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File: 10 KB, 320x224, SegapedeTitle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9444286 No.9444286 [Reply] [Original]

A prototype of an unfinished Sega Technical Institute game known as Segapede has been dumped and released publicly by the original programmer. This demo notably reuses assets from the cut Hidden Palace Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 2!
ROM link: https://files.hiddenpalace.org/0/09/Segapede_%28Prototype%29.zip
Further reading: https://hiddenpalace.org/Segapede_(Prototype)

>> No.9444307

I declare this a new slur for segafags.

>> No.9444526

Another western studio experiment with a dated mascot that had no chance of succeeding. Sega was burning money.

And that robot fart music, like in most western Genesis games.

>> No.9444535

You smell that, Johnny Boy? Pure SOUL

>> No.9444548

I love it.

>> No.9445031


>> No.9445036

do you know what prototype means? they made the game to test the engine and concept, if they had decided it is promising they would go ahead and produce it properly

>> No.9445097

Kek. Fucking based

>> No.9445147

the game plays alright though. i like the concept of a millipede platforming character that gets bigger the more items you collect.

>> No.9445157 [DELETED] 

Sega pedo

>> No.9445158

File's gone. : (

>> No.9445165

how many more of these prototypes and secrets are gonna come out of the sega vault? I feel like you could fill a whole sega 50 compilatiton... man, I would kill for that

>> No.9445189

I concur.

>> No.9445191

if we are talking about the STI guys, there's still the project condor build for sonic xtreme, which looks completely different from everything else that was leaked, and looks more like mario 64.

if its sega in general, I'm hoping for the saturn builds for VF3 and Shenmue.

>> No.9445227

Bruh, the link's b0rked. Getting 404's out the ass. Where's the file?

>> No.9445259

Yep, it's soulful, it's not bad and it's just a prototype, but we all know that if this was released it would have been completely forgotten.

>> No.9445402

Looks like something made on the Sonic codebase

>> No.9445428 [DELETED] 

Nah, let's not do that.

>> No.9445462

Actually looks like a decent game. It's Sonic with a gun, so it's Jazz Jackrabbit, more or less.

>> No.9445568
File: 6 KB, 200x125, wiggler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool. I wonder if they were inspired by this fella

>> No.9445642

Anonfiles mirror: https://anonfiles()com/w83790J9ye/Segapede_Prototype_zip

>> No.9445783

Millennials love to make it out like sega was this great competitor to Nintendo, but it honestly just seems more like a shitty ripoff company. Imagine Nintendo doing something like this.

>> No.9445792

sega was much better than nintendo ngl

>> No.9445798

Better at fucking everything up for themselves

>> No.9445808

>master system was better than the nes
>genesis was better than the snes
>gg was better than the gb and c
>saturn was better than the n64
>I think the dreamcast is still better than the gc
>sega dominated the arcade scene

they might have fallen but at least they kept their dignity unlike nintendo who is now just that toy companie that makes hardware

>> No.9445813

>kept their dignity
>had to come groveling to Nintendo asking if they could release their games on Nintendo systems

>> No.9445817

>a dated mascot that had no chance of succeeding
Meanwhile everyone in the 90s were going gaga for Segapede. You couldn't go anywhere without seeing him plastered on merchandise. The McDonalds toys still fetch a high price on Pede-bay.

>> No.9445836 [DELETED] 

what is neo geo pocket, xbox and ps2? why do tendies don't know shit about other consoles?

>> No.9445838

>whatabout this stuff that doesn't counter what you said at all?
t. segapede

>> No.9445862

so what exactly is your argument, then? if it's "Sega was burning money" "with a dated mascot that had no chance of succeeding"

isn't the fact that the higher-ups never funded this idea a refutation to that? how do you burn money on an idea you didn't spend money on? you're basically holding up an example of sega showing good business acumen (by your own logic) while conversely holding it as an example of sega's bad business acumen

>> No.9445865

>whatabout this stuff that doesn't counter what you said at all?
you said they came to nintendo asking if they could release their games on a n system, you make it sound like they were deseperate to release a game on a nintendo console which is fake and gay. also the xbox is the spiritual succesor to the dreamcast and got a port of shenmue 2 and other cool sega games, just because you got shitty ports doesn't mean sega was sucking nintedo tiny cock

>> No.9445867

>you said they came to nintendo asking if they could release their games on a n system, you make it sound like they were deseperate to release a game on a nintendo console
They were. Just because they also went to other companies doesn't refute this. They spent a decade shitting on Nintendo's consoles only to have to go on their knees and ask if they could release their games on them.

