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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 23 KB, 344x386, Croc_Legend_of_the_Gobbos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9378468 No.9378468 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9378512


>> No.9378520

I liked it honestly. The ost is a banger too.

>> No.9378526


>> No.9378529

hell yeah man! the ost is a real banger. i think its a pretty comfy game

>> No.9378535

It's a lot of fun.
Play the modernized PC port https://croc.epiclper.com/

Analog controls are *fine* but keyboard is my preferred way to play.

>> No.9378543

It's a fun and quaint platformer.

>> No.9378549


>> No.9378581

You're going to learn bad habits talking Japanese with other beginners on 4chan. It's also cringe because this is not the place for it.

>> No.9378582
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>> No.9378585
File: 31 KB, 246x269, 73326c0a-bb88-4717-95b5-0f29c4e5c741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9378648


>> No.9378772

>open gl 3.2
I can't run it so it's trash

>> No.9379705

It’s a game that has aged both well and poorly at the same time.

>> No.9379715

Go back now

>> No.9380017

It's no Vexx (nothing to do with the vaxx which makes you impotent)

>> No.9380036

Croc is maybe the defining example of a game series where game 1 is a timeless classic known and beloved by all and game 2 is a game fucking nobody gives a singular shit about

>> No.9380083

I always remember running out of the will to play this around the late snow or desert islands, it just seemed to drag on. I remember there being some good variety of levels in the castle island though. Soundtrack is absolutely fantastic

>> No.9380092

yeah the desert levels are kind of annoying, those dark cave levels are a pain in the ass. The castle levels are a lot better though it's worth suffering through the desert

>> No.9380194

As someone who has lived in Japan for many years, reading all of your Japanese makes me wanna throw up in cringe
You're alright, but you're too formal, what's the point?

>> No.9380197

Actually, don't use 俺 then マス系, it's contradictory.
ちょっと重いんだけど sounds more natural too

>> No.9380198

>It's also cringe
that's the gamer community for you

>> No.9381132

I feel bad for never finishing it, the beginning cutscene with the caged king always made me sad it sucks I never got that little nigga out

>> No.9382173

its spelled keno dumbass

>> No.9382208
File: 499 KB, 1020x299, fleeby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A floating branch. This is surely as definitive as it gets folks

>> No.9382304

has anyone called it a croc of shit yet?

>> No.9382331

Seems that a fatfuck ponyloving FAGGOT made a globohomo port and the one sane person is being called a schizo

>> No.9382342

>one of the vanishingly rare retro games where the PC version is actually objectively the best version to play
>autists make up excuses to hate on it anyway

enjoy the saturn version I guess

>> No.9382354
File: 256 KB, 725x549, tumblr_oa75o4DhpW1uncq8uo8_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man croc to me is the most completely neutral game ever made. is it bad? no, but is it great? also no. are the graphics bad? nope, but are they great? nah. are the controls bad? nahhh, not great though. literally all other games are either better or worse than croc. it has truly unrivalled in its neutrality.

>> No.9382374

Why did it leave such an impression? I got this as one of my original 3 PS1 games (alongside Crash Bandicoot 2 and Jetmoto w/e) in christmas 1997.

>> No.9382393

Honestly it's a cuter game than SM64.

>> No.9382413

anyone have all his sayings in text? like zapow and all that shit?

>> No.9382548

That all sounds true, but if that were the case then why is it so fondly remembered? Clearly it is greater than the sum of its parts

>> No.9382594

The first game was decent enough as a third party platformer but honestly I think Croc was just an appealing mascot character. Like if you had a scale of mascot appeal, and Sonic/Mario/Crash were a 10, and like Ty/Vexx/JazzJackrabbit were a 0, Croc would definitely be a 7 maybe even an 8.

There was definitely potential for a series there but they just didn't really have good ideas for sequels.

