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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9446336 No.9446336 [Reply] [Original]

You could even turn around and fly back the way you came. I have played Starfox, the graphics are, to put it mildly, basic even compared to Apple II flight sims like Chuck Yeager. Was Starfox a pack-in? Were they that worried about the upcoming 3D console they knew Sony was making?

>> No.9446345


>> No.9446349

>Was Starfox a pack-in?
Nice role play, zoom-zoom. If you weren't around to know if Star Fox was a pack-in or not, you sure as shit weren't playing Apple II games when they were new.

>> No.9446353

I'm 12 and what is this?

>> No.9446359

I didn't have any consoles. Just computers.

One of the worst 3D games of that particular year, yet somehow it sold a lot I guess.

>> No.9446387

>You could even turn around and fly back the way you came
Literally why Starfox is good, and why Starfox 2 is boring.
>dude, I want to fly around in a box with no level design
You do you.

>> No.9446398 [DELETED] 

>lol I can fly back the way I came in EMPTY SPACE just like in muh Goyslop Wars kid's movie!
Fucking pathetic

>> No.9446407

Descent was around when Starfox was still the hottest 3D game on SNES.

>> No.9446439

Yeah, a game where you fly around in a box. It's boring.

>> No.9446441

Starfox is the same thing but with animals for some reason. It's even more boring.

>> No.9446447

It's not though. It's fun specifically because it's an on-rails game.

>> No.9446451

On-rails games aren't fun though. They're boring and feel somehow limited and lame. Like don't space ships have a throttle? LOL who's even flying this fuckin' thing?

It's just a massively overhyped game which cost more money than a usual game because of the Subpar FX chip.

>> No.9446452

Starfox is an arcade style experience. Xwing is for old men sim enjoyers. Different playstyles and fans.

>> No.9446453

Starfox is also 2 years older than Descent.

>> No.9446454

It's fun for the same reason a carnival shooting gallery is fun. You fundamentally don't understand the genre, because all you see is space ships in 3D.

>> No.9446460

starfox was always bad. play terminal velocity.

>> No.9446465

>another game from 1995 where you fly around in a box
You're not getting this.

>> No.9446468

its called an actual video game instead of babby mode on rails talking frog simulator

>> No.9446470

>actual video games = moving around in an open space
Just go outside.

>> No.9446471 [DELETED] 

>d00d starfox is totally mature and adult unlike star wars
>literally a star wars parody but with disney furry mascots instead

Just kill yourself

>> No.9446502

Yeah all those classic 80s arcade games were definitely not video games.

>> No.9446584

Star Fox started development before any sort of Playstation development began. Even in its earliest demo state it was a rail shooter.
The early prototype's namesake comes from a free flying 3D game, one that is somewhat similar to Star Fox 2 and was programmed by several people who worked on the SuperFX implementation for SF1.

>> No.9446667
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star fox was a big deal back then because a lot of people did have consoles but didn't have computers yet

>> No.9446750

>On-rails games aren't fun though.

filtered by game having gameplay

>> No.9446787

>games not on rails don't have gameplay

>> No.9446875

Considering elite frontier came out later that same year, I'd say, no. Space flight sims had elite/frontier, Damocles, space rogue, starglider 2, captain blood, wing commander, epic, skyfox 2, star crusader, Star wars tie fighter/x wing, hyperspeed/light speed, line wars, etc ... Starfox is a nice game, but is outclassed by many a space sim/combat games that came out in the 80s, not too mention the same year.

>> No.9446885

Namco released the arcade version of Ridge Racer in 1993;
Sega was releasing betas of Daytona USA out at arcades in 1993:

>> No.9446897
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Those were several thousand dollar arcade machines. Star Fox was the same price as a typical SNES game.

>> No.9446972

Very true, I loved Sega rail shooters. Phantasy Star, Afterburner II, GLOC, even Wing Wars. But I had a copy of Starfox when it came out. I played it to death. X Wing, Tie Fighter and XWing vs Tie Fighter were totally different games. The Xwing games could really chew your weekends. Starfox is an arcade game. You can play through three times before lunch.

>> No.9447069

>PC had doom, quake, duke3D, dark forces, and system shock. Super Mario World just isn’t going to cut it.

This is how you sound. They’re different types of game.

>> No.9447085

>tendie shits and pisses itself at the mere thought that someone doesn't have an encyclopedic knowledge of the SNES
top kek

>> No.9447093

Congrats on spending a whole week on /v/ and finally branching out. Now go back.

>> No.9447108

>oomerposter telling anyone to go back to /v/
that's rich
how about you just come in terms with the fact that this board isn't some nintendo fan hugbox?

>> No.9448480
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go play Star Fox EX

>> No.9448648

>turn around and fly back the way you came
Poor game design right there. I expect the game developer to know where I should be flying and base the game around that, not just throw up their hands and say "I don't know where the player should fly, I'll just give them turn around capabilities so they can figure it out themselves."