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File: 25 KB, 220x274, Doom3box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9393757 No.9393757 [Reply] [Original]

My ideal "Doom 3" start would be the intro to "Doom 3" but instead of mars city being dead and destroyed, the city is holding out with loads of people dead or dying in the hallways as the hospital is overran with patients.

Bravo team has been sent to get help just as your entering, in fact they would pass you while your entering.

Your mission would be to link up with Bravo who are traveling via the surface bypassing much of the damage base.

Your stuck traveling via the Base as the monorail is currently being used to evacuate people from alpha labs.

That's really all, I've got.

>> No.9393762

What if they kept the original style of throwing you straight into the action but just with updated graphics and physics and whatnot?

>> No.9393765

Sounds like what doom 2 was, just a cheap cash in.

>> No.9393864

Okay, but what if System Shock 2? Just kidding.
Your idea sounds too Half-Life-like to me, rather than any of id games. Doom 3 pretty much keeps the style of Q2.
I mean, I liked "In Hell" mod too, but it's a bit banal. There is nothing wrong with starting a bit slow.

>> No.9394105
File: 232 KB, 1152x864, shot00002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could have been an excellent survival shooter if resources were actually scarce.

Demons teleporting in constantly is also lazy and inorganic.

>> No.9394140

>if resources were actually scarce.
That's why most say that the best way to play the Doom 3 is the original version (not BFG) and on the hardest difficulty (not the soul cube one, though that's also an alright mode)

>> No.9394146

ah, the faggot is here

>> No.9394148

What confused me was the demons could just teleport in anywhere, right? Like right fucking behind you. But some choose to spawn behind a fake wall and just sit there until you walk by and then they hit you. That's so dumb.

>> No.9395154
File: 30 KB, 342x342, fetchimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the doom 3 devs thought the player's face would look like when a demon teleports behind them for the 109389017870457384564329th time

>> No.9395163

>>9393757 (OP)
I think the issue with Doom 3 wasn't Mars. It was "horror". I also think you're adding too much plot points for a game like Doom 3. The game you're describing would get better results if it's not called Doom.

Also I know this thread is about Doom 3 but wanna take a refugee here. From other doom thread.

I like doom 1 2 and wads but why are people so obsessed about it? It get very boring very fast. Like if you come back after some times its fine but its also very basic.

Eternal anglo, you do realize there are other people than Indians who are also ESL.

>> No.9395238

BFG is shit right? I have both versions on Steam somehow and want to play it.

>> No.9395260

I'd recommend BFG.
Vanilla's Lack of ambiance lightning is terrible. Darkness all the time really fuck you up. Light isn't a problem at vanilla 3 as there's enough to make game playable. Doom 3 is not horror.

>> No.9395309

>Doom 3 is not horror.
because you're playing BFG crap. Get vanilla with a couple HD modes like redux/dhewm3. That's all you need.

>> No.9395450

I didn't played BFG. I played original only. BFG fixes main issue i have with the game. Lack of ambiance lightning.
It's not a horror game. You can play actual horror games if you're interested in that.

>> No.9395483

I thought the start of Doom 3 was the best part of it. The atmosphere is thick, the dialogue is good ("Betruger" lol), and the shit hits the fan quite suddenly.
What didn't you like about it? That the NPCs mostly get defeated right away?
I thought the bigger issue with the game were the unending and mosquito-like imp ambushes. The demon threat didn't really escalate all that much, either for the player or for the environment. In Doom, things get progressively more hellish in Episodes 2 and 3, but the hell design in Doom 3 isn't quite as menacing or off-putting. The area with the trites and the spider chick was cool, but lots of areas aren't particularly memorable. Cacodemons were retarded. The demons come across as vicious but unintelligent, trying the "put a piece of armor on a box, and three of us will jump out and get him" approach a hundred times despite steadily building evidence that you're harder to kill than that.
To be fair, the tentacle elites kicked my shit in as a young lad, and it's only recently that I learned you can crouch beneath their attack.

>> No.9395504

>("Betruger" lol)
kek i always thought the stark guy saying his name was funny too

>> No.9395609

Oh yeah, the dialogue itself is funny, but I should have been more explicit. In German, "Betrüger" is a word that can mean a betrayer or liar, so it kind of adds to the over-the-top obviously-evil aspect he has. It's sort of like if characters just casually referred to him by the in-game actual name of "Dr. Evil".

>> No.9395716

Imagine if you took away the choice to use your flash light and suddenly just had a flash light anywhere suddenly not really needing the horror element of the game then they've added a bunch of lights further removing the horror element of the game.

BTW, BFG was a test for 2016. Some of 2016 was prototyped in Doom 3.

>> No.9396127

>BFG fixed the worst part
>you're a zoomer for fixing the game
Everybody hated it when it's got released. And as i said i don't think lightning was an issue. They put plenty of lights in the area for gameplay. It's lack of ambiance tires you.

