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9384620 No.9384620 [Reply] [Original]

Any retro games that supported widescreen?

>> No.9384627

Colin Mcrae Rally on the PSX.

>> No.9384628


>> No.9384632
File: 102 KB, 228x271, goldeneye_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goldeneye and Perfect Dark both support true 16:9. #JustRareThings

>> No.9384636

Yes. Also many non-retro games, for PS2, Xbox, GC.

>> No.9385278

Virtua Fighter for 32X supports widescreen... for some reason.

>> No.9385285
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I think Quake did, because Carmack bought himself a widescreen CRT.

>> No.9385316

Expand Dong 64 did. I think a lot of the later Rare games did, in fact.

>> No.9385325

Add Mickey's Speedway USA to the list

>> No.9385395

True or anamorphic? I know Star Fox Adventures supported anamorphic, and that was also a Rare game.

>> No.9385409

Pretty sure it's all going to be anamorphic. At least in Perfect Dark, you CAN use it in conjunction with hi-res mode to double the horizontal resolution.

>> No.9385561

Doom 3 didn't. He said nobody has widescreen monitors. Yeah that's him with a widescreen monitor in the 90s in the pic you shared.

>> No.9385606

Ferrari F355 Challenge on Dreamcast at least.

>> No.9385660

It was easy enough to add custom widescreen resolutions to Doom 3 with some tweaks to the .ini files. Same for Quake 3 before it and the numerous games that also used the same engine.

>> No.9385681
File: 189 KB, 1365x768, virtua racing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtua Racing in the arcades was widescreen

>> No.9385762

Would it be possible to hack widescreen to PS1 games without UI stretch?

>> No.9385768
File: 92 KB, 924x693, dec33bc62e6b1459a367e651b6be0091[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the arcades
feels kinda cheaty listing arcade games

>> No.9385779

Wipeout 3.
Ironically Fusion widescreen is fucked up without emulation.

>> No.9385826

Super Metroid and Super Mario World have widescreen patches for bsnes-hd.

>> No.9385831

It's like he had zero common sense.
>mmm mmm plot in games is as important as plot in the porn
>mmm mmm single-player games are dying let's not have a single-player campaign in our game at all
>mmm mmm I designed a new graphical gimmick, let's make our entire game revolve around it
>mmm mmm skeletal animations? They are not a new graphical gimmick, so I don't need them in our engine
>mmm mmm let's release a game about marine with a gun for umpteenth time

>> No.9385832

>in the arcades
>feels kinda cheaty
Not really, the Virtua Racing arcade machine had the option to switch between 4:3 and 16:9. Multi monitor games also emulate quite nicely on wide and ultra wide displays.

>> No.9386031
File: 789 KB, 4160x2340, qa6acwv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd Impact had a native widescreen mode. 3rd Strike also has a partially working one that's in the process of being fixed by a modder.

>> No.9386043

No. Even resolutions that amount to 16:10 are stretched to fit 4:3

>> No.9386051
File: 2.92 MB, 700x394, On patrol...in HD!.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-Police supports widescreen out of the box without stretching. Sure it is Vert- but can't win them all.

>> No.9386060

Imagine spending god-knows how much money on a professional widescreen monitor, and then setting the whitepoint to 18000k

>> No.9386075

It still looks stretched at certain areas i think. You can tweak ini at a lot of games and add widescreen.
Problem was that, he was widescreen for years and didn't bother adding it. And his explanation is bullshit he didn't even bother faking it.

While Doom 3's core design had issues as well, but i most likely wouldn't have hated Doom 3 that much if it weren't for that lightning shit he pulled.
It's not the lack of lights that was the issue, as there were some kind of light always existed in area to make game playable. Its lack of ambiance lighting really tires you.
By the end of the game i kinda felt hatred to game.
Don't know why i even bothered finishing it.

>> No.9386737

Nobody seems to have figured it out yet, every widescreen code makes a mess of the UI and I hate seeing it. Some PS1 games have anamorphic at least.

>> No.9386824

Of course. Whether anyone capable of doing that would put in the effort is a different question.

