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File: 724 KB, 619x1818, berri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9414965 No.9414965 [Reply] [Original]

How come EVERY collectathon has an obligatory hot babe and which is the best? And why is it Conker's?

>> No.9414968
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>> No.9414976
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>> No.9414979

I couldn't get past the first level of conkers. Awful game. Filtered by its awfulness.

>> No.9414989

It literally warns you that it's made for adults. Just beating it is a lot harder than most collectathons with a lot of one shots, fall damage, less handholding. What exactly filtered you?

>> No.9414996
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Conker is basically an anti-game similar to Moon, it definitely tries harder to be charmful than to have good gameplay

>> No.9415010




>> No.9415025
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In the original N64 version (Conker's Quest), Berri was supposed to have half of the game. Hence why the game says: Starring Conker and Berri in the intro.

>> No.9415027

I enjoyed the gameplay and had a lot of fun with the multi-player modes. That said, a lot of the motivation to progress through the game was to see what humorous, provocative thing it would do next.

>> No.9415034
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what happened?

>> No.9415037

a big improvement

>> No.9415040
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Is it popular to find the N64 version much better looking? Places that should be dark are no longer dark in the Xbox version, fur shading aged like shit, bloom, more brown and gray

>> No.9415042

>that skirt
They made her less slutty. Good

>> No.9415047
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>> No.9415050
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>> No.9415074

Is she supposed to be a squirrel too? I bet everyone thinks bunny first because of the Lola similarity

>> No.9415084

Berri is the only "bombshell furry" I actually like. Others, like Candy Kong and Tawna, just look gross, and it's not a case they were replaced by smaller, cuter girls.

>> No.9415103
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>> No.9415104
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idk if its popular, but its correct

>> No.9415105

Berri is best girl because you can fight with her together in the last level and it's cute. Also because she's apologetically slutty which is fun.

>> No.9415115

Weird how Rare nosedived

>> No.9415118

I hate Nintendo as a company, but Rare not being bought by them was a lose/lose situation.

>> No.9415143

My theory is Nintendo just saw they started sucking and their insane talent for state of the art low bit graphics will be worthless in the future

>> No.9415185

Xbox version is also easier, for example the path is much wider where you have to walk when getting cheese for the rat, you no longer have to deal with the metal boxes

>> No.9415196

The trophy girls in CTR are great but CTR doesn't really qualify as a collect-a-thon

>> No.9415216

I looked it up and I guess it's technically a word but man, do I hate you for using it.

>> No.9415219

BFD still has that Rare N64 cartoony aesthetic which makes the whole "cutesy animals in a +18 game" joke land better.
I would go and say L&R looks more like Ren & Stimpy Adult Party, which ruins the joke of the cute but vulgar aesthetics they were going for.
I'll fuck L&R Berri anyway, specially if she's wearing the Vertex outfit.

>> No.9415223
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That was just something Rare liked to do in general when given the opportunity.
Like sexy Gruntilda, Krystal in Starfox adventures, etc.
There's a pinup calendar of "Foxy ladies" on the Great Fox in Starfox Adventures that's easily missed too.

>> No.9415327

Full of charm, feels more fitting than charming for something like a game or also books. The character Conker is charming

>> No.9415441

They came to their senses

>> No.9415445

>They came
I bet.

>> No.9415520

Rare's people were too horny to keep that crap out and too clumsy and cowardly to go all the way with it and include SEVERAL hot ladies with HUMAN faces instead of just one with a creepy forest animal face. It doesn't matter which one is the best one, you're threatening to become a furry if you even make the choice

>> No.9415526

>sexy Gruntilda,
This would be a good choice if it were her normal form, but of course British game developers couldn't have that, nothing can be good to them unless it somehow incessantly reminds us of our own impending deaths

>> No.9415545

sorry you're too much of a brainlet to get the obvious message

>> No.9415619

Coomer fanboy drivel.

>> No.9415648
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I think the idea of Berri being a playable main character was thrown out to give the game more focus and cohesive immersion. After all, it is *Conker's* day. I think it was a good choice to let it play out this way because it builds perspective. Plus the game audience is mostly aimed at dudes who will definitely prefer playing as a funny edgy male a lot more. Adult Berri may have worked as a bonus, but I'm not sure if it was even considered.

