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/vr/ - Retro Games

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930579 No.930579 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought MegaMan X collection for PS2, because I don't trust emulators to not introduce humanly-unnoticable yet significant-to-gameplay amounts of lag. Starting out with MegaMan X1 and I'm enjoying it despite the fact its difficulty is sticking a poisonous cactus far, far, far up my ass. But I think if Arino can beat a few of the NES Mega Man games, I can probably tackle a few Mega Man X games fine if I persevere and stick to it the way Arino-san does.

Also, what are some other collections of NES/SNES/Genesis-era retro games that were re-released for modern-gen systems that I don't know about which are worth buying?

The only other "tons of retro games on one disc" collection like this I own is the Kirby Anniversary for Wii with a bunch of the Gameboy/NES/SNES Kirby games, and the N64 one as well.

>> No.930596

>Starting out with MegaMan X1 and I'm enjoying it despite the fact its difficulty is sticking a poisonous cactus far, far, far up my ass

X1 is by far the easiest X game. The final boss is the only thing remotely ressembling a challenge in that game.

>> No.930620

>Just bought MegaMan X collection for PS2, because I don't trust emulators
Surprise, emulation is exactly what a port like that is.

>> No.930642

I'm sorry, that what was to

>because I don't trust emulators to not introduce humanly-unnoticable yet significant-to-gameplay amounts of lag.

>> No.930640
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Anyways, I guess you might like Final Fantasy I&II Dawn of Souls which is for the GBA.

>> No.930682

>I don't trust emulators to not introduce humanly-unnoticable yet significant-to-gameplay amounts of lag
/vr/ autism in a nutshell.

>> No.930686

You do realize that SNES emulation is perfect, and all of the Mega Man X games are on PC?

>> No.930690

...except the X Collection wasn't emulated, it was all ported. All slowdown from the X games (Especially where it's bad in X1 and holy fuck X5) was entirely removed.

>> No.930701

>because I don't trust emulators to not introduce humanly-unnoticable yet significant-to-gameplay amounts of lag.

This emulation thing has gone too far, /vr/ is starting to sound as dumb as /v/.

>> No.930707
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>I don't trust emulators to not introduce humanly-unnoticable yet significant-to-gameplay amounts of lag
i think we've reached a point where this needs to stop

>> No.930714
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>> No.930726

Not OP but at least MMX1 Wii/GC/PS2 versions run smoother than SNES. I believe the other ones too, and the loading times are better.

>> No.930736

It actually feels strange to get to the end of Armored Armadillo's stage and time not mysteriously slow down as X flies through the air on a magic cart shooting 3 slow moving lemons at a time.

>> No.930749
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I KNEW there was something odd about playing the X collection.

>> No.930765

>megaman x

pick one

You shouldnt even be getting game-overs until the sigma stages.

>> No.930878


This isn't the central point of this thread.

>> No.930939

Megaman X was a luxury after beating all the original Megaman's. Especially having the wall jump ability, holy shit did it ever lower the difficulty.

>> No.930964

>because I don't trust emulators to not introduce humanly-unnoticable yet significant-to-gameplay amounts of lag.
Not sure if total idiot or skillful baiter

Assuming you are the former, you do understand that the collection is emulation right?
What exactly makes you "trust" this collection more than an emulator?

I hope you feel really stupid (unless this was bait, if so 10/10)
Also Megaman X is easy get gud

>> No.930976

Also makes it a bit harder to get hadouken.

>OP think MMX is balls to the wall hard
I recently sat down and beat MMX in an afternoon. Start to finish. Haven't touched an X game in half a decade, and even then I only played 5. X1 is pretty easy as long as you're not retarded. The boss patterns are pretty simple and the weakness make it childs' play. Also, the one you get from Storm Eagle decimates everything. I'd go so far to say it's the Metal Blade of the game.

Suggested starting point is Chill Penguin (really easy pattern/stage) or Storm Eagle (I think you'd have to TRY to get hit by him).

Though, you may have trouble with Storm Eagle if you don't have the dash boots, which you get in Chill Penguin's stage. Which is why he's a good start. His weapon sucks though.

