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/vr/ - Retro Games

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938654 No.938654 [Reply] [Original]

I notice the same CRPGs usually get recommended here, Ultima, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Arcanum, etc. and rightly so, a lot are classics.

What are your favorite obscure or relatively unpopular CRPGs/WRPGs? I'm new to RPGs outside of the essentials.

>> No.938657

Bonus points if they're on GOG or at least able to run on modern operating systems

>> No.938687

Might and Magic 4-8 are all worthwhile

>> No.938692

You should lurk around rpgcodex.net It's a great place to discover old classics.


>> No.938701


>Dark Sun

My mul of color!

>> No.938723
File: 18 KB, 640x400, 39100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prophecy of the Shadow. It's like Ultima for beginners, which may explain why it fell into obscurity. It's not quite as complex.

>> No.938724

I like it, because of it's open world, by the way. In this regard, it really is very much like Ultima.

>> No.938726

second, world of xeen was awesome

>> No.938761
File: 73 KB, 640x711, Conan the cimmerian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved this as a kid, in retrospect the combat is pretty shit though

>> No.938771

>Might & Magic
Pick 1

>> No.938780
File: 142 KB, 640x786, albioncover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Albion is quite revered here in yurop, but pretty much unknown everywhere else. The mechanics and balance leave something to be desired, but the art direction alone makes the game worth playing. Interestingly, a lot of its fans seem to be also into JRPGs - is it because it's so colourful?

>> No.938782
File: 232 KB, 1280x800, statporn2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Realms of Arkania 1-3, the final frontier of full-on stat autism. Anybody hyped for the remake of 1?

>> No.938786
File: 36 KB, 1024x768, castle-of-the-winds_4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ultimate crpg, /vr/

>> No.938803

Dark Heart of Uukrul is the best most obscure one I know.

It's a bit like the dungeon sections from the older Ultimas, with first person exploration and a simple topdown TBS combat system. You create the party by answering questions Ultima style. The UI and gameplay are surprisingly smooth and logical for such an old school game so it's easy to get into. It has a nice sense of narrative despite being basically just a dungeon crawler.

>> No.938812

DHOU bares more of a resemblance to Pool of Radiance than Ultima really.

>> No.939176

I will take a look at it

>> No.939192

Fantastic game (if only for grafics and the great story/characters), but Ambermoon is even better.

>> No.939213
File: 87 KB, 640x752, Al-Qadim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A slightly less known action RPG.

>> No.939218

Any other games that are just pure statporn?

>> No.939228

I've tried Ambermoon, but quite a few things put me off of it rather early. The interface for one is something I can't get used to at all. Also it's pretty hard to find out where do you actually need to go in the game, yes I know nonlinearity is cool and all, but so are at least some general directions. And most important of all, either I suck at WinUAE or the game really tends to get some horrifying slowdowns in it, particularily within the 3D (dungeon) sections.

>> No.939240

There are some roguelikes like Incursion, but most of them are not /vr/. Within old RPGs, Wizardry 6-7 are also nice to mess around with, and you should also check out Darklands too. RoA is the pinnacle of it though.

>> No.939270
File: 297 KB, 1024x640, options.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darklands is full of delicious stat goodness, which allows you to approach situations/imminent ass reaming in various way. It's a bit of a sandbox, and the combat is crap, but's fun to see your characters grow in fame.

>> No.939281

Oh yeah, and I forgot about World of Aden: Thunderscape, although the game is so incredibly rushed that 60% of the skills are pretty much fucking useless.

>> No.939294

I wish this was available on GoG

>> No.939303

Why not just download it elsewhere for free?

>> No.939312

I have had such a hard time getting shit to work on my old linux machine that I gave up a while ago because it got to annoying and bothersome. GoG stuff usually works pretty well with wine though .. I might try it when I get back to windows (which may actually be as soon as next week)

>> No.939323

But it's a DOS game. You could just run DOSbox on GNU/Linux or run FreeDOS.

>> No.939325


This one's decent. Not my favorite AD&D RPG, and it's more Zelda-like than anything, but the story is fairly interesting. Just remember that you can only walk in four directions, and attack only in those directions as well, so sword combat can be a bit clunky.

>> No.939329

yeah, I might try, but I also had hard time getting dosbox to work well if it wasn't preconfigured. I am not really good at tech stuff, thats why I prefer console gaming most of the time. But I want to get back into PC gaming because of old school rpgs and the new golden age of kickstarter.

>> No.939332

thanks for the recommendation, I have never before heard about Ambermoon. Just watch a little on youtube, looks very interesting!

>> No.939339

Dosbox is simple as fuck to handle on a basic level. Don't know about linux, but in widows you just start game by dropping its executable on the Dosbox icon, then speed up/slow down with CTRL+F11/F12, take screenshots with CTRL+F5, and a bunch of other commands.

