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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9409817 No.9409817 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /vr/,

Lets say you found a holy grail item in the wild and grab it for dirt cheap. Now the original owner has managed to find you and wants them back. How's this supposed to play out?
>fuck you, keep them
>make a deal and split the profit
>feel bad and give them back

>> No.9409819

Hire a hitman.

>> No.9409829

If he’s not offering anything and he’s just being a whiny prick, he can fuck off. You don’t owe a single thing.

>> No.9409832

Ignore him at all costs. Why is this even a question?

>> No.9409835

The only way this is likely to play out is if the person you bought it from wasn't supposed to have it in the first place. If there's a theft in the chain of possession then even if you bought it fair and square they'd still have a claim on it if they sued.

>> No.9409846

>How's this supposed to play out?
I would call OP a faggot, tell him his thread sucks, finally hide the thread and continue scrolling :-)

>> No.9409856
File: 33 KB, 887x960, 1551132175343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finder's keepers, motherfucker, if you didn't bother finding out what you had and sold it cheap without thinking, that's your loss. I can't be held responsible for your rash actions and mistakes.

>> No.9409874

Just tell him i no longer have it either.

>> No.9409885

This seems like the obvious solution
>That game I bought from you for 10 bucks? You're never gonna believe it, I posted about it on a Facebook group and some guy was like "Hey, I'll give you a hundred bucks cash for it right now!" guess he must've been a real big fan of that one. I don't mind, I made my money back and more.

>> No.9409886

>This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games
Your childish fantasy is not that
Also 18+

>> No.9409890


Lets just say I'm in said situation.

>> No.9409893

Tell him to fuck off?

>> No.9409894

>make a deal and split the profit
>feel bad and give them back
How is it your fault that he sold them to you without knowing their value? If you stole them or something then obviously you're in the wrong but he fucked up and isn't owed shit.

>> No.9409929

This just happened to my dad who bought an amp from some crack addict who found it in the street after the hurricane. Owner probably thought it was trashed, crack addict was looking to flip it, my dad paid $80, it's worth like 4 grand, and all it needed was a replaced power cable. Crackhead showed up the next day asking for it back but my dad just told him the sale was final.

>> No.9409975

If you legally purchased the item, he's SOL. Ignore him, it's yours.

>> No.9409980

Fuck you, dude. Keep better care of your stuff.

>> No.9409997

this right here

>> No.9410004

I would tell the person before I bought it that it was worth money. I mean if it's a 50 dollar game that they're charging 5 bucks for I wouldn't give a shit but if it was an NWC or something I'd let them know. Unless they're rich

>> No.9410034

You make him sue you

>> No.9410160
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>> No.9410179

Ask yourself what he would do if he found himself in the same situation.

>> No.9410231

What do you have in the bushes over there?

>> No.9410241

>Now the original owner has managed to find you and wants them back
Tell them tough shit?

>> No.9410254

uh take the "fuck you keep them" option. Sorry, its 2022, if you have something super valuable there are a billion resources to just quickly figure it out. What is the old adage? One mans junk is another mans treasure.

>> No.9410287

If he doesn't know your address and other stuff just say "sale is final". If he persists then just block him.

>> No.9410304

If its a retro game its not some kid with a sob story about losing a game. Its some old weird collector like yourself. You can ignore them.

>> No.9410314
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We're putting the band back together

>> No.9411023
File: 34 KB, 297x331, foreskin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's not, until a timestamped pic of your NWC cart shows up in the thread. Until then, cool larp kiddo.
>b-but it's n-not a nwc...
Then why post that picture with your OP? It's exactly what you're trying to imply, so let's see that timestamped pic or get a laugh at your inevitable attempts to backpedal.

>> No.9411026

I guess it depends on the details.
Was the owner the seller, or was it some disgruntled significant other or friend? Was it clear he was intentionally selling you that particular item for a particular price when it was sold (like you didn't present him with two games, one stacked on top of the "holy grail," and he seemingly only charged you for the top one)?