Horror elements are >>9395154 so its good to remove those.

>BTW, BFG was a test for 2016. Some of 2016 was prototyped in Doom 3.
Didn't knew that thanks.

If i were to replay doom 3 i'd most likely add double barrel from expansion to vanilla.

>> No.9396251

>(not the soul cube one, though that's also an alright mode)
Nightmare works well with its scarce health drops and reduced max HP. Enemies don’t deal much damage anyways, and it makes the soul cube and medstations as your only means of health recovery.
BFG can support up to 120 frames and it’s much easier to start playing. That may be the only considerable prop that comes to mind. It otherwise plants way too much ammo, removes/minimizes encounters, and isn’t as easy to mod.
It’ll be just a few more minutes work but I’d recommend the regular version.

>> No.9396291

You aren't wrong. I still fucking loved it and think it still looks great to this day (I beat it about a year ago).

>> No.9397761

Personally, I'd break up mars city into a few sections.

Mars city central control a large control room that controls the majority of the base, delta is locking them out of systems.

Morgue which is just over run with zombines.

Mars Underground service monorail. You use this to travel between mars city and the rest of the base.

CPU complex access which is required to reset the computer system and does a resident evil style reset unlocking all doors, etc.

Communications would then begin transmission..

>> No.9397865 [DELETED] 

>the only good game in the franchise
>fans hate it
Why are FPSniggers so retarfed?

>> No.9397909

problem is the game is too long and encourages/allows SAVESCUMMING

I wish it was 1-2hours long and made to be beat in one sitting start to finish

>> No.9398392 [DELETED] 

Too fucking obvious you mong

>> No.9399516

My ideal doom 3 wouldn't be called "doom". Instead, make an entire fps game with the original flashlight mechanic having some more added too it. level design/mechanics/ect.
>in a dark as fuck room
>hear a growl
>see red eyes in the distance
>imp chucks a fireball
>fireball illuminates imp
>dodge right while shooting where the light was
>tense as fuck once more spawn
The flashlight mechanic is literally the selling point of the game to me, and I crave more game like it.

>> No.9399670

In my moments of insanity I sometimes wonder if the best version of doom 3 (though again length is an issue) is alien isolation. Both seem to be playing fro ma very similar handbook and if they met in the middle the resulting game could be a true 10/10.

Sounds like a practical use case for some sexy ray tracing that has an actual use within gameplay.

>> No.9400390

So you want the pillar of autumn

>> No.9401289

>Everybody hated it when it's got released.
argumentum ad populum

>> No.9401469

It's not even right. I still remember Doom 3 vs Half-Life 2 arguments that people had.
Most people thought that its alright at least.
Only the old guard hated it. The same old guard that thought that Quake is shit, while even older guard kept playing and modding Wolf3D.

>> No.9401575

>The same old guard that thought that Quake is shit, while even older guard kept playing and modding Wolf3D.
faggots like that exist?

>> No.9401629

I mean, Quake SP isn't that good and there was a shitflinging from both sides in the id kingdom.
Wolf guys are pretty chill though. Wolf4SDL modding scene is wild.

>> No.9401706

>Quake SP isn't that good
it's better

>> No.9401750

I mean, Scourge of Armagon was pretty good, but the base game - not so much.

>> No.9401796

You seem to have misunderstood my comment because of reply chain. While i'm not a Doom 3 fan and i think game has a lot of issues it has good moments.
I was talking about shitty lightning which BFG fixes there. Everybody hated how dark the game was. People were trying to play it despite that. Not because of it.

>> No.9401803

A lot of older pc fans were unfortunetly like that. PC gaming while had some interesting games. Games were much worse quality. Ports were shit up to nearly 2010.
There's a reason RTS and so on are not popular and modern WRPG and retro WRPG are not even the same even same genre. It evolved differently.

Diablo 3 when came out on consoles people were bitching. Yet they actually had to make the game harder because its much easier on a controller.

>> No.9401826

>Everybody hated how dark the game was
I thought it was the major distinguishing characteristic. You have a flashlight if it gets too dark, and there normally isn't anything to see in the dark anyway. You kill the monsters, then turn on your light and grab the armor pick-ups, then keep moving.
The part I didn't like was how absurd it was to not just have the flashlight mounted in someway so it was permanently there. It's a lot of suspension of disbelief required, but the game is built around the darkness.

>> No.9401830

The problem is if you play it for a long period (i finished it in a day when it was released .)
Lack of ambience really tires you. Like really fucks up your vision and what not. I had slight issues with my eyes next day. Which went away but still.
It might be the worst game i played on that front.

BFG edition actually looks more interesting.

>> No.9401841

As kids today say, Doom 3 darkness is SOVL
For a record, did you play it on a CRT or LCD?

>> No.9401846

CRT. One minus for BFG edition from i remember looking at it was lack of muzzle flash effect. Which i liked a lot when it got released. Searching about Mandela effect but no apparently they actually fucked it up. In original its still there.

