hearts content. Then slowly build the collection over 1-3 years. Then you see you spent say $2,000-$5,000 on a hobby over a few years that has a ton of replay value and realize that’s far less than normie hobbies in the same timeframe.

>> No.9447017

I've got a lot of stock to sell myself from buying Wii lots off eBay so I just kinda chalk it up to finding the budget for rebuilding my GameCube collection. I'm going to keep kicking myself in the ass until I rebuild it but this time I'm not gonna sell

>> No.9447063

Then be a fucking retard and don't ask stupid questions.

>> No.9447559

Fuck those fuckers who claim the bubble is gonna pop. Those are the scalpers

>> No.9447619

the more time goes by the more expensive it will be

>> No.9447634

yes gamecube prices will go lower just wait 20 years or so

>> No.9447649

Wait 200 years.

>> No.9448275

Are you normally this needlessly ornery?

>> No.9449868

Tell me about it.
I spent the whole past decade trying to convince people on the internet that the Gamecube sucked, so as to lower interest for it so I could keep buying games for cheap. Obviously didn't work.

>> No.9449902

Emulate everything you want to play and treat collecting the things you want as a passive hobby. The days of the $10 "box of electronics" at a garage sale are largely gone, but you can still stumble on some pretty sweet deals sometimes. Gamecube is probably a bit too new to be found in a dead boomer's attic, but you may check out some estate sales too. I found a ton of saturn stuff at one this past spring.

>> No.9449916

Buy and modify Wii U

>> No.9449917

>move out for college
>barely have enough money for food
>sell my copy of the Simpsons hit and run and enter the matrix to Gamecrazy
>get $4.50
>go to burger King and eat a medium fry and a Jr whooper

Still wish I hadn't done that

>> No.9449918 [DELETED] 

>goynigger licensed shit games for goynigger food
sounds like a fair trade to me

>> No.9450053

Never, now be a good little paypig and buy my copy of Four Swords Adventures for $100.00

>> No.9450058 [DELETED] 

imagine being a 30+ year old man and posting shiba inu reaction pics on /vr/ while complaining about how much you miss toys from your childhood. wake the fuck up faggot.

>> No.9450065

>like having the physical copies though
I know your pain of being an original console/game fag. I sold my Saturn + games years ago and as much as I want some of it back the prices are pants on head retarded. Ultimately this anon >>9447063 is correct. At this point just emulate and save your money.

>> No.9450071 [DELETED] 

/vr/ is sadly full of these manchildren and when you mention emulation they throw a fit.

>> No.9450079 [DELETED] 

i can't even bother shilling emulation anymore. honestly, what is there to play on consoles if you're a grown man with some semblance of a life? i don't have the time or desire to sit around playing JRPGs or SNES platformers or shitty 3rd person action games anymore. when i was younger i could soak in that garbage for dozens of hours a week but it just doesn't give me anything anymore. i at very least need something cerebral like starcraft. PC games are the only thing worth playing anyway. nobody wants to play PC games though, they want to be 35 years old playing fucking super mario 64 or crash bandicoot. shit is honestly mentally ill.

>> No.9450087 [DELETED] 

>no one likes my toys :(
fucking embarrassing, almost as much as OP.

>> No.9450129 [DELETED] 

>no one likes my toys :(
who are you quoting?

>> No.9450309

You’ll be successful. Even just $100/month towards the hobby, you’ll be in a great spot in 3 years. With no income assumptions other than you not being poor that’s achievable. Hell, if prices go up 25% in the next 3 years, it’ll take 4 years vs 3, not a huge deal

>> No.9450316 [DELETED] 

Dude, PC games aren't any less childish than console games. If you feel you've outgrown video games, then stop playing them. But no one's gonna give a shit what you do either way.

>> No.9450323 [DELETED] 

This reads like a cope. It’s OK to like certain games over others, and it’s OK for others to like different ones than you. If someone’s hobby makes them happy good for them. If someone aged 55 wants to play their childhood Atari great. I see absolutely no value to it and hardly consider those video games, but I’m not king and they can spend their time as they like

>> No.9450345

There's no point in emulating when flashcarts, ODEs and miscellaneous soft mods are all cheap and easy. I own well over a thousand games but still have all my consoles modded for those last few painfully expensive games and the extra options it provides.

>> No.9450352
File: 24 KB, 290x290, 1635451905884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will Gamecube prices ever go down?

>> No.9450367

>no point in emulating when you can spend $300 on original hardware and a flashcart

Emulation is free anon.

