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9395492 No.9395492 [Reply] [Original]

uhh, bros??

>> No.9395498

Blue hair chick every time.

>> No.9395527

Ugh. Retranslationfaggot.
It's fucking Maia and you can suck maia dick.
Also, pic Lena because Aron is best final protag.

>> No.9395549

Lena because Maia leads to a bad ending.

>> No.9396563

Is the retranslation shit?

>> No.9396742

What's wrong with PS3 retranslation?
I know that PS1 one is pretty much a fanfic.

>> No.9396813

>I know that PS1 one is pretty much a fanfic.
The SMS Power one? Can you link to a breakdown of how?

>> No.9396836

Translator mentioned inserting extra details from the manual into the game script for additional context.

>> No.9396852

Not a big breakdowns, but:
Now, the thing is, SMS Power was always talking about how they brought someone to rewrite the script "to make it less stiff" and "to make the game justice" based on the actual re-translation, so they never really hid it much, despite mislabeling the final product.
In other words, they also got an actual English script, that you can read alongside other languages on their github, so if you want you can make some comparisons yourself.
Honestly, the original translation is fairly accurate. The only problems are text being in all caps, shortened names, the whole Lutz thing and lack of FM music (except if you play Switch version, which also adds other QoL stuff).

>> No.9396854

>the whole Lutz thing

>> No.9396904

idk. I just tend to like original translations, warts and all, because nostalgia and also wanted to use the opportunity to say "suck maia dick."
It's like "Lum" was super popular in my country a. "Lamù." Now that I know it's meant to be "Lum" I still dgaf and it will forever be Lamù because fuck you, that's why.
And fuck Aerith, too.

>> No.9396905

>And fuck Aerith, too.
We all want to do it, she's a very pretty waifu.

>> No.9396909

Translators changed his name to Noah for some reason and also mistook him for a woman since he's androgynous or something. Considering his role in PS2 and PS4 that obviously doesn't make any sense.

>> No.9396910

It looks like there's a 1.x and a 2.x version, with 2.x being further expanded? I'm pretty sure I played 1.x (after the official one). Disappointing; I hate all-caps text and name changes.

>> No.9396921

Ever since playing PS4 way back in 1994, I've wondered if Lutz was ever inherited by a woman or if it was always just a dude. Also, if Lutz is still alive in PS2 through the use of cryogenics, ytf isn't he in PS4?
And why don't Dezolisians lie any more?

>> No.9397064

Fun fact: the original idea was for Lutz to be hermaphrodite and for player to decide whether to make him a man or a woman.

>> No.9397068

>idk. I just tend to like original translations, warts and all, because nostalgia
You're why bad translations exist.

>> No.9397069
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>> No.9397086

I played the original translation and never once thought Noah was a woman. Was he really called one in-game, and I just missed it somehow?

>> No.9397090

lrn2japanese, then, my EOP friend

>> No.9397093
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Is there any way to connect PS/2 peripherals to a PS2, so you can use them while playing the PS2 version of PS2?

>> No.9397098

No. Noah is a dude, has always been a dude and has a dude's name.

>> No.9397109

Kodama: Actually, when I created the first draft of the characters for Phantasy Star II, I made Lutz the main character. By the way, since so many people have asked whether Lutz is male or female, let me say a little about that. In the original story drafts of Phantasy Star, Lutz was a hermaphrodite, and as Alisa grew up, Lutz could become male or female. I thought that was interesting so I depicted Lutz that way."
—Phantasy Star 1993 Developer Interview From the “World of Phantasy Star.” Translation provided by shmuplations.

>> No.9397117

Ah, yes, the game where they let you revive Nei.
And now Square Enix is going to steal this too.

>> No.9397118

I'm sorry to any hermaphrodites on here but I'm glad they didn't go through with that.

>> No.9397150

>the game where they let you revive Nei.
Only for her to die with the rest of the party a bit later.

>> No.9397153

you don't know that anon

>> No.9397167
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Well that sucks, I was nearly hoodwinked. The Mega Drive Phantasy Star sequels got retranslations/relocalizations more recently. How are those? And does there exist a more conservative name patch for the original game?

