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9385573 No.9385573 [Reply] [Original]

What's on your opinion on DoA3 compared to DoA2? I feel like it was a disappointing upgrade rather than a completely new game. Barely looking better than the Dreamcast version of DoA2 and with dumbed down gameplay. Furthermore, VF4 was released around the same time and it was on another level from gameplay standpoint (and graphics if we are talking about the arcade version).

>> No.9385597
File: 242 KB, 850x1203, 41004301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i spent more time playing DoA2 so im not sure
my favorite is still DoA++ on arcade
i actually want to PLAY not ogle tiddies

>> No.9385604

I've seen it often mentioned here. What makes it better than other DoA1 versions or DoA2 gameplay wise?

>> No.9386103

Amazing. I really enjoy the art style they have created. I also did enjoy DOA5's art style but there's something about the style they have created in 3/U just amazing. I know why you might have been disappointed but it's graphics are really good.

>> No.9386218


>> No.9386246

Does DoA 3 have dlc or is a complete game?
I know this series became full of it later and even gacha shit

>> No.9386269

US version had free DLC with costumes from the later JP version and that's it

>> No.9386375

why do Kasumi and Lei-Fang's boobs look bigger here than they do in-game?

>> No.9386441

DOA3 is my favorite fighting game off all time right next to Pocket Fighter

>> No.9386505

So I need a Japanese disc to have a complete game on disc without downloading anything

>> No.9386550

competitive players enjoyed doa 3 much more than doa 2, but the re-release of doa 2 as doa2u kinda mogged it with content.
doa 3 does feel like a rushed launch title.

doa 2u comes with the doa 3 booster update.

for backwards compatibility microsoft fucked up on xbox one and it tries to add the doa 3 dlc to every version, so japanese copies are fucked with dupe costumes.

>> No.9386596

>doa 2u comes with the doa 3 booster update.
Do games for xbox that had newer version with dlc included needed to download the dlc or connect to the internet to validate it?. I mean the dlc was on the disc but was unlocked by default?

>> No.9386616

I wanted the japanese version, it seems the games made by this developer had both languages in the disc. So I was going to get the american version and just change the bios on the xbox to get the japanese setting

>> No.9387373 [DELETED] 

competitive players enjoyed doa 3 much more than doa 2
How does DOA 3 and DOA 4 compare on competitive level?

>> No.9387378

>competitive players enjoyed doa 3 much more than doa 2
How does DOA 3 and DOA 4 compare at competitive level? I'm guessing 3?

>> No.9387432
File: 12 KB, 250x188, Deadoralive3_b2_790screen016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sunset beach stage in DOA3 is IMHO the most atmospheric and impressive stage of any DOA game. The birds flying, the palm trees swaying, the uneven surface, it's perfect.

A bland, midday version of this stage would appear in following DOA games.

DOA3 and 4 had vastly more detailed stages, but the same Naomi/Dreamcast character models.

DOA5 and 6 had more detailed character models, but sacrificed the stages to achieve that. DOA6 has the dullest stages in the franchise. One of DOA6's stages doesn't even have a sky box.

>> No.9387436

The snow physics were on another level for the longest while. By the time Red Dead Redemption 2 and God of War started copying it, I was like who cares.

>> No.9387442

You don't have your age set high enough in the options.

>> No.9387447

that only controls how much they bounce

>> No.9387457
File: 867 KB, 2880x2880, 20221104_022000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true kino DOA stages.

>> No.9387462

I don't know man, VF4's snow stage was looking real good too on the deformation


>> No.9387468

BTW also many people thought that shot of the beach from the DOA3 trailer was fake or FMV before the game came out.

>> No.9387481

Yo why does the fight with Jeffry look like a domestic violence call

>> No.9387490

Kinda sad when you consider that VF5US put VF character rigs on Yakuza models, and removed the trees rustling and cloud shadows from the stages.

DOA6 also rubs salt into the wound by having shitty mini versions of classic stages in the DOATEC museum stage.

>> No.9387496

I'm a fighting pleb so I just fight the AI, and for me there wasn't a lot to do in doa3 for solo replay value compared to doa2, so I dropped it pretty quick. Played the shit out of DoA2 Hardcore and Ultimate, tho

>> No.9387503

The girls look more buxom in the Naomi/DC version of DOA2 compared to the PS2 version. The PS2 version changed the lighting and it affected the contouring around their boobs.