If the owner knowingly sold it to you for a set price, it's yours without a doubt. Those other scenarios could make it murky, but if you were upfront at the time of sale and weren't aware that it was being sold without the owner's consent, I'd guess it is up to him to escalate it to law enforcement and prove it was sold without his pernission.

>> No.9411039

Given them a lesson in contract law.

>> No.9411045

This, what on earth would convince you otherwise

>> No.9411046

Are you 12 op? Do you not understand how buying and selling and ownership works?

>> No.9411110

Maybe the original owner sold it long ago

>> No.9411116

That adage is pretty gay though

>> No.9411197

If he's got proof it is his, return it, no questions asked. You are not a nigger, right?

>> No.9411371
File: 7 KB, 238x207, larp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lets just say I'm in said situation.
k. larper is in said situation.
All together now
Larper is in said situation.

>> No.9411384

You saved a precious item from the hands of someone who didn't give a shit.
The thing he deserves is an egged roof for daring to ask it back.

>> No.9411385

>*Sells something legally*

Is this some kind of stupid troll? Reminds me of that simpsons episode where homer buys a painting from the van houtens and it turns out to be worth millions and they get mad and demand some of the profit.

>> No.9411415

I’d smash it up with a hammer just to spite him.

>> No.9411449

Send him a link to the auction page.

>> No.9411465

Roger Hector and Yuji Naka. Finally, the Sega Saturn 2 is coming!

>> No.9411607

Get a restraining order.

>> No.9411713

OP might be larping, but getting good items for cheap by chance from sellers who don't know what they have can still happen. A few years back I won an untested/unknown SNES game for like $12 total, and it turned out to be a prototype cart of Pocky & Rocky.

>> No.9412108

>We have such add-ons to show you

>> No.9412137

>fuck you, keep them
Correct answer
If they cared enough they'd know what they had

>> No.9412182

Was it really Nintendo World Championships?

>> No.9412195

>b-but could you please tell me who you so-
Nah buddy I can't give out other people's info without their consent, sorry. Bye.

>> No.9412505
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Well I'm not a moron so I do my retro purchases wearing elaborate disguises.

>> No.9412546

Tell them you don't know what they're talking about, that you didn't buy any stupid game, and that you don't play videogames at all.
After they go away, later on you go to the person you bought the cartridge from and ask them why the fuck they croaked about you to a stranger.

>> No.9412595

If you didn't steal it, what's the problem? why is this a thread?

>> No.9412628 [SPOILER] 
File: 452 KB, 1210x908, 1644083530039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the record, I have no intention of giving anything back.

The main issue is that it was a 2-person effort that found these and we split it one each. Now the other is having a moral crisis after the seller came up with a sob story. Trying to talk them out of giving it back.

>> No.9412660

Ok and what are those exactly?

>> No.9412669

if it's a sob story it's likely fake, only reason you should give it back is if it were stolen from them by whoever you bought it from, and they can prove it with police involvement
keep hold of it

>> No.9412683

Seriously what the hell are those things

>> No.9412693

The Atari game Air Raid

>> No.9412709

Thank you that was driving me crazy

>> No.9413053

Atari 2600 game, which isn't anything special, but it was made with a unique mold which had that little T shaped grasping handle on it, and only like, five or six examples were ever made, so that's the kind of thing which hardcore collectors love.

>> No.9413154

you tell the other person to man up, you two bought them fair and square. its not either of your fault the seller is regretting it after looking them up AFTER the sale. one piece of advice though is to request a bill of sale on stuff like this. Just say it's for tax purposes.
if someone wants to buy something off of you, its your responsibility to make sure you're not getting lowballed.

>> No.9413415

Nice timestamp.

>> No.9413439

Dump it. Fuck that guy and I like to fantasize about stealing those even though I'm too chickenshit to actually do it. You know that chad who went off with that one Arcade game with only three copies known to exist? Like that.

