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File: 1.28 MB, 1000x1435, DOOM3_BoxShot_Print.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9433859 No.9433859 [Reply] [Original]

This work of art is my favorite survival horror game.

>> No.9434190 [DELETED] 

DOOM 3 isnt so much a game as a satire of the FPS genre. the gameplay consists of walking through endless identical metal corridors, shooting a small variety of identical enemies, talking to identical NPCs (who all happen to be some derivation of a bald guy with green eyes or a half asian dude in a yellow jump suit with a Wally Cleaver hairdo), listening to some faggot on a radio tell you where to go next while you happen upon "audio logs" filled with meaningless purile dialogue that serve as a weak attempt to fill in backstory, and occasionally you'll be tasked with doing random dumb unfun shit like picking up toxic waste barrels with a claw machine like you're a fucking waste management technician. add to this the game's notoriously shit weapons, B movie monster closet jump scares (if you can even call a dead Howie Mandell lurching at you from around a corner "scary"), retarded enemy designs such as a flying bald woman's head with pirhana teeth, a fucking sprint meter, a flashlight that you had to toggle because the Xbox version couldn't handle gunfire and dynamic lighting at the same time so they gimped both versions (because, big surprise, DOOM 3 is a console shooter and a bad one at that), reddit-tier references and in-jokes like the heckin' wacky turkey puncher arcade machine, and of course, the "plot" which is akin to an especially bad vin diesel movie and -- despite a 5min+ long unskippable intro sequence and multiple cutscenes -- somehow manages to be less enthralling than the original game's story which barely existed at all. DOOM 3 is one of the biggest pieces of shit ever made.

>> No.9434236 [DELETED] 

Mine too. At least it's kind of like Doom and not some gay Alone in the Dark clone made by Japanese retards who think the controls should be scary. Nor is it the overrated predecessor to Bioslop.

>> No.9434275

very cool game
it's not spectacular or revolutionary (well, the lighting engine was very impressive at the time), but it's very cool

>> No.9434404
File: 144 KB, 1024x768, 1663953762266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good, but forgettable.

>> No.9434564

hardly a survival when you trip over ammo

>> No.9434596

>doom 3
>survival horror
I hope you choke on a condom

>> No.9434603

gave the franchise some of the most iconic enemy renderings, that continue to inspire to this day

>> No.9434610

It's undeniably a survival horror/FPS fusion game

>> No.9434624

having dark spoopi corridors and a flashlight doesn't make it a survival horror game

>> No.9434945

No it's not, retard. There is 0 ammo conservation or inventory management.

>> No.9434997

I was 13 when it was released
Played 1 hour of it on a LAN games cafe (My PC would never run it)
Had 2 nightmares
Never finished it to this day

>> No.9435003

Resurrection of Evil > Doom 3

>> No.9435124

I will never understand what people see in this dogshit game where you can kill a revenant before it even finishes its spawn animation

>> No.9435172

best doom

>> No.9435371
File: 44 KB, 622x572, autisdoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the BFG edition

>> No.9435406

This, it's not survival horror, it's fun horror

>> No.9436130

It's not even horror. It's just an action game with monsters, just like RE4.

>> No.9436134

This game is more like Half-Life and Metroid than Doom

>> No.9436589 [DELETED] 
File: 368 KB, 493x653, 1640061617490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rank 'em.
And Rank their Openings.

>> No.9436681

I recently played doom 64 for the first time and was shocked at how good It was

>> No.9436718

solid foundation, but the game is far too easy. Not because you get too much ammo, or do too much damage, or anything like that. But because the game never sends enough enemies at you, all the fights are short and easy.

>> No.9436813

Good game but certainly not the best horror game imo. I definitely want to see another horror attempt for Doom franchise.

>> No.9436832

Glad you enjoyed it, bro.