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File: 529 KB, 2288x1712, super_nintendo_sns-101_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9421632 No.9421632 [Reply] [Original]

Do these have more longevity than the regular SNES?

>> No.9421668

I have one and it works.

>> No.9421689

I have a regular SNES and it works.

>> No.9421754

Simplified motherboard, less components likely to fail.Unfortunately, this model lacks RGB support.

>> No.9421762

No native s-video, either

>> No.9421873

The US model SNES specially the SHVC is prone to fried CPUs because of poor power filtering. However SFC and PAL SNES should be safe.

>> No.9422013

I don't understand why these aren't more sought after. They have the best picture output quality and you don't have to gamble on getting a 1chip or 2 chip model. I was surprised how cheap they were on ebay.
Time to learn how to solder fucko. You're gonna have to eventually, these are decades old my guy.

>> No.9422028

composite is better

>> No.9422046

Yes but theyre ugly

>> No.9422051

You're supposed to look at the TV, not the console.

>> No.9422052

I have one that i RGB modded, works great.

>> No.9422070

I literally had this exact same package, with the Yoshi's Island Game Pak included. I think it cost under $100, which was a steal, but then again the N64 era was well under way at the time.

The internal video encoder still supports S-Video and RGB, it's just that the pins on the encoder were left unused. Even if you did not use S-Video, the composite output was much improved from the original SNES. I modded mine to support S-Video years ago using this guide here: https://gamesx.com/wiki/doku.php?id=av:snes2rgb

>> No.9422083

>intentionally fucking over video signal faggots

>> No.9422091
File: 545 KB, 2048x1536, alttpcomposite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, this is what I have - love this thing
here is a quick and dirty composite vs RGB comparison i did on a PVM

>> No.9422095
File: 525 KB, 2048x1536, alttpRGB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9422105

this can be avoided by using the original Nintendo power brick and a surge protector

>> No.9422104
File: 573 KB, 2048x1536, crt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And since I'll get called out for being a PVM shitlord, for the record I have a separate shadowmask set that I run a lot of consoles/games into with composite or S-Video

I think there's a time and a place for both, but for the SNES overall I prefer RGB running into the PVM - obviously it all comes down purely to personal preference. But for me, glad I have RGB modded into the SNES Jr.

>> No.9422262
File: 468 KB, 256x152, oh shit oh fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes with Yoshi's Island

good job ruining the rest of the library for new SNES owners by including a literal 12/10 as the pack-in, Nintendo

you want to include a main-in coupon for a free copy of Chrono Trigger while you're at it?

>> No.9422390

Its the same situation as the launch model Neo geo where all the voltage regulation components are in the brick instead of the system then?

>> No.9422427

I think so. The US SNES has a large filter cap in the brick but nothing on the console side. SFCs and PAL SNESes instead have a cap at C58 for power filtering. It does seem that dead SNESes are almost invariably US models, usually the SHVC and GPM-01.

>> No.9422746

It doesn’t work with the multi tap so no 4 player bomberman.

>> No.9422990

I don't have three friends anyway

>> No.9423019

None of us do

>> No.9423273

Right in the feels.