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9402976 No.9402976 [Reply] [Original]

For the price of 1.5 Everdrives you could buy a MiSTer. Should I do this? It seems like the better option.

>> No.9402984

Are you intending to play on a CRT? And how far up are you trying to emulate?

>> No.9402985

for the price of a mister you could buy a good computer

>> No.9402994
File: 2.18 MB, 3840x2880, apu-cabin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got mine on Saturday and I've been enjoying it. I have it hooked up both to a 55" TV as well as my PVM, works well with both. I've already played a few games to completion, and I'm working my way through one of my favorite jRPGs. Looking forward to the Saturn core getting fully released. It's been surprisingly user friendly. I'm more comfortable with the menus in MiSTer after a few days than I am with Retroarch after about a fucking decade of using it. Also, between Mr. Fusion and the Update-All script, getting everything set up is basically automated.

I'm thinking about either getting a MT-32 Pi or getting an actual MT-32 and SC-55 to enhance the old computer experience.

>> No.9403005

I'd like to do both if possible. I have a retro set up next to my office (in my basement) but in reality I'd really appreciate the option up play old games in my regular living room. I had a middling game collection from 2600-6th gen that I got rid of earlier this year. I was planning on modding my disc based consoles (already did my Wii and PS2) but have been more hesitant to shell out for the Everdrives I had planned on getting.

I seem to understand it emulates well and maybe gets rocky around the PS1 and Saturn? Dreamcast probably not possible? Fine by me considering I don't mind doing ODE mods.

>> No.9403008

I already have one! Which makes me wonder too--should I build my own MiSTer or buy a pre built one?

>> No.9403010

The PS1 core is great, the Saturn core is still under heavy development and hasn't been fully released (you can download it and install it yourself, but it's not coming down from the official updater script).

>> No.9403023

They aren't hard to put together, but sourcing the parts can be difficult right now, and you could end up paying a mark-up that might make it worth just buying a pre-built.

>> No.9403048

enjoy your expensive emulator

>> No.9403083

>the Saturn core will never work but still buy it

>> No.9403086

What's the evidence for that claim? It already fully works with some games, and they are releasing new builds all the time.

>> No.9403089

Ignore that guy he trolls every MiSTer thread

>> No.9403137

My big question for mister users is: How does it feel to pay so much for an emulator that is always two steps behind the free emulators?

For me at some point in time I would realize that after throwing money in a hole, fiddling, throwing more money in the hole, the pay out may not be worth it.

>> No.9403170

what free emulators

>> No.9403467

Only you know whether you prefer emulation or real hardware, OP.

>> No.9403515 [DELETED] 

pure cope

>> No.9403519

if you don't care about accurate sound go for it. but why not just emulate with a pc if you want to emulate?

>> No.9403643


>> No.9403647

Thanks, I do enjoy it. Still, it's a good thing that I bought my DE10-Nano a few years ago, before the prices went up.

>> No.9403948

>accurate sound
Sound is most of the time an issue with emulation in general. So mister sucks too in that regard?

>> No.9404240

Mdfourier a third party tool shows mister is indistinguishable from real hardware sounds on consoles it has been ported to.

>> No.9404615
File: 159 KB, 2000x1123, FAu-nLXUcAAhf7K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is this shit coming?

>> No.9404696

they haven't even gotten the Sid chip correct yet. so who gives a fuck what some third party paid shills think

>> No.9404794

Your only regret will be you didn't get one sooner.

>> No.9404798 [DELETED] 

my only regret is that you FUCKING REDEEMED because sir nobody and i do not mean anybody has actually told you to FUCKING REDEEM BENCHOD

>> No.9405069

Well, it's been a slippery slope. I thought it had to be real hardware, real game, real CRT, and then I dumped my old games and kept the hardware and the CRT, now I might be dumping the hardware. and part of the appeal is that I won't be locked down to my CRT, I like my retro game setup in my basement but I don't wanna hang out in the basement all the time. I wanna play games in the living room sometimes.

>> No.9405070

Just get the hamburger.

>> No.9405071 [DELETED] 

bad bastard benchod hand type this

>> No.9405075

So what's the best way to built one of these now? What parts are considered a necessity?

>> No.9405078 [DELETED] 

many parts you will require to do the needful

>> No.9405087 [DELETED] 

Yeah, that's hilarious, mate.

>> No.9405092 [DELETED] 

are you laughing at me sir? you BLOODY FUCKING BLOODY FUCK BASTARD BITCH

>> No.9405105 [DELETED] 

I don't even understand the Indian connection.
None of this is as clever as you think it is.

>> No.9405107 [DELETED] 
File: 946 KB, 2203x1619, kindly sirs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the many arms of vishnu i hope you catch the plague of the ganges with along all of your descendANTS sir

>> No.9405114 [DELETED] 

Are you going to say "goyslop" next?