>> No.9397210

PS2 retranslation is old (like 22 years old actually) and okay-ish. Certainly got some issues, but translation itself is fine.
Don't know much about PS3 one, but I heard only good things about it.
As for PS1 patches, I don't think that there are any.

>> No.9397243

Short hair waifu all day.

>> No.9397258

There's one for PS4 too: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/4171/
But in general I'm -very vary- about anything that labels itself a "relocalization", 9 times outta 10 that's license to be an amateur.

>> No.9397268

>A more colloquial, fun, and emotional script (from NPCs to main story)
>Add depth to character personalities and relationships
oh no

>> No.9397270

>But in general I'm -very vary- about anything that labels itself a "relocalization", 9 times outta 10 that's license to be an amateur.
The Ar Tonelico 2 relocalization is great.

>> No.9397282

I mean, have you read the description?
They clearly state that they changed stuff around, made the script more "fun" and added a bunch of shit that wasn't there even is it's just filling so called plot holes with the stuff from the interviews.
I don't mind it unlike PS1 one, since it's exactly a relocalization (kekked from the review that compared it with Working Designs stuff) and wears it on a tin, but I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.9397319

>But in general I'm -very vary- about anything that labels itself a "relocalization", 9 times outta 10 that's license to be an amateur.
It's because Mato's MOTHER 3 translation opened a Pandora's box of young wannabes who don't know Japanese but think they can pull off a localization anyway. Seriously check the state of RHDN before and after October 2008, the general attitude went from "let's show this shit unfiltered unlike those grey-haired company execs who think they know better" to "let's make it like a basic-bitch official release (please see my resume Treehouse)". I don't blame Mato, just autistic overzealous fans.
Anyways, the PS3 patch seems like the one you want; earlier versions of the PS2 patch had mixed reactions but I don't know how much has improved by the current version.

>> No.9397486

Almost futanari case like Lilith. Sounded interesting idea.

>> No.9397494


>> No.9397684
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>> No.9397836

Alair, because Aron is tits.
You can suck the left half of my whole ass with that "Luise" nonsense. FOHWTBS

>> No.9398231

>fiancee gets kidnapped from your goddamn wedding
>fight through several dungeons, even changing the weather to reach the bastard that kidnapped her
>beat his ass, and get her back
>...hey, wanna marry this other, uglier chick instead?

>> No.9398261

I still need to beat PS2. Up to the crevice. I hear bad stuff about number 3, is that just because it tried branching paths without the money, time and hardware needed or are there other problems?

>> No.9398382

It's pretty great and sticks to the original Japanese scripts. You wouldn't believe how many changes were done in the original English translation, it might be another game entirely.

>> No.9398391
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Where is the best place to start with Phantasy Star games?

>> No.9398448

Yes, Phantasy Star III is just functional. You can complete the game but everything between is just unfinished. There are probably two or so houses in the game that have NPCs in them that aren't shops. The mysterious buildings all suddenly get used at the final generation and are rushed right in. I don't even know if magic outside of healing is worth using, especially since you can steam roll the game with basic attacks. On the other hand it was nice seeing Phantasy Star III referenced in IV. You see from Phantasy Star III the space ship fleet that was leaving the Algo system, Wren, and the final bosses first form is the final boss of PSIII. The time frame they made the game in and the branching routes didn't leave them with a finished game.

Actually I beat PSIV a couple days ago and it was great how it wrapped everything up and included all three previous games with their periodical 1,000 year struggle.

>> No.9398453

Personally I think you should save Phantasy Star IV for last due to how it wraps the series up and how it references the previous games. I'd say start with the first game but personally I started with PSII since it interested me the most. I'll say that PSII is probably the more unique one of the series.

>> No.9398464
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Ni negro.

>> No.9398478

this might sound crazy but
you start from the beginning

>> No.9398487
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Is this from 3? I beat it only because in this bootleg cartridge chinks put the ability to save. When I bought a cartridge with 4 it couldn't save.