>> No.9401858

That explains it. It's much less eye-straining on LCD.
Now, someone might say that it's a feature and not a bug (see >>9395285 for example), but I'd say it looks nice enough on LCD too, so you might want to revisit it this way.
Just be sure to use the source port for EAX restoration. Sound design in Doom 3 was fantastic and it's yet another thing that BFG Edition fucked up (alongside the general balance and other stuff).

>> No.9401873

Pic looks very good. But if i play it again, i think i'll go with BFG edition. I'd like to try it at least once.

>> No.9401890
File: 1.03 MB, 3840x2160, DOOM 3_ BFG Edition 18_06_2022 14_01_38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BFG supports 120hz which can't be modded into the vanilla version (dhewm tried and couldn't get it working right) which is mighty tantalising this day and age if one has a supporting screen.

>> No.9401898
File: 185 KB, 1269x343, C00M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Doom 3 so controversial even up to this day?

>> No.9401901

It's fine, just don't blame Doom 3 in general for all the missing effects or the game being too easy.

>> No.9401905

Doom 3 was already easy. I mean hard difficult was harder than needed and normal was easier than needed.
And i played most at normal difficulty at that era later on hard became the standard.
I believe nightmare was even easier than hard.

And added ambiance does look much better from pic at least. Don't know during the game play ofc.

>> No.9401913

>I thought it was the major distinguishing characteristic.
It was and still is. It’s weird when you head into later games like Dead Space and Left 4 Dead with the glowy fog that lights the areas up.
The few back then who were tilted from IdSoft’s decision could install the flashlight mod if they wanted, although the most worrisome enemies would light the place up and screech so the flashlight wouldn’t even be necessary.

>> No.9401915

Every id game past the Quake 1 is controversial to this day (except for nu-Doom 16, mobile RPG stuff and if counting games that were made by other people for them - RTCW).
Like modern Quake fans shit on everything that isn't Quake 1, people gave id more shit for Rage than id deserved, then the whole thing with Eternal where a bunch of people were pissed for returning to classic-style for monsters, focus on platforming, more restrictive battle system and the whole thing with DLC.

>> No.9401921

There is controversy about earlier games, as well. For example, I think Quake 1 is overrated (too few enemy types, smaller-scale battles, monotonous level aesthetics). There is endless conflict about whether Doom or Doom 2 is better (mostly centered around if Doom 2's level design should be considered good or bad). Many people say Wolf 3D can be skipped entirely, others prefer it to most id shooters.
I never hear anything about Commander Keen though, so maybe it's dodged the fires of contention.

>> No.9401972

No, yeah. I agree to a point. It's just that those games are more or less firmly seen today as classics. There are also other inner controversies in Wolf and Doom communities (mainly regarding sourceports of choice and other mods) as well as disconnect between SP and MP sides among Quake fans.
>I never hear anything about Commander Keen though, so maybe it's dodged the fires of contention.
Keen Dreams was kinda shit.
Other than that, people who are into old PC platformers love it. There are also shoddy sequels for Dangerous Dave.

>> No.9402328

>people who are into old PC platformers
Are old PC platformers even good? As a kid they seemed to me very cheapish. Hardly finished any of them.

>> No.9402518

I get what you mean about cheapness.
Talking purely about DOS, there's some good shit from Id, Apogee and Epic at least.

>> No.9403958

>BTW, BFG was a test for 2016. Some of 2016 was prototyped in Doom 3.
it also has VR support as BFG was also what carmack used to sell/show off the occlus rift to people.

but outside of that BFG & vanilla are really 2 different games. vanilla was more horror focused while BFG was more action focused. i liked the former's direction and the new episode but vanilla has the advantage since it still has mod support (which mods exist to make it more action focused) while the BFG edition doesn't.

but since id and bethesda started now bundling the older versions of their games with their current versions. the decision on which version to get/is better is kinda irrelevant now because buying doom 3 gives you both vanilla & BFG.

>> No.9403981

>the whole thing with DLC.
everything i've seen about that drama basically boils down to casuals getting filtered by the DLC for being too hard. which is kinda funny because the only things that make eternal hard was the marauder (which is more about timing your shots than anything) and how easy it is for you to burn through ammo early on.

>Many people say Wolf 3D can be skipped entirely
i'd say it can be skipped. it's really repetitive.

>> No.9404154

Mods i understand, but rest is just stupid "devs intentions" when they failed to create a horror game and everybody is only playing it as an action game.
And apparently even devs themselves changed their opinion about it.

>> No.9404320

Skipped straight to Blake Stone that is.
It's funny how unlike the situation with Doom, most clones, mods and games on the Wolf3D engine are better than the game that inspired them.

>> No.9404930

Both vanilla and BFG function just fine as an “action game in a horrific setting”. It was an angle 2016 was trying to treat seriously before they threw the baby out with the bathwater for its sequel.