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9425104 No.9425104 [Reply] [Original]

Sir, only the worst party members are allowed to enter

>> No.9425142


>> No.9425151
File: 10 KB, 250x202, Kimahri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Furries will defend this

>> No.9425153

mother 3 parade of assclowns that make you feel like you never have a real party

>> No.9425165
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All time worst coming through.

>> No.9425198
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>> No.9425234
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>> No.9425259

Yuffie deserves a KOTR w-summon on every run

>> No.9425539

the party in that game is great except for the dog (should've been flint) what are ya on about

>> No.9425662

If he didn't have that special 2v1 Ronso fight, I think most players would forget he exists.

>> No.9426125

>Prince of Cannock has died
>Prince of Cannock has died
>Prince of Cannock has died
>Prince of Cannock has died
>Prince of Cannock has died
>Prince of Cannock has died

>> No.9426160
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>> No.9426159

In what way? She's memorable and one of the best party members in the game. The actual shitters in FF7 are Cait Sith and Red XIII who are both rather unremarkable in terms of story/personality and utterly worthless in terms of gameplay. Vincent is also both of those things but fans eat up "mysterious cool guy" designs.

>> No.9426187
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Wutai is a good side area and a break from the main storyline, I just find Yuffie’s personality to be grating, not to mention the fact that she robs the party multiple times.


What? The cosmo canyon side quest was one of the most memorable in the game. If Seto’s story didn’t pull any heartstrings for you, you may be dead inside.

>Cait Sith

Agreed that the way he was implemented was stupid and hamfisted and there was no reason to not kick him out of the party multiple times.


His backstory with Lucrecia and Hojo had promise and should have been fleshed out more than a couple of extremely short, completely missable snippets.

>> No.9426524
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>> No.9426540

Didn't Kimahri start in a weird space in the middle of the Sphere Grid? In my playthrough I broke the game with him by giving him all the cheat orbs . But I suppose that probably would have happened with anyone I gave them to.

>> No.9426690
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*gets mogged by princess fucking peach*

>> No.9426759

Yuffie. I'm sorry but she's worthless. Even with her best weapon, she only does triple digit attacks.

>> No.9426902

Came specifically to post this.
I only used him as a hybrid mage with the plus 20 percent magic lance. Used the special spheres to scoop some abilities and had him take the Lulu path...he has some okay plot moments but honestly it was annoying. FFX actually bogs itself down with so much grindy bullshit and endgame mechanics. I ended up going from liking it to hating it because of how the gameplay suffers from just having too much shit going on. Gave up after getting Tidus, Wakka, and Auron celestials. If I could redo it I wouldn't get any of them.

>> No.9426960

If units from SRPGs count she has earned that spot.

>> No.9426965

he's awesome, faggot
great personality/backstory and he's a nice jack of all trades (besides physical attacks)

>> No.9427001
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Outta my way

>> No.9427046

Fuck you. Pariah Dog is love.
>Make unarmed build with dumpstat CHA and LUC.
>Give priority to evasion and doctor/first aid skills
>Find best boy.
>Most enemies lose their weapons or they break down.
>If anything you get a broken arm if you feel adventurous trying to hit anything but the body.

>> No.9427079

>/v/ threads
Zoomers are gay.

>> No.9427657
File: 293 KB, 702x997, 5F65EC46-301B-4F63-A197-E57A3B95EDF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can die in less than one turn vs Marquis Elmdore
>garbage attack
>weak, unreliable special power

Both of the wonder twins suck, but Malak takes the cake as the worse of the two because he ignored his sister when she said she was getting raped and fights the party AND his twin sister until the fat coomer admitted it to his face.

>> No.9429279

This so much, they should have just left boney leave in New pork or chapter 7 end and get you Flint right a the start of 8 or near the end.
Having the first chapter mc back as the last party member would have been kino as fuck
>you even get a special ending if you go beat the final boss without him

>> No.9429387

>his best weapon is either the shitty iron lance you get before the 1/4 point or the shitty falcon sword that does like 10 damage at best and costs an absurd amount of gold
Why is he so unfinished?

>> No.9430814
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tiax will rule all

>> No.9430898
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You have to be Canadian.
She will get you unlimited Ribbons and max out nearly all statistics of every character in the game.