>> No.9388320

That's also why DOA6 looks nerfed even though models weren't nerfed. It's shaders that they used makes the game look worse.
Although i wouldn't say PS2 looks better than DC.


>> No.9388345

>Although i wouldn't say PS2 looks better than DC
Ps2 version is blurry af

>> No.9388391

i think its just dick-swinging honestly
it is absolutely fun and the pcb has a setting in the the software for "bouncing breasts"
i think DoA2 hardcore is the final official game
the rest is just fanservice and volleyball tiddy bouncing

which is sad, bc at its core the original titles had a unique gimmick (rockpaperscissors), destructible background environments, and better models than any of the tekken games

>> No.9388417
File: 1.48 MB, 291x216, 1622073268246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the DOA1 style over any of the sequels

>> No.9388447

DoA3 is solid actually. Sort of like a newer DoA2 revision.

>> No.9388659

Hayabusa-sama tasukete kudasai

How does DOA4 compare to DOA3,DOA2,DOAU competitively

Even if you were disable blur and render it higher resolution, while effects they added were interesting i do prefer raw Arcade/Dreamcast look myself for DOA2. Not to mention there's DOAU.

That's what makes me love the series so much
DOA1,++ style
DOA2/3/U/4 style
DOA5 style
They all look amazing.

>> No.9388667

I only played xbox huge version (the DOA1 from ultimate editon) so I don't know about changes from other games.

>> No.9390638
File: 175 KB, 1043x1798, DOA1Tina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doa1 is best tina, but that's the wrong outfit

>> No.9390703
File: 413 KB, 1809x2544, DOA1LeiFang3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also doa1 is the best Leifang

>> No.9390727

I just beat the game this week with that tina. I like blonde tina more, it makes her more texan and american looking
that leather suit is in a few games but yes, thats the best lei fang outfit ever

>> No.9390924
File: 128 KB, 800x1400, leifang-ultimate2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, the face, the makeup. Picrelated is DoA3 Leifang and she looks like generic anime doll.

>> No.9390936

Really like her haircut in this one

>> No.9392541
File: 360 KB, 1600x1200, Rachel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Itagaki was against adding her to roster? Do you think he could have done a better job rather than just giving her Halo Spartan move set? It actually does fit her.

>> No.9393447

5 last round is actually a really good game

>> No.9393469

>Barely looking better than the Dreamcast
I dunno, some parts like the snow level impressed the shit out of me at the time.

>version of DoA2 and with dumbed down gameplay.
I couldn't tell, DOA gameplay is already dumb with its counter system. Maybe you mean the lack of team moves, I don't remember DOA3 having that, but it's been so long I bothered playing either. Both were just the average masher game with tits whenever Soul Calibur wasn't available.

>> No.9393484

IIRC, DoA3 made counter holds very easy. And DoA2 home versions counters were already dumbed down from the arcade version.

>> No.9393496

she looks weird here, I like her in game face better

>> No.9393510

I liked 3 at the time but looking back 2 was probably better

>> No.9393513

She looks better here than 90% of DoA dolls

>> No.9394040

>IIRC, DoA3 made counter holds very easy.

What do you mean by counter holds? As far as I remember, it was already a one-button solution to do whenever the opponent was spamming you.

>> No.9394264
File: 2.94 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead Or Alive 4 had the best stages plus environment interaction.

>> No.9394965

How is the game play compared to 3?

>> No.9395113

for me it was the DOA 2U nude mod on xbox

>> No.9395180

>nude mod
kill yourself
It's a lot more sexy when things are left to imagination. Nude modes gets boring very fast. I once saw costume mods very basic. Just textures some were interesting actually.

>> No.9395624


>> No.9395765

>>How is the game play compared to 3?
3 is the one I played the least so I can't tell you all that much but to me it hasn't felt too different from 2.

>> No.9396086

2/3/U/4 all feel pretty much as the same game. They all even look the same 2 is the only one that looks a bit different.
Another anon said 3 is better than 2 competitively. I was trying to find out how's 4 considered. I'm actually guessing worse.

