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9410884 No.9410884 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people hate the island so much?

>> No.9410950

They didn't need to make the village section that good because everything else pales in comparison. Now everyone shits on the rest of the game because of this. Sort of how when you are a wagecuck and work hard everyone will expect you to do a lot of stuff and once you slow down a little bit you'll get scolded. So your best bet is to do just alright and maintain your level

>> No.9411029
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True RE fans hate the whole game.

>> No.9411036
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Based and redpilled.

>> No.9411040

contrarianism is a mental illness

>> No.9411137

Forced combat section with enemies with guns everywhere. RE5 had one too, near the end.

>> No.9411146

ashley is less annoying than shiva

>> No.9411157

>muh rooty tooty OTS shooty
If OTS shooter trash wasn't utterly devoid of any originality, or quality for that matter, it wouldn't need to parasitize existing franchises

>> No.9411173

Same problem as the post-verdugo half of the castle, it just overstays its welcome.

The whole helicopter sequence is busted as fuck also and the Krauser QTEs are aids.

>> No.9411223

Backtracking isn't a sign of good game design, it's usually to reuse areas due to technical limitations or lack of storage.

>> No.9411228

Shooting gallery after shooting gallery, QTE bossfight, ANOTHER on-rails segment, generic TPS bullshit everywhere.

>> No.9411230

RE was an action adventure franchise first, horror second, you have no idea the excitement of a team diving into a new gameplay formula and delivering a classic.

>> No.9411232 [DELETED] 

In my experience RE4 fanatics mostly fall into one of three categories:
>zoomers who have never heard anything but "BEST GAME EVAR/WATCH THIS THREE HOUR VIDEO ESSAY ON WHY RESIDENT EVIL 4 IS A MASTERPIECE", and because zoomers believe everything their ecelebs tell them, they will defend it to death, despite never actually having played it or just ignoring all its glaring flaws
>not-quite-zoomers whose first RE game was 4, hence they have a very strong case of nostalgia goggles, might or might not be the easily impressable kind of person, see also:
>"dudebro" types (for a lack of a better word), easily impressable, who just want to shoot shit, the more the merrier, enjoy the gore and explosions and kicking some dude's head off for the n-th time (and seem to never get tired of it) and hate nonlinearity and fixed camera angles.

sage for shitty troll thread

>> No.9411234

It's very bipolar between the good set pieces and the boring army zombie combat. that said I react to the castle in basically the same way, a few cool setpieces, with a lot of mind numbing cultist filler. ganado encounters got stale by the end of the village.

>> No.9411238 [DELETED] 

>4, people who aren't utter faggots and can enjoy a quality action game

>> No.9411242


>> No.9411282 [DELETED] 

Please point to the exact spot in the post where it says RE4 is a bad game.

If it were actually the best game ever, RE4fags wouldn't have to lash out instantly at everyone insinuating it's not, so thanks for proving my point. I suspect you're an impressionable nostalgiafag.

>> No.9411316 [DELETED] 

maybe don't post like a catty bitch

>> No.9411319 [DELETED] 

That post really did seem to have struck a nerve. Stay mad :^)

>> No.9411407

maybe Code Veronica shouldn't have been shit

>> No.9411425

Rationing ammo gotta be the worst thing about these games. What do you expect me to do, walk past each enemy?
>if I ration them i should be ok
And do what? Hit them with a bad?

>> No.9411428

The game is nearly 20 years old. You know exactly why people think the Island is considered bad.

>> No.9411431

>What do you expect me to do, walk past each enemy?
No, dumbass, because the game has a run button.

>> No.9411448

Back-tracking is natural; it means the world was designed with logic of existing per se rather than existing just for you to go through it.
Your type of people is why we have such linear games nowadays.

>> No.9411463

>literally named and defined the genre
>wasn't the genre
LMAO the amount of OTS shooty fanboy cope, RE would have literally been better off with no new game instead of being ruined by Call of Brown: Pinata shooting simulator.

>> No.9411516 [DELETED] 

It was when the game started insisting upon itself

>> No.9411525

>Your type of people is why we have such linear games nowadays.
You say that as if linear games haven't always existed.

>> No.9411528

linear games are good. Fuck back-tracking

>> No.9411534

Your health is a resource just like your ammo, so you have to decide whether the risk of getting bit is worth saving 3-7 handgun bullets on the zombie up ahead. In some cases it is.