>> No.9450373 [DELETED] 

>posted on the retro games board

Sorry that your life is so depressing that you dont have the free time to play short and quick SNES games

>> No.9450379 [DELETED] 

sorry too busy having sex and making money. when i do actually want to play a game it sure as shit isn't going to be autistic garbage made for literal children

>> No.9450393 [DELETED] 

>PC games aren't any less childish
nah, they are. literally and unironically mature games for mature gamers like myself. an adult man playing SC or quake is acceptable, being 35 and playing mario is not. sorry.

>> No.9450410 [DELETED] 

>who are you quoting?
See: >>9450079

>> No.9450418 [DELETED] 

i read the post and i agree with the poster.

>> No.9450423 [DELETED] 

If you haven't had the consoles for twenty years already you should get off /vr/

>> No.9450435 [DELETED] 
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i don't care, i was answering your question since you were unable to follow a basic conversation
>jokes on them i was only pretending

>> No.9450440

>I like having the physical copies though
Clearly you don't since you sold all of your games.

>> No.9450448 [DELETED] 

>i was answering your question by falsely paraphrasing because i'm asshurt that you said my toys are toys
it's time to have sex

>> No.9450451 [DELETED] 

>it's time to have sex
*bends you over*

>> No.9450458 [DELETED] 

>gets mad about his toys be made fun of
>immediately calls himself gay

>> No.9450464 [DELETED] 

>gets fucked in the ass
>response is to call the other man gay

>> No.9450616 [DELETED] 

>gets fucked in the ass
this is an imageboard bro, not your middle school choir instructor's house

>> No.9450639 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 800x664, 4EFC29EC-216E-4548-84C9-19C3ED5F3E54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about you square the fuck up and catch these hands nigga

>> No.9450658

That's a good way to put it. I bought myself the basics to jump start my new collection and I'll slowly add to it over the years. Luckily some childhood games weren't that bad on the wallet but others I have my eye on are definitely on the "pricy" list

I had to get myself through school. While I regret selling all my games I don't regret investing in my education. Maybe I could have made it work but at this point in time it's too late to keep dwelling on the past and debating what was the appropriate action at the time

>> No.9450738 [DELETED] 

>not your middle school choir instructor's house
oddly specific, projecting much?

>> No.9450753 [DELETED] 
File: 2.21 MB, 960x960, 90s schizo gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! Be nice! If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all!

>> No.9450757 [DELETED] 


>> No.9450760 [DELETED] 

that pic is fake and gay

>> No.9450819

YouTube zoomers' fetishization of the GameCube is so strange. It took a console that's always been considered so-so with a few standout games, and turned it into the hot retrogamer cred console.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the console when it was current and was somebody who loved the shit out of Wind Waker, Luigi's Mansion, Smash Melee, and REmake when they were current, but I certainly don't understand why people jerk off to it and want to do crazy shit like pay $250 or whatever just to have official component video cables.

>> No.9450910

I guess that's as good a reason as any, but these things are bound to become more expensive with time, especially with hoarders and such.

>> No.9451559

I'm one of those freaks who has an official component cable and for the GameCube purist it is a must have. The upgrade is fairly substantial and the GameCube really isn't worth playing without one considering there's less visual effects inherent to CRTs that would otherwise cloud the muddiness that's exposed on a modern TV set. I do agree that the zoomer infatuation with the console is somewhat baffling considering the vast majority of them more than likely didn't even grow up with a GameCube in childhood; I'd would be hard pressed found collecting for a NES or even a SNES (I *may* however) since I never grew up with the console, and it's annoying considering they've since then driven the price of entry or collection completion through the roof but I digress. I got a leg up having a stable career and can afford the prices which isn't what many zoomers can claim so far in their stage of life so c'est la vie

>> No.9451569

i dont really get the reseller hate, sure it sucks you dont have your game anymore but you let it go in the first place

>> No.9451580


>> No.9451590

I'm not really hating on resellers I'm just surprised just how much my favorite console as a child has ballooned in price in such a short time. That and the whole zoomer infatuation thing I mentioned >>9451559 here. But I guess on second thought it might not be so weird zoomers want to collect for the GameCube considering I myself may want to collect for the NES/SNES, it's just strange how YouTube zoomies paint such a rose-tinted image of the GameCube considering most of them weren't even in the picture when the console was even relevant

>> No.9451615

I had official cables, platinum system, platinum wave bird, viewtiful Joe, Baten Kaitos, Odama game, Pikmin.

It’s a cool system, but it really needed online and a DVD.

I think in the grand scheme of things it had less replay value, and PS2 library was a lot bigger to explore. PS2 is king.

>> No.9451618

I don’t think GC had good Mario games. That’s what hurt it. It had great Zeldas and Metroids and F-Zero.

