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File: 3.30 MB, 4780x2600, La sega de saturno....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9297508 No.9297508 [Reply] [Original]

Never ever I played a sega saturn game, what did I missed?

>> No.9297557

>no 3d games
>no sonic
has there ever been a more tone deaf console?

>> No.9297562

>No 3D games
Nice meme

>> No.9297592

I played it as a kid because my contrarian best friend had one when everyone else had a playstation or n64. There were a few jems but he was holding out for a real sonic game which never came. He did expose me to the sonic R soundtrack which was the only redeeming part of that game

>> No.9297657

Shining Force III
Burning Rangers
Panzer Dragoon (all three)
Shining the Holy Ark
Albert Odissey
Elevatorn Action Returns
Radiant Silvergun

Just a few, there are more

>> No.9297661

Can you even feel the sunshine, nigger?

>> No.9297731

Street Fighter Alpha 2 is pretty good

>> No.9297736

> Never ever I played a sega saturn game, what did I missed?

Mostly you missed a shitload of home arcade ports and some quality RPGs. \

If you were a fighting game fan and you didn't have a Saturn you were fucking up (Virtua Fighter 2 is the perfect fighting game, and the Saturn versions of Capcom's 2D games piss and shid all over the PS1 versions, plus the N64 had almost fuckall for quality fighting games). Weirdly enough it also had the best ports of most of the more popular 90s FPS games as well (although not Doom, which had a monumentally shitty Saturn port, but games like Duke Nukem 3D, Powerslave, Alien Trilogy, and Hexen had their best versions on the Saturn). There were some fun arcade racers - games like Sega Rally (probably the finest pure arcade racing game ever made) and ManxtTT Superbike (plus a pretty good version of Road Rash). It had some pretty good RPGs (Shining Force III is one of the best SRPGs of all time, and Panzer Dragoon Saga is also incredible). It also had some fun compilations (the first four Sonic the Hedgehog games on one disc, ports of Outrun/Afterburner/Space Harrier, a bunch of Midway arcade games, etc).

You also missed the fact that Sega (or, more accurately, that fat faggot Bernie Stolar) refused to release the majority of the console's games in the west, meaning most of the Saturn's best games were only released in Japan. Luckily, it's piss easy to pirate games and a bunch of autists have been releasing translations for Japanese games.

I wish Sega had not bothered wasting all their time with corporate infighting and retarded fisheye shit and had instead just given us a high quality 2.5D Sonic game. I know that at the time everyone was up their own ass about how "3D was the future", but fuck man, imagine a Sonic CD quality game running on the Saturn but with a shitload of layers and background effects, would have been kino as fuck.

>> No.9297758


The Saturn was my first CD based game console. I got it and a bunch of games back in late 1998. By that point support for the system was abandoned. I still ended up getting a bunch of games at the time for dirt cheap like Tomb Raider, Mega Man 8 and Sonic R. Unfortunately, by the time I got my PS1, the Saturn's disc drive started to shit the bed on me, and the discs were getting too scratched up to use. I bought a MODE for it back in 2020 and I'm having a blast. There have been so many romhacks, translations and community-made games in recent years.

At the time, a lot of people passed the Saturn by. It didn't have the third party support that the Genesis did, and Sega pissed off devs and retailers with their surprise launch.

>> No.9297815
File: 484 KB, 960x1016, memesfromlonngago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hardest metal known to man.

>> No.9297816

Why yes I can double nigger

>> No.9297858

Burning Rangers

>> No.9297879


>> No.9297920

>I bought a MODE for it back in 2020 and I'm having a blast.

Based. I picked up a MODE as well. When I was trying to decide which ODE to get the Fenrir was out of stock everywhere, so I bit the bullet and paid extra for the MODE. I'm glad I did though, because while the Fenrir is like $100 cheaper I am constantly seeing people online having issues with theirs, and the only time I ever had an issue with my MODE was with Alien Trilogy (and it was because I had the region settings wrong).

Now we have the Satiator as well, which is the most expensive of them all, and it's main selling point is that you can keep using your Saturn's CD-ROM drive to play games off of a disc instead of replacing the drive with an ODE... but if you have an ODE than why would you ever play games off of a physical disc? If you want to play games off of discs you might as well just get a pseudosaturn cart and save yourself $200+ dollars.

I'm planning on getting an FRAM mod for mine in October, but I don't trust my soldering skills, so I think I'm gonna ship mine off to get it done.