>> No.939345

Enjoy spending 3 hours figuring out how to configure WinUAE if you haven't already.

>> No.939353

But there are other interesting games on Amiga, either exclusives or multi-platform games where it's superior to PC-EGA and the like.

>> No.939403

There aren't honestly that many good exclusives on the Amiga. Agreed on the second point though, but there's also the flipside that since WinUAE is rather resource intensive those games will usually run slower than DOSBox emulated ones.

>> No.939418

Relatively speaking the Worlds of Ultima games are not as popular as the main series but if like me you like the Ultima VI engine and want to see it in a different application then they are worth trying. Just make sure to run them through Nuvie like Ultima VI

>> No.939427
File: 12 KB, 384x270, captive_194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i've never had a performance problem with winuae on my shitty old laptop.

also, captive 4 lyfe

>> No.939428

Is Nuvie in a fully playable state already? The last time I've tried it I've also tried that interface overhaul thingy and it was buggy as all hell.

>> No.939431



>> No.939437

How about Pentagram?

>> No.939438

Try playing Liberation then, it's rather slow even in default screen and if you expand it it just goes into slideshow mode.

>> No.939452


dunno, never tried it. i'm still on vii.

>> No.939478
File: 35 KB, 575x360, BetrayalatKrondorDOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Betrayal at Krondor. I should really finish it, it's very good.

It's on GOG.

>> No.939483

I never had slowdowns with a standard Amiga 1200 configuration (and Ambermoon installed).
The interface and controls (well except the awkward 3D movement) are nothing special and really easy to get used to if you've played Albion and a game like World of Xeen maybe with a simliar UI. No idea what you're talking about.

Yes, I prefer the almost completely open world in Ambermoon to Albions "chapters" but I agree it lacks some more specific directions for the main quest at times. But it's not that bad if you use the locator and write down coordinates of everything, and search everything for notes and clues.

>> No.939595

It's on Linux as it is in Windows, the only extra thing is that you need you make your own conf file. From there out it works exactly, literally exactly, the same. I've been playing DOSbox games on various Linux systems for years.

>> No.939614

I'm about to play either:

Menzoberranzan, The Krynn Series or Eye of the Beholder series.

Really it is just me looking at the freely available RPGs on Abandonia that aren't the always-mentioned ones.

I remember playing Darklands, and pretty much everything people said about me was suffixed with "...for a woman." It was rather delightful.

I've always had a few urges to play that, but I've always worried it would be some sort of Avatar-level proselytism and guilt trip about how evil humans are.

>> No.939656

I would recommend Dungeon Master over EotB.

Basically the same thing, just more fun dungeon design and more imaginative (non DnD-standard) mechanics.and monsters.

>> No.939757


Doesn't that game also generate random dungeons?

>> No.939789

No, you're thinking of Dungeon Hack.

>> No.939864

>Krynn series

Isn't that the series where you have to keep looking up the index references?

>> No.939907

Back then games didn't have enough space to put all the text inside.

>> No.939934
File: 507 KB, 633x465, GREETINGS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lands of Lore 3 is probably one of my favourites, but it's a bit more action oriented than most other RPGs from the 90s.

>> No.939937
File: 569 KB, 800x500, Dungeon_hack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dungeon Hack. SSI AD&D goodness with a random dungeon and everything is a key. It's so good.

>> No.939939

>Only one character
Who ever thought this was a good idea? Also clerics were OP as fuck.

>> No.939951


Don't be picky, it was a first person rogue-lite. It was pretty awesome.

>> No.940413

For Ultima 6. For Martian Dreams and Savage Empire it's still just a map viewer.

If you consider Ultima 8 playable. I didn't encounter any further problems from Pentagram.

>> No.940436

At the risk of sounding like an idiot what is a CRPG? I mean what does the C stand for? I've never heard that term before.

>> No.940462

Computer RPGs I guess, to distinguish them from traditional pen and paper RPGs at the time.

Some would say CRPG today to imply some sort of greater depth too, as opposed to something like a console RPG. But that wouldn't make much sense, as console RPG can be abbreviated as CRPG too

>> No.940464

Oh, I get it now. Thanks.

>> No.941148

Entomorph seems to be interesting. Sadly can't find an ISO anywhere...

>> No.941152

>Dark Heart of Uukrul
But it has no sound... At least on PC.

>> No.941159

>what is a CRPG
Console RPG. But nowadays it's a Computer RPG. Apparently we got beaten and conquered by console kiddies

>> No.941162

I own Entomorph. Want me to rip it?

>> No.941181

I would be really happy if you did.

>> No.941184


>> No.941214

>This download is for PREMIUM account users only!
>1,4€ to download

>> No.941225


>> No.941298

Downloading, thanks for it.

>> No.944010