>> No.9413491

If you bought them, they're yours. If somene stole them from him, first he has to prove they were his and if he can do that, he should look into who stole them. If it turns out, a family member just 'sold his nintendos because he doesnt need childrens toys anymore', then tough luck. If they were stolen by a burglar or robber, then that would influence my reaction.

I am not a collector, so I would offer to part with them given a reasonable agreement can be reached. I would sell them back below what they're actually worth on the market, if he can prove his former ownership. If they were legitimetely stolen from him, I would go down even further, but I would at least make sure that I won't run into a net loss, accumulating the buying price of the items in question and the time and effort it took to get them.

This is all contingent on the legal situation, of course. I would not go against the law if it it says to return stolen goods free of charge, assuming he can prove his ownership. In that case, I would have to comply.

>> No.9413524

You bought it from them, now they want it back?
Tough titties, it's not for sale.

>> No.9413546

if you bought it online through ebay or something, just ignore him.

even in the case that you gave them back, chances are hes just going to turn back around and sell it for a much higher price because he realized he couldve sold it for more

>> No.9413558
File: 58 KB, 630x630, larp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incredibly rare holy grail atari game of which only 13 copies are known to exist, but you somehow came across two of them
>no timestamp
This is totally legit and in no way a bored little kid larping for attention.

>> No.9413667

fucking lawl

>> No.9413709

Is there proof? People selling at garage sales don't give out itemized receipts with their signature. He could just say OP stole it.

>> No.9413714

I'm not sure how they'd find me since I don't live at a listed address and don't give out my mobile phone number except to family. If they did find me I'd tell them to fuck off.

>> No.9414368

/vr has been btfo

>> No.9416331


>> No.9416880

Not-surprised that they're real?

>> No.9416913


If you've purchased it, they can fuck off. You have no duty to the previous seller if they've made a bad call on a sale or didn't know the value of what they had.
Just like how the HBC traders gave beads for gold, it's not up to the buyer to inform the seller of the value of the item or compensate them for it.

>> No.9416916

No, not surprised this thread turned out to be little kiddo larp.

>> No.9416938

Somebody wanted some information. Whether they were being honest or disingenuous they probably got an answer.

>> No.9416963

The post times disagree

>> No.9417048

This is fake and gay but I’ll bite

>fuck you, keep them
Unless you are a fool who is easily manipulated this is the only acceptable answer
>make a deal and split the profit
Make what deal? You bought it therefore it is yours. Say you sell a car to a dealership and you track down the buyer of this car and proceed to tell them you are the original owner so you want it back. You should expect to have a gun pulled on you
>feel bad and give them back
Sure why not just sell all your belongings and donate to charity? Christmas is coming up right?

>> No.9417050

Fuck you
Sold is sold
Its mine now

>> No.9417110


>> No.9417659

you really think people don't crosspost on the internet?

>> No.9417861 [DELETED] 

yeah not really

>> No.9417867

still no timestamped pic
cool larp

>> No.9417878
File: 1.54 MB, 1321x991, matt-jones-badger-el-camino-75472244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have never had anything stolen from you.

>> No.9417901

Yes I have, as a child my bike was stolen from me. Doesn't mean you're owed a return on a private sale that you regret.

>> No.9417906

I guess it could be, but there are people on /vr who own rarer vidya shit than Air Raid.

>> No.9417907


>> No.9418712

>I guess it could be
There's no guess about it. The forum post where he stole the pictures has already been linked in the thread.

>> No.9419058

But it was posted here first

>> No.9419374

still no timestamp
cool larp

>> No.9420789 [DELETED] 

Theoretically, the seller has become hostile and all parties are no longer considering giving anything back.
Now the seller has called the police on you and has hired a lawyer.

How do you respond to this?
>lmao, even
>40 keks

>> No.9421110

Well, I think the most rational course of action would be for me to rape him.

>> No.9421232

larp until timestamp simple as

>> No.9421240

"LARP" stands for "live-action role-play", and none of this is in person, so just call it an RP.