>> No.9382597


>> No.9383412
File: 696 KB, 1135x373, 17-58-28-1667360680190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like the janny went a little crazy on this thread

Now maybe this would be justified if Croc was a native PC game that had become unplayable for years but the reality is that Croc is first and foremost a Playstation game that got shitty inferior ports(PC included) meaning the actual definitive version has been fully playable on emulators for decades. So yeah, the audacity of a fan to take a shitty port, slap some filters, lighting effects and stretch it to widescreen when it was never meant to be seen that way and try to pass it off as the de facto definitive version of the game is a fucking travesty.
Just one quick look at this """"enhanced"""" version, in the opening cinematic, for a good 5 seconds you see the bird completely frozen because it was obviously supposed to be offscreen before actually appearing and gobbos in the corners freezing right after when they were supposed to be frantically running away:
Just as the developers intended, it improves on the original in every single way there's virtually no reason you could possibly want to play the playstation original over this :)

>> No.9383423

Lots of psx kids had it for whatever reason, I guess lots of parents bought the cute crocodile platformer for their kids.

>> No.9383449

On playstation alone it sold over 3 million. I agree the character probably had a lot to do with it. The cover really pulls you in, kids love dinosaurs and cute colorful things

>> No.9383451

You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.9383462

>take 4:3 content
>view at 21:9

>> No.9383524

Unless you're gonna explain this post means literally nothing

Thank you for acknowledging why this fanmade piece of shit marketing itself as a """definitive version""" is far from definitive

>> No.9383818

Is the pinkish thing at the bottom of the cover a crystal or that jello you jump on to go higher?

>> No.9384003

The ladybug is holding a giant club to smash baron dante

>> No.9384009

No. Games are not film and thus not appropriately described as "kino." It's ludo, dorkus.

>> No.9384028

Videogames (may) contain film

>> No.9384045

Dang, forgot to:
>inb4 Kojima etc.

>> No.9384053

The original game does this too.
What it DOESN'T do is support aspect ratios that aren't 4:3. If you want widescreen of any kind, you need to open the executable in a hex editor and change a string.

I'm confused as to what your actual complaint is.

>> No.9384065

Croc contains film. The opening cinematic is kino

>> No.9384635

I always thought it was a crystal but now that you mention it I'm not so sure

>> No.9384709

I don't think either of you know what film is

>> No.9385621

>for whatever reason
Lol yeah looking back this is a pretty accurate sentiment. Croc was literally the very first PS1 game my mom bought me along with the console, but I distinctly remember wanting it because I played a demo of it at a friend’s house and enjoyed it more than any other PS1 game I’d seen at the time. Also, I was 7 at the time.

>> No.9386376

Mario is nowhere near a 10. It sells because it's super famous, heavily marketed and the games are known to be really good, not because kids are actually drawn to the moustache man

>> No.9386397

literally children's game.

>> No.9386419

Croc 2's intro is pure kinomatography

>> No.9386480

That's like 95% of games

>> No.9386546

Can't go a thread without it

>> No.9386603

Too bad Croc 2 is shit.

>> No.9386607


>> No.9386612

>Too bad Croc 2 is a croc of shit.


>> No.9386629

Some of the most evocative and surprisingly dark skyboxes in the history of gaming

>> No.9386786

How different would the game be if it starred Yoshi like it was supposed to?

>> No.9386792

/vr/ would not shut up about it being good.

>> No.9386816
File: 410 KB, 545x999, MPS_Yoshi21-11-31-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot more "if you like this game you're gay"

>> No.9387043

Some old games from that era are hurt by even 16:9 patches. 21:9 is kinda pushing it. However pretty much all 3D games benefit greatly from 16:9. 2D is another story.

When i played Crash remakes some parts that i hated as a child were fixed by 16:9.
So even tough what you're saying is correct, i most likely would prefer a game like this on widescreen. In fact most likely anything other than RPGs.

Also i'm guessing you're only issue is aspect ratio? You can create custom resolutions using you GPUcontrol panel. 1440x1080 for 4:3 aspect ratio. Also you can use reshade for low resolution/crt shader.

>> No.9387179

Nta anon but resolution aside this is still going off the shitty PC port, I believe this version at least give you the ability to switch to the unbutchered playstation music but you still see cracks from the inferior port with things like the different loading screens or the changed UI (for example in the playstation original when you get the colored crystals it shows flashing spinning models of them while in the PC version it's just a jarring static sprites)
Point being that it sure as fuck isn't a "definitive version" which is what it's called and being promoted as

>> No.9387247

Croc rhymes with slop

>> No.9387349

Ah, thank you. I agree than. I would prefer PS1 version my self.

>> No.9387351

it literally doesn't