>> No.9386835

Yeah and that Metroid patch is gay shit that breaks the game. Kill yourself

>> No.9386836

Pac-Man World 1 and 3 had widescreen modes, but not 2 for some reason

>> No.9386847

play B-Hunter

>> No.9386912
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x1080, GLideN64_Perfect_Dark_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PD's widescreen looks breddy gud when emulated.

>> No.9386925

Perfect Dark is such a good looking game.
Almost exclusively the Carrington Institute.

>> No.9387846

Anamorphic, you'll have to stretch the image on your display to fill a 16:9 viewport.
I think you can do true widescreen with emulation.

>> No.9387890

It is not true 16:9, it’s anamorphic. Way to make yourself look like a know nothing piss-on-the-brain faggot.

>> No.9388102

There's no such thing as "true" widescreen on most retro consoles, N64 included. SD TV timings don't have a widescreen, everything is basically 720x480 because the color carrier can't really resolve more than 720 pixels per scanline and so even if your hardware was setup to do 868x480 for true square pixel 16:9 you're not really going to see the difference, in fact it might get worse. It's not until you get component output that the resolvable detail per scanline was increased so you could get 1280x720 and higher.

>> No.9388105

Donkey Kong 64 and Banjo-Tooie also have a widescreen mode. Maybe it's that "anamorphic" thing other anons are mentioning, but I don't really understand what that is.

>> No.9388126

Anamorphic is a bit of a misnomer in this context. In cinema they used special lenses to "squash" the viewable area from the camera such that it filled a full 35mm frame. The idea was that instead of wasting film area and losing quality you'd use 100% of the film with the requirement that you have a special projector lens that un-squashes it at the other end. Some people disliked this because it meant that certain lens characteristics like light bloom, flares, etc. now looked weird and stretched out and early attempts had fringing, vignetting, etc. but mostly the benefits outweighed the downsides and over time it got better. Then it came to DVDs so as not to waste half of the 720x480 image and the hate for anamorphic was from early adopters who had bought $2000+ players that didn't support it. It wasn't because it was bad and wrong, they just didn't like that they were shut out when people buying $100 walmart specials could see the Matrix the way it was intended.
When it comes to consoles, almost none of the downsides exist. It's a linear scale, there's no lens distortion, there's no chromatic aberration, vignetting, etc. the only thing that's wrong is the pixels are no longer square and for 3D games that's a big ol' who cares. Mostly the hate is just grandfathered in from people who learned anamorphic = bad but don't really understand why it doesn't really apply here.

>> No.9388132

>the only thing that's wrong is the pixels are no longer square and for 3D games that's a big ol' who cares
I don't disagree with you mostly but it also does look worse than it would if it didn't have to be stretched. It is noticeable, but also not that big a deal.

>> No.9388142

Well, I learned something new this morning. Thank you!

>> No.9388154

Thank you didn't know that.
So Resident Evil 4 would look the same if they went for 4:3 in GC or PS2?

>> No.9388223

google's not a retro game, faggot.

>> No.9388392

>zoomie never googled pacman

>> No.9388423

That's not how analog video works.
I have 2.0 aspect ratio 800+ line cameras and I can tell the difference.

>> No.9389765

That word salad looks delicious!

>> No.9389793

I'd rather just play these games on a 4:3 screen but stretch widescreen is a nice feature if you only have a 16:9 screen.

>> No.9390052

Interestingly, RE4 is always widescreen, as it displayed with letterboxing (640x360 effectively, or something like that). On the Wii version, if you set the console to 16:9, all it would do is stretch the image vertically to erase the letterboxing and thus create a pseudo-anamorphic picture that your TV would then stretch out. I recall this actually making the game look blurrier.

>> No.9390167

whats the proper setting then, ive never heard a proper answer

>> No.9390243

Thank you now it makes a lot more sense.
My go to for widescreen example was always RE4 so couldn't quite understood what you wrote up top. Re read it again now it makes sense.
Thank you again.

>> No.9390268
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they'd do that for everything. When you buy an ultrawide blu ray you're essentially getting 720p because the bars are baked in.

>> No.9390293

I remember reading in the past(late 2000s i think) they actually thought about doing something about that with Blu-Ray standard. But it came to nowhere.