>> No.9405115 [DELETED] 

do the needful

>> No.9405118 [DELETED] 

is this the ROBBIN AND PUNJAB'N thread for based dalits and chaiwalas?

>> No.9405157

but that cost me $2000 because thats what the pc I installed it on cost

>> No.9405160

this thing gets shilled very hard

>> No.9405169
File: 3.85 MB, 1600x2400, 1666845988476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just make your own

>> No.9405175

dont you hate when you namefag 1 post before going to bed and forget to remove it the next day

>> No.9405297

De10-nano and 128 mb ram. You can get by with an otg USB hub.

The full hamburger is with it though the hamburger style board can help prevent damage to the micro USB port.

The analog board is worth having for RGB, line out and spdif audio. I use the extra micro SD a bit too, and it has the buttons.

You only need a heatsink you don't need a fan.

>> No.9405347
File: 923 KB, 611x856, mister-sandwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most expensive part is the DE-10 Nano, by far. I think the second most expensive part is the RAM chip. At that point, you may as well buy the USB hub and an IO board, to complete the set. You can get an analog IO board if you want to hook it up to a CRT, otherwise just get a digital IO board (this will allow you to use dual RAM later if you want).

Alternatively, you could buy something like a MiSTer Multisystem or Ironclad, which are both solutions that have everything except the DE-10 Nano built-in. I think you're better off building the sandwich though.

>> No.9405356

It seems like a lot of places who sell these reputably are sold out, is that common, like with Everdrives? Where should I look to?

>> No.9405364

If you want to just buy the DE-10 Nano, you can order them directly from Terasic (I tried posting a link but 4chan think it's spam, just search for Terasic D10-Nano, they sell them on their site). I think Ultimate Mister might have some pre-builts in stock, not sure.

>> No.9405365 [DELETED] 

this is supposed to be a tranny, isnt it

>> No.9405367 [DELETED] 

Just some spic's anime OC. He does lots of fanart of old anime, and he made this character to pose with various retro gaming shit.

>> No.9405368 [DELETED] 

...but it's supposed to be a tranny, right?

>> No.9405370 [DELETED] 
File: 343 KB, 800x1130, perfect-balance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think so.

>> No.9405372 [DELETED] 

somebody in another thread said it was but then again maybe that guy was just a fag. anyway, carry on

>> No.9405379 [DELETED] 
File: 721 KB, 800x1000, perfect-geometry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could be wrong, but he uses a male name and just seems to peddle a bunch of 80's inspired anime art.

>> No.9405402

the fan does more than the heatsink. there are several videos that prove this. thermal tape is garbage. unless you can tightly secure a heatsink with thermal paste a fan alone is best.

>> No.9405465

sure, but he's correct in saying it's not needed

>> No.9405603

Aren't those full-on aluminum cases supposed to keep them pretty cool, with no fan?

>> No.9405604

I hear that then I also hear some people had glitches in SNES games without any cooling. you don't need anything if it's just sitting out open probably, but if you put it in a case you have to move cool air in and hot air out

>> No.9405645

Link the videos. I have been using only a heatsink for more than a year and I run all the fat cores ao486, A1200, PSX. As long as the heatsink has a path to convect heat upwards it will work fine, no gay fan whining like that homo that shitposts mister threads.

>> No.9405650

The hamburger case has a hole at the top for convection. I don't belive those reports about SNES are anything more than anecdotal, the FPGA doesn't even come with a heatsink if it needed active cooling it would come with it.

>> No.9405702

>trap heat
>it keeps it cool lol
no anon

the board can run naked open-air (stock configuration) and it does OKAY - if youre gonna play for more than 30-90 minutes with intensive cores then i suggest a $5 heatsink/fan

the fan literally comes with most analog iO boards anyways might as well use it

tldr; dont trap heat unless you are building a toaster, the de-10 doesnt care about overheating it just shows graphical errors when it starts cooking/throttling

>> No.9405709

ive got the de-10 to show fuckups via thermal throttling but i dont remember what core it was

>> No.9405723

Solid evidence.

>> No.9405725

I can leave mine on running DOOM on ao486 in the middle of summer without any issues. No fan.

>> No.9405730

i only ran fanless for a few weeks anon
it wasnt a dramatic system halting error
just erratic behavior
i think it has to do with efficiency of the core itself more than the software roms

>> No.9405743

Laser cut acrylic is like baby's first design-for-production.
I design circuit boards and I don't trust any product that doesn't have a proper housing.

>> No.9405750

Just get a wii/wiiu and emulate

>> No.9405751

>i design circuit boards
let me guess you put the iO all over the fucking place like the rest of the "engineers"

i swear zero common fucking sense
bad design and im blaming you directly/personally

>t actual electrical engineer

>> No.9405770

There's plenty of cases to choose from, you don't have to get an acrylic case. Hell, you can use any mini-ITX case if you get an Ironclad.