>> No.930982

I actually love that slowdown. Makes that entire part so much cooler.

>> No.931016

I really liked how in the first X game the order you beat the bosses in affect stages.

Beating Chill Penguin makes Flame Mammoth's stage freeze over and you don't have to worry about the molten metal for example.

Did any of the other X games do something like that? Added a bit more strategy into boss order beyond just weapons I thought.

>> No.931023
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learn the difference Anon, it could save your life

>> No.931041


maybe if the PS2 controller's d-pad wasn't made of donkey smegma

>dat artificial difficulty

>> No.931045

I think it is you who does not know the difference

>> No.931059

>ports are better guys
>they run faster n...not because they have better specs than SNES guys
>there are no Wii/GC/PS2 Emulators

>> No.931063


the collection are ports, not emulated ROMs. look it up.

>> No.931071


also the fact that the password screen goes into a brand-new "save progress to memory card" screen is the biggest tell-all that they are ports, not ROMs

To suggest that an emulator can magically know when gameplay goes to that screen is akin to saying that computer science has finally devised an actual solution to the halting problem, which is unsolvable.

>> No.931068


Is there an aftermarket controller for the PS2 with a great d-pad?

I mean, I have the Metal Slug collection, and I'm certainly not getting a Neo Geo anytime soon, so a good d-pad would be nice.

>> No.931076


Yeah, they added all kinds of stuff to the collections.

Maybe they're altered roms running in some kind of custom Capcom emulator? Maybe it's all useless speculation unless you have the source code/a dump of the disk right in front of you?

>> No.931081


Writing an emulator (especially for two different platforms) involves much, much, much more work, debugging, testing, and blood-tears-and-sweat than simply porting a game to those two platforms.

>> No.931647

X3 did, at the very least. Beating the hornet boss replaced one of the more dangerous enemies with a much weaker variant and also removed the boxes from Gravity Beetle's stage. There might've been more, but it's been a while since I played, so I don't remember.

>> No.931650

Easy enough to add a new instruction for "access save screen" and hack it into the rom. Certainly much easier than porting the game if you already have an emulator.

>> No.931718

If you like old-school fighting games, try the Fatal Fury Battle Archives. I only have the first of the two, and this version of Fatal Fury 1 runs much faster and smoother than the one found on SNK Arcade Classics. I don't know if it's arcade-perfect and I wouldn't be surprised if it's emulated, but FFBA is a good pick for this sort of thing.

And even though SNK Arcade Classics for the PS2 gets all the flack it deserves, it's still worth getting if you can find it cheap. Does anyone here know if the Wii version is any better?

Another one you should look into is the Genesis Collection. I recently got this for the PS2 because I really wanted Ristar but I didn't want pay $30 plus shipping for a loose cart. If this is emulation (which it probably is), then it's emulated pretty well. Maybe almost too well, at times. I've played enough Sonic 2 growing up that it was easy for me to notice the PS2 running the game faster than the Genesis at certain instances. The only bit of slowdown I've noticed at any point in any game on the disc was for maybe 1 second while playing Comix Zone, though I can't remember the original well enough for comparison. Can anyone here say anything about the PS3/XBox 360 Genesis Collection?

>> No.931920

Nigger, I beat X1 without dying using a fucking 360 controller. Quit bitching and get gud.

>> No.932051

The Megaman Collection isnt a bad buy either since you get megaman soccer/racing plus MM1-8. As for the X collection i have it as well and i have no idea why you think X is hard. X3 was difficult then the difficulty went down with X4/X5. X6 was a pain b/c the stages were shit and X7/X8 were normal. Remember charge shot is your friend and almost every move is telegraphed, so Dodge man.

>> No.932059

>X6 was a pain b/c the stages were shit
Yeah, spikes and dropping ceilings sure are hard.

The only real bullshit part about X6 is the rescue system where you have to restart the game every time a nightmare gets a reploid.

>> No.932951

Sonic Mega Collection for the Gamecube all the way. Its probably one of the best collections ever, especially when paired with Sonic Gems.

>> No.933113

No one cares about your shitty spinoff pleb.

