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9411180 No.9411180 [Reply] [Original]

What was it like to grow up in Brazil during the third to sixth console gen?

>> No.9411216

It was all about piracy and ps2 reigned supreme, that is the short answer

>> No.9411243

Chinese bootleg carts arriving from Paraguay
Rarely finding real ones from official retailers (got my Zelda LttP hidden in the back of a Walmart around 99)
And for some reason Capcom made a ton of licensing deals which gave us marvels such as the Brazilian Megaman comic and this https://imgur.com/a/vX78oeI
Those were the good times

>> No.9411248
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Fun fact: Magnavox Odyssey 2 sold more units in Brazil than in the United States.

>> No.9411249

Oh Ive read just the sixth generation part. I only lived through 4th generation onward (i was born in 92) but I know that sega mastersystem and famicom clones were popular. During the snes and mega drive era the locadoras scene was amazing, the lads would gather there to play all day or just for watching and talking shit if money was a problem, the partnership between sega and tectoy was nice we got some localized games and sega consoles were readily available. To buy genuine games was really expensive, the price of a n64 game was almost the same as the minimum wage of the time, sometimes even more, genuine ps1 games were almost non-existent I think most people didnt even know those existed they would just buy bootlegs for 1/15 of the price a genuine copy would cost. It is too much information to write at once

>> No.9411257

>they would just buy bootlegs for 1/15 of the price a genuine copy
Good ol' 3 games for R$10
Often only one would work and the boot up sequence was always a moment of tension

>> No.9411263

Same here in Russia. They were literally selling PS1 discs with like 3 big ass games (the entire RE trilogy for example) for ~5$. That's why when I grew up I was really surprised to learn that first worlders were paying 40-60$ for just one game. Like imagine paying that much for some shitty game like 102 Dalmations, starting it up and being utterly dissapointed

>> No.9411290

>some shitty game like 102 Dalmations
Hey, 102 Dalmatians is a fine children's game. It's 101 Dalmatians 2 which is trash.

>> No.9411292

>Brazilian Megaman comic
Yosuga no Sora of Capcom.
But yeah, it was mostly pirate games and consoles like Polystation, some "3/5 by 2 dollars" cd games, GTA San Andreas with mods being sold on street (got myself a Dragon Ball mod), people playing Super Nintendo games on ps2 by SNES Station CD or that one with Atari, NES, SNES, mega drive roms and a another console i can't remember, kids having trouble playing things like Devil May Cry, God of War and Yu-Gi-Oh! cuz some dumbasses TV celebrities said they were games from the devil and Brazil is mostly a catholic country, and others stuff like that.

>> No.9411297

>kids having trouble playing things like Devil May Cry, God of War and Yu-Gi-Oh! cuz some dumbasses TV celebrities said they were games from the devil
Also a fun history: back in the days here in Brazil there was a guy called Gilberto Barros on TV who had said "Yu-Gi-Oh! is a game made by the devil for children", and there's a lot of stories from those kids of their parents burning, cutting and destroying their cards because of this guy.
Sadly brazillian television had a bunch of cases like this, like that of Assassin's Creed 2 on TV Record, or GTA Torcidas Organizadas mod where people played GTA San Andreas online with a soccer team shirt to punch each other.

>> No.9411318
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I'm sorry to break the illusion, but Brazil was pretty similar to the US when it came to console gaming. Of course more people stayed a generation behind than burgers, many people were chilling with SNES/MD during the PS1 days, but the majority kept up. The main difference was piracy. It was so goddamn simple to pirate CDs and there shops for pirated games in basically every city in the country. We had people with N64s and Saturns, but during the 6th gen Xbox and GC were very sparse. Everyone had a PS2 and the same cycle of piracy reigned, except it was tenfold. I was middle class during those days and while I didn't get PS1 or 2 during their launch, I got 'em very early.

>> No.9412642

my family unironically only had a SNES in the early 00s bc ps2s were expensive as fuck (literally months of minimum wage just for the console where i lived).

>> No.9413846
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>> No.9414475

It was comfy if you had parents that let you rent games every weekend.