>> No.9431074
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>> No.9431081

mallow is at least good early game. he's the worst in mario RPG but is definitely shouldn't be considered one of the worst of all games.

>> No.9431148

Hate to agree with a filthy Paki namefag, but this faggot is not wrong.

Let's do the Final Fantasy games up to 9:
1) thief
2) they arr rook same
3) they arr rook same, but in the remake, the girl
4) Edward. Yes, even the other Edward sucks.
5) they arr pray same (and have nice party interactions, especially with Butz and whatsherface are alone after the worlds merge)
6) Umaro
7) Cait Sith.
8) Irvine.
9) Eiko.
T) Fucking Cloud. All that bullshit to get the faggot and he's generally useless.

For non FF, Poo's name is pretty apt since the motherfucker is utter shit.

>> No.9431184
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*blocks your path*

>> No.9431194

Right this way sir

>> No.9431232

Thief would have been a lot better if Temper worked right. It was clearly designed as a future investment where you'd go through the early game at a disadvantage and then get the Ninja that crushed everything with Temper. But since the spell was bugged it robbed him of the one thing that made him special.

>> No.9431248

Any spellcaster in Star Ocean 2.

>> No.9431285
File: 1 KB, 48x64, Portrait_matthis_fe03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So shit it's an actual struggle to recruit him before he suicides on your units

>> No.9431376

Thief/Ninja is stolen from Wizardry so naturally the goal is to suffer through a thief until you get a ninja. Not surprising that Square and Nasir fucked up their programming though.

>> No.9431754

there are way, way worse units than matthis in fire emblem games.

>> No.9431778

I have absolutely no idea what's going on in this thread

>> No.9431781

He’s not just the worst party member, he’s the worst character in the game. The voice acting for him in particular I find embarrassing, not the rest of the cast. Why couldn’t the Ronso just fucking talk like human beings? They’re obviously not *stupid* stupid, like trolls. It makes me fucking cringe, and I love this game.

>> No.9431931

Rafa's truth skills actually have the potential to be extremely powerful if you focus on maximizing her magic attack. She's much better than she first appears. Malak really does suck, though, because his untruth uses a weird damage formula that's hard to exploit and usually won't amount to much.

While his other skills are generally either weak or impractical, finish touch is enough to make him a decent character. Granted, you could make the argument that he isn't worth using since he joins late at level 1 and the game has plenty of things even more broken than finish touch in it, but there are characters with worse skillsets.

>> No.9432549
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FF1 is super jank in terms of mechanics anyway that any characters outside of the Knight and White Mage are shit tier.
It'd make sense if Warrior/Knight was as beefy and strong as he is but got less hits in than the Thief and Ninja who should by all reason be more limited in weaponry, but the Ninja can equip every weapon the Knight can so who knows.
Monk has double hits and that's his entire point for existing.
How it should be:
Tank and Wall Breaker, has enough damage to go through defences but gets less hits
Get a lot of hits but enemy defences hurt his damage output much more
An even more extreme version of the Thief/Ninja but compensates with a good Critical Hit rate that pierces defence.

Magic is another can of worms, the way the *fixed* it in the remakes is shit as well, and makes the Red Mage bottom of barrel shit tier trash with less defence than the White Mage and less offence than the Black Mage but not enough of either to matter.

They really did a lot to fix him the remakes. However I will never not sing praises for his utility with Stopspell and Defeat which is ridiculously accurate and hits groups, which are common and very large in DQ2.
I think in general he's better off wielding the Lightning Staff as an item casting Infernos than attacking, the princess has enough MP to cast Sleep and Infernos and eventually Explodet. This also leaves his MP for healing on the map at which he's more efficient since he has Heal and Healmore.

Shit in the NES version, busted in all others. DQ4 doesn't cap Defence boost and Kabuff doubles defence each cast so he can make a team invulnerable to physical damage in two turns. He's also got Multiheal.
Hero, Alena, Kiryl, Maya is the best party composition for all occasions due to damage output and flexibility.

FF9 doesn't really have bad characters but Dagger is great at wasting MP and not doing enough damage to warrant the cost.