>> No.9396092

DoA having competitive scene is news to me. But then, TMNT Tournament Fighters has one as well...

>> No.9396105

DoA is actually very good. People get way too butthurt over its fan service. It's also unique.

>> No.9396110
File: 171 KB, 1000x1566, MV5BNDM0YjlhNDEtMzg4Yi00YjllLTkwNjMtOTA2NDIxNDEzYTcyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTk5NDI0MA@@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to get into DOA but couldn't. At the beginning is was a cooler but more casual VF cousin but around 2001 VF became cooler while also being more rewarding to play. I will always love Leifang but the rest of the cast is extremely boring, from many ninjas who all exhibit the same unrealistic acrobatic fighting style to "others" who are just discount VF and Tekken characters but with no personality, because all of creativity was spent on the ninjas.

>> No.9396136


>> No.9396293

4 was hated because it was fundamentally broken:
>low hitstun meant you could recover faster after being hit than the attacker in some cases, making the game very poke heavy
>back turning was too fast so you couldn't punish big whiffs
>throws were too slow so you couldn't punish a hold on reaction
>walls favoured the person on the wall instead of the attacker
>guard breaks didn't lead to a combo
I think there was more, maybe free step dodge was more restricted like 3.2 rather than 3.1.

>> No.9396343

3.1 vs 3.2, which one is superior?

>> No.9396437

3.1 is generally preferred I think, although 3.2 has some changes to the ninjas & Ein which clearly don't make a lot of difference. There's also the fan mod 3++ that tries to balance the game which might be a better option now.

>> No.9397154

Thank you anon-sama. I'm the retard asked that question 5 times.

I played U and 4 mainly with different times and it's been a while since i played any of them.
There was something about 4 i didn't like and don't have access to it anymore.
Your explanation is the the reason i didn't like 4 as much Ultimate i think. That's why it felt sorta off.
Is there much difference between 2 and U?

>> No.9397245

Where can i download it?

>> No.9397339

>It's a lot more sexy when things are left to imagination
I agree but the mods were more than just full nudity. DOA2U had a shit load more costumes than DOA3 & 4 so there was room for lots of sexy lingerie, stuff showing off nipples, tattered uniforms and mega milk breast enhancements on some.
Some anon shared them in a thread a while ago. I have the back up somewhere.

>> No.9397664

2U adds slopes, the 4-way hold, makes Tengu a playable character, and adds Hitomi. I think it's otherwise pretty true to DOA2 (think it's based on Hardcore).

>> No.9397729

Thank you a lot anon.

>> No.9399572
File: 271 KB, 500x459, tengu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why nyotengu when you have the tengu?

>> No.9399601

don't talk shit on the volleyball games just because they turned the entire focus onto the girls and their sexy outfits. The games have real quality gameplay (at least the first two) and are top-tier relaxation games.

Also, women love them. The girls I've known that play XBV are fucking good as shit, and will slam your ass into the ground.

>> No.9399605

cool how she looks like a persona character

>> No.9399610

oh I brain farted, I meant SMT because I forgot that Persona had different look after eternal punishment.

>> No.9399734

name of thread or thread number at least to search in the archive

>> No.9400514
File: 355 KB, 1280x720, 544307D220140128044703599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This honestly. Don't see why anyone would consider Animal Crossing a real game and XBV isn't. It's a top tier vacation simulator with chill music and beautiful girls. Also, Volleyball is really fun in the game.

Also most games in the franchise are still good and it's one of the most fun fighting game franchises I've ever played so I don't give a fuck if they turned up the sexiness or whatever.

>> No.9401328

I like Kasumi. She sure is "bland", but she's such an empathetic well-mannered princess. Elegant, but still humble. Sexy, but not a slut (don't mind the not-canon coomer outfits). You could talk to her and she would respectfully engage in a conversation with you, she's not a snob.

>> No.9401752
File: 1.46 MB, 3840x2160, 10-10-2022_22-16-06-fpdodxv3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ayane and her feistyness

>> No.9401763

Our girls get along well, despite initial appearances.

>> No.9402308

They're decent tit-em-ups.