>> No.9415773
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Turok 2

>> No.9415802

the obvious message is "We should all look at anthropomorphic animals and ugly stuff, not sexy ladies", same as in most of their other games, and I got it just fine
sexy human lady bad, cute animal person good, same as in Battletoads
yeah the "story" says something else but that's just fluff covering over the real story which is that some doughy bunch of nerds need to express their festering secret despair and are not talented enough to do so in a dignified way

>> No.9415807

it's an attempt, but her face evokes nausea

>> No.9415863

mental illness

>> No.9415892
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>> No.9416153

At least they got rid of those retarded black lines in the xbox version.

>> No.9416156

If by everyone you mean you then yeah everyone does think that .

>> No.9416368

Conker isn't a collecting game.

>> No.9416410
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Shazza is an underrated grill, though I have a bit of a bias seeing as I have a thing for Aussie accents.

Also, don’t know what it is but lately I end up having the most fun with these 3d platformer collectathons. On one hand I’m kind sad Yooka-Laylee didn’t revive them… on the other, considering how most new takes on old formulas are handled, maybe that was for the best. Just wish there were more decent ones from back in the day.

>> No.9416416

Men used to enjoy sexualizing women

>> No.9416432

I love how now you have developers and creative designers literally screaming at each other about throwing a modest pair of breasts on fictional characters (ie:the new Ratchet and Clank). Just glad there was a time where games were developed by small groups of friends/nerds and the creative juices were allowed to flow.

>> No.9416434

Conker is noticably less emotive in cutscenes as well, if you watch the final cutscene when he says "The game's locked up!" in the original, he leans against the mechanical suit and chuckles, in the remake he doesn't do anything but stand there and deliver the line. There's overall much less life in Reloaded than in the original. One of the biggest annoyances to me was the insertion of the completely random Van Helsing outfit during the Batula chapter. There's zero reason for it and there is no explanation, he's just suddenly dressed as Van Helsing.

>> No.9416585

Principle is the same. "Do this chore three times"

>> No.9416657
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>> No.9416667

Most women loved it, then along came the spider.

>> No.9416692
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>> No.9416790

Both are extremely impressive for their respective consoles. I owned both at release. Both are some of the best looking games on each machine.

CBFD is a 6th gen game on 5th gen hardware.
L&R is a 7th gen game on 6th gen hardware.
CBFD has fully animated in engine cut scenes, fully and partially animated faces, lip syncing, real time lighting, reflections (may not be true reflections I haven’t researched this, Heist chapter has reflections on the ground) and more all on a 64mb cart and makes no use of the expansion pak. It’s a testament to classic Rare’s talent and the undisputed most impressive game on the console.

L&R to this day, unbelievably, has some of the best fur rendering ever in a video game (uses the same technique THPS2X grass used, I forget the term). While the aesthetic is worse in my opinion (symptom of not being confined to strict polygon limitations), the fidelity is above and beyond almost anything on the Xbox let alone PS2 and GameCube.

So no you aren’t crazy for thinking CBFD looks better, it does. It’s more cohesive and “cuter”. N64 limitations are an aesthetic the Xbox can’t compete with. The N64 version is the definitive version while the Xbox remake is an amazing companion.

One last thing:
CBFD multi is the best multiplayer game in existence and while I liked playing L&Rs much different multiplayer mode on Xbox live, it doesn’t hold a candle to the original.

>> No.9416801

I also just realized you said the fur shading aged like shit…
You can dislike the look more but that’s objectively false, the fur shading was revolutionary then and it’s amazing looking now. Cube or PS2 weren’t even capable of it because it was some sort of directx feature.

>> No.9416816

Conker is NOT a collectathon. It parodies them. It’s a straight up platformer focused on gameplay variety.
The only collectible in the game is money which almost can’t be missed.

>> No.9416828

>weren't even capable of it
Star Fox Adventures on Gamecube is a Rare games that uses a similar technique for furshading. Granted it's nowhere near as good or used as often as it is in L&R.

>> No.9416837

This is true actually. It’s probably the same technique (it is called fur shading) using far less layers probably because of system resources.
THPS2X has the most famous 6th gen example of this, and I don’t think many games used it.

>> No.9416847

They all look like shit
They don't belong next to any other character in the same game

>> No.9417354
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For me it's Elora

>> No.9417591
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Could I get some recommendations on some more obscure collectathon’s(ie:things outside of Rare and Nintendo)? Playing through the Spyro series now but I really can’t get enough of this genre of vidya.

Also, as an aside… I know we tend to all agree on the new bad, old good mantra… but is it just me or are the original Spyro games a lot better than the remakes? Like some of the art direction and animations are pretty solid in the remakes, but for some reason the older ones “feel better” and I prefer the general atmosphere and ost of the older ones. Can’t tell if it’s just comfort in what’s familiar or if it’s the usual.