>> No.9432638

in general i feel like most evil characters in CRPGs fall into this category.

but if we're getting into specific characters? i'd go with half the investigation team from P4 as i just don't like them personality wise. i'd gladly take yoskue, kanji, naoto & rise over chie, yukiko & teddie.

>> No.9432674
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Jagged Alliance 2 has some real doozies. But Ira takes the cake because
>you get her right at the start
>she claims to be a "medic" but has mediocre med skill
>low leadership so mostly useless for training militia
>can't shoot, low health, and low agility, so basically suicide to use her in combat
>comes with the worst weapon in the game, a 38 revolver
>annoying voice with heavy (((merchant))) overtones
Basically it feels like the first thing the game does is hand you a steaming turd and expect you to be thankful because it was free

>> No.9433220

Yeah, it was a toss up for me between Dagger and Eiko, so I literally "tossed up" a coin and it wound up picking Eiko for me.

>> No.9433241
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Ugh I fucking hate Rapp

>> No.9433532

>Cosmo Canyon
One of the worst parts of the game. Yes it failed to pull any heartstrings because the entire thing is brought up and then ended in the 15 or so minutes it takes you to go through the whole thing and then Red XIII goes back to being irrelevant.

>multiple times
One time and that's during the Wutai side quest. The only real problem is Rapps but it's not like he's particularly hard if you've done basic grinding. If you limit grinded to at least have Meteorain then he goes down like a chump.

>> No.9433551

Doom of the Living is one of the highest damaging limits in the game. Conformer is straight up the best ultimate weapon in the entire game. Doom of the Living + Conformer means absurd damage against more powerful enemies/bosses. Against things like Emerald Weapon she's practically doing KotR damage with it. She's good with physical attacks and good with magic and is basically a second Cloud in being a powerful and useful all-rounder.

Then there's the fact that Conformer's own damage formula overrides the Morph penalty which makes her required for Source farming.

>> No.9433565


I'm the guy who for every quest annoyed and sarcastically asks if we don't have anything better to do until you want to shove my staff down my throat.
I think I am on the VIP list.

>> No.9433570

Came here to post this. This is the worst party character in any videogame. He's stupid, his arc sucks, he's useless and his design is ass. He also has the worst minigame for the celestial weapon. In my 100% playthrough I did everything but the butterfly minigame.

>> No.9433640

>hey you wanna party with strong bowser, healer peach, based geno, or this cloud/frog nigga?

>> No.9433651
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Celine’s legs make her worth bringing along

On the other hand id say Orlandeu is a bad addition to the game because he’s too OP, and breaks any semblance of challenge by steamrolling late game bosses single handedly

>> No.9433667

>On the other hand id say Orlandeu is a bad addition to the game because he’s too OP, and breaks any semblance of challenge by steamrolling late game bosses single handedly
A lot of the unique characters did, really. Agrias does 90% of what Orlandu does and while more situational, Meliadoul will still trivialize most battles vs human opponents. It really took the steam out of some of the more balanced unique roles. But the primary job system was more interesting anyway.

>> No.9433676

>Meliadoul will still trivialize most battles vs human opponents

I was going to mention her as a close second, crush weapon and crush armor will obliterate human enemies.

>> No.9433840

I never liked blue mage like characters. You needed a guide to know where to find a certain monster, sit there waiting for the right moment to capture its magic and the spells were barely different than what other spellcasters could do.

>> No.9433902

Wanna know how I know you are gay?

>> No.9433920

Even then he would just be worse than a red mage

>> No.9433934

This anon is hornless.

>> No.9433947

Moomba from FF8, not technically a party member but I still hate the design to this day which makes it worst for me.

>> No.9433948
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What did this bitch do past the first 35 minutes of the game?

>> No.9433950
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Jeaus christ how has the ultimate usless nigger not been posted yet?

>> No.9433953

She was just there for that outfit, she's The Selphie of FFXII, just eye candy (barring that god awful face).

>> No.9433956

Albino Rasta Coomer.