>> No.9414482
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br here.
the whole "omg master system is still popular in Brazil!" is actually a meme. Yes we do have a manufacturer called tectoy who has the license for sega stuff and yes they kept making master systems (as well as mega drive), but master system was never as popular as memes made you believe it was. In actual times when it could have been popular it was vastly overshadowed by famiclones (which can't be calculated in quantities sold for obvious pirate reasons, but believe me, for every kid who had a master, 50 had a famiclone).
Master system was mostly the low cost sega console aunts and grandmas would get when kids asked for "the Sega" (meaning the mega drive, which is what kids wanted in the 90s, not the Master)
By the late 90s/early 00s, chipped playstations were super affordable thanks to very cheap bootleg games, and K62 computers let everyone play games on PC for cheap also thanks to piracy (and cyber cafes with LAN)
Master system was never a real mvp as people were made to believe. Sorry for breaking the illusion of brazil being magical master system land.

>> No.9414507

Get newer material.

>> No.9414546

based brazilian schizo
read this ignore every other post

>> No.9415202
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Gaming in Brazil is hell. Living in Brazil is hell.

Brazilians only talk about old shitty Sega games like Altered Beast, the worst arcade games, soccer games and bad anime games. And, of course, always the same games, always being nostalgic about games that they never really stopped playing thanks to emulation and Mega Drive still being sold in Brazil (like freaking Master System and chinese Famicom clones).
And they still talk about Sega as if Sega was still relevant and Sega vs Nintendo was still a thing.

Brazilians are ridiculous nostalgic about everything and they never tire of talking about the same things again and again, always repeating that when they were poor kids that steal theirs parent money to play awful games like Pit-Fighter in some slum arcade was a "good time". Brazilian pages in Facebook are crammed with posts about nostalgia, even of things from, like, 3 years ago.
Also, their vision is too egotistical. To brazilians, "good" is what they like, only what they like, and they like almost everything that they played as kids.

Brazilians also are nostalgic about old shitty magazines that published badly translated texts stolen from Gamefaqs.

>> No.9415213 [DELETED] 

Took long enough for the token self hating macaco to show up.

>> No.9415224

>To brazilians, "good" is what they like, only what they like, and they like almost everything that they played as kids.
This is the definition of this board....
>Brazilians like to play old games in dirty arcades and talk about how cool shit was when they grew up
That's just early millennials.....

>> No.9415731

>Gaming in Brazil is hell. Living in Brazil is hell.
The only true part of your post. Everything else is seething about your experience with shitty people.

>> No.9415819
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I am so done with you self loathing losers. Repeat your whining at the sound of sad violin music, it'll make it better. "Oh no they like the Mega Drive, they think what they like is good, they want more of what they like, it's literal hell."
You came to the wrong board to cry about these things faggot.

>> No.9415967

>This is the definition of this board....
>You came to the wrong board to cry about these things faggot.

No, that's not the very definition of this board and it's not the wrong place to talk about how the self-styled "gamers" can be poisonous tho a whole medium. This is a place to talk about old games. And that's it.

Talk about good games, bad games, fans and everything elese. Not just celebrate olg games because they're old or to idolize bad or mediocre old games into an infinite circlejerk like Brazilians usually do just because they got stuck playing Golden Axe for 20 years and have developed some bizarre Stockholm Syndrome for their Tectoy overlords.

There's nothing to celebrate about gaming in Brazil. Even the magazines were a complete farce.

>> No.9416092

As a fellow brazilian, I vouch for this as an accurate account. Besides that, there are only odd cases here and there. Whatever people saw from youtubers about retrogaming in Brazil is probably mistaken or out of context.

>> No.9416165

>I am so done with you self loathing losers.
I'm tired of these faggots that always come crying about brazil this and brazil that everytime Brazil is brought up, as if burgers were close friends and totally cared about it. These niggers always talk about muh hellish brazil as if they weren't middle class apartment kids in a state capital enjoying what half the country thinks it's rich people's stuff. Don't think for a second I can't see through you, faggots.
You fucks need to watch kinaman to see how fucked gaming can really be, or hell, any youtuber from Mozambique to see them sewing shit in the hot sun among the flies with shit textiles to be able to get through the day, eat garbage flour porridge and add 50 more cents to their pre-paid energy meters at home. Yes things could be a lot better, but they could also be a lot worse. And no one gives a fuck about you whining about brazil for the thousandth time.

also just listen to this post if you actually want a more accurate view of gaming in Brazil >>9411318 everything else is faggotry or trolling.