>> No.933238

Don't forget the unlockable Game Gear/Master System games on Sonic Adventure DX

>> No.933459

I was glad to finally be able to play Tails Adventure. That was a pretty good game.

>> No.933497

Could've just emulated it to be honest, though.

>> No.933547

It was a matter of convenience. I wasn't really curious until I had the opportunity.

>> No.933734

Chill Penguin first --> then use ice on I forget the Mandrill's name --> Use electricity on Storm Eagle because it shocks off his armor --> use hurrican/storm/whatever weapon on Octopus

I can't remember rest. I haven't played it in 10 years.

>> No.933772

>I forget the Mandrill's name
Spark Mandrill. You nearly had it.

>Use electricity on Storm Eagle because it shocks off his armor
You're thinking of Armored Armadillo.

>> No.933778
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>Use electricity on Storm Eagle
>Storm Eagle

Dude, Eagle is weak to Sting Chameleon, and if you can't beat him with the buster only, you need to seriously stop playing these games.

Best order:

Chill Penguin (Go here for the dash boots. Beating this ices over Flame Mammoth's stage.)
Storm Eagle (The dash will make him your bitch. Mostly due to the dash-shot damage. Also, come here for the helmet, first subtank, and heart tank 1.)
Flame Mammoth (Weak to Storm Tornado; come here for the buster upgrade sub tank 2, and heart tank 2, and all upgrades are accessible with the flames gone. Take a quick trip back to penguin for the heart tank you left there.)
Spark Mandrill (Shotgun ice is the weakness; if you're good you can dash jump to get the heart tank; come back later for the sub-tank.)
Armored Armadillo (Electric Spark is HIS WEAKNESS. Also, sub-tank 3, heart tank 5.)
Launch Octopus (Rolling Shield is his weakness. Pick up heart tank 6.)
Boomer Kwanger (You can use a charged shotgun ice to dash off the platform and reach hear tank 7. Weak to Homing Torpedo. Take a trip to Spark Mandrill's stage to get sub-tank 4.)
Sting Chameleon (Get the chest part and final heart tank here. Congrats.)

Not saying much else from there. Enjoy, OP. "Dis gon' be a good game."

>> No.933784

Doing a rigid formula of any kind sucks the fun out of it (outside at least grabbing dash boots from Chill). Besides, you should be able to buster only ANY of X1's bosses.

>> No.933787

Agreed; I was advising OP of a good route. But yeah, X1's pretty easy to do a buster-only run. No-dash runs are always fun too. Always wanted to do an LP on that. :3

>> No.933823

>and the loading times are better.
I hope to God this post is referring only to X5 and afterward.

>> No.933828

...X4 and X6 didn't have loading points? Because they do. And X Collection improves them.

>> No.933832

>what is code injection

>> No.933912

This is true, they are ports. I have the real Megaman 2 and have been playing it for the last twenty years. There are noticeable bugs and glitches that have been fixed in the Anniversary collection.

>> No.933935

Anniversary Collection is a whole nother ballgame. What it contains for 1-6 are inferior versions of the Rockman Complete Works series on the PSX. Those were ported by Capcom in 1999.

>> No.934261


Me too... weird.


Samurai Showdown anthology for Wii; it has one game that was never released here i think.

>> No.934530

Ahhhh you are correct. My bad.
I don't know why but I absolutely loved that they tied in SF with the fireball.
They put the dragon punch in a different game, didnt they? Or something?

>> No.934609

Yeah, X2 had the Shoryuken.

>> No.935013

>Just bought MegaMan X collection for PS2, because I don't trust emulators to not introduce humanly-unnoticable yet significant-to-gameplay amounts of lag.

That's kind of funny, because I primarily play Mega Man games on emulators, but one time I tried to play the Mega Man Anniversary Collection on the PS2.

FUCKING UNPLAYABLE. It feels like there's a fucking YEAR of input lag. I die all the time because of how much this fucks up my timing and reaction time.

If MMXC is the same way you're getting fucked too.

polite sage so as not to bump an old thread with hurr emulator flamewar autism