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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 49 KB, 720x480, seal-of-the-pharaoh_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9425136 No.9425136 [Reply] [Original]

While perusing the Wikipedia list a few months ago, I found this game, Seal of the Pharaoh, which is an extremely basic (and pretty bad) dungeon crawler with VERY simple RPG elements. It's odd and a 3DO exclusive, so naturally I picked it up. I am playing it now and even though it sucks, it kind of draws you in. I like games that are not especially good, but compelling.

I also just got The Life Stage: Virtual House, which is not so much a game as a home building/decorating simulator.

>> No.9425138

unironically played Plumbers Don't Wear Ties when my friend bought one of these pieces of shit plus a bunch of shit games at a yardsale or something in the late 90s

>> No.9425464

Check out Insector War and Taiketsu Rumiizu!

>> No.9425481
File: 196 KB, 800x1554, MV5BY2Y4NzQwYTktNjAzZi00ZDZkLWE4ZTktNTk2ZjQ1ODk5NWI1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTAyNjk3MjI@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never played on a 3DO but here's an interesting game for it. Shockwave 2 Beyond The Gate
It's a sequel to Shockwave Assault
3D shooter with plenty of FMVs sprinkled throughout
While the original Shockwave was ported all over the place the sequel only had two releases. The original 3DO game, and a Mac port that was made as sort of a side-project by a programmer on the team and was eventually released exclusively as part of a value compilation pack a year later.

>> No.9425561

I guess Power's Kingdom? A poorly explained, poorly translated strategy RPG with pre-rendered 3D graphics, in the vein of Shining Force. So utterly obscure it's hard to believe it had a Western release.

>> No.9425589

NOB chads rise up

>> No.9426154

Did it awaken anything in you?
Thanks, the first looks on par for first-person shooting on the 3DO. Cute graphics for both of those too.
I have the first Shockwave, I was always impressed by the game's build with fully 3D polygonal environments and enemies. The FMV embedded in your HUD is great as far as that kind of thing goes.This one looks good, too. I wish they had made better use of the stage's background textures, though.
AKA Guardian War, the predecessor to Mystaria: The Realms of War, aka Riglord Saga, aka Blazing Heroes for Sega Saturn.
Well, this just looks bizarre and unplayable, in a good way.

>> No.9426179

Is that the same as Guardian Crusade? Also played that one weird first person pinball game where it plays from the balls perspective.

>> No.9426181

Nvm, dude above said it, Guardian War.