>> No.9451621

The Star Wars games on GC are mind blowing too.

>> No.9451632

Niche system turned into retro hipster credz like the saturn

>> No.9451636

I'll admit that the PS2 is king of the era but GameCube wasn't as outmatched as many claim it was. It was still a solid system with solid exclusives and arguably the most "mystique" surrounding it (iconic controller, iconic mini DVDs, iconic boot screen). Not to say the PS2 wasn't just as iconic, just that the GC had its strengths. It was good to be a gamer in the early 2000s; was a fuckin good time to be alive

>> No.9451823

I'm the same, but don't bite the bullet. Everyone biting the bullet is why prices got so retarded in the first place.
I'm not naive enough to think prices will go down if one or two faggots on vr opts out of the market, I'm just saying don't participate in rotten, HIV+ markets.
You missed the boat. Move on.

>> No.9451847

There's no reason to own gamecube media. Optical media suck and optical drives suck even more and Wii hacking is so easy even normies can do it. So the market is 100% powered by hipsters with an inflated ego and a disposable income.

>> No.9451851

Good. Less competition for me. Going to complete my comfy GC collection of childhood games and gems I never owned.

>> No.9451890

>You missed the boat. Move on.
I don't really live my life by such rigid absolutes. I view the exchange of physical mediums just as much of a hobby as enjoying said mediums. Shoot, if I was retired I could see myself going to yard sales and just buying up and entire games section in bulk and become a reseller myself. It's as much of a thrill to get a sale as it is to enjoy what I've collected

>> No.9451907

I have an OG memory card in like new condition, just waiting for it to reach €40 to sell it.

>> No.9452013

Super Mario Sunshine is really fucking good though?

>> No.9452021

You owned nothing and now you are crying
You had more than 15 years to buy shit

>> No.9452023

It's good - not bad, but not fantastic, and I say this as somebody who eagerly anticipated the game's release and loves Mario games.

>> No.9452038
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then sold
now want it back
but don't really regret it
yes I'm an idiot
don't remind me
good thing is it's not too late

>> No.9452039


>> No.9452043

maybe it was because I was too young back then to "anticipate" the game's release and just happened to stumble upon it when my dad bought it for me on an off chance that I remember it so fondly. It was and always will be my favorite Mario game, despite its controversy

>> No.9452141

Imagine being this brainwashed by ads and consumer culture

>> No.9452146

when was the last time you saw an ad on TV for a GameCube?
what the fuck even is this post

>> No.9452153

just get swiss bro

>> No.9452498

Hoodwinking retards is something I can get behind, but not being the hoodwinked retard myself.
If people like this faggot
are stupid enough to pay crazy prices, by all means, exploit them.

>> No.9452570

>used goods market
>consumer culture
Actually retarded.

>> No.9452592

Burn discs, print labels, buy boxes, print covers. It’d still be cheaper.

>> No.9452998

I don't necessarily think this overly cynical take is all that healthy. It's not like the games cease to have value the moment you acquire them; you'd easily be able to resell within a week and recoupe 80-90% of the costs after fees. If one is okay with paying the price for a more complete collection, why be so jaded on the idea?

>> No.9453180 [DELETED] 

watching youtubers is the same effect as marketing
people are obsessed with these consoles because muh retro youtubers with house full of games like I fantasized when I was 12

>> No.9453205 [DELETED] 
File: 826 KB, 1170x851, CF2413C1-8378-4B16-88A2-32A8AA953CB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm on a MISSION™ to build my childhood GameCube collection and no one can stop me
>Yeah, I know I'm only 26 and no I didn't own a GameCube when I was a kid and my only experience playing the GameCube was went I was at my friends house but trust me I've wanted to build a GameCube collection since I was a kid
I hate zoomers so goddamn much

>> No.9453864

>I wanna have a product that is no longer in production and has speculative value
>y so expensive?

>> No.9454387

I'm cynical because nostalgia-goggle retards have shit up a hobby I used to enjoy.
I fucking hate selling shit. That aspect is not an enjoyable prospect for me. I don't want to treat my hobby like some faggot-filled stock market. I just enjoyed buying old games for cheap.
Those days are never returning, so I'm opting out of the market. Still plenty of fun things to do with the hobby, but collecting is no longer one of them for me.

>> No.9456659

It happened before with 2600 prices. It's just a matter of time.

>> No.9456667

i doubt it
i just overpaid for a silver system and gb player
& i still have to buy the $40 worth of shit to picomod that shit

fuck buying loose discs or actual games
unless you are grabbing a series or something just grab iso anonkun

i rarely find GC games for reasonable prices in the wild but that is just the state of things for the foreseeable future