>> No.9433958
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This spoony bard nigga gonna bash them mobs on the head with a lute

>> No.9433968
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Hey lets just take this random whatever the fuck it is on our journey because it said we should. Also it is completely uselss at fighting

>> No.9433969
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>> No.9433979
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You know what? Im starting to think there are more useless side characters than not

>> No.9433980

That nigga was the space paladin/knight

>> No.9434080
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At the point in the game you get him, you already have better elemental magic than he can learn. Just a pointless character.

>> No.9434118
File: 76 KB, 192x187, Screenshot 2022-11-21 9.32.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

syrene in fire emblem 8. she has bad atk, bad def, and bad skill (hit chance). that's despite being a level 1 prepremoted unit. you also get her very late.

>> No.9434253

Noooooooooooooo. You can't say the worthless character is worthless! He's so dark and brooding. He's LITERALLY me.

>> No.9434290

Agreed. And their good spells are often TOO good to the point of being unfun.

>> No.9434292
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>rendered useless Peach

>> No.9434297
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>Picking up thots at a bar in Buccaneer's den.
Her BFF Leodon only escapes designation because magic users are so rare in U6.

>> No.9434298

That would be Geno

>> No.9434305

The PSP version makes magic a lot less annoying to use.

>> No.9434315

She's from Brooklyn, anon. Also she has an amazing Wisdom score, has no salary, and a specialization in Teaching which means she is really easy to raise up. If you train her garbage Leadership up she can fill towns with militia without breaking a sweat.

Conrad Gillit on the other hand, yeah he has good stats but his wage demands are a fucking crime, even if you haggle him down.

>> No.9434343

that's the point

>> No.9434442 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.9434456

Don't shit on Nasir. Squaresoft was so broke they didn't even have an in-house programmer and Nasir single handedly made their games for them despite not being able to speak Japanese.

>> No.9434462

Red mage is the opposite. Good in the early game but gets shitty later on. Expensive to equip and can't get the best spells.

>> No.9434469

I assume they still paid him, though I also have to imagine that getting out of Iran was a worthwhile payment in itself

>> No.9434476

Thank you! It gets even worse because the very next dungeon after you get him is likely going to be Death Peak if you're playing conventionally where Magus's lack of single target techs makes him absolutely useless in the Lavos Spawn fights. He lacks any kind of variety in his skill set and has no dual techs. Unless you're putting him in a party with Marle/Lucca or Lucca/Robo to take advantage of their triple techs there's no reason to use him. And even those two attacks come with the caveat that one of your characters has to sacrifice their accessory slot for the blue or black rock. The game isn't hard so you could often just blindly ass fuck everything with full screen magic but a lot of times that's not efficient because you run into enemies that have annoying tricks if you don't strategize.

>> No.9434491
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This motherfucker does absolutely nothing from the time you get him straight through the game's end. He's marginally better as a swordsman than a guardsman but no matter what he always starts in the back and is so slow that by the time he catches up the battle's over.

>> No.9434525


>> No.9434654

"She" dummy, pay attention

>> No.9434781

Penelo IIRC has the best magic growth so she's good to use for magic builds. Fran, by contrast, has shitty stat growth across the board and longer attack animations/slower attacks.

If you mean as part of the story, apparently a ton of her stuff got cut because it was unfinished and they needed to get the game out. I wish Zodiac Age would've been a proper director's cut style game where they had the time/ability to reimplement and finish it. She's the favorite character of a lot of people who worked on the game, including the lead writer (after Matsuno) so I don't think they're bullshitting about cuts.

>> No.9434816

Mostly but Enemy Skills are some of the best magic in FF7. Trine is one of the most reliable spells around, Big Guard and Magic Hammer are probably the single most useful spells in thr game, and Aqualung is completely busted because very few things resist or absorb water.

I've never liked Beta though. Not as cost effective as Trine and too many things absorb fire so it lacks the overall utility of Aqualung. Plus it's a giant pain in the ass to get that comes partially down to luck. Totally not worth it.

>> No.9434821

He's fine. Has some utility and a move you can spam for 6000+ which is enough to do what you need to do.

>> No.9434826
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Completely useless.

>> No.9434831

He's faster than Lucca so he's better, he's not the worst. Would be better than Frog and Robo too, but their healing spells put them ahead.
And before you say speed tabs, you can give Magus speed, strength, magic tabs too.