>> No.9416234

this man gets it

>> No.9416243
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Nobody is doing that nigga, Golden Axe is a pretty good game and was successful all around the world, damn, let brazilians celebrate the good games they played just like brits celebrate the amiga and americans are so crazy about the NES, there's nothing poisonous about it, stop acting like an unsufferable zoomer speedrunning faggot. If the old games are good then they are good games and people who know about them will enjoy talking about them and that's what the board is about.

>> No.9416465


Brazil is the worst country in the world. I would rather never being born than be forced to live in Brazil another day.

>> No.9416521

Honestly, you just reminded me that the Amiga failed miserably in the West. I still can't fully comprehend why, considering the success of the likes of the C64.

>> No.9416531


It definitely has a large population of crybabies and whiners

>> No.9416551

PC was better.

>> No.9416768

What mag is this if you don't mind me asking? Any scans?

>> No.9416779

SuperGamePower (Brazil), Issue 27, 1996

>> No.9416785


>> No.9416795
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>> No.9416798 [DELETED] 
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They're right
My fucking god you sound whiny. The only thing worse than a Zoomer is a 3rd world zoomer. If your life is that bad because you have bad video game culture, there has to be at least a million ways to kill yourself in the cesspool you call home. Just go for a walk at night and end it all you crybaby faggot.

>> No.9416810 [DELETED] 

that's a dude

>> No.9416871 [DELETED] 

>You need to lurk for 10 more years
They both are....It's a 4chan meme post about how living in a 3rd world shit hole isn't that bad.

>> No.9416873 [DELETED] 
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My penis says otherwise

>> No.9416882 [DELETED] 

your penis isn't a lie detector test, and neither are admissable in court.

>> No.9416884

>What was it like to grow up in Brazil during the third to sixth console gen?
I don't fucking know. I'm not Brazilian.

>> No.9417260

Yes, it does. The "boohoo I don't have the exact same life as the gringos, so this must be hell" crowd is really depressing to see. Says quite bit about how they were raised.

>> No.9417412

America had the same problem and was really strong about it in the 80s and 90s. Every new big pop culture trend was a sign of the devil to these people. D&D was an early one, but everything from Barney and Pokemon to Arthur and Harry Potter was supposedly going to make your kids into gay satanists. I have known so many people that had to fight with their parents to be allowed to play Zelda because their parents thought it was some retarded witchcraft thing.

>> No.9417418

That was a thing, but it wasn't a universal thing.

>> No.9417449

I didn't mean to say it was universal, just that it existed and it was similar. I doubt that the anon I quoted was implying that everyone in the country was hunting down and destroying supposedly sacrilegious games in the name of Jesus, baptizing any babies and manchildren they found on their way. Likewise, I was not implying universality either, just that it was a cultural undertone. You'd have people who made a career out of claiming that this or that was evil and satanic, and that your children needed God and Jesus and yadda yadda yadda. You had people that formed parent groups which aimed to stop the production of things they thought were subversive, whether it was D&D manuals or Twisted Sister albums. The US actually has a much longer history of religious revivals and fervor than I am experienced enough to comment on, but in terms of pop culture, the energy has been a slow but consistent undercurrent especially in more conservative areas. In terms of pop culture, you had things like the Beatles album burnings in the 60s after they said they were bigger than Jesus, but those were more like isolated incidents to the public eye. The late 20th century brought the proliferation of cable TV, VHS tapes by mail, and trashy talk shows/late night TV weirdos, which really allowed it to spread further and to cover more topics. And maybe it's just that I grew up in a conservative area, but I happened to see or know a number of people who dealt with this when growing up. Hell, even now I still meet people who had these experiences growing up, and I'm not even in a conservative area anymore.
Again not saying it was universal, but it definitely got around.

>> No.9417535

Renting two games on the Friday to return on Monday. Lived SNES and N64 this way. Went to PC afterwards, emulating whatever was possible.