>> No.9411543

So you're comparing something like, say, Super Mario, with something like, say, nu-Doom?
You are very smart.

>> No.9411554

every RE has an industrial section and it is always the worst part why do they keep doing it

>> No.9411559

i just played re1 and 2 back to back for the first time ever and beat them both in under 15 hours blind. those games and their puzzles are simple and piss easy.
as for the op i liked the island, and despite the village being the best part i think the rest of the game is good and has a nice flow to it

>> No.9411565

The castle is the best part though

>> No.9411568

The island had a a very different aesthetic from the rest of the game, and late gaming pacing with less opportunity for backtracking and returning to central areas. Players enjoyed the sense of familiarity with the rustic setting of the village and the castle's architecture, but the island was less distinctive, it was industrial, dark but also equipped with very clean Umbrella themed sections notably the laser corridor. Enemy types were also equipped with more modern weaponry that was jarring after leaving the castle where zealots are armed with crossbows. It lost the feeling that Leon was a time traveller in an antique land and was visually closer to 5 than the rest of 4.


I have played since 1 released and still regard 4 as the greatest. It is flawed with some sections aging poorly (QTEs) but every other aspect of the game is simply monumental and delivered with a much higher production quality than arguably any game seen before. 1 to CV were very good games but the formula had run its course.

>> No.9411596 [DELETED] 

pointing out the estrogen in your post doesn't require any anger, is plainly obvious

>> No.9411609

No, I'm saying that linear games are not exclusively new thing as your post implied. That's all there is to it. If you want to debate it further, I won't.

>> No.9411797

It's because RE4 has a traditional difficulty curve and the island is the hardest part of the game. Somewhere around 95% of gamers hate games that are harder at the end than the beginning.

>> No.9411835

I don't think the island is particularly difficult, especially considering that at this point, Leon is a walking arsenal, like most other REs endgame.

>> No.9411860 [DELETED] 

Why are losers on this site so obsessed with being masculine as if they arent wasting their time talking about video games on the internet. You watch anime. You are not very masculine.

>> No.9411917

It isn't harder but the playstyle changes. At the beginning you kill every threat and then go back to calm. At the island you learn to be comfortable wheeling and dealing, constantly moving.

>> No.9411940

>and the island is the hardest part of the game
lolwut, git gud faggot. The island is, just like every part after the castle's water room, piss easy, but just as tedious as the rest of the game.

>> No.9411967

>but every other aspect of the game is simply monumental
The fact that you're using the term "monumental" and obviously don't consider the autoscroller segments flawed tells me you're of the easily impressable kind. I bet you clap everytime you suplex a dude or Mike shows up.

>> No.9412006

Fuck you Mike was based

>> No.9412162

People don't like when the zombies have guns, the same reason the military base is considered the weakest part of RE5

>> No.9412171 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9412231

I definetly had a great time playing it on GC!
Was never "fucking obsessed" with it.
Just moved on with my life.

>> No.9412257

The island just has too many action setpieces. The village and the castle have a better balance of action and slower paced horror stuff. The slow paced horror segments of the island like the regenerator labs and the area oven man is in are pretty good but that's basically it.

>> No.9412286

This, and for some reason in 2022 people still don't understand RE4 is not a true RE game and are still hyped for the remake which will not fix any of its problems.

>> No.9412287

>"classic" re puzzles

>> No.9412291

I don't think people hate it but its an objective reduction in quality. the village is actually kind of scary on a first playthrough because you aren't good enough at the game to know you can just suplex everyone and your weapons suck so shit like chainsaw guys are pretty tough. it's got a lot of atmosphere and leaves a strong impression

the castle meanwhile is just really fun video game adventure land where insane goofy shit is happening every 5 minutes in the same have having interesting setpieces, and your skills and guns have expanded enough to meet it

then the island is uhh. just kind of generic military zone. and you fight a lot of zombies and guys with gatling guns. krauser, laser hallway and mike are the only parts that really stand out and then the final boss is kind of a meme.

>> No.9412302 [DELETED] 

>the village section is SO GOOD they name the entirety of RE8 after it

>> No.9412428

At least they can be called puzzles, unlike anything in 4.

>> No.9412432

reminder that the answer to the painting """"""""""""""""""""puzzle"""""""""""""" in re4 is literally 1 2 3 4

>> No.9412459

Not as much atmosphere, I guess. I don't really know.
It's probably cause they die more there and get frustrated. Complaints about any game usually amount to difficulty/frustration.

