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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 63 KB, 1200x1102, Sega_Channel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9397781 No.9397781 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Let's discuss shit that was ahead of it's time.

>> No.9397784
File: 148 KB, 1024x768, 5584063170_2b3b38962d_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XBAND chads rise up

>> No.9397787
File: 218 KB, 1600x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9397796
File: 364 KB, 750x533, F21C8BB9-BC67-4BCE-BF1B-9EF6B4F82749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*wins the console war*

>> No.9397801

never had it but i remember watching the infomercial with the krs one songin it over and over again

>> No.9397816

dvds were already 4 years old when this released. i wouldnt say it was ahead of its time. it definitely helped adoption thought for sure

>> No.9397821
File: 363 KB, 800x800, Satellaview_with_Super_Famicom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite on the same level as game streaming, but definitely one of the earliest examples of owning nothing and being happy

>> No.9397827

>Looked it up on wikipedia

Holy shit so THAT'S what that was. I never knew.

>> No.9397849
File: 274 KB, 1200x1200, i-img1200x1200-1667730889bcbz4j228378[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a Sega MD modem currently up on Buyee

>> No.9397850

Sega Channel was great, played a lot of games on there that I had never gotten a chance to. There were also a small amount of NA exclusives like The Wily Wars, demos for upcoming games, etc. It was like a proto-Gamepass.

>> No.9397857

It was ahead of its time in turning home consoles into multimedia entertainment centers.

>> No.9397870

I wish there was a way to get this to play normal famicom and nes carts so it could be used like that one demo unit.

>> No.9397872

Every nip who supported this should have been rounded up and shot, for the greater good.

>> No.9397874

The 3D glasses on the master system and the virtual boy, that shit was cash. And we are still probably about 5 years from 3D becoming mainstream.

Also heard of sambo de amigo on dreamcast but never player, seems similar to the wii technology.

>> No.9397876

Vectrex did 3D glasses before even that.

>> No.9397879

>Virtual Boy
Holy fuck I forgot all about this. I rented one from Blockbuster once and that shit hurt my eyes pretty quickly. That thing is probably the reason why I've never cared much for any sort of virtual reality device.

>> No.9397896
File: 223 KB, 444x649, sente-sac-1-cab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a relatively obscure one most people don't know about. This is the Sente SAC-1 arcade machine. It was only the second or third arcade board to use cartridges like the Neogeo MVS or Sega Naomi.

What made it unique was that it was subscription-based. Instead of buying the games, arcade operators would buy the machine, then pay a subscription fee. As long as they were subscribed, they could freely trade in the software it was running for a different game once a month.

It's basically a VERY primitive version of the subscription-based digital distribution arcade machines that are common in Japan. Stuff like the ALL.net P-ras games or NesicaxLive.

>> No.9398159


Imagine trading stocks on your Famicom in 1988

>> No.9398172

The CDi, LaserActive, and 3DO already did that a decade prior you retarded zoomer

>> No.9398186
File: 107 KB, 424x584, 1556050212094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opening bid: $705
>number of bids: 11
>current price: $2,136

>> No.9398220

the logo is like that "autistic screeching" meme

>> No.9398267

Where could you connect that to today?

>> No.9398459

I thought those weren't released?

>> No.9398460

Nowhere, those services were long since shut down. I don't think anyone has any of the corresponding software or hardware for the other end of the equation.

>> No.9398463
File: 81 KB, 267x200, virtualboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9398503

It requires an autist who will revere a protocol and start to translate its own service

>> No.9398523


>> No.9398524
File: 64 KB, 357x521, 20000908-WsBNrHRI-p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too ahead of its time in terms of supporting infrastructure.

>> No.9398528

sega.net in itself worked fine, the issue was entirely that internet of the time was shit. It's also half of why Vanilla WoW was "hard", because working off of 2004 internet is a bitch and a half.

>> No.9398543

I would say that the PS2's DVD support was the right product at exactly the right time.
>technology was already a few years old
>movies getting simultaneous releases more often
>was cheap enough that it was the first DVD player most people had

>> No.9398546

Its legendary game library won the war. I'd say you need better material, but you have none.

>> No.9399328

Nice cabinet design but the company made a critical mistake. You have to make games people want to play. You can't put shovelware in arcades and expect them to sell. That's the difference between something like this and the Neo Geo MVS.

>> No.9399331

Idk but ive talked to enough old farts who said they had them with their systems so im assuming it did.

>> No.9399336

Isnt this literally just like a peer to peer connection between systems? Like in theory if you had 2 modems they could just link between them.

>> No.9399342

Pokemon stadium 2's my room looking at a pokemon gen 2 file that's used mystery gift a hundred times

>> No.9399373

god bless them

>> No.9399390

Ah yes, the legendary, long lasting media format known as LaserDisc.

>> No.9399391

You mean literal fucking garbage. How in the goddamn fuck are kids these days so fucking brainwashed by goddamn gimmicky, worthless modern VR trash that they actually talk about the goddamn shit Virtual Boy as if it was anything but a pile of fucking shit?

>> No.9399407

I mean, laserdisc unironically is legendary and was long lasting. Do you know anything about the topics you try to talk about? Like even a little?

>> No.9399408

The issue was the service was only available to 10% of cable subscribers in the US, severely limiting their growth potential.

>> No.9399415 [DELETED] 

You type like a fucking Reddïtor, stop talking to me.

>> No.9399429

I want to know why you talk so confidently when it's obvious you don't know anything

>> No.9399430
File: 403 KB, 1500x1125, laserdisc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't utilized to its full potential. Developers were too caught up with the notion of using it to make interactive movie games and didn't realize the potential of being able to store thousands of different still frames and use them as static backgrounds.

>> No.9399521

>It's also half of why Vanilla WoW was "hard", because working off of 2004 internet is a bitch and a half.
>2004 Internet

LOL what? 2004 internet was the era of high speed internet. This wasn't 1994 with dial-up. Get your facts rights.