>> No.9434838

You just gotta go to the Midgar Zolom for beta, it's one of the most iconic encounters in the game and everyone knows were to find it

>> No.9435019
File: 1.02 MB, 1242x775, athelwyn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch right here

>> No.9435207

Geno is useful to the very end though. He's a DPS character, not a healer. Mallow gets out-healed by Peach and out-damaged by Geno so he's useless.

>> No.9435239

Speed maxes at 16 though so there's only so wide a gap you'll ever see.

>> No.9435245

Any of the guest characters in Kingdom Hearts 1. What is even the fucking point? You can't take them with you once you leave that world and they can't activate those Mickey Mouse spots on the ground since you need both Donald and Goofy for those.

>> No.9435251
File: 362 KB, 1920x1080, 74269845-F00B-40AA-A878-0E006A6C5689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't think of any reason to use this guy even on a lark.

>> No.9435258

doesn't change the fact he still is.

>> No.9435274

You mean albino rasta nofapcultist.

>> No.9435324
File: 100 KB, 1000x803, Edward_Amano_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even the worst in his game

>> No.9435334

There's worse party members than him, he suffers most from not having that many combo techs. Marle and Lucca are both worse than him, plus Chrono Trigger is easy enough that you can use who you want anyways.

Crono / Ayla / Robo is a blatantly overpowered party if you want to tier whore but theres no reason to, everyone can do damage.

>> No.9435357

Lucca and Marle are automatically better than Magus just by virtue of having dual techs with the rest of the cast and triple techs with Crono. Magus being a loner by itself wouldn't be a problem if he also had versatility but 5 out of 8 techs are full screen offensive magic, one is an area spell that will still tag a Lavos Spawn shell if you target the head, and the other two are a magic defense buff you probably don't need and a gimmicky insta-kill that barely works. He's nice in concept as a character with all four elements in one but by the time you get him there's little value to that kind of economy, especially since the characters that would benefit, like Ayla, are really bad to pair with Magus unless you like not having any healing.

>> No.9435369

meanwhile Tana turns into a fucking beast every game for me.

>> No.9435376

Look; I don't even like Kwono Twigguh but I know that having Marle and Lucca in the part_ simultaneously > than having Magus + literally anyone else. For one, you do know M+L can do shadow spells, right? So the one thing, the single, solitary fucking thing that makes him special ain't so special after all, innit. He can't heal. He can't single target. And he can't combo. He's utterly fucking worthless.

>> No.9435447

>using 2 party member turns to cast a shadow spell is better than 1


>> No.9435469
File: 20 KB, 512x448, ffiv-magus-sisters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a specific party member but this party sucks ass and you have to go through multiple dungeons with it. It falls apart because Tellah caps out at 99MP for story reasons and he's the only competent magic user in this party, meaning he's stuck on healing duty through dungeons of really hard hitting enemies and constantly eating through your Ether supply. Cecil can heal too but he's not nearly as good at it. Yang and Cid have no magic at all, and Cid is a pretty mediocre melee character at that.

>> No.9435481

Maybe cultists tower with perma rage and avalanche turned on, that’s the only time I used him

>> No.9435490


It's Kimahri. I almost shit when I got to the Ronso village and realized I was going to have to do this solo Kimahri fight and I hadn't leveled him at all.

Thankfully the devs knew he was worthless and scaled it to his current level. Based Squaresoft.

>> No.9435492
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 8B794288-4AE0-4E47-B28B-5C13941D1A22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*entire abilityset is having a status ailment on at all times*

>> No.9435497

If you always select Special/Magic attack at level up, he can clear endgame mobs for 2 FP. He isn’t good against bosses but he definitely has his uses, particularly in making the fight doors in Bowser’s Castle 100000000x less time consuming.

>> No.9436034

It is. Antipode 3 and a Dark Matter cast separately is better than using all three to cast Dark Eternal. And you can get a ton of versatility with Marle and Lucca no matter the third character. Magus is probably the worst to pair with them for the above Dark Eternal issue but also because it prevents two other sets of dual techs, many of which are absurdly good for either healing or damage.