>> No.9412481

Yes, and? Did you guess 1234 when you first played the game? Thought so.

>> No.9412482

Imagine defending re4's puzzles, my god. seek help retard.

>> No.9412548

Imagine thinking RE1's puzzles were any more complex. My God, what a tryhard.

>> No.9412572

m8, 99% of RE puzzles are "put triangle thing in triangle shaped hole"

>> No.9412698


The minecart run was fine. I'll break it down as apparently the concept is not self evident. It served its purpose in building tension from uncontrolled forward movement while defending against attackers and responding to QTEs. It broke up gameplay that is otherwise quite slow-paced. A lot of faggots such as yourself had real issues with it, but you probably struggled with the minecart stages in DKC as well. This small section of experimentation did nothing to sour the core attributes that make RE4 the high point of the series.

The real issues are QTEs in cutscenes that necessitate button mashing and stick spinning. The mine cart sequence is actually an example of good QTEs as a context sensitive dodge for beams in your path.

RE4 was monumental because it drew up the blueprint of the modern blockbuster game and in doing so rebooted a dead franchise, without alienating the core fanbase, except some faggots who weren't happy with also being given Zero and Remake and love to complain about nothing. 4 had a compelling narrative, including a three part story with a distinct aesthetic defining each environment. The occult setting in Spain with high attention to cultural and religious detail was profound in an industry that mostly caters to mutts and usually places games in a Japanese-gaze-of-America. The diversity of enemies and quality of modelling and animation throughout was a huge step forward from the earlier series and largely unseen among contemporaries. The gameplay loop, wealth of secrets and arsenal of upgradeable weapons gave enormous replay value. The scale of set pieces and overall cinematic quality was hugely influential and set a trend that would come to define the following era. 4 had succeeded in doing what Metal Gear Solid had started - conceiving a video game which truly had the production value and compelling narrative of an epic film. Sometimes it was off the money, but the legacy speaks for itself.

>> No.9412710 [DELETED] 

He found out you rewinded in Super Mario

>> No.9412721

It’s pretty amusing how you can stunlock krauser and his giant mutant arm with a little survival knife.
I think around the minecart room and two el gigautistes you realize the game just wants you to pump all your bullets into sponges and waves.

>> No.9412757

The change of pace and setting feels to abrupt. For me the island feels like if Metal Slug was a third person shooter

>> No.9412793

Regenerators and Iron Maidens are 2spooky4me.

>> No.9413517

if you mean the island and the fortress at the end, i unironically thought that was the greatest part of the game.

>> No.9413612

Contrarianism is unfortunately the law of the land

>> No.9413639

This. I've actually unironically always disliked RE4. I loved RE1 & 2, skipped 3 for some reason, and was extremely butthurt by 4 because they just made a completely different game and slapped the RE-name on it

>> No.9413643

>without alienating the core fanbase

Of all my friends, I was the only one that loved RE-games. Then RE4 came out and all my friends loved it, and I thought it was shit. They didn't avoid alienating the fan-base, they just captured the Cod-kiddie audience instead (which is larger)

>> No.9413649

eh,the puzzles in RE4 are still better than the ones in re2,3 got much better puzzles and is overall really good you should play it.

>> No.9413658 [DELETED] 


> but I was doing this while all my friends were doing this!!!

Bore off faggot and stop deleting your posts. Habit you've picked up from Reddit to avoid downvotes on your weak contrarian views? Your opinion has no substance and is worth nothing. If you actually thought the game was shit you wouldn't have played it as far as you alluded to because shit games aren't worth anyone's time.

>> No.9413679

The WHOLE game was shit. And clearly the beginning if the end.

>> No.9413704 [DELETED] 

I haven't deleted one post in all my years on 4chan, paranoid schizo

>> No.9413713

These true RE fans can suck my dick.

>> No.9413742

>8 slot inventory
>key taking as much slot as a stubby shotgun
why do REfaggots defend this shit?

>> No.9413776

>water sample puzzle

>> No.9413797 [DELETED] 


> in all of my two summers

>> No.9413838

Classic RE puzzles aren't hard, they're intelligent. The water probe requires some thought to figure out what you're supposed to do (adjust the wave frequency) and it makes sense in the context of the location, whereas your special needs toddler spinny puzzle sticks out like a sore thumb and requires zero thinking, you just ape the solution.