>> No.9398694

>I hear bad stuff about number 3, is that just because it tried branching paths without the money, time and hardware needed or are there other problems?
It wasn't a hardware problem. They just didn't stick enough story elements in for it to make much sense. I feel like it could have been solved with another month or two of working on the script.
And it would have been nice if techniques (besides the healing ones) actually did much. PSII was already a bit problematic in that Hugh (who has techniques to fight monsters) and Kain (techniques to fight robots) were totally ignorable. In PSIII, there's a shop that adjusts the relative power of different techniques, but after experimenting a lot I couldn't get it to make a real difference. PSIV fixed this to a certain extent with the combos, and dialing down the difficulty to eliminate grinding.
Likewise, equipment doesn't matter too much in PSIII. Just buy the most expensive stuff when you come to a new town. Not enough money? Grind more, then buy it. Which is not too different from PSI or PSII, except that 1) the latest town always has the best equipment (in the other games, you have to shop between different towns) and 2) if you grind enough, your weak equipment can be overcome anyway.
And then the dungeons... PSI had hard dungeons that you had to map out, and PSII had legendarily hard mazes (which some people complain about, but not me). PSIII had long mazes, but except for the very last one, very simple ones. Even the last dungeon is impossible to get lost in.
Some people also complain about the graphics and music in III. These people are wrong, though. The graphics and music are different, but better.

>> No.9398756

Different Wren, tho. There are several Wrens and several Wren-model androids/cyborgs.

According to supplemental shit, Lena was Rhys' original main squeeze. He dumped her for Maia, but Lena still loved him, which is why she rescued him from the dungeon at the beginning of the story.

>> No.9398972

>And fuck Aerith, too.

>> No.9399297

Branching paths are what people like, actually.
Made by a different team (the one that also did Golden Axe, I think). The artwork is good, it's just looks nothing like the rest of the series.
Bland map design. A lot of empty space.
Dynamically changing battle music can get annoying.
Monster animation is not as vivid as it was: they just wave a finger of a mouth while the rest of the sprite is unchanged.
While connected to the other games, it doesn't take place in Algo star system and in fact happens 1000 years after IV, making it more of a side story. Though there is a theory that one of the routes is a prequel to II.

>> No.9399313

>Different Wren, tho.
Yeah since PSIII takes place far away. I like that the andoirds have potential to come back in later installments. I'd like another Phantasy Star game, although maybe something entirely new area and not in the Algo system.

>> No.9399318

IV for comfiest 16-bit RPG
I or II for hardcore experience
II text adventures for worldbuilding
Ephinea Blue Burst for reliving golden days of Sonic Team.
Avoid New Genesis. Let it die.

>> No.9399723

>I'd like another Phantasy Star game
I fucking wouldn't. I paid $110 for PSIV when it came out because muh last game in the series only to get a goddamn paper box and, a few years later, have Sega announce PSO. Honestly, when their hardware division went under, I kinda thought "that's what you fucking get for making PSO, ya cunts."

>although maybe something entirely new area and not in the Algo system.
While I never played PSO, isn't that the premise? It doesn't take place in Algo, duzzit?

>1000 years after IV
Pretty sure it takes place 1000 years after II, making it concurrent with IV and therefore a literal side story since it's happening as an aside to IV.
Now, idk if this is actual trufax reality canon or just my headcanon since I never played PSO, but IIRC, isn't the very idea of PSO supposed to be a direct continuation of PSIII? Where those worldships wound up elsewhere outside Algo and PSO deals with the descendant cultures of said worldships?

>> No.9399743

If you think about it, it's better for Nei to die fighting Neifirst than it is to survive.
She dies surrounded by friends who she believes are going to save the world.
As opposed to being gang raped to death by evil wizards while watching the total collapse of your civilisation, and the deaths of billions, from out the space station's window, and knowing it's your fault

>> No.9399781

First of all, anon, you should go and play Phantasy Star Online. It's arguably Sega's last truly great game and in my opinion the *spiritual* successor to Phantasy Star 2 - the aesthetic and mood is very reminiscent of PS2, albeit translated into lovely early 2000s low-poly 3D.