>> No.9417771

What? Star Fox Adventure literally uses it for the GRASS, it's literally everywhere

>> No.9417817
File: 776 KB, 1543x1080, Spyro - Year of the Dragon (v1.1)-211213-063955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Bianca.

>> No.9418158

>Fish with titts.

No thanks.

>> No.9418174

>throwing out an entire character with completely different gameplay for fart jokes and otherwise Rick & Morty humor
Yeah, great choice

>> No.9418179

It's a parody of a game being developed (or rather, inside jokes about Twelve Tales by its developers). Pocket Tales makes that clear.

>> No.9418247

bro why are her fucking nips out

>> No.9418392

Space Jam, I think

>> No.9418412

You are not allowed to think that, you will trigger the autist >>9416156

>> No.9418431

It’s a riff on the entire genre plus video games in general.
I misremembered, you’ll have to forgive me. That being said the effect on thps2x and l&r has far more layers.

>> No.9418443
File: 481 KB, 1242x2190, C57A6AD2-E595-4591-82DB-662DDDE9CFB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it’s sexy Gruntilda

>> No.9418463


>> No.9418464

Not retro.

>> No.9418583

puberty duh

>> No.9418643

>It’s a riff on the entire genre plus video games in general
The basis for it is being a series of inside jokes about Twelve Tales and its characters (including Conker). Pocket Tales is supposed to basically be a downsized version of Twelve Tales, for reference, and even the name Bad Fur Day is a reference to making the world of Twelve Tales crass and adult. The elements you're talking about were added to all of this further in development.

>> No.9418992


>> No.9419049

As far as the audience is concerned, it’s a general parody of platformer and video games. How it came to be means nothing to the audience. It’s a cutesy platformer game but with piss, shit and pop culture references.
You are arguing semantics, it’s a parody of platformers and video games as a whole.

>> No.9419078

Learn to read, man, and cut the upset outrage. I never said it wasn't. I said the "parody of video games and platformers as a whole" part was added later in development, but at its core, is a parody of the Conker series (released and unreleased games).

>> No.9419231

There is no outrage.
I said it was a parody of video games, you told me it’s an inside joke for a game that never got released.
The former is a more accurate statement than the latter.

>> No.9419254
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>titty fish

>> No.9419319
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>> No.9419440
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I'm pretty certain the Sonic fanbase would've suffered from less autism had they kept his big tittied blonde human girlfriend in the games.

>> No.9419517
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>> No.9419531

No, that problem only came about when adventure hit gamecube.

>> No.9419536

SatAM/Archiefags were pretty obnoxious way before those games came out and they still expect Sega to treat those licensed fanfics as official canon.

>> No.9419571

every spyro game ive ever played has given my vertigo and it sucks because she is so damn cute

>> No.9419631
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I feel that. The dash gives me motion sickness from time to time, but I like the games enough where I can put up with it. Still, the moment I start getting that headache and nausea, I gotta chill on the game for a minute. Needless to say, the final boss in the first game was a rough experience.

And agreed. Both versions of Elora are wife material. I’m just be glad that Toys For Bob crapped the bed with Crash 4 so they didn’t have a chance to ruin her in a new Spyro sequel.

>> No.9419664
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Lori from Jazz Jackrabbit

>> No.9419693
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>> No.9419734

That fur shading still looks good today. Of all they got wrong with live and reloaded, that's not one of the things.

>> No.9419738

Of course it looks darker with your garbage CRT filter on.

>> No.9419894

>I'm pretty certain the Sonic fanbase would've suffered from less autism had they kept his big tittied blonde human girlfriend in the games.

Inspired by Roger Rabbit. They wanted Madonna to be the Jessica Rabbit of the series.

>> No.9420176
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It literally just looks like stacked up dots and in Conker's case hides his expressions

>> No.9420182

It also makes the white part around his mouth look like a beard so he sometimes looks like an old hobo

>> No.9420183

literal cavemen jacked off to furries or the cave painting/statue/hieroglyphic equivalent. you're a dork jacking it to polygons either way

>> No.9420457

Sure, if you blow it up way beyond its intended resolution.

>> No.9420460


>> No.9420637

Sonic Saturn was in development

>> No.9420647
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Krystal/Diddy's creator was a huge as furry coomer, he's probably doing drawpile sessions with Star Fox series' creator as we speak.

>> No.9420650
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How dare you!

>> No.9420656
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Prefer fish sticks instead?

>> No.9420690
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A lot of games in other genres had them. I think 99% of fighting/beat em up games.