>> No.9413842 [DELETED] 

He was talking to me, but I didn't delete my posts either; I got banned for "announcing a sage". I don't know how banning works pertaining to global rules, but if it's not some kind of auto ban, it means that a bunch of RE4fags like >>9413658 got so immensely butthurt they reported me with the only thing they could, because I seemed to have hit just the right spot.

So let me repost without announcing anything:

In my experience RE4 fanatics mostly fall into one of three categories:
>zoomers who have never heard anything but "BEST GAME EVAR/WATCH THIS THREE HOUR VIDEO ESSAY ON WHY RESIDENT EVIL 4 IS A MASTERPIECE", and because zoomers believe everything their ecelebs tell them, they will defend it to death, despite never actually having played it or just ignoring all its glaring flaws
>not-quite-zoomers whose first RE game was 4, hence they have a very strong case of nostalgia goggles, might or might not be the easily impressable kind of person, see also:
>"dudebro" types (for a lack of a better word), easily impressable, who just want to shoot shit, the more the merrier, enjoy the gore and explosions and kicking some dude's head off for the n-th time (and seem to never get tired of it) and hate nonlinearity and fixed camera angles.

Let's see if I get banned again.

>> No.9413853

Because the items are just representation of components used to solve the game. There's an abstraction layer that requires higher IQ, same as tank controls. Nobody pretends it's a realistic representation, because it isn't. Neither is the idiotic inventory in 4, which apparently assumes a 100-shell drum has the same height as a vial. ROFL

>> No.9413859 [DELETED] 
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Nowadays you get your posts deleted for hurting feefees of various perma-offended subgroups, like the one that rhymes with the coin Chris carries with his badge.

>> No.9413880

Cringe. The series was full blown Hollywood summer blockbuster tier by RE2. Even RE1 ends with you killing the final monster with a rocket launcher and then escaping before the whole place goes up in a massive explosion.

>> No.9413897



Which category will it be then faggot?

>> No.9413901

best thing about the island was the Regenerators, but I think they should've been utilised much earlier in the game

>> No.9413903

I like the island. It’s the castle that drags on for too long.

>> No.9413918

1. The hallways. You get so many and they're such boring encounters.
2. The outdoor segments turn into call of duty.
3. The indoor segments are mostly good.
4. The Island feels rushed and isn't as good as the village or castle.

>> No.9413926 [DELETED] 

the lying nigger category.

>> No.9413934

>Using RE3 as an example of ammo rationing and strategic weapon use
Nice try, might fool the zoomers but not this guy.

>> No.9413950

>RE4 was monumental because it drew up the blueprint of the modern blockbuster game and in doing so rebooted a dead franchise, without alienating the core fanbase, except some faggots who weren't happy with also being given Zero and Remake and love to complain about nothing.

Code Veronica, Zero, and Remake, all underperformed. Half of that is just because they're on weird consoles but that's hindsight. These games were seen as more of the same and the format was seen as stale. That is why Mikami and Capcom decided to make 4 more action orientated and to more or less kill the Umbrella storyline.

The ending of 2 is clearly meant to setup a series of games where they take down capcom. Code Veronica being one. RE4 with Leon likely would be another similar outing - you can see how similar the Castle and weird aristocratic rules are in both Code Veronica and 4. A Jill-Chris game likely would have been the conclusion, though Capcom would have likely milked that for as long as possible.

>> No.9413958

The overall atmosphere isn't memorable and quite bland. The castle is a very tough act to follow.

>> No.9413965

>Rationing ammo gotta be the worst thing about these games.
Why? Because it's a unique game mechanic ? I do think the extremely small inventory was a bit of a miss doubly so with mission items taking up so much room, but the scarcity of ammo is one of the strongest parts of early RE games. There's something more entertaining about constantly budgeting my ammo to me than to just walk into a room, open up on some zombies, pick up whatever I need, and move on.

>> No.9414119

>Which category will it be then faggot?
The easily impressed nostalgiafag category, obviously. And you didn't say a word about how you like the classic REs.