If you fan wank hard enough then PSO could just about be interpreted as a loose sequel of PSII / PSIII, i.e. it's a worldship crewed by refugees from Palma looking for a new home.

HOWEVER, there's another fan wank theory* that PSO is actually a prequel to PS2. The worldship is from Earth, and the "Ragol" system is Algo. The people of PSO are the Earth humans who will eventually create Mother Brain and turn evil.

Then you have to consider where Phantasy Star Zero on the NDS fits in to the canon, if there is one...

*of mine

>> No.9399820

>I never played PSO
You should. It's a great game. Basically scifi Diablo. Xbox support (with Gamecube crossplay) is supposedly coming very soon.
>isn't the very idea of PSO supposed to be a direct continuation of PSIII?
The plotlines share some ideas. In PSIII everything happens on one of the generation ships going to colonize another planet. In PSO, you start on the second ship to reach a new planet, and you transport down to the planet repeatedly to do a bunch of missions, gradually finding out what happened to the first ship. They didn't bother trying to fit PSO into the original canon.
The PSO ship is just some shops, a hospital, a bank, and a half-dozen residents to talk to. There's no overworld (although the ship is made out to be huge, you can't explore any of it). It's structured like a roguelike, with a home base to recharge between trips to the dungeons.

>> No.9399831

>you should go and play Phantasy Star Online
I would but I haven't liked much online gaming I've tried except Graal, AoE and Fat Princess and I'm very much not into 3D gaming, which is the majority reason of why I still play /vr/.

>Earth humans
>created Mother Brain
Admittedly, I haven't played PSII since the 90s so I might just not remember it properly, but isn't MB just a Palman invention and the Earthlings just happened to corrupt it or some shit? I don't even really remember the ending, it's been so long.
Also, Aron's ending in PSIII has the Alisa-III wind up in the Sol-system, which is nifty.

>> No.9399840

Never much cared for those, either, I'm afraid. I'm glad someone likes the new direction the PS series went into, but they just /really/ don't seem like they'd be my sorta thing.

>> No.9399904

I got on a kick reading classic sci-fi/fantasy over the summer and PS3 feels like it would fit right in alongside books from that era. Shame is was such an unfinished mess. I loved ideas like the town where the residents were descended from the people who originally piloted the worldship.

>> No.9400590

IIRC, Orakio/Laia war happens 1000 years after the ship's launch in Japanese script and right following the launch in English script. The former would occur concurrently with IV.

>> No.9400659

You don't have to play Phantasy Star Online online. Single player is perfectly OK, it has a good story and the gameplay could be compared to something like Diablo.

>> No.9400947

This is what led to gamer gate.

>> No.9400984
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That's right. In Japanese script sages tell a story about two Parmans Ohario and Aina who challenged Dark Force some time before Rolf and his team did, but failed. Following their demise Parmans built a fleet of 400 ships to escape Algol, but Dark Force infiltrated ships and for the next 1000 years destroyed them one by one until Alisa III and Neo Parma were the only ships left. On Alisa III Dark Force was eventually defeated by Orakio and Laia, that happened a 1000 years after the ships launched, so, concurrently with the events of PS4. And then a 1000 years after Orakio and Laia Japanese version of PS3 takes place.
In English script, however, Ohario and Aina don't exist. Sages simply tell that Parmans discovered plans of Dark Force, built ships and tried to escape, but Dark Force infiltrated ships and destroyed them until it was defeated by Orakio and Laia. And English version specifically states that ships were built 1000 years before the events of the game, making English PS3 version concurrent to the events of PS4.

What's cool, in Phantasy Star Generation 2 one NPC mentions Ohario and Aina.

>> No.9401104

Would have been real nice if they explained that in the game. The choice comes completely out of nowhere after the first act; maybe it's built up better in Japanese, but I'd have no way of knowing.