Magus's biggest flaw is that you very rarely need shadow magic. They probably did that on purpose to account for Magus being an optional character but having a singular shadow user just doesn't accomplish much. The only thing he has going for him is the raw power of Dark Matter but Luminaire and Flare are just as useful alternatives.

>> No.9436041

I fucking hate that shit in RPGs. "Oh, here's a battle where you have to fight solo with a character you may not have been leveling at all throughout the game. Good luck." It happened to me my first time going through FFVII when Barret fights Dyne. I made it through but it was a frustrating difficulty spike for just that one fight.

>> No.9436050

FFVI's roster is just a string of gimmicky characters based on the job system from previous games, which is a fun idea in practice but it doesn't take long to notice how unbalanced it is in practice. Some of them are busted and others are pointless.

>> No.9436068

Any XCOM squaddie with a low Psionic roll.

>> No.9436074

What is "lark"?

>> No.9436090
File: 828 KB, 280x210, Vandal Hearts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This motherfucker does absolutely nothing from the time you get him
Nonsense. He's incredibly useful as a Guardsman early to mid-game. You can have him bottleneck the Crimson Guard at Khanos city and beat an otherwise unwinnable fight. But you are correct on the latter half since Dragoons get no movement boost and stay vulnerable to magic, so most fights are his slow ass trying to even catch up. Going the Swordsman route is better just for the extra endgame movement. Same for Grog and Clint.

>> No.9436106

Doing something on a lark means doing it for shits and giggles.

>> No.9436126

I sometimes think swordsmen get overrated, too. Clint and Grog are great as guardsmen because you can fight most battles without having to worry about counterattacks. They can soak up arrows pretty well, too. It lets you be less careful. And if you have an airman handy even the mages aren't too much of a problem since you can send your fliers around to pick them off in a lot of fights. Swordsmen though aren't that durable. They get completely mauled by fliers but even things they're supposedly not specifically vulnerable to like archers and mages, still can do a solid 60-70% damage. The issue with Dolan is that despite probably being a good guardsman in theory he's just too far behind to ever keep up. Especially since a lot of maps force you into single file or otherwise limit your ability to make use of your entire party at once. Whatever you make Clint and Grog, Dolan just ends up being the same but way less useful just because of field position.

>> No.9436220
File: 15 KB, 242x208, Breath-of-Fire-1-characters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f
>no BoF characters
I only played the first two, but there are plenty of characters in both that are situational at best.

>> No.9436229

Who is the worst character in Chrono Cross? It has to be someone, right? I can't imagine the random folks you pick up along the way like Janice or Turnip being all that good when you have so many other options.

>> No.9436281

Indian cauliflower/Mongolian desert/datfishfuck from BoF1 is shit. Can't even use his spells 80% of the time.

Everyone who isn't Serge, Kid and Harle. I especially hate what's her cunt... Irenes. The fucking mermaid who fucking flies on land somehow. Also, faggot-ass Nikki's pirate captain dad. The motherfucker FUCKED A FISH, Troy McClure actin'-ass motherfucker.
But worst of all is Sprig. She's totally useless.

>> No.9436416

Pip, that stupid evolving puffball because I spent all that time turning him to be supposedly the highest Attack stat character in the game when fully evolved or whatever and it still fucking sucked compared to a real character.

>> No.9436467
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I actually like that party, sure it'd be better if Tellah had more MP but it being so limited, especially in the Magnetic Cave section is what makes it fun... except for the bats, they can go eat shit.
I really enjoy the early SNES look that FF4 and DQ5 have, it's so charming in an amateurish way. The difference is so stark compared to FF6 and DQ6, respectively.

Yeah, the animal people suck. I think they didn't get the same work as other characters because they're used for Karn's fusions. BoF1 is kind of jank anyway though.
BoF2 has Tapeta, Aspara, and Sten, none of whom are particularly good because of their lacking skillsets. Especially when you compare them to Rand, Bow, and Nina, then Ryu and Katt are just better at dealing damage overall.

Don't you speak ill of pirate daddy, so he likes fucking fish, who cares, he's hot.

>> No.9436497

i never used him when i had the choice

>> No.9436504

mario plus peach plus bowser ftw

>> No.9436521

The triple techs were neat, tho. Overpowered, sure, but Chrono Trigger is a pretty trivially easy game anyway.