>> No.9414150 [DELETED] 
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If I didn't like the classics why would I invest my time and money playing each and every one on release? The fact that I like the classics is irrelevant to the fact that I have concluded 4 to be the greater work. If I was allowing nostalgia to sway my opinion I would if anything be biased towards 1 most of all, for which I do admit a soft spot even over Remake for the unsettling banality of its environments. You really are just one of those faggots that has YouTube 'retrospectives' influence their enjoyment on video games when in reality these faggots just exaggerate contrarian views in order to get more clicks. And you bought into it like a cuck

>> No.9414168

So many assumptions. I played RE4 on release and dropped it after reaching the castle because it wasn't really engaging.
I am currently replaying it because I thought "oh, maybe I was wrong, there must be something about it", but there's not.
>B-but 50 billion flies can't be wrong

Now let me assume things: I stand by my categorization and I'd bet my right nut that you're still going "WOWWWW AWESOME" when suplexing an enemy for the 9001st time. You like RE4 the most because you're into action games and never really liked the backtracking and inventory management of the classics anyway. And you probably also have warm memories of MW2 multiplayer.
Oh, and I accuse *you* of having formed your opinion after youtube faggots talking about how RE4 is the best game ever because of its "stellar pacing" and "engaging, varied" gameplay.

>> No.9414205 [DELETED] 

you don't like RE lmao, stop lying 4nigger.

>> No.9414275 [DELETED] 

There are only three mainline RE entries, 1-3, and some side-quests like Veronica. After that the name got hijacked by some shitty shooter franchise that more aptly should be called Redditend Evil. Imagine going in blind and you're presented with OH LOL UMBRELLA IS GONE ANYWAY HERE'S A MEXICAN VILLAGE FULL OF CABRONS FOR YOU TO SHOOT AYAYAY LAS MUJERES TRANS SON MUJERES

>> No.9414331 [DELETED] 

It's a Spanish village.

>> No.9414336

I didn't get the hatred for RE4 until I played 5. Then I saw what everyone was talking about.

>> No.9414340
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>"siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh, 1998...I'll never forget it. Umburrla lost all it's tendies and just went out like a drop of piss in an ocean. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh"

>> No.9414359
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>be me
>think Resident Evil 4 showdown at the Paris Lab Facility between Chris Redfield and the real big bad Ozwell Spencer is going to be fucking epic
>Resident Evil 4 Spanish Boogaloo happens instead
>starring an emo cringe Leon
>bringing back Whiskers
>Spencer is just some old faggot in a wheelchair that gets unceremoniously killed by Whiskers in RE5: Modern Warfare

The 4 we got was a fucking mistake.

>> No.9414370 [DELETED] 
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seethe mongoloid, also lmao at the people who unironically believe the puzzles and ammo conservation in the early games were in some way "difficult"

>> No.9414376 [DELETED] 

I imagine some zoomer seething and crying while making this image.

>> No.9414379 [DELETED] 
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>I imagine some zoomer seething and crying while making this image.

>> No.9414392 [DELETED] 

Resident evil threads sucks these days

>> No.9414393 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9414395 [DELETED] 
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>haha old games were not hard at all, which is why I prefer the new, much easier game

>> No.9414396 [DELETED] 

they're made specifically by people that don't like RE.

>> No.9414402

why does the dog has no asshole

>> No.9414414

born in 2000, played the ps1 games in 2018 and 2019, other than the final tyrant fight in 1, they weren't hard at all
the problem with you retards is that you played 17+ games when you were toddlers and since kids are stupid you have a skewed perception of the difficulty of these games

>> No.9414419 [DELETED] 

>born in 2000
Literal zoomer. Don't forget this is who you're sharing this shithole with.

>> No.9414425 [DELETED] 

>no arguments
i accept your concession

>> No.9414426 [DELETED] 

>tank controls take higher iq
There it is - the biggest cope I have ever read.

>> No.9414428 [DELETED] 

He's right though. RE games are not hard.

>> No.9414430 [DELETED] 
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zoom zoom zoom.

>> No.9414440 [DELETED] 
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>zoom zoom zoom.

>> No.9414442 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9414528

>The real issues are QTEs in cutscenes that necessitate button mashing and stick spinning.
This. Literally everything else is a non-issue to me, but I have a seething hatred of QTEs.

>> No.9414568 [DELETED] 

Fuck you Mike I play how I want.

>> No.9414652 [DELETED] 

no fuck you buddy

>> No.9414921 [DELETED] 
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It's not cope, it's plain fact. That's why the dumbest players enjoy FPS the most.

>> No.9414937

I haven’t played five through eight yet so I’m probably wrong, but the way I took this was that Umbrella is owned and operated by the US military, who Leon now works for in 4

>> No.9414940

You're completely wrong.