>> No.9445876

them uppity segapedes oughta be put in shackles again

>> No.9445878

>go on their knees
again just because you got the shittiest ports of sega games doesn't mean they were begging, the xbox was an exit to sega and is technically a dc 2, most of sega games were released on xbox and ps2, more than on nintendo consoles thus proving my point that you, tendie, dont know shit about other consoles and have been playing the shittiest sega ports and now ur talking out of ur ass. also sega went on making the best f-zero ever made

>> No.9445942


>> No.9445954

you're both gay console warriors in your 30s

>> No.9445967 [DELETED] 

im 20 and im not a console warrior im just sad that tendies don't play other consoles

>> No.9446178

Those experiments made Sega bleed money and we had a ton of games just like this that got funded and released, like The Ooze. Sega even funded SegaSoft, a developer that went on to develop games for non-Sega platforms, like the (also cancelled) The Sacred Pools FMV game for Playstation. And The Sacred Pools costed Sega around 3 million.

Of course Sega of Japan also had its share of failed experiments, but most came from the western side.

>> No.9446256

Ooh! Fucking nice! The gameplay actually looks pretty cool.
I hope that Spinny & Spike VS The Nightmare King is next...

>> No.9446290 [DELETED] 

>T. Segapede

>> No.9446291 [DELETED] 

>someone throws together a concept demo with recycled assets
>this somehow costs tons of money according to brainlet
People like you are the reason I'm convinced communism would never work.

>> No.9446304

They're not even really that much like Nintendo. Sega in their prime were an arcade developer first and foremost, making very arcade style games for the home console market.

>> No.9446307

Can it really be a slur if it's not offensive at all?
Honestly, I like how it sounds.

>> No.9446327

This. Sega easily made better shmups, rail shooters, fighting games, beat 'em ups and racing games at the very least.
Though I would also add that they made better RPGs too.

>> No.9446369

Nintendo themselves rarely stepped into those genres. Starfox is kind of an on-rails shooter, but then the original Starfox wasn't even developed by Nintendo.
Nintendo's whole style is different, and it's hard to nail down what it is exactly. It's like if Sega is trying to appeal to the mindset of bowling, Nintendo is trying to appeal to the mindset of Monopoly.

>> No.9446378

Yup. It's much easier to compare Sega to companies like Namco, Konami, Capcom and such then to Nintendo. Nin is such a weird company.

>> No.9446627

Most contrarian post I've read today. How can you seriously say master system and game gear are better than the Nintendo counterparts? I can give you the others, more of a matter of which games you like to determine which is better, but the gg and ms have very few good games

>> No.9446631

Sega was primarily an arcade developer, their home consoles were not their priority and it's only really burgers that hyper focus on the Mega Drive.

>> No.9446639

If I had to guess, graphics is a big advantage.
But yes, the library lacks as much hits, even if there is a decent amount of hidden gems.

>> No.9446668 [DELETED] 

>released publicly by the original programmer.
This is the only circumstance where leaking games is acceptable. I will let this thread stay but OP you're on thin ice.

>> No.9446734

Why does the music sound so sad?

>> No.9446739 [DELETED] 

what wrong with leaking games?

>> No.9446754

There are at least two other builds of the game, (one predating the dumped build and one postdating it,) but the ROMs have not been found yet.

Earlier build: https://youtu.be/TLCGTAWeqSc
Later build: https://youtu.be/ShJlWRY3Zh4

>> No.9446774

Obviously the library is inferior, but the hardware is definitely better. I think that's what anon was talking about.

>> No.9446776

Oh please, Nintendo probably begged Sega if anything. Look at F-Zero GX.

>> No.9446945
File: 23 KB, 199x149, Sonic2_MD_Artwork_Buzzer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Segapede was trying to survive into a proper release but met his demise, why wouldn't it be sad? Also I wonder if his design was based on the Sonic 2 equivalent of a Buzz Bomber aka the Buzzer after seeing that one drawing on the right.

>> No.9446959
File: 186 KB, 400x750, Headphones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two unused songs have been found within the code!
Thoughts on them and where they could have gone within the game?

>> No.9447012

probably would have been used in the sheet metal warehouse level and the chainsaw factory level

>> No.9447019

>Of course Sega of Japan also had its share of failed experiments, but most came from the western side.

Most of the ones WE KNOW OF came from the western side, because those are more accessible to the western researchers, and because a random japanese programmer would never release such a thing. Nintendo had a ridiculous amount of unreleased & experimental content too as evidenced by the giga leak, which we never would have heard about if it weren't leaked. Saturn 3d pad had a dozen accessories r&d'd and patented that never got released (some of them were then released for the Dreamcast).

That's how r&d works, they keep trying out new stuff, because without that, they'll never know what will be successful. The more insane crap they try out, the more likely it is they'll find something good.

>> No.9447412

Danke, freunde.

>> No.9447416

>spent a decade shitting on Nintendo's consoles
That's western ad campaigns, not Japan.

>> No.9447453

I'm probably the only person who is nostalgic for the gems sound driver.

>> No.9447753

Nah, not just you. Some of the best sounding games used it.

>> No.9447762

>Honestly, I like how it sounds.
You would, you dirty segapede.

>> No.9447778

Is it good? Does it work on genesis plus gx? Ill throw it on my wii

>> No.9448009

I remember seeing the artwork and footage or images from this game a while back. I didn't think a dump was possible but here it is now. I wanted to play it, so now I get a chance.