>> No.9401394

Yep. Also, if Rhys marries Maia and they have Ayn, Ayn will meet Sari and Thea, both of whom are, according to supplemental shit, cousins to him. In game text directly states that Thea is his second cousin as she is Lyle's daughter and he's cousin to Maia, Ayn's mother.
Sari is Lena's daughter and queen of Satera, Lena's homeland. Lena was princess of Satera during Rhys' portion of the story. However, in-game story says that Sari is queen of /both Satera and Landon/, just as Lena would be if Rhys, prince of Landon, had married her instead of Maia. Supplemental shit says Rhys has an older (also taller; idky they bother mentioning his height) brother, despite his conspicuous absense at Rhys' wedding to Maia at the beginning of the game. As Satera and Landon are allied kingdoms, the only way for Sari to ascend both thrones is for Lena to have married this unnamed brother during the Rhys-Maia timeline, making Ayn a serial cousin-fucker, no matter how you slice it.

>dem surnames
Literally Rhys and Maia's names, respectively.

>> No.9401423

>According to supplemental shit, Lena was Rhys' original main squeeze. He dumped her for Maia, but Lena still loved him, which is why she rescued him from the dungeon at the beginning of the story.
Someone really ought to hack this game and "finish" it. Put all the missing story in there, make techniques actually do something, fix the combat so it's not just boring attack-attack-heal, maybe even add sidequests and some more towns... it could be a great game.

>> No.9401429

Imagine two thousand years of inbreeding.

>> No.9401736

Truly generations of doom.

>> No.9401747
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I wish 4 had another Mieu-type android instead of Wren to represent PS3. Maybe they thought it didn't need 2 claw users but they could have made her a different model that used guns or something.

>> No.9401819

I've been wanting to do something like that for literal decades now, but based on the PSIV rom rather than PSIII, this way the game has a better battle system, better battle graphics and animation, more techniques, the addition of skills, addition of party chat stuff/mumbling, combos and so on.
If I had the know-how I would:
1) add more playable characters to the PSIV rom.
PSIII has close to twenty playable characters while PSIV only has about half that, so this would be a necessity.
2) PSIV style cut scenes as a story device so a manga and pixel artist (or one of each) would be needed
3) entry into those blocked off caves, so whole new maps would have to be designed, potentially opening the game up for less linear gameplay IE new scenarios might have to be written.
4) more story so that the whole Rulakir nonsense feels less like an asspull
5) a small bit explaining how in the shit raffies got in PSIII and PSIV if PSIII's worldships are 1-2 millenia removed from both PSIV and PSII (depending on JP or US lore) and PSI and PSII lacked them entirely.
6) more towns, yes, but also some new fucking architecture. how in the shit is it that each worldsphere on the ship has been separated from the others for at least a few centuries yet not one has ever developed a single goddamn unique architectural style? I'll suspend disbelief about why the fuck they all still speak the same language the same way without some sort of mass media, but come the fuck on about the goddamn architecture.
7) separate item menus per character, like PSIII has. I like that. PSIV and II have more convenient item menus, sure, but I seldom to never actually use items in any PS game. Also, have the gems and droid/cyborg parts have their own "special," "rare" or whathaveyou menu.
8) an explanation where the fuck Sari came from IE who in the shit is Lena's husband? Or Lyle's and Lune's wives, for that matter?

>> No.9401845

PSIV need Switch remake for real

>> No.9401848

dumb tendie zoomer.

>> No.9401960
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>> No.9401978
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>> No.9402220
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For me, it's

>> No.9403029
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I think the criticisms with the original Phantasy Star's fan-retranslation are exaggerated. While there is overreach, it only happens in about two scenes, which is rather miniscule in the grand scheme. Also, it uses the Japanese ROM as its base, so this is your only English option for FM music.

>> No.9403069

So with PS3 happening after PS4, that means an incarnation of Dark Force/Falz/Phallus remains after the Profound Darkness is defeated. Sort of makes PS4's big finale not matter.

>> No.9403147

Not really, because you may consider Dark Force on Alisa III the last Profound Darkness piece that survived PD's destruction only because it was sealed on a space ship many light years away from Algo. And without PD, Alisa III Dark Force has no way to reincarnate anymore and is successfully destroyed for good until the time loop in Aron's ending happens

>> No.9403873

Aron doesn't have a time loop ending. He goes through a wormhole and talks to London.