>> No.9436569

I know that. The issue is that you'll want it as early as possible and actually getting it early is a giant pain in the ass that involves poisoning him, putting the Sadness status on all your characters, grinding Fire for protection, and doing a lot of waiting and hoping he doesn't kill/eject the character with the enemy skill materia.

That or grinding in the Mythril Mine until you've gotten Planet Protector.

Its damage is only slightly higher than Aqualung's (which is way easier to get), costs 1 more MP, and again the big problem is that lots of enemies absorb/negate fire. There's a semi-decent amount of enemies that can negate/resist water but only two absorb it so in that respect Aqualung is better than Beta. Beta does a lot more damage than Trine, as well, but Trine costs way less MP, a lot of things are weak to lightning, and it was one of the least resisted/absorbed elements in the game. Fire, by contrast, is the third most absorbed/resisted element in the game after gravity and earth.

So Beta SEEMS awesome but fire's weakness means it's less good than it should be compared to the other big magic enemy skills. Shadow Flare is powerful and non-elemental but you get it late and its MP cost is too high to really be worth it.

>> No.9437089
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>> No.9438115

Umaro is always on my A team. Rage ring gets him to throw party members which is already reason enough to use him, but he gets snow muffler for crazy defense. He will usually be the first character to hit max damage unless you focus on the other characters. In the snes ffs the late game battles just turn into pushing the A button repetitively so the berserker character saves you time in that regard as well. Just a great character

>> No.9438342

But I use him to farm lvl3 key spheres. So he's more useful than Lulu who completely falls off

>> No.9438385
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>> No.9438808
File: 33 KB, 236x430, Adam_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, a character shittier than even the actual shitty joke character in the game who has a 1 in almost all their stats. At least they have high movement! You get Adam here at a low level unpromoted at a time you're going to be promoted and fairly high level too, even if RNJesus likes you, his stats are middling at best and he's super fucking slow to boot.

>> No.9438928

Well said. Exactly why I like using him.

>> No.9439131
File: 102 KB, 350x457, jogurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't level up.
>All stats at 1, except movement.
>Can't equip weapons.
>If it kills an enemy, he creates a yogurt ring, that turns whoever wears it into another Jogurt.
>Only serves as the group's mascot and item mule when deployed.
I'm amazed he wasn't posted before.

>> No.9439720

Juhani >>>>> a bag of week-old diarrhea >>>> Carth

>> No.9439761

And despite all that, he's still better than Adam. Better move, you get him way earlier and you can sell the rings he makes. And he doesn't make you worry he could be good if you just put some grinding in.

>> No.9439939
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I've done had enough of this!

>> No.9439959

19str gloves
staff of striking
hide in shadows
1 shot Sarevok

>> No.9441717


>> No.9441875

His basic techs are higher-powered versions of the ones with the same names, so you can use them lategame. He's one of the most versatile characters because of it. As for combo techs, it is always stronger to use a dual+single tech than a triple, so make him the single and then the false problem vanishes.

>> No.9441902
File: 8 KB, 270x187, carth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a Fighter specialized in pistols but not enough to have great good stats for it, only enough to be an unsalvagable build for anything else
>an ally who treats you as enemy and has exclusively bland party dialogue
>stops you in play just for [Carth seems distant, maybe you should talk to him] "NO, I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT REE"
>a romancable NPC no one could have fucking liked
Who was Carth FOR?

>> No.9442113

HK-47 is the worst companion by a mile
>built for STR but can't use melee weapons at all
>shit stats that make him ultra fragile without heavy repair investment
>starts with feats for blaster rifles, probably the worst weapons in the game next to heavy blasters
>can't be healed by force healing
>not good enough skills to be a designated skillmonkey like T3

>> No.9442160

At least Adam can grow in stats. Then again, what's the point that late in the game?
I like that Shining Force throws so many characters at you, so you can make any setup you want in battle: stick to your first units and train them, do the bare minimum for a speedrun, use the joke characters for the extra challenge, etc.