>> No.9448039 [DELETED] 

Because much like speedrunning it's incredibly disrespectful to the team who worked on it. If they wanted it released they'd do it themselves which is why this one case is acceptable.

>> No.9448102 [DELETED] 

Suck on my taint.

>> No.9448515 [DELETED] 
File: 1.53 MB, 1774x2246, Goth_Cream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9448520 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.9448572 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 300x190, 1658213555623143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek the absolute state of corporation bootlickers.

>> No.9448969 [DELETED] 

Oh I'm sorry mods when the FUCK did wanting to be respectful to the people behind a project now constitute as "trolling"? Maybe you should go moderate a board with actual trolls. Here I'll guide you.
You guys can fuck off there too.

>> No.9449061 [DELETED] 

Sure thing. I'll go. Right after you >>9448520 and >>9448102

>> No.9449402

>Game Gear : 3 to 5 hours of gameplay on 6 AA batteries
>Game Boy : 10 to 30 hours of gameplay on 4 AA batteries
You'd be a fool to not get a charger for either, but at least you could take a Game Boy out on the go for quite a long while, for the Game Gear the batteries may as well have just been a backup for a power outage rather than for actually taking it places.
That isn't to say the Game Gear isn't way cool with its colored and lit screen, or that it didn't have some pretty good games, but the Game Boy really nails the portability aspect. Combine the long battery life with the low unit cost and it's also pretty damn economical.

>> No.9450929

It's a one level long demo. It's playable, but barebones and over in a minute.

>> No.9450973 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 800x600, 1662525624887823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9451603

What do you mean "get a charger?" Do you mean the power plug things with the little switch on it?
I had rechargeable batteries back them for my Game Gear, Lynx and Turbo Express because my parents got tired of all the used batteries piling up. Batteries were meant to be disposed of in such-and-such way, but none of us knew wtf that way was s'posed to be, so they just collected in a drawer until the charger was purchased.
I even had an external "battery pack" thing for the Lynx. Plugged into the power jack and held 6-8 C batteries (don't recall which it was, 6 or 8).
When at home and playing, though, they were plugged in, no batteries. Batteries were only for when going out and about.

>> No.9451607

It's not good because it's just a prototype, but I'm surprised by how well and quickly the PC moves and how well it's animated. It's a pity it was never finished. Definitely has the makings of an amazing game.

>> No.9452127

>T Segapede

>> No.9452218

>robot fart music, like in most western Genesis games.
Dumbass zoomers can't into lowpass filters

>> No.9453502

You can't just force a slur, it has to occur naturally.

>> No.9454190
File: 155 KB, 720x900, bWVkaWEvRWpSU1RQNVZnQUE1RmdXLmpwZw==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, yes, I'm a Segapede.

>> No.9454342

Even posting a hot girl alongside that moniker doesn't make it sound any less gay.

>> No.9454348


>> No.9454693

People are already speedrunning and TASing this single level demo.

>> No.9454705


>> No.9454864
File: 168 KB, 679x961, 78593-snake-rattle-n-roll-nes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9454879
File: 14 KB, 262x262, 1657120367310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we could've had this instead of comix zone

>> No.9454981

Of course they are, segapedes are known for their sheer autism.

>> No.9455492

I like Segapede, feels largely inoffensive and not spiteful.

Based. Gonna go and play some Streets Of Rage now, feeling like a Segapede today.

>> No.9457368

Comix Zone is good, you just suck at it.

>> No.9458274
File: 114 KB, 875x492, bWVkaWEvRTZjT0FCZ1ZvQUVsWnVyLmpwZw==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a good time!

>> No.9458420

You actually can here on 4channel

>> No.9459616

>Spinny & Spike VS The Nightmare King
I've never heard of that one. What is it?

>> No.9460418

GX, a game so good, Nintendo dropped the franchise right after because they know they can't beat it. Even re-releasing the game with the sole addition of online multiplayer is a no-go, because after all this time it would be a very bad look for them. A sign of resignation that they've been beaten at their own game. Nintendo is lucky Other M sucked.

>> No.9460478

>Can it really be a slur if it's not offensive at all?
It's libs associating the term to magapede probably. Segapede in itself doesn't sound mocking at all.

>> No.9461098

Oh wow, I didn't think of that

>> No.9461536

How come Nintendo's mascots got famous while Sega only managed to crap out Sonic?

>> No.9462380
File: 391 KB, 1600x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some batshit insane run and gun by Sega STI that was never released.
Found this image in an ebay auction a while back and wondered what the fuck it was. Found the title via some bizarre art in a leaked STI development disk that contained Sonic 2 sprites, someone speculated that it was for a game called "spinny and spike vs the nightmare king" and I found more about it.

>> No.9462385
File: 91 KB, 825x578, nightmareking02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's sprites for the actual in-game version of the fight. Not sure how they leaked but they're easily found on the web.

>> No.9464136

Huh. How far in development was it before it was canned?

>> No.9464271
File: 5 KB, 320x224, Sonic_2_(TPA)_Tom_Payne_Faces_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same game?