>> No.9405810

That IS a time loop! Earth's already destroyed by then! He went back in time and the ship arrived at Earth and is implied that's how Earth found out about Algol and started up the NOAH project.

I'm fond of the idea that Dark Force was still on the ship and was behind the collapse of Earth too.

>> No.9406020

Oh. Right. PS2's ending. Well shit. That makes Aron the only canonical timeline. Fun.

>> No.9407669

PS1 was literally fanfic because Frank Cifaldi doesn't speak Japanese and he just made shit up

>> No.9409229

Deepest lore.

>> No.9409318

He didn't made anything up, all lore stuff added to new version of PS1 patch exists in official supplementary materials.

>> No.9409882

okay frank.

>> No.9409908

Depending on how the time travel mechanics work, it could mean at least one other ending is canon as Aron's ending turns it into a prequel, and another could break the loop.

>> No.9411462

Paul Jensen was the translator though and the actual translation is fine.
But yes, the final script got Cifaldi shitting on top of it.

>> No.9412148

Why is PS3 so hard to get into? Tried PS1, found some enjoyment on it despite its age. Tried PS2 and it was good enough. Tried PS4 and it's fucking glorious. But whenever I try PS3 it feels more like I'm forcing myself to finish it.
Also it makes me chuckle how your character ages a lot for the next generation yet your wife of choice stays young.

>> No.9412874

PSIII sucked me right in, PS1 is the one I find most difficult to get into personally.

>> No.9413620
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It has truth to it, though. For example, the line "added" to the intro is rephrased from the manual.

>> No.9413827

Dunno, the golden axe/sword of vermilion-esque graphics plus the music and the medieval theme kinda kills me. That and I can't fucking marry Mieu, I'm being denied of hot android sex and will not accept this damnit.

>> No.9413895
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See, shit like this really makes me want to play the retranslations of PSIII & PSIV, but they have "teehee we IMPROVED the game"-egoism and "just ASK for custom patch"attentionwhore-itis, and the PSII one seems minimalist enough but the person who did it seems like a total amateur who never finished any other project and people are saying it's just a couple lines that read like ESL, so it looks like the best of the bunch is PSv1.02 before Cifaldi came along and unnecessarily rebooted it into what may as well be a separate enhancement patch. Might just do that for PS FM and apply the parallax scrolling patch on PSIII to restore the JP effect, shame PSIV doesn't have its own individual patch for the JP female monsters.

>> No.9413931

How about translating the fucking manual instead?

>> No.9414039

>Purist + japanese names
I thought the purist version alone already did that (with the exception of Alys for some retarded reason)?

>> No.9414173

I tried the """""Purist""""" version of IV and it was fucking terrible. Right from the beginning it had dumb quips like Rudy/Chaz being Lyla/Alys' coffee bitch or something. It seems like they localized the whole game in Working Designs mode, and the only difference in the actual Working Designs version is that they added lines wholesale that they aren't even pretending are approximations of lines from the JP version.

>> No.9414320

>Right from the beginning it had dumb quips like Rudy/Chaz being Lyla/Alys' coffee bitch or something
Haven't checked the nip script, but sounds about right since Alys is a hag and Chaz is some 16 yrs old brat in her charge

>> No.9414438

PSIV doesn't really need a retranslation. The only thing it misses is a homage in the very beginning to PS1 character who built a spaceship for Alis.

>> No.9414616

>sword of vermilion
I like how everything you kill regardless of what it is makes the same UUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoooooooooooooooooooogh! scream.

>> No.9415845
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They were going to release v1.03 but then Cifaldi came along.
>also dat pic

>> No.9416885
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Do any of the retranslations even fix it for that matter?

>> No.9418434 [DELETED] 
File: 434 KB, 451x657, Harem ending is best ending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, a fellow connoisseur

>> No.9418867

I know that color scheme.
PSCave was the shit back in the day.

>> No.9419010
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>Check the site out of curiosity
>Latest news says that Rieko Kodama died last month