>> No.9405863

Is it possible to build a basic MiSTer and then keep adding things to it, or does it all need to be done more or less at the same time? I really want a decked out one but maybe the best way to figure out what I actually want is to get the basic functionality down first.

>> No.9405874

sorry that $500 is a lot of money for you
i enjoy my mister and my pc

>> No.9405879 [DELETED] 

seek help

>> No.9405882

Yes see >>9405297

I ran with the plain DE-10 nano and a simple USB hub for about six months. The RAM is worthwhile though and you can play all cores with this setup.

>> No.9405987

heres one. jump to 13 minute mark for final results


>> No.9405996

and notice how much bigger that heatsink is than the one you can fit on the de10.

I'll try to find the videos I saw on forums where the heatsink was causing higher temps than no heatsink because shitty thermal tape was just trapping heat onto the chip

>> No.9406028

Rpi4 what are you on about? They come with a fan out of the box.
That has nothing to do with mister which is a low clock device which doesn't even need a heatsink let alone a fan.

>> No.9406045

Isn't it just the arm part on the DE10 nano that generates heat with cores that only use the fpga plus minimal arm running cool?

>> No.9406052

It's an 800 MHz dual core arm. For comparison my phone has an 8 core 2+ GHz arm with no fan or heatsink.

>> No.9406056

I have a similar phone and had an iPhone 4 ten years ago. The former runs cool and the latter overheated. It isn't that simple.

>> No.9406159

rpi4's don't come with fan. it does't matter what sbc is tested, the results will be the same. the claim was "you don't need a fan just a heatsink" when the opposite is true. a fan with no heatsink will cool better than a heatsink with no fan.

>> No.9406167

You are an idiot.

>> No.9406215

i love mine, but cheers for the encouragement!

>> No.9406271

You understand that there was a time when desktop PCs were passively cooled, yeah?

>> No.9406314
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, MiSTerMultisystem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically, the only essential part is the DE-10 Nano board, which is also the most expensive.

However, the DE-10 Nano alone is only able to run about 5% or so of the cores: https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/Main_MiSTer/wiki/Cores-that-use-SDRAM

Notable ones that work without additional RAM are some arcades, 486 PC, Apple II+, Atari 2600, Sega Genesis, and TurboGrafix16/PCEngine. Although some others like Atari 5200 and GBA can work without it, depending on the game some will require it still.

Basically, the RAM is also considered pretty essential unless you have just a very specific system you want to emulate that does not need it. Also the majority of them don't really need 128MB, 32 or 64MS will eb enough for the vast majority, but that was back when there was an actual cost savings to be had with not going all out with a 128MB module. Nowadays it's not worth it to go with a module smaller than 128MB to save money, if it will even save you any money at all.

All the other boards and addons are 100% optional. The most common configuration generally has a USB board just to give you easier access to more USB ports for controllers/keyboards/other accessories, and an analog I/O board (Although there is also a digital I/O board, but there is practically zero reason to use this since the DE-10 has built-in HDMI, it's mostly if you want to use Dual-RAM since the analog board uses up the pins that would connect to a second RAM module or really need TOSLINK or the built-in power switch) that outputs the video in various analog formats.

Some also add a hat based on Raspberry Pi that emulates the MT-32 for enhanced MiDi on DOS, PC-98, and Sharp X68000 systems.

There are also all-in-one boards designed to make it easy to install it in a PC ITX case, Jamma boards to install it in an arcade cabinet, or "consoleizer" boards to make it more like a console if you just want one pre-made board to plus the DE-10 into or specifically want that form factor.

>> No.9406325

De10 doesn't even have a fan header.

>> No.9407979

>For the price of 1.5 Everdrives you could buy a MiSTer.
Where do I buy a mister for $45 bucks? Why would I want to pay for emulation?

>> No.9408613

Don't then? :3c

>> No.9408646

it's got like 5 or 6 places to connect a fan. 3.3v and 5.v on both GPIO, and 5v on Arduino (I think 3.3v too but I don't recall)

>> No.9408648

you're a stupid faggot.

>> No.9408651

your point?

did they generate as much heat as todays processors? were they passively cooled with tiny heatsinks attached with double sided tape?

>> No.9408675

Voltage yes, fan header no. If it needed a fan it would have a fan header.

>> No.9408686

yes, with saturn and playstation support and neo geo, cps 1 and 2, and most if not all 16 bit and 8 bit systems running it's a great value even at current prices. Nobody I know has ever regretted it.

>> No.9408842
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, mission accomplished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would I want to pay for emulation?
>Don't then? :3c