>> No.9417626

If you were poor maybe. Me and my friends all grew up with Nintendo consoles from the 4th to 6th generations. But I remember the Megadrive being more prevalent in the 4th generation, and once the Playstation was released it quickly became the most popular console because of piracy.

>> No.9417639

To complete what I said here. Back then I never saw anyone with a Saturn, or Dreamcast, and the Xbox was a really rare sight.

>> No.9419079
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>> No.9419426
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I was a big boy, so I had this one. Kinda neat the wireless feature, though I'd rather use it with a power adapter, since it drained batteries quickly.

>> No.9421524
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>> No.9423315
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>> No.9423407

South America is unironically fucking stuck in the 90's and 2000's gaming-wise. People still play shit like Counter-Strike 1.6 and good PC parts are 16x more expensive than in the US due to taxes.

>> No.9423459

>Gaming in Brazil is hell. Living in Brazil is hell.

Brasileiro aqui. This is so fucking true. But my family lives in Canada now, we came here in 1996 after my mom and dad got carjacked and were forced to drive out into a field somewhere. They had enough of that bullshit. We came to Canada and lived with all the Portuguese in Toronto, and when our relatives from Brazil came to visit, they could not believe how lax everyone was with security. "Oh you're sitting out in the open? Aren't you worried someone will come in from the alley and rob you?" or "why does everyone keep furniture outside their houses? It's going to get stolen". They couldn't fathom such a safe and carefree society. That being said, nowadays with all the niggers in Toronto, robberies and shootings are up massively, and we have even started to have carjackings. It's becoming more like home every day.

Anyways, to answer OP, here is what I thought as an outsider looking in. For context, I grew up in Canada with the 4th and 5th generation consoles, but I was always one generation behind (my parents bought me a Super Nintendo Jr in 1997, and an N64 in 2002). When I first left Brazil my cousins and all my friends had the Sega Megadrive. Some were idorts and had both a Super Famicom and a MD, but the MD was present in absolutely every household. When I went back in the late 1990s and again in the early 2000s, my cousins and my old friends had all upgraded to PS1 and then to PS2. Again, these people are all very rich by Brazilian standards, so they could afford the latest tech. But absolutely every game they had was pirated, and heading out to the shops, it was borderline impossible to even find a genuine game anywhere. Also, the only consoles I ever saw were Playstations. I vaguely remember seeing a Gamecube on sale, but I didn't know anyone who owned one. Also, Brazil has a weird implementation of PAL that actually allows you to play NTSC consoles fairly easily.

>> No.9424568

Delusional cope. 2/3 of your population is struggling to live past 20. The Brazilians I meet are so culturally isolated it's impossible to have an interesting conversation with them about anything but food, and those are the ones who were wealthy and smart enough to get the fuck out.

>> No.9424746

It was comfy, but tough.
Most of us had NESes in the 90s (actually famiclones) i grew up with a Dynavision 4.
Whoever owned a super nintendo in the 90s was a BOSS, and owning an n64? your parents were rich as fuck.
SNES became more common in the late 90s
Most kids i knew got their n64s in 2000-2001 ( i got mine in 2001)
With the ps2/GC gen, things started to even out.
i think i got my GC in 2004, at that point at least in my school a lot of kids had ps2s and gamecubes, i remember a single kid that had an xbox and we used to go to his house to play halo.

>> No.9424754

I have no idea what you're talking about. Not my problem you've only met retards, maybe that's the sort of people you attract.

>> No.9424758

Very nostalgic, but hard.

We couldn't speak english at the time, and games were extremely expensive and thought of as stupid toys. Many parents didn't have the money to buy consoles and games, and some that had simply wouldn't because no.

Since most people couldn't afford consoles, we would all go to game stores that functioned exactly like cyber cafes. Later, the cyber cafes themselves became a phenomenon here.

But these video game stores are etched into any brazilian gamer who lived in this period. You can ask anyone about it, and you'll see him with a nostalgic smile on his face as he tells you about this period

>> No.9424762

And things also took some time to get here. 6 months-1 year if they were released in the US, up to 2 years if they were released in Japan. No internet at the time

>> No.9424776