>> No.9297929


>> No.9297937

>if you have an ODE than why would you ever play games off of a physical disc?
I have flash carts for various systems and I still play games off of physical carts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.9297943
File: 28 KB, 224x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it only has the best way to play classic Sonic

>> No.9297964

>I am constantly seeing people online having issues with theirs
hasn't happened with me, maybe people are using bad rips

>> No.9298015
File: 115 KB, 1066x877, Astal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no, saturn bros..
but I thought our console had the best 2d games?

>> No.9298020
File: 1.07 MB, 1039x850, top10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9298021
File: 62 KB, 553x554, 1653709776450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9298214

explain me this meme

>> No.9298223

>what did I missed?
a shitty version of the ps1 with no games (unless you like importing ching chong games)

>> No.9298226

Why's Saturn emulation so far behind other systems of its era?

>> No.9298238

>Snoy has to enter a thread and start console wars

>> No.9298258

how accurate is this?

>> No.9298260

so how bad is saturn emulation? can you upscale to 4k and ENHANCE the grafxs?

>> No.9298297

Great Road Rash version, a few watered down fighting games, Nights, I guess
Playing as Maria in SOTN
Panzer Dragoon
Can't think of anything much more than that

>> No.9298459

Saturn didn't have 3d games because it couldn't do 3d.

>> No.9298759
File: 2.62 MB, 3024x3024, 20220929_093511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think some people like the Satiator because they can still claim their Saturn is stock. I don't really care since my Saturn's CD drive was on its way out anyway. It was struggling to read even good condition discs. One major thing I noticed is just how light the system is without a CD drive, it's pretty crazy.

I installed a 3D printed bracket for my MODE yesterday so I could access the SD card without opening the system up every time I wanted to add games. It completes the Saturn's look as well, I'd say.

You can upscale the grafix, but it's pretty taxing on hardware and doesn't have nearly as many enhancement options as some PS1 and N64 emulators have. I'm speaking mostly of the YabaSanshiro and Beetle Saturn cores on RetroArch. YabaSanshiro doesn't even seem to have options for the ram cartridges afaik. If you're casually interested in exploring the Saturn library, Beetle Saturn is fine. You just won't get features like modern N64 and PS1 emus.

>> No.9298762

trash console besides Panzer Dragoon Saga and Powerslave.
Best controller ever made for 2D fighting games though, but they all have superior ports later.

>> No.9298767

>but they all have superior ports later.
Vampire Savior on Saturn is still the best version of the game.
Also play more Saturn games. You can't be serious preferring Saga to Zwei.

>> No.9298768


>> No.9298787

They're all good games except guardian force is shit, concentrated treasure trash with tons of bloat. Not as bad as silhouette mirage but man it's the least fun beat em up imaginable. Novel for its vs mode (6 players can play a crappy game!) very poorly done lane switching, rpg gimmicks, command element for the guardian and level routes which are really just about what hideous background you're fighting against. At first it sounds real cool but the more time you put into it the more you realize they just threw crap against the wall to see if it stuck, none of it does and it's all very shallow. There are better beat em ups on the console such as Three Dirty Dwarves, Die Hard Arcade, Nekketsu Oyako and CROWS The Battle Action for Saturn.

>> No.9299434

You can't spell ignorance without ign. Astal isn't the be all/end all of 2D platformers, but it's still a fun game (and it is gorgeous).

I threw an old 120GB SSD I had lying around in mine. I thought about getting a 3D printed mount and going with an SD card so it would be easier to remove, but now that I have curated a pretty solid library of games on the system the only time I will ever have to pull it out is when the next translation is released for a game I want to play.

>> No.9299527 [DELETED] 

>There are better beat em ups on the console such as Three Dirty Dwarves, Die Hard Arcade, Nekketsu Oyako and CROWS The Battle Action
Don't forget the Capcom D&D bmups which is what Trashure ripped off when they were developing Gaydian Queeros.

>> No.9299559

I literally never even know this existed when I was a kid. I never knew a single person with one, never saw a single ad with one. I'm not actually sure when I was even made aware of its existence, but I'm pretty sure I was an adult by then. And looking back at its library, it's no surprise. Just so insanely disappointing compared to PSX.

>> No.9299569

I know right. Who can forget 1997 GOTY Sonic R and a bunch of fighting games nobody plays?

>> No.9299651

>so I could access the SD card without opening the system up every time
wait, you can't access the card without a mount?

>> No.9299754

You can, but it involves sticking your fingers into the hole where the CD-ROM drive used to be, which is a pain in the ass compared to spending like $10 or whatever on a 3D printed mount for it.