Brutal: Paws of Fury was a serious life changer for me

>> No.9420708

Why does the Xbox version have more censoring? Were they purposely trying to get a lower rating, or what? Why was the original even censored in the first place?

>> No.9420972

>Brutal: Paws of Fury was a serious life changer for me
i doubt it, that game runs like shit and plays like ass

>> No.9421234

> that game runs like shit and plays like ass

It sure does, but I didn't mind it as a kid. Neighbor friend gave it to me and I was hooked up, tried to beat that bonus round where you're doing combos, and just generally enjoyed mindless button mashing. Friend also gave me Primal Rage and that game was even worse, but still kinda fun.

But the biggest thing about Brutal is that it inspired me to come up with my own "spiritual successor". I liked to create video game concepts on paper back then, so after playing the game, I went and 'made' my own furry fighting game which became part of my own fictional universe.
Sounds gay, but uh, I'm still dreaming of making it real one day.

>> No.9421246
File: 385 KB, 1202x1700, 41D288D4-DDD9-4418-8145-8A8F4CF44D63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of, are any of the old Kao games any good?

>> No.9421261

I only played 2nd game and it looks and plays like discount Sonic Adventure/Rayman.

But like, in a good way. It's janky and doesn't really offer anything unique, but if you're a sucker for mascotformers, it's okay to play.

>> No.9421264
File: 145 KB, 989x1200, those shorts - 1642406563920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm convinced that style of shorts is so powerful to me that I'd be attracted to anything wearing them.
"I'm not a furry but" Berry and Lola.

>> No.9421265

even me...

>> No.9421268
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Don't do this.

>> No.9421273
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video games

>> No.9421275
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Sounds like another Ty situation which is kinda ironic considering they both seem to have that Australia theme and take inspiration from the same places. I’ll give it a go then. Been on a big mascotformer kick lately and just can’t seem to get enough of them… which is ironic considering I hated them as a kid.

>> No.9421324

its rare tho

>> No.9421875

From the board rules, it is technically considered retro.

>> No.9421929

Not rareware.

>> No.9421992

God HLE N64 rendering is fucking gross.

>> No.9423094

>The anthem of BLM

>> No.9423213

That was supposedly more of a Miyamoto and Imamura thing:


>Imamura: That’d be Krystal. Krystal is a character that had been around since the early versions of Dinosaur Planet, and as that game was making the transition into a Star Fox game, they asked, “so, should we get rid of Krystal?”. but I thought it’d be a waste to scrap her, so when I visited Rare, I drew a ton of pictures…

>Imamura: There’s an American comic called Vampirella that I’m really into—that character’s a female vampire who wears risque costumes, and so I drew some quick sketches of Krystal with that kind of image and had a lot of discussions with Rare, and so this version of Krystal turned out to be much sexier than the Dinosaur Planet version.

>Imamura: Miyamoto and I were both aiming to add a little sex appeal, I guess? I think Miyamoto’s always wanted to add that flavor.

>Imamura: I think somewhere in his mind, Miyamoto’s always pictured Star Fox as somewhat mature, and he’s been saying things like “wouldn’t it be good to add a slightly sexy character?” since the beginning. Likewise, for Starfox 64, although the game certainly appeals to children somewhat, I think Miyamoto felt that leaning fully into that would be going too far, and he wanted to add some more mature touches where possible.

>Imamura: Right? I think I was able to come up with a design that Japanese people could latch on to. I don’t know whether she’ll continue to appear in future games, but since she was positioned as the heroine of Star Fox Adventures, it was important to design her so that she wouldn’t look out of place next to the established Star Fox cast.

>> No.9423230
File: 140 KB, 595x319, Mermaid (Donkey Kong 64).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mermaid from Donkey Kong 64 is so underrated

>> No.9423589

Play the original Kangaroo arcade instead.

>> No.9424118

I don't remember her at all. Where/when was she? I'm assuming Gloomy Galleon or whatever it was called?

>> No.9424418



>> No.9424747

because the old one looks like a child

>> No.9424813

Based Planet Piss enjoyer

>> No.9424842
File: 3.76 MB, 500x473, bionicle fornite dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blessed ty chad
cant wait to cumjar my shazza figure when it comes in soon

>> No.9425070

Holy shit, I had no idea there was a commentary. Watching this today, fuck yeah.

This made me want to look up the original ad they played on Comedy Central during South Park, and I found this. It's funny hearing people's reactions to it. The chick who audibly gasps when Unga Bunga and his girl appear on screen is hilarious. There's no way anything would get this kind of reaction today, we're too desensitized.