>> No.9442180

>His basic techs are higher-powered versions of the ones with the same names
>He's one of the most versatile characters because of it.
As the prior statement is untrue, it follows that this one is, as well.
>As for combo techs, it is always stronger to use a dual+single tech than a triple, so make him the single and then the false problem vanishes
Except for the fact that there are three times as many monsters which either absorb or are immune to shadow techs than any other element and all the ones weak to shadow occur before Magus is recruited IE the flying faggot's fucking useless. Plus, he can't single target.

>> No.9442430

he honestly isn't that bad. you can turn him into a duplicate of one of the other characters. he's really good if you send him down auron's sphere grid. and you can use a skill sphere to get him steal so you can get some lvl 3 key spheres from the ronso fight. most of his overdrives suck though.

>> No.9442587

People are posting the F tier party members, people who make your team worse

>> No.9442601

She literally could have been LV 5 with +4 in all stats and she’d only be a reasonable unit. What a fucking waste

>> No.9442606


As a furry, I will not defend this. He's not even a real anthro. Zero redeeming qualities.

>> No.9442621

I love Edward, his design his character his story. He’s even useful enough as a body when he’s in the party. Just having another attacker is nice.

And he still sucks, so badly. He’s so by far the worst if he’s F tier then nobody is in D tier because he’s that much worse

>> No.9442637

True but only if not playing on Universe, which should be every playthrough other than the first with how easy base difficulty is. Once you get to end game KM users are better but getting there takes a lot more without spellcasters to break up parry chains
Noel is the worst character on Earth difficulty, Ernest is the worst character on Universe

>> No.9442650

He's dark side and has some good one-liners though.

>> No.9442663
File: 272 KB, 558x806, Clive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

radiata stories has a fuckton of useless party members, but this guy right here is just bad

>> No.9443004

For non-RPGs, Donkey Kong or Kiddie Kong. Both are worse than Diddy who is worse than Dixie.

>> No.9443035
File: 61 KB, 600x450, henpeckedhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is common for a lot of Bioware party members. You like them as characters for the banter but in-battle they may as well not exist. Henpecked Hou doesn't do squat other than give you drunken master style which is rapidly outclassed by everything else since it can't be upgraded.

>> No.9443047

Sure, except Magus is only good for being that single. His sole purpose is to just Dark Matter everything. Which would be fine if nobody else could fill that role but Crono can Luminaire everything and Lucca can Flare everything and both of them can do way more than that as well, something Magus can't claim.

>> No.9443220

man canderous is kind of the same story
>is in every cutscene with a heavy blaster
>is actually the best non jedi melee fighter
i gave him two swords and he would out damage my MC vs enemies with energy shields

>> No.9443273

Diddy and Dixie are somewhat equal. Diddy is faster and holds the barrel in front of him which makes up for the lack of hover. Kiddy is below them but still much better than DK, which is slower, has gigantic hitboxes especially when jumping, holds the barrel over his head which is really bad in DKC1 since you're gonna need to switch to Diddy to discover secret rooms.

>> No.9443505

Rafael in the OG NES TMNT game.

>> No.9443545

>you're gonna need to switch to Diddy to discover secret rooms
If DK crouches in front of where a secret room is, when he puts the barrel on the floor it will explode and reveal the secret room.

>> No.9443546

>kimahri kamikaze ball

>> No.9443551

That's true. Jade Empire is a good example. It's better without companions getting in your way and generally just supporting. I kinda like it more too as it adds to the whole Kung Fu master theme, imo. I usually rolled with Chai-Ka. But Henpecked Hou was one of the better characters for sure.

>> No.9443967

Definitely felt pretty good to kill him at the end

>> No.9443975

DKC3 actually makes pretty good use of Kiddie's superior rope-climbing ability. Not that it compensates, but definitely puts him over Donkey.

>> No.9444297

Little Ninja in Pocky and Rocky 2. Utterly useless. Rocky can find hidden items. Bob can move boulders out of the way. Tengy can fly/scarecrow can bounce over chasms. Digger can, as his name implies, dig for buried treasure. Ottobot can fly AND move boulders. But LN? Can open locked boxes. Whoopdie shit. Something a goddamn key can do. Wow.

>> No.9444315

Shut up, Red Mage.