>> No.9426468

yes Gloomy Galleon


>> No.9426517
File: 186 KB, 716x1080, B5CEC33D-3CC6-421C-9584-453494176E6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn’t know this was a thing. Not only does it look fun but I adore the cabinet. If I had 2 grand to drop on it I would.
Where did you get a Shazza figure, possum?

>> No.9426520

ty 2 kickstarter backerkit, they ran out but i think theyre still selling tys. i bought both sets. apparently they should either be coming in this month or first week of december.

>> No.9426521

Your mom

>> No.9426539
File: 70 KB, 1200x750, E257E3AE-55AB-4528-9A4A-7DD66622AB6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well color me jelly… but then, I should just be grateful that people like you backed it as the HD release on switch and the great cover art were what finally got me to give these games a go.

really, Ty is what got me into the genre in general.

and another thing. It’s a damn shame there’s barely any good art for Shazza. I’m not even trying to post suggestive pictures, these are just the only passable fanart pics I could find of her.

>> No.9426542

nah i didnt back the original kickstarter, i tend to phase out of existence and not even notice things are happening so i missed it outright. I don't even play console either so i probably would've just backed a tier to get me some sweet goodies.
Yeah its a shame Ty is so underground still, probably for the better since bigger followings always ruin things.
That pic is hot as fuck i'm almost inspired to try and model shazza in 3d kek

>> No.9426548
File: 106 KB, 993x805, 2B5F9FEA-0308-4B90-A556-7727CCC30EAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, gotcha. Shame I missed it then, but moh well.
>better since bigger followings always ruin things.

Yup. Obscure, forgotten, or failed is always the best case scenario now of days. It’s more concerning than anything when a new entry gets announced, but I’m preaching to the choir. I did hear that new Kao game turned out alright, so I figured I’d play one of the older ones first so I have something to compare it to, but yeah, 9/10 times the past is better left in the past now of days.

>> No.9426550

What blows my mind is how they're skipping the third ty remaster for consoles and going for 4, the most controversial game in the 4 game series kek
I don't even play console and even i'd be a tiny bit miffed about that, but this time i'm definitely not missing out on the kickstarter, chances they do a sick comic and merch run with shade the bat involved is high and i gotta buy in.
Rayman, Crash, Sly, most sega and nintendo ips pre-2000s are all dead for good now and i'm honestly not particularly heartbroken because they're going to stay good and left on a good note now. Better than becoming a sterile corporate icon like mario or having a long history of shit entries like sonic.

>> No.9426560
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I’ll just be happy if we never have to see another old collectathon character get the Tawna treatment again.

>> No.9426563
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, venom snake mgsv yell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't even hate her character in the game as far as i've played, and the meme references havent bothered me, but what a trainwreck of a design change.
Good thing mods fix it in game.

>> No.9426570

The worst thing is when you look at the concept art for her and realize they managed to pick the worst possible one. I only hope they don’t manage to get Spyro 4, which is sad considering they did a decent job with the remakes… but considering Microsoft owns both Crash and Spyro now, I suppose it’s only a matter of time. I don’t think Ty’s cast will ever have to worry about that considering 4 didn’t do all to well and he doesn’t really have the name power to be snatched up and reimagined.

>> No.9426572
File: 836 KB, 3840x2160, 35776788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh, why you dont use mods?

>> No.9426574
File: 73 KB, 1024x576, shade the cute ghost bat from ty the tasmanian tiger 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krome supposedly is working on a new unity project, they claimed to want to release something in time for the anniversary back in september and that didn't happen so i'm guessing they're really working on Ty 5 themselves.
The only thing i'd be concerned for is if they get it picked up by some bigger company that manages indie projects, that's where the project will get totally fucked in the ass. Otherwise i have decently high hopes for Ty 5.
Oh yeah kek this thread is about big titty babes in collectathons, here's my contribution
>shade from ty 3

>> No.9426618

>What exactly filtered you?
Not him but the godawful nightclub sequence. I made it past that, I beat the game, but goddamn there is such a fucking dive in quality after the Great Mighty Poo.

>> No.9426642

>thread of /vr/ women
>not allowed to ask what a woman is
Buy us next Elon-sama

>> No.9426645
File: 111 KB, 240x138, whats a woman fesh pince.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's a woman?

>> No.9426667
File: 92 KB, 1000x663, Tawna_IAT_CharacterExpressions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least they gave her some nice ass, so it's sort of a bargain here. Tawna never